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only one additional model on the last bunch of screenshots, lift01_w.bin. just for the record, I consider these issues too tiny to warrant attention, but if Olfred is willing to fix, I won't say no.

6662b5a658580System Shocked

Almost all decal lights are floating  .  .  . 

Yes, but some do so far worse than others   -   I'm only reporting the "bad and obvious" ones. This should, hopefully, be the last of them.

Thanks again for your valued ongoing help Olfred - what you're doing to improve SS2 is really invaluable :thumb: , REALLY !  :thumb:  :thumb:
« Last Edit: 22. February 2015, 08:50:33 by System Shocked »
EDIT: Hey, wait a minute... the front spiky bits are only present on the destroyed version of the model! But if you look at shuttle1.avi, they're plainly visible on the undamaged model. WTF?

The spiky things are only on the sh1.bin  (and in the hangar videos). They should represent some kind of antenna. They are not present on the shutle.bin or shutlex.bin. So I would suggest to just remove them from the sh1.bin as well. Besides it looks ugly as hell, which probably was why they were removed.
Anyways, I included a sh1_antenna.bin to be like the original model. If you really think they should be in. I can add them to the other models.

I added the side wing lights on the shutle.bin.
On the original shutlex.bin the yellow lights were emitting 100% light, all the other ones were off. I changed the yellow to 20% now to better be in accomodation with a broken shuttle.
Also between the SHUTTLE2.pcx and SHUTTLEB.pcx there is a wild "23" appearing on the texture. As there is no other texture to pick there is nothing I can do without creating a new texture, but this has probably been taken care of in SHTUP anyway(?)

As lift01.bin was also sloppily modeled I worked on it as well.
Acknowledged by: System Shocked

6662b5a658ce9System Shocked

@ Olfred

For the damaged shuttle, if this is the "23" you're talking about http://i.imgur.com/OJD8eMz.jpg it's reversed on the other side of the cockpit http://i.imgur.com/2h37Ggk.jpg . The "23" isn't shown at all on the destroyed shuttle.

I've tried out your newly modified lift.bin and shuttle.bin files and they look great, and far superior than the originals !  :thumb: :thumb:
« Last Edit: 23. February 2015, 20:48:50 by System Shocked »
@ System Shocked

Just for the record. If I'm not specifically adressing anyone in here, it usually is directed towards anyone who is deeply involved with development.
Therefore there is no need to mention the "23" being reversed on one side of the ship as I consider them being smart enough to already know it will lead to it.
Furthermore I was pointing out that the number is a general problem, and when taking care of it, you wouldn't even have to think about the problem of a mirrored one.

6662b5a658f4dSystem Shocked

@ Olfred

My comments are not intended to disrespect or call into question the abilities or knowledge of experienced individuals who frequent this website and/or assist/submit work towards the improvement of SS2, they are intended more so for the benefit and to inform inexperienced or noob members, and casual guest visitors, as to improvement issues that potentially exist.  :)
« Last Edit: 26. February 2015, 06:52:58 by System Shocked »

6662b5a659153System Shocked

1. These 2 decals for this machine http://i.imgur.com/NifKrgK.jpg float http://i.imgur.com/ZYcbEPB.jpg

2. Diagno Sys Unit http://i.imgur.com/xgbOk5v.jpg has no finished texture on its underside http://i.imgur.com/Yc1ov7f.jpg

3. This computer unit http://i.imgur.com/2DYWJWG.jpg has no finished texture on its top side http://i.imgur.com/yN1SlIN.jpg

4. For this door http://i.imgur.com/qWOF66W.jpg add a matching red texture where shown http://i.imgur.com/3d0HWuC.jpg

5. Underside of this desk model doesn't have finished textures http://i.imgur.com/PD5Cckj.jpg

« Last Edit: 26. February 2015, 10:06:15 by System Shocked »
I appreciate the effort you put into this. But you should get a basic understanding of how models and UV maps work before reporting anything more. Maybe even look into how the developers used to make the models for SS2.

And about floating decals. I won't go and fix them when you don't see the error with a "normal" playthrough and it really pops right into your eyes. So, there is no need to report something like in your 1.
Acknowledged by 3 members: ZylonBane, voodoo47, System Shocked


Hey Olfred, if you have time, could you please add a vhot to faucit.bin? This is the model for the water faucet. I need a vhot at where the water would come out (if they'd bothered modeling an opening in it).

