📌 SS1src: Modding Tools: InkyBlackness

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it's a bug, not a feature, they know, but they have bigger problems I reckon.
Like wasting 1.3mil on shatter technology and concept art. (Too harsh?)

Anyways, thanks for the update!  Interesting to know the code on screens can be changed later.

Side note: textures tend to have the same left to right orientation no matter which way the face normal points (except angled floors/ceilings).  Is there a way to have, for instance, the texture flipped in the x direction?  I'm probably overlooking something.  Anyhow, makes me wonder if the texturemapping is similar to drawing sprites, except with skewness to simulate walls.

Quote by JosiahJack:
Is there a way to have, for instance, the texture flipped in the x direction?  I'm probably overlooking something.
Textures for walls can be flipped. The engine supports two ways to do that, which are both separate flags in the TileMapEntry (part of Map Information).
Simple one: Flip the wall textures of this tile (left -> right becomes right -> left)
Complex one: Flip the wall textures of this tile depending on even/odd index of tile coordinate. This is used predominantly on level 9 for the wall infestations.

The ss-specs document (linked above) has the full description on flipping wall textures and the museum tutorial 03 describes tiles and textures (relevant part at around 3m 05s, showcase at around 5m 10s).

It is not possible to flip textures in the top/down direction. Only floor and ceiling textures allow rotation in 90 degree steps.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack
Version 1.2.0 has been released, adding some long due features and fixes.

The primary new feature is support for UI-scaling of the editor. Previously, sizes of UI elements (and especially the text) was hardcoded. Using that on a 4K screen was not feasible. Now the editor can be started with a "scaling" parameter, for better readability.

The (almost) first tool that I wrote as part of InkyBlackness, hacker, is being reworked. And as a first benefit it now supports "readline"-like features, such as tab-completion and a command history (Now, after all these hours and days of typing each command anew...)

Internally I've also started to rework the oldest code parts. After having gained experience with Go, there were some things that were done not very Go-like...
Acknowledged by 2 members: voodoo47, Join
Thanks to user-feedback, I received a list of improvement requests that are now incorporated into v1.3.0 :

  • Reversed mouse wheel: The slider and texture selectors now move right when scrolling "up". A command-line option exists to revert to the old behaviour.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for edit modes. The modes are now associated with F* keys. The combo-box to select them shows the associated key in brackets.
  • In level objects mode, the right panel shows X/Y/Z information for the tile under or nearest object next to the mouse cursor. For tiles, the floor height is shown.
  • Level control mode has now two level texture selection lists, to make it easier to differenciate which textures are available for walls only.
  • Added a snap-to-grid option when adding objects: Holding the Shift key while adding an object aligns it to a grid with a size of half the tile-width. (i.e., center on tile, center at nearest wall, put in corner)
  • Icons and paintings received extra properties to select the actually displayed frame.

Note: Unless there are some pressing issues with this release, it may be that this is the last of the deck package.
Because of the bad UI this editor has, further revelations of the engine's capabilities (based on the released source code), as well as the internal mess the code is, I've started with a rewrite of the editor. This editor is then meant to replace all the small tools (hacker, chunkie, shocked-client). Name: HackEd.
My focus is to have this HackEd then be the one NDS is officially packing in their upcoming source-port release.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47

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