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Posted by: gunslinger12
« on: 14. February 2024, 18:29:14 »

What do you mean "apparently"? Does it or doesn't it?

It starts after the level transition from the Body of the Many. I am unsure how or when level music is loaded so that's why I wrote apparently.

And what do you mean by "white noise loop"? White noise is a steady hiss sound. Are you saying that's what you heard?

Its was about a 1/4 second of white noise, then silence, then it repeats every second or so.

The SCP SHODAN fight music is a new track, so there is no vanilla resource. Since this mod only replaces vanilla resources, it's impossible for it to have interfered with SCP's SHODAN fight music.

I'm just telling you what happened and the steps I took to solve it all in the interest of helping other who play System Shock 2. Disabling the Vintage Song Remake Mod for the final level fixed the issue for me.

Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 10. February 2024, 21:31:06 »

apparently this music starts immediately after you defeat the body of the Many
What do you mean "apparently"? Does it or doesn't it?

And what do you mean by "white noise loop"? White noise is a steady hiss sound. Are you saying that's what you heard?

interesting, because if a resource file is missing from a mod, then the default/vanilla resource should just load. will need an investigation.
The SCP SHODAN fight music is a new track, so there is no vanilla resource. Since this mod only replaces vanilla resources, it's impossible for it to have interfered with SCP's SHODAN fight music.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 10. February 2024, 20:56:57 »

interesting, because if a resource file is missing from a mod, then the default/vanilla resource should just load. will need an investigation.
Posted by: gunslinger12
« on: 10. February 2024, 20:18:39 »

Another Lazarus post...

Just finished the game with SCP beta5 (which has in the patch notes "SHODAN final boss fight now has appropriate final boss fight music (if music is enabled)") and apparently this music starts immediately after you defeat the body of the Many and load into the final level after the water slide. When this level loaded (with SS2 Vaxquis Vintage Song Remake active) there was just a white noise loop over and over again. I had to deactivate the mod to get the proper music to play. I assume since this is new music that the mod does not have a file to play hence the white noise loop. Hope this helps someone.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 21. April 2020, 11:11:59 »

Sorry for the bump, I hope this comment is constructive:

As a SHMUP user who is now considering downloading this for a new playthrough, it's a real shame to see that the comparison link has expired. I would recommend making it permanent and possibly adding it to the first post, as it's likely something people who are looking for a good music mod would want to listen to, especially those who use SHMUP and noticed something off but didn't quite recognise any major problems or differences from the original in their last playthrough. It's this mods equivalent of a demo video, and I think it's important to keep around.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 14. October 2017, 20:52:43 »

I just downloaded it at ~4MB/s in a minute. But who knows what path the tubes take to your end. So here goes a temporary alternative: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9wmewLFyoFVZU9HWlRTU1l6MTQ/view?usp=sharing
Posted by: Frission
« on: 13. October 2017, 21:28:51 »

I'm having a hell of a time trying to download this. I've made 3 attempts now, and every download ends prematurely with an incomplete and corrupted file. It's coming in extremely slow each time as well. I don't suppose someone's hosted it on a mirror somewhere? As-is, I doubt I'll be able to download the mod. Note that I have a very strong ISP normally -- I was able to fully download and install Overwatch last night in under an hour.
Posted by: HunterZ
« on: 27. June 2016, 04:17:56 »

That's good to know. It did take a very, very long time to download (hours?) however.

My ISP bandwidth should allow me to download it in less than a minute.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 26. June 2016, 21:18:33 »

Downloading via the forum link is fine. We don't have a bandwidth problem. Occasional CPU/RAM problems yes, when a few hundreds storm into this place that's usually housing a dozen. But bandwidth is okay.
Posted by: HunterZ
« on: 25. June 2016, 21:55:45 »

I found this via the newbie guide (https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=4447.0).

