📌 SS1: InkyBlackness Fan-Mission Tutorial: Creating a museum (YouTube)

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This thread is about a new video series I started. The video series describes various capabilities of the engine from the original System Shock, useful for creating fan missions with InkyBlackness.
Here's the playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsU-eX9c7TjJBhnMg_CLImpHGsBKQCCcS

As a further bonus, the series creates a "museum" mission that features rooms dedicated to the various showcased topics. This mission can be downloaded as well, to be used as reference, and for simply running it with the engine :)
Here's the link to the download: https://github.com/inkyblackness/mod-examples/tree/master/Museum

The first two episodes are already available: How to create an empty archive, as well as basics about tile types & heights.

Right now I've planned ten more topics to cover and I hope to find time for a regular schedule. (...said every entrepreneurial YouTuber ever...  :P )
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack
Third video is uploaded: InkyBlackness - Modding Tutorial - Creating a museum 03 - Level textures (6 min)

Originally I tried to do this one unscripted, though I proved to myself again that I'm not good at doing ad-hoc commentary while operating the editor. So I needed a second take. I'm now toying with the idea of recording audio and video separately and join in post, instead of recording semi-synchronized and fix in post, for the future.

The mentioned release v0.9.1 is a bug-fix release to the also not posted v0.9.0, which is a usability release. I didn't want to spam yet another release thread for this.
This eat-your-own-dogfood is an awesome approach to identify usability issues :)
Next video: InkyBlackness - Modding Tutorial - Creating a museum 04 - Level objects (6 min)

This one informs about the basics of level objects and how they are placed in a level. Just like having the room prepared, I'll most likely have the objects prepared for the next videos as well, to concentrate on the features.

From a technical standpoint, I'm getting the hang of it. Better audio quality, as well as time-lapse for the video where appropriate. Now, if I only sounded a bit more enthusiastic in the recording  XD
Next up: Actions, triggers, and panels.

Next video: InkyBlackness - Modding Tutorial - Creating a museum 05 - Actions (4 min)

4 Minutes to introduce an important topic.
Next up: transportation, which, according to the draft script, will take some more minutes.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack
Now it's all about transportation: InkyBlackness - Modding Tutorial - Creating a museum 06 - Transportation (5 min)

Through the power of picture-in-picture I could keep the video under 5 minutes :)

Next topic: cyberspace. I'm not entirely sure whether I can squeeze that one in until next Saturday.
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