NVRelayTrap for Dummies

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Since NVRelayTrap is the NVScript I use, like, 99% of the time, I thought it would be useful to create a document that condensed the NVScript documentation down to just the NVRelayTrap-relevant content. And now since I've created it, I figured I may as well share it.

My goals with this were:
- Create purely NVRelayTrap-focused documentation derived from the NVScript documentation
- Explicitly break out and and explain every parameter.
- Consistent terminology throughout.

Hopefully I haven't introduced any misinformation in the process. NV if you see this, please give it a review. Also, I had some questions come up:
- Any useful undocumented parameters?
- No equivalent of TrapFailChance for deactivation events?
- TrapFailChance int or float?
- Do Failed activation attempts count toward the max activation counts?
- Weighting scheme for weighted links could use more explanation.
- What is the default “inactive” value of the trapon/off/delay/max values?
- NVRelayTrapExclusiveDelay: Do delayed messages queue up by default?
- Will NVRelayTrapRepeat use NVRelayTrapOn/OffDelay/Max params, or just the base generic delay?
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Quote by ZylonBane:
- Any useful undocumented parameters?
NVRelayHaltTimerOnOn / NVRelayHaltTimerOnOff

Kills any existing timer (delayed message) when the trap is activated/deactivated.

Quote by ZylonBane:
- No equivalent of TrapFailChance for deactivation events?

The same fail chance applies to both activation and deactivation.  It can fail to send the trigger.

Quote by ZylonBane:
- TrapFailChance int or float?


Quote by ZylonBane:
- Do Failed activation attempts count toward the max activation counts?

They count towards the max trap activation count (NVRelayTrapCount), but not the max trigger activation count (NVRelayTrapTCount).

Quote by ZylonBane:
- Weighting scheme for weighted links could use more explanation.

Basically, it builds up a list of all the links, adding each link to the list the number of times specified in its weight.  It then picks a random link from that list.

Quote by ZylonBane:
- What is the default “inactive” value of the trapon/off/delay/max values?
NVRelayTrapOn="TurnOn"; NVRelayTrapOff="TurnOff"; NVRelayTrapTOn="TurnOn"; NVRelayTrapOff="TurnOff"; NVRelayTrapDelay=0; NVRelayTrapDelayMax=0; NVRelayTrapOnDelay=0; NVRelayTrapOnDelayMax=0; NVRelayTrapOffDelay=0; NVRelayTrapOffDelayMax=0

Quote by ZylonBane:
- NVRelayTrapExclusiveDelay: Do delayed messages queue up by default?

There can be multiple delayed messages waiting at the same time.  Normally, a delayed message should fire at that number of milliseconds after it was activated, regardless of other messages.

Note that I think I noticed a bug with ExclusiveDelay today - it doesn't work as expected if an object has multiple relay trap scripts on it which use delayed messages.  I suspect repeating won't work reliably either.
(e.g. values relating to timers and repeats are shared amongst all script instances, so an exclusive delay on one will kill timers on another.)

Quote by ZylonBane:
- Will NVRelayTrapRepeat use NVRelayTrapOn/OffDelay/Max params, or just the base generic delay?

It will use the most specific param specified.  The code is shared for all of this functionality, there are no separate code paths with more/less features.
Woot, thanks!

Do NVRelayHaltTimerOnOn / NVRelayHaltTimerOnOff get set to anything, or do you just include them?
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1 for on, 0 for off.
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The guide itself seemed fine.  I didn't see any mistakes.
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