Looks like the main link is broken, so the only way to download is via the forum, which is slow and probably rough on the site's bandwidth usage.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 03. December 2015, 22:19:26 »

All mods have to reside in their own folder when installed with the mod manager. Otherwise, the game cannot recognize the mod's subfolders which contain the actually relevant stuff.
Posted by: Roarkes
« on: 03. December 2015, 21:44:28 »

Thanks chris26, it worked.
Posted by: Roarkes
« on: 03. December 2015, 21:41:03 »

Hey, Vaxquis. You forgot to write a read me where to install it. Where ?
Posted by: chris26
« on: 10. October 2015, 18:25:56 »

I put the snd folder into a folder called sound mod and it seems to be ok now.
Posted by: chris26
« on: 10. October 2015, 18:09:47 »

How do i install this sound mod ?
I put the snd folder in DMM.

ss2bmm says it's unrecognised.
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 21. July 2015, 14:22:01 »

Since I got about 600 plays since I posted the link to the demo version of my Eng1 remix as a "bonus" to SS2 VSR v1.0, I reckon I owe all the listeners to tell them this: it's finished now! - after about 5 years from its inception I finally got the spare evening to tie all the loose ends in it. https://soundcloud.com/sparm-ove/engineering-1-robotkid-vs-poponuro , enjoy!
Posted by: Zon
« on: 14. November 2014, 09:56:46 »

Great stuff! :)
However I still like vanilla better!
Posted by: Mr Anonymous
« on: 08. November 2014, 18:07:43 »

My apologies. I tried redownloading it again, and on my third attempt, it worked. Previous downloads were in the low 230 MBs, so I guess the problem must have been on my end. Thanks for the help, and again, sorry for the mixup.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 08. November 2014, 17:35:13 »

What do you think 690 people have done before?
Oh well... There, I downloaded it again and against all odds it's working fine.
Testing the archive with 7zip also says it's fine.
[archive-test.png expired]
Posted by: Mr Anonymous
« on: 08. November 2014, 16:10:00 »

Yep 9.20, and I tried it again with WinRar, which I also freshly downloaded. Could somebody else download the archive from the site and give it a try and see if it works for them?

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. November 2014, 16:01:22 »

make sure you are using the latest version of 7zip.
Posted by: Mr Anonymous
« on: 08. November 2014, 15:31:13 »

Hi, I just downloaded the mod file and I get an error from both 7zip and Winrar saying that the archive is corrupt. I double checked and downloaded it again just to be sure, and, yep, still corrupt. Is it just me or are other people having the same problem?
Posted by: System Shocked
« on: 04. October 2014, 09:04:58 »

It's a freakin'.miracle . . . . . Welcome back !
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 04. October 2014, 07:47:08 »

I wanted to avoid making this mod a chatroom but I just could not resist the hospitability and conforming I've always felt here, thanks to you Kolya and all the others from the past.  XD
So yes, I've been away for years and life was treating me badly, actually that's why I left in the first place, I did not have enough energy to sustian. But since then all that was bad turned to good and I am back stronger than ever... maybe. So let us hope I will get a grip of the assembly line that has changed a lot, I feel like a newcomer. Maybe that's good as I may point out a few details that are hard to get from a newcomer perspective.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 19. September 2014, 14:03:17 »

And you, miracle. I hope life's been treating you well. What brought you back out of the void? The anniversary? Either way, stay around, we have a few things on the assembly line.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 19. September 2014, 10:29:30 »

I did it! I did it! Thanks for letting me Kolya... nice to see you again after those years :)
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 18. September 2014, 23:38:58 »

The tech faq has a list of the most common tags. Otherwise it's just writing the word, selecting it and clicking the
button, available in the full editor.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 18. September 2014, 19:38:40 »

I forgot how to tag this as sound.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 04. September 2014, 20:39:54 »

A while ago I asked Schatten about his opinion on Vaxquis' mod, because I wanted an informed opinion. I will summarise the points he made in his emails here in English for those interested:
He confirmed that the SHMUP ambient tracks had unequalized volume and praised the 'new' upsamples for their good equalizer work. He also made it clear that Vaxquis' mod is generally closer to the original sound and contains breaks/parts that SHMUP does not have. While he understands the liking for a vintage sound, he prefers a broader midband for the rock tracks and recommends to users to test a mix of Vaxquis ambient + SHMUP rock tracks and see what they like.
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 02. September 2014, 21:58:27 »

