📌 SS1src: Modding Tools: InkyBlackness

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Around the player you can see the box :
I wonder how this would be? From what I gathered bounding boxes of objects in system shock are very small and uncanny. I also don't see a reason to have it displayed in the editor. In the game itself you can't have it shown since that would require changing the game code (unless there is already a boundbox mode hidden of which I dont know) and the editor itself doesn't have a 3D view either. Also does the game not have a crazy physics engine that would required two objects touching each other to trigger something. What would you want to do or what do you need a bounding box display for if I may ask? @Roarkes ?
That'd be hard coded in.
Ok, now I understand.

So far I haven't seen any bounding-box code in the original engine. Might even be that this wasn't common back then.

As for the editor, I guess the benefit is limited. Because it's only top-down and a more map-like view, even the "planar" extent doesn't add too much value. Then again, I'm not a level designer, so I rather listen what is needed. If this is an important feature, I'll be happy to add it :)

If we somehow manage to integrate the engine with the editor (have them talk real-time), /then/ this might be something viable. Though, hold your horses - this is futuristic crazy talk here :)
Quake 2 uses non-rotating box collisions...well technically it's just a single point collision calculated against a precomputed 3D mesh hull projected half of the player width out from all bsp walls and baked into the level file.  Also triggers are purely bounding boxes defined by brushes using only the mins and maxs vectors for triggering.
 But we aren't talking about that.

System Shock is an entirely different collisions paradigm.  Most all objects in System Shock use spherical collision and the world is grid-based.  Some exceptions are bullet projectiles like magpulse that have 2 concentric spheres, a small one for the world so you can more easily shoot without hitting walls and a larger sphere like a beach ball that hits enemies.  The player is another physics oddity, essentially being a 2 sphere snowman.  You can sometimes get your head sphere caught in doors as they close such as when leaning, notably the horizontal door in the secret area on level 9 is easy to get caught in just by falling half thru it as it closes.  Force bridges can do this too.

TLDR: Quake 2 is different.  For the editor it could be best adding a radius circle to indicate the sphere collider as an option for objects.

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