SS2 Eldron's Midwife as Nurse Bloome - Rigged by RocketMan

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first - do not change anything. extract the mod to your shock2 folder, overwrite, mod is installed.

second - yes, they will complete each other.

third - you should probably ditch the modmanager in the near future, and start using DataPermanentMods for the permanent graphics enhancements, and the built in FM selector for gameplay mods (ADAOB, Secmod etc).
Do you know a FAQ or sth like that about the FM selector?
there is a pdf included in the newdark documentation. but to make it short:
-edit cam_mod.ini, remove the ; from the fm line
-create a FMs folder in your shock2 folder
-create an ADAOB folder inside the FMs folder
-extract ADAOB there (and go to obj, and delete Atek_H.bin if you want to use Tacticool)
-run the game, a (wild) FM select screen should appear
-launch the mod

just tried it (graphics enhancements and the bloome mod in the DataPermanentMods, ADAOB in the FMs folder), everything works nicely. and I also believe this (using DataPermanentMods for the permanent graphics enhancements, and the built in FM selector for gameplay mods) is probably the way to go.
That's great. I'll try that.
Hm...I just tried the FM selector and I am not quite sure about it: It is definitely great for playing fan missions (which seems to be its primary purpose) but choosing mods? It seems you can only "play" one mod at a time.

And the thing about permanent mods: Mod Manger tells me exactly which mod overrides another mod. Doing it manually removes that information, let alone the more permanent solution this is.

But to be honest: As long as System SHock 2 has a rather limited selection of mods, this isn't really a problem I have to admit :D


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