SS2 vurt's png hires space with Earth

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did you use the original earth screenshot? it's extremely hires, so using it  would be preferable to just resizing the currently existing one.
I've cut out only the Earth with atmosphere halo, resized the layer to fill the picture as much as possible, used fading transparent vignette for the halo to blend smoothly with the remaining space... see direct comparison...

Now maybe you are referring to some other original texture source that is unknown to me... but the new texture looks pretty hires in game anyway. It is still png as I have no knowledge to work with dds textures.
thought so. as I've said, it would probably be better to use the orig picture instead of resizing the one from the zip.

btw, I chose the current earth size purposely - made it just big enough to look nice when viewed from the first station room.

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