@Schatten, I got this from FearOfDark a couple of days ago:
[...]good job on the remix - sounds great so far. Much better than the original (it's a very old module file released in my "Early days" as a module musician) :)[...]Kind regards,Steve (aka FoD)
- he's alive and kicking, he set up a SoundCloud a while ago, and is still "in the business".
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 02. September 2014, 15:19:59 »

Is there a high quality version of the Intro music (military, science, consumer)?
Because in the SS2-E3 trailer (http://www.sshock2.com/ss2mmdb/movies.htm), there is no background music for the advertising speaker, which means that a higher sound quality for Muzman's Cutscene could be made.

By "Intro", do you mean "Intro", "CS1" or "CS2"? AFAIR, BGM from CS2 is one of the SS2 songs, the others ain't there - but, in any case, remixing music for cutscenes is somewhat impossible, for a bunch of reasons; mainly: little application, no source data, no apparent quality gain for a regular player.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 02. September 2014, 13:23:17 »

Is there a high quality version of the Intro music (military, science, consumer)?
Because in the SS2-E3 trailer (http://www.sshock2.com/ss2mmdb/movies.htm), there is no background music for the advertising speaker, which means that a higher sound quality for Muzman's Cutscene could be made.
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 02. September 2014, 12:54:09 »


Good to hear from you! As to FOD, well, I've stumbled upon him because, frankly, I *was* on the 8-bit/chip scene for a short while myself (quite a long time ago, since it was about 10 years back from now); I've been trying some compos of the era (Barwars mainly), making chip samples (I've recently switched to building real analog BJT/op-amp/555 synths and sequencers, as a side note) - and even in DnB I still love the sine bass, saw leads and square chirps.
Posted by: Schatten
« on: 02. September 2014, 12:43:53 »

If you or anybody else wants to redo/update SHMUP, by all means, go ahead. I don't see myself coming back to it anytime soon, too many RL and other distractions to count.

In other news, I'd never thought I'd stumble upon FearOfDark outside of the chipmusic scene. Heh.
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 01. September 2014, 18:30:31 »

@Join usss!
Jazzin' All Night [ http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=168624 ]; I'm giving full credits for the original version to Stephen Hemstritch-Johnston (FearOfDark); I mailed him before doing it and he said "OK". I found the hook riff in the original version superb, but drums, pads and editing/samples lacking, clearly hinting the piece was made with tracker software - so I got my tools up and running and came up with this upbeat funk remix.

yup, that was the idea; I'm open to peer review of the quality of my edits, but, speaking for myself, I find it more strictly adhering to the original "feel" of the tracks, and I find the original "feel" fantastic, without any need to change it by reckless editing.

I would like that myself... especially for some people to a) compare vanilla/SHMUP/VSR samples out-of-the-game (regular listening test), b) compare them in-game, especially upbeats (I've done a short playthrough and everything seemed to be working alright, but some testing is always nice). I've provided some samples for comparison in the zip, but they were specifically chosen to show the most of the difference - and because I don't want anybody to be too heavily biased by them, I'd be grateful for "full sanity check" of the mod. Any volunteers to meet/beat SHODAN *yet again*?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 30. August 2014, 21:39:33 »

I would like to hear some opinions from people who used this mod.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. August 2014, 20:59:09 »

so let me get this right - this is SHMUP, but better? if that's the case, we should replace the link in the mod guide.
Posted by: Join2
« on: 30. August 2014, 20:26:19 »

*Standing ovation*

Loved it  :thumb:

What is it a remix of?
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 30. August 2014, 13:31:53 »

@Join usss! : I've recently *almost* finished this tune - it's *another remix*, but the setting is completely different to what I was doing in terms of computer music - but at the same time a lot nearer to what I actually play live [funk/jazz].

