🔒 SS2 to appear on GOG.com soon?

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do note that no GOG personnel has participated in the speculation topic on the GOG forum. if this was a hoax, they would deny it rather quickly, I think.

and it wouldn't be the first time a random guy managed to do something considered close to impossible (hey, maybe his mother works at that insurance company).
Briareos HQuote
RPS: You have updated the Night Dive website to read: “System Shock franchise to resurface with GOG/Steam release”. What is your involvement in the release and is the digital version an update, with high-res textures etc, or a straight re-release?

Kick: Night Dive Studios secured the license to distribute the game, and made the initial modifications to allow the game to run on most current operating systems.

Rambourg: There are some user-made mods out there which do phenomenal work on the game’s stability, but none of them were quite perfect, so we took the game to our expert techninjas to analyse and swat the remaining bugs. It was some work to get it done, but as this is a game that we’ve wanted to release for four-plus years, it was also definitely a labour of love.

So who's taking bets? I'm putting 50 nanites on a DDFixed release.
one emp grenade it's going to be 1.3.11 (and without Timeslip's approval duhh, it's GOG, so they probably already have it).

but really, who gives a damn? as long as the resources are intact, we can patch the hell out of it without breaking a sweat.
Acknowledged by 2 members: redrain85, Briareos H
Rambourg: Yes, indeed. With the help of Stephen, we’ve pulled out all of the stops to make this a virtual collector’s edition. In addition to the soundtrack, the GOG.com version of the game will have concept art, maps of the Von Braun, a interview with Ken Levine, the first pitch document, and much more.
Three times hooray^^ This release is exiting news. Can't wait to see how this turns out.
Btw: which parties will benefit?  Night Dive and G o...O G (just kidding ZylonBane^^). Will EA also open its calcified, vein covered hands? And there is nothing in there for Irrational Games, I guess?
Maps of the VonBraun? Don't lie to us, unn_atropos, you knew of this beforehand. Admit it!

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