🔒 SS2 Tacticool Weapon Replacements with hand model

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Note: these are NOT finished (bad texture mapping, no shading on the hands), use at your own risk. anyone wanting to finish the job, feel free.

I've always loved the look of Mercurius' Tacticool models, but I could never really get past the whole shooting with one hand dealie. I also can't model for crap, so instead, I blundered about a bit and ended up smashing together the shotgun, grenade launcher and assault rifle with an arm from Arcaniac's models. I also changed the orientation of the assault rifle a bit and reduced the shotgun's size some.
All credit goes to Mercurius and Arcaniac.
...Neither of who I've been able to get in contact with, so if you guys see this and want it gone, just say so.

A bit of warning. When testing it, I did have my FOV increased from 90 to 95. It'll probably look fine at 90, but if not... There ya go.
not half bad - let me split this into a separate topic. should be more practical in case you decide to update or whatever.
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Brilliant! Only one question: Is there an animation for the cocking of the shotgun?
There seems to be some UV problem with the sleeve close to the AR.
Another easily fixable issue is that the hand model does not use gouraud filtering.  You can see the lines between polygons.  That's an easy fix though in the import front-end.
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