Posted by: Kolya
« on: 10. August 2014, 10:47:37 »

I repacked the linked archive from deposit files to adhere to our mod format (archive root = game root) and attached it to the first post. The comparative examples are in the second post.
I also added you (Vaxquis) to the contributor group to make handling of attachments a bit easier. In case you would like to update this mod, note that attachments size is limited to 100MB (for contributors) for technical reasons. So for updating I suggest you proceed as before, ie link to an external download and I'll put up. It's quite cumbersome for me as well, so for minor changes I suggest to upload a smaller addon archive that can be merged into the main download after a while.

Thank you for your work.
Posted by: Join2
« on: 09. August 2014, 20:43:53 »

You've reminded me of this hardcore classic by Rap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffxom5oYFJk

Love that bass.

Edit: ok, I listened to Engineering 2 remix again. I redact my penalties. the dupstep-y bit isn't bad, and not even dubstep-y really. These days if I hear anything remotely dubstep-y I want to kill it with fire, so I was quick to judge.
I really like how you approached the track with such variety. Unfortunately it wouldn't be suitable for the game as the sense of technophobia in it is completely gone, but it wasn't your intention for it to be played in the game anyway.
Interesting remix.
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 09. August 2014, 20:17:06 »

Ah Rap, the female jungle DJ.

... and softcore porn model in her early days, too. Then she started mixing and done her jungle/DnB episode. And then, she switched to doing vocals, pop and dubstep.

(NSFW) http://vintage-erotica-forum.com/t6877-charissa-clarissa-dawkins-saverio-aka-dj-rap.html




"evolution of music"... It's kind of ironic when I think of it.

Also - I'm not a fan of dubstep myself, mind me, I mostly hate it myself, because of what became of the genre when it went mainstream (it was the same with punk, heavy metal, rap, liquid d'n'b - as it usually is) - but it's kind of funny how easy you can mix it with everything - rap, heavy metal, drum'n'bass & ambient included...
Posted by: Join2
« on: 09. August 2014, 19:21:29 »

RA was a 2-minute demo of a 10-minute megamix of DJ Rap's Spiritual Aura (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9uLmF_RARs).

Ah Rap, the female jungle DJ.

As for Eng2 - about the dubstep-y part:  is a direct quote about it from Josh Randal (it's not about the 9:00 downtempo, since it wasn't ready yet when I asked for his opinion) *chuckle chuckle* de gustibus, and all that...

Oh dear. -1 rep for robotkid too then  :P
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 09. August 2014, 18:41:42 »

Very interesting. Judging from your examples, SHMUP is missing some of the music cues? I didn't know that.

He (Schatten) states that explicitly in the readme.txt in the mod zip, covering every single track compatibility with original bits.

AFAIR, the "0th version" was the master tracks Robotkid provided; they were made very early. EB compilation soundtrack was the "1st version" made by JR and EB collectively before the game was actually made - later it was cut & edited to fit the game content, mainly by Eric, so some things were removed/unused, while some new cuts appeared (let's call it "2nd version"). Thus, I think that an actual CD-quality recreation of game music should take that fact into account and try to match "2nd version" more than "1st version", whenever possible - and that's exactly what I did.

@Join usss!

those tunes are some random odds-and-ends I've had as WIP for some time. I've already changed E2E a bit, although I'm obviously too lazy to re-record it and reupload it... And yeah, it got a bit more rapid progression and steeper drops, since I found it too lazily going too.

RA was a 2-minute demo of a 10-minute megamix of DJ Rap's Spiritual Aura (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9uLmF_RARs). Later, it got cut in a drastic way, and now it goes in completely different direction, being instead a mix of Rihanna's Rude Boy (sic!).

As for Eng2 - about the dubstep-y part:
"I really like the slowed-down part - that rules."
is a direct quote about it from Josh Randal (it's not about the 9:00 downtempo, since it wasn't ready yet when I asked for his opinion) *chuckle chuckle* de gustibus, and all that...

I haven't actually made a lot of tunes for the last couple of years, for those so-called "real-life reasons" (playing live instruments and creating analog synthesizers from scratch being some of them, alongside with divorce, Masters degree in Physics etc); still, I'm very glad for your feedback.
Posted by: Join2
« on: 09. August 2014, 18:16:02 »

Nice tunes.

