🔒 Tool for converting Ultima Underworld and Shock 1 Levels into Unity.

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hank morganQuote

Quote by icemann:
Myself included in those followers.

Has SS1 been looked at, at all lately? Or is the current focus 100% on UW1?

100% on UW1 for about a year and a half. Between citadel and Nightdive's remake I felt the SS1 market was too tight... That's not to say it couldn't be revisited in the future. I was only looking over the decompression code for SS1 the other day to see if it would port easily.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
hank morganQuote
Well it's time to release something after 555 code commits.

I've just published to Github a zip file containing all you need to be able to play UW1 in Unity
There are instructions in the zip file on how to point the game at your game files. You will require the commercial release of UW1. See the attached readme for more info.


Your honest feedback is welcome. Please note however that "gameplay" is still a work in progress.

I will attempt to upload the development environment tomorrow night for anyone who wants to pull that apart.

This project would not be possible without the trailblazing work of Blue Sky Software (LookingGlass Studios) and the various teams that dug deep into the file formats of the Underworld and Shock games.  If you post or lurk here thanks.  See the code credits.txt file for some specific examples where I used code from earlier projects.

Edit:just noticed a bug where game string won't load when the game is at a path that is not c:\games\uw1.  Uploading a fix now. Fixed

Quote by hank morgan:
100% on UW1 for about a year and a half. Between citadel and Nightdive's remake I felt the SS1 market was too tight... That's not to say it couldn't be revisited in the future. I was only looking over the decompression code for SS1 the other day to see if it would port easily.

Well don't give up on the SS1 end. Yours was the only one going for the vanilla feel. And you made some great strides. For people like me, your remake of SS1 was the one I looked forward to most.

Night Dive and Citadel are works that plan to deviate a little from the original in minor (Citadel is going for new models for the enemies + some other changes) or major (in Night Dive's case) ways. So for those who prefer vanilla style remakes, yours was the one to watch. Totally up to you though, as your the one putting in the work at the end of the day. Would be good though if you had a program out there that played 1 to 1 all 3 of Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 + System Shock 1. Much like the excellent source ports for Doom which play Doom 1 & 2, Heretic, Hexen and Strife. All under the one roof.
Probably wouldn't be too hard for shock.org to restore the sprites in citadel, if that's what people want.

The 100% focus on Underworld is definitely for the best. No way both these classics of this scale are simultaneously manageable by one guy.
hank morganQuote

Quote by Join usss!:
Probably wouldn't be too hard for shock.org to restore the sprites in citadel, if that's what people want.

The 100% focus on Underworld is definitely for the best. No way both these classics of this scale are simultaneously manageable by one guy.

Totally. For me the last few months have been a reminder of the importance of keeping things simple..

That said. I do want to port my tools to support loading Shock files in Unity directly so I've taken the first step on that road and I now have an SS1 map viewer of sorts running in my experimental dev environment. No textures or objects just yet. These should be forthcoming though. I will likely do a separate release of this in a clean dev environment if anyone is interested in picking it apart.

Since I've last posted the main dev highlights:
I can now support loading of Underworld 1 demo and Underworld 2 data files from the same code.
I've added in a basic in-game editor for changing  tilemaps and objects on the fly.
I've solved my problems with critter/weapon animations so these now load on the fly with the original game files.
I've finally aligned the textures on doorways to be seamless <-- this is huge for me since I've spent more time than is reasonable on doorways over the years!
I've started to redevelop the conversation system to implement the conversation system virtual machine* from the original games.

All in all, all is good.

*see UW-formats.txts for details,
Acknowledged by: icemann

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