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I took my blend file and just exported it again. So source is still the same as the old one.
I hope you keep all the sources

With blacjack. The original UV mapping was already kind of messy, so I did no special effort to make the texture align for the bottom and just placed it somewhere on the UV map.


working/looking good. thanks.

well, all the files are on my harddrive, and here on the forum as well. should be pretty safe.


all wooden ladders appear to have their vertical bars untextured. not a big deal in the original, but becoming really ugly when hires textures are used. making the vertical bars use the same texture as the horizontal ones would be ideal (included ladder.bin which is proper as reference).


The ladder rails could also use being subdivided, since they're currently made of single loooooong polygons, which can make the lighting weird.
Seems like it was intended to be like that.
As far as I can see into the model they just gave the verticals and the horizontal caps a simple colour.

But I can change it to be like ladder.bin


hard to tell - they did fix them for the metal ladders in T2. anyway, yeah, making it look like ladder.bin should do just fine.
Did the subdivide and some UV work on the ladder.bin.

Tell me if you like it this way and I will do the same treatment on the other ones.


looking good as far as I can see (fixed rod tops yaay). same treatment for the rest would do nicely, I believe.
You should check them thoroughly, it was quite a (repetative) hassle so I might have fucked up somewhere.
But hopefully I didn't.


everything fine as far as I can see. off to the TFix resource pack they go - thanks.

this should also be added to the TafferPatcher resource pack btw, as T2 uses the old wooden ladder models with untextured vertical bars as well.


quick note - vhotted candle2 wick very short, also very 2d so only visible from certain angles.
I only added the vhot, anything else was the model you gave me.
Is this better now?


Right, repost in the proper thread this time. Thanks a lot for the link, voodoo47. :P
It goes as follows: Hey-heyyy, Bob of Necro Age-texture pack infamy here! I was told I could get some help with something in this neck of the woods. See, one of the main ways the Thief Gold resources in the Necro Age differ from the Metal Age resources is the lack of high poly human meshes. Because when I try, THIS happens: Image: http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/P8kE7PAkTgR4_tPAEzG5_wYjM7WSUYwP9Ma9goZ_cmU=w317-h633-no
Any chance any of you folks could take the time to help get some of the meshes to fit the Thief 1/Gold model rig?
Hey, can you upload your source files so we can take a look at them?


All of the models by tdbonko can be found here: http://darkfate.org/view/details/files/editors/dromed/models

For the record, the only models I really could find use for in Thief Gold are the Hammerite Model (armed and unarmed for Cragscleft factory), the archer model with the red uniform, the swordsman model with the purple uniform, and the mechanist model unarmed and with swords (no macemen needed). Apebeasts, watch officers and guards with long tabards unnecessary.
I *think* they're all in the AI Part1-3 archives.
So you just take existing *.bin files and do no creation or whatever on your own?


I had a quick look, and actually couldn't replicate the problem (crushed/weird joints, reported on TTLG), everything seemed ok (btw, those models would have been included in TFix for years should I have been made aware of them sooner). clean TFixed install+Dromed basic, just loaded miss2 and shape/model name changed one of the guards (textures did not load, but definitely no joint/limit planes problem).

I think you might not be using the correct cal file (it's in the darkfate archive together with its corresponding bin). anyway, if the models work properly in T2, they have to work properly in T1 as well, it should be just a matter of setting up the resources properly (if you have renamed the bins, you need to rename the cals as well).

can you post your full setup? I'd like to replace/override models in the same way you do, maybe that will get them to bug out.


Odd, I did do some extensive mucking about with different .cal files, to no avail. Will have to re check.

At the very most I just hex edit a .bin to point it to another texture. I can't do cg modeling at all.
Then I'm out. Everything wonky with the engine or ShockEd is out of my competence.


Welp, I've found the culprit. Apparently, the .cal files must be in the base mesh folder, not that damned HIPOLY folder. Feels kinda counterintuitive if you ask me, but thems the breaks. Alls well that ends well, problem officially solved.


I think hipoly only gets activated properly if you have set character_detail 1 in cam.cfg.

anyway, would be nice to get my hands on the next version a day or two before the public release - I'd like to make sure everything plays nicely with TFix.


thanks - drop me a pm here or over at TTLG when you think the time is right.

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