Each to each: enjoyed this one, though perhaps took a touch too long to progress and the looping vocals were waaay overused.

Engineering 2: Quite liked. I love the original engineering 2 but I'm not a huge fan of the industrialized amen break. It's badass and fits the theme but could have been chopped a little better I believe. Your version? Well you threw dubstep in, instant -1 rating penalty.  However, I enjoyed certain segments/styles very much, especially the one around 08:30.

Red Aura: I recognise this one from a Bukem set or something, wasn't fond of the remix.

Lol @ Jingling Jazz. Not even touching the dubstep one.

Anyway, liked each to each, would pirate  :thumb:  ...just kidding.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 09. August 2014, 17:37:28 »

Very interesting. Judging from your examples, SHMUP is missing some of the music cues? I didn't know that.
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 09. August 2014, 17:27:26 »

PS some samples, showing clearly *why* I made VSR.
[soundtrack-difference-e1.7z expired]
[soundtrack-difference-08beat.7z expired]
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 09. August 2014, 17:01:14 »


SS2 Vintage Song Remake v1.0

SS2 Songs as they were meant to be - HQ CD-quality tracks sticking as close to the original SS2 soundtrack as possible.

* SS2 VSR v1.0 - why another Music Update Mod?

After listening to SHMUP, I got really disappointed... not only did Shatten forget about dynamics matching, resulting in much louder soundtrack with unequalized volume between songs, and with much dynamic lost due to acoustic compression with too high gain ratio on some songs (well, that one thing is not exactly his fault, as it's just how the EB tracks used by him as the source were produced); the main problem is that ADPCM 4-bit compression with 22kHz sampling gave most of the upbeat tracks a distinct, crispy EQ, which the "studio" soundtrack doesn't have (many oldschool DnB DJs downsample songs just to make them feel more vinyl-y). Also, changes made to some songs (Eng1, Command 1) seem just bad to me. Still, all ambient tracks gained much with hiss removal and, usually, no clipping occurring (there was mild clipping in original songs).

I remade those ambients (namely 02-07 & Eng2), fixing the gain factors, for everybody to have a playing experience most consistent with original one - and with developer's intentions too - as far as my e-mail correspondence with Robotkid and analysis of the samples in the tracks goes.

* who should use this?
a) vanilla players, expecting in-game soundtrack matching the original one perfectly, albeit with less noise and higher fidelity,
b) veteran players, ditto.

* who shouldn't use this?
people who can't hear any difference between original SS2 songs and SHMUP.

* what changes can I expect here?
All tracks are raw 44.100 kHz, 16-bit PCM WAVE data.

tracks 02-07 & Eng2 are based on EB soundtrack, with RMS volume level matched vs original tracks. Basically the same as Schatten's, but about 4dB less louder.
tracks 08-13 & Eng1 are based on SS2 soundtrack, with lo-fi digital resampling from 22.050 kHz/4-bit ADPCM, resulting in lo-fi equalization similar to the original soundtrack, albeit with a little more "air" than original samples. As to the "feel", it's slightly "clearer" than original, but still with much lower high-frequency content & distortive resonance than EB soundtrack. Also, they are *exactly* the same cuts as in the original game, so they're quite different from Schatten's. Biggest differences are for Eng1 & Command 1, obviously. e1beet1 was also resampled by analog, not digital, means, to preserve the most of the "groove" - namely bass, hats & extreme low/high-frequency content. See samples in the 7z to check *how* the versions differ (vanilla vs VSR vs Schatten's).

* credits

RobotKid & Eric Brosius - for the original soundtrack
Schatten - for the idea
Vaxquis Poponuro ( vaxquis at gmail dot com ) - the author (yup, that's me)

* as a bonus, a link to the WIP remix of the Eng1 song I've made some years ago, with the usual "maybe one day I'll finish it" disclaimer. recently finished, after about 5 years of being WIP - yay!



side note: since this is the first release, I would kindly ask everybody interested in testing the soundtrack, both out-of-game and in-game, for possible bugs & omissions.
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