6662b5a65989bSystem Shocked

I appreciate the effort you put into this  .  .  . 

Thanks Olfred.

I see myself as a "down n' dirty" reporter in bringing to light graphical and level-design issues within SS2. My intent is to report these issues and let the more experienced/qualified "Powers That Be" decide if something should be fixed or not.

In regards to models with floating decals, as mentioned previously, I'm only reporting those instances where the decals appear to be distantly floating away from the model's body, where their positioning, from past issue submissions, can in fact be corrected/improved upon. I've abstained from reporting additional occurrences where the separation distance between decal(s) and body is/are negligible, and therefore not worth correcting.
I see myself as a "down n' dirty" reporter [...]
And I see yourself as someone who might think we are playing I, spy. Just pointing at everything which comes to your eyes even though it doesn't even match the colour being said.
I don't know how much time you put into this and how much free time you have. But for myself, I am not blessed with a shitload of time so every hour I put into this is really valuable for me. An hour wasted for SS2 could have been another important hour for something important.
You might see yourself as our blessed game tester who puts so much effort into this and yet we don't see you as that. But to be true, if you would act it out like this at a game company, they probably would have already kicked you out.
When it comes to reporting it is the quality of the reports that really count, and not the quantity. If you report 10 things from which only one is really justified, then it could already have been fixed in the time looking up the other nine which are unnecessary.

Now don't get me wrong. This is not a flame against you or anything like that. I only want that you maybe rethink your intent and handling of your reports. Use your time more wisely and improve your skill set about game development, then create much more qualified reports. In the end it will even take less of your time.

Hey Olfred, if you have time, could you please add a vhot to faucit.bin? This is the model for the water faucet. I need a vhot at where the water would come out (if they'd bothered modeling an opening in it).
Hey ZylonBane, if you have time, could you please add the archetype number (in the future).

I closed up any openings on the model and added an opening where the water is coming out.
There are two vhots. One inside the hole, one at the tip of the faucet. So you can experiment which one looks better.


Thanks! Sorry about that. I do usually include the gamesys ID but this time I didn't think you'd do anything but just slap a vhot in there.
When I'm not in a hurry I like to check the models before I upload them.
Every now and then I make a mistake.

In this case it was easy to just guess the item name, but it's not always like that.

6662b5a65a20bSystem Shocked

« Last Edit: 03. March 2015, 10:44:41 by System Shocked »


it's a SHTUP model, door_m1.bin, (-206).


Not that it matters, because he's already been warned about reporting barely-floating light decals.

Finally tested the updated shuttle models. They look so much better without the wing textures warping and snapping all over the place.  :thumb:

6662b5a65a6a1System Shocked

Not that it matters, because he's already been warned about reporting barely-floating light decals.

I'm not reporting on barely-floating light decals, even though many do exist. Based on the positive results for my previous submissions, I'm only reporting instances where there's a high probability that a marked improvement can be attained.

6662b5a65a87aSystem Shocked

« Last Edit: 04. March 2015, 09:10:50 by System Shocked »
*sigh* that model is even supposed to be fixed.
The decals will NEVER, and I repeat NEVER contact the surface. If they would, it would lead to z-fighting, or texture flickering (this thing where two textures are wobbling between each other which looks like stripes).
And moving them too close to the surface will lead to this effect on certain video cards. So they need to stay a bit floaty.


rule of thumb here should be - if you need to zoom to see it, then it doesn't need a fix.
Acknowledged by: ZylonBane

6662b5a65aeb9System Shocked

.  .  .  The decals will NEVER, and I repeat NEVER contact the surface.  .  .

Sorry, Olfred, it's a poor choice of words on my part. My meaning for "don't contact the surface" is that they float too far from the object's body, and that the decal(s) can be moved closer to it, as it appears to be the case with the security crate, even in a non-zoomed view mode, but I respectfully defer to your experienced judgement.  :)
« Last Edit: 04. March 2015, 23:50:02 by System Shocked »

6662b5a65b196System Shocked

rule of thumb here should be - if you need to zoom to see it, then it doesn't need a fix.

I zoom in only to give a better indication of the distance between the decal(s) and the model, and to show that there's potential for an improvement to be made.

In any event, I think most all objects with floaty decals have been discovered and improved, which is a win for our side.  :thumb:


hey Olfred, would it be possible to add a vhot to an AI model (the hybrid)?

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