🔒 Tool for converting Ultima Underworld and Shock 1 Levels into Unity.

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Oops, I did mean to mention one more thing.  In the original there was obviously no mouse look.  With your demo there is, and it's very nice for moving around and interacting smoothly.  One drawback is you can now look down on items, and the 2D of the sprites becomes more glaring.  Have you ever considered doing something like mouse look, except locking the vertical, so you only turn with it.  This might give more ease of movement, but preserve the feel of the original.  Perhaps it would feel weird though too, just a suggestion to try.
You can look up and down in the original...
You're right!  Like I said, haven't played a whole lot of the original, but I just looked through the manual and found the tilt commands you're talking about.  I would still argue that the tilt angle in the original is something like +/- 45%, where as in unity is more like +/-60 or 70.  It seems like you can't look down on stuff and see the flatness as much in the original.
Was watching the ADG review of SS1 again last night and it occurred to me of how odd the controls are. I always just used asdx for movement then used the mouse for crouching/standing/looking around corners. I wonder if many people did the same or just used the keyboard controls entirely. So many keys to remember.
I always just used the keys.  They were faster too if you held shift.

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