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Topic: SCP Beta 4 Feature Suggestions
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Even if someone could come up with a realistic opening animation for it, the crate is placed in so many different positions in the game that it would inevitably end up looking weird and wrong for some of them.

What if it's a door that slides into the (dark) crate? That wouldn't cause problems. At worst the door might be on an invisible side, but we can still imagine Goggles reaching into it then, like we do now.


I can't picture what your describing. Anyway, that crate is obviously textured to indicate a removable top, so any other interpretation would be really weird. And some of those crates have armor in them, so removing the top would be the only way to get them out, not through some little door.


yeeah I'm starting to think we should leave this for later. like, later later later.
I posted the picture since you apparently couldn't imagine a cover sliding into a container. Now there are many ways to solve this, including a non-rolling hard sliding door. But apparently I urged you to reply to an idea that you simply don't want, since you're still acting obtuse. My apologies for that.


So this thread ended up a disaster

Go me!


Acknowledged by: System
not even close - here's an example of a disaster for you.
I would not say so, there is a saying, laughs the one who laughs last


So does anyone else think the WormSkin armor is designed really badly?

Obviously it's based around psi characters, but the problem is that it drains psi so quickly that it is effectively useless, unless you play "Inventory Simulator" by equipping it every time you want to use a psi power, then unequipping it after.

Maybe some better design choices are in order? It's basically a medium armor and a crappy rad suit that costs you the same resources that you need to make it's buff actually useful.

Maybe I am just overthinking it.

Didn't Beta 2 modify it a bit? What actually happened there?


I agree that a full redesign of WormSkin would be in order.

It's obvious that what they were going for was something like the Recursive Psi effect, where you have stronger psi powers but at the cost of using more psi, problem is that was implemented in a flawed way (runaway psi point loss is possible) and the armor already has too many drawbacks.

There's two ways you could go, fixing the defensive weakness (makes armor useful for all) or fixing the flawed psi effects (makes armor useful for psi players).

Fixing the psi is pretty much removing the psi/hp point loss completely, so the armor just buffs your psi powers at the expense of defense, not a bad deal if you rely a lot on Invisibility anyway and just want it to last longer.
Fixing the defense can be done without just turning it into Power Armor, you can give it a high amount of Anti-Human resistance, which makes you immune to damage from grubs, resistant to Psi Reaver attacks, and lets you use Annelid weapons set to the Anti-Human setting without fear.

Combining the two might make the armor overpowered, or not, I went with fixing the defense in my mod so the armor is more useful for everybody.


SCP wormskin is essentially medium armor plus half the hazard suit (and now available as early as the end of Recreation), which is quite ok even if you don't care about the +2 psi. the drain isn't too terrible so I wouldn't poke into that, but I quite like the idea of making the player immune to anti-human worm gun damage.
« Last Edit: 09. February 2018, 08:17:33 by voodoo47 »


Anti Human worm gun immunity could be cool, might give some actual use to the gun. IMO the biggest flaw with the armor is the health degen which makes the armor not worth it. I understand if there isn't any health degen, it's literally a better version of medium armor once you run out of psi if you're not a psi focused character, so that doesn't really work either. It's a catch 22.

Here is a potential idea, maybe for a minimod since it's a gameplay change:

The armor doesn't degen at all, but all psi abilities cost 50% more to use. The armor also becomes worthless if you have 0 psi.

What this would mean: Instead of being a constant drain and becoming an inventory management nightmare, it would keep it's "use more psi points but get better psi abilities" role, but it also might actually be worth using. For non-psi users, it would be an objectively better version of medium armor, but they usually run out of psi quickly because of alcohol, which they need to survive, so that could potentially counterbalance it.

I dunno, it's a flawed idea I admit, but might be a good starting point to think up something better for a redesign.
For non-psi users, it would be an objectively better version of medium armor, but they usually run out of psi quickly because of alcohol, which they need to survive, so that could potentially counterbalance it.


While we are on the topic of Psi, my Feature Suggestion for this project would be (if possible) to add a new snd link to Psychogenic Cyber-Affinity. I've noticed that it lacks a vocal notifier. In fact it is the only stat-boosting Psionic Ability missing one. Instead, it uses the generic PSION.WAV / PSIOFF.WAV for activation and deactivation respectively.

Attached are two audio files I made for the "missing" sound effects. They are based on the unused BBCYBA_A.WAV / BBCYBA_D.WAV, with leveling and panning adjusted for sonic consistency. (I kept the naming convention consistent as well.)

Note: technically the rest of the in-game Psi sounds aren't exactly "consistent" (e.g., activation/deactivation sounds between every Psi tend to vary within a 4-decibel range). That said, I did my best to "meet the middle", so to speak.  :)
[PSICYBDE.WAV expired]
[PSICYBAC.WAV expired]


So does anyone else think the WormSkin armor is designed really badly?

Obviously it's based around psi characters, but the problem is that it drains psi so quickly that it is effectively useless, unless you play "Inventory Simulator" by equipping it every time you want to use a psi power, then unequipping it after.

Maybe some better design choices are in order? It's basically a medium armor and a crappy rad suit that costs you the same resources that you need to make it's buff actually useful.

Maybe I am just overthinking it.

Didn't Beta 2 modify it a bit? What actually happened there?

hi dear, did you try my mod that changes armors in the game ?



In addition, I've noticed that Psi Ability Energy Reflection (abbrev. Reflect) uses a vague "shield activated/deactivated" vocal notifier (sound file PSIAPSAC.WAV / PSIAPSDE.WAV).

I attached modified versions of said vocal notifiers: BBetty now specifies "reflect shield activated/deactivated".

Note: Psycho-Reflective Auro (Psi Shield+) also uses a vague "shield activated/deactivated" vocal notifier (PSIAURAC.WAV / PSIAURDE.WAV). Might want to consider replacing it with the regular, Tier-1 Psi Shield audio (PSISCRAC.WAV / PSISCRDE.WAV)?


Don't feel like waiting for Zylon to add these to SCP, where do I place these sounds to install them (Just the folder structure, no need to lecture about modding SS2).


Well I feel like a bit of an idiot, especially now that some of the files are expired as I figured this out. All you needed to do to get them working is create a folder called "bbetty" inside SCP's snd folder, then a folder called "english" inside that one and dump the files in it. Worth noting that the subtitles still say "shield activated/deactivated", though a simple edit could probably resolve that. Reupload anyone?

EDIT: found out how to add them to the subtitles. Open psi.sub in a text editor of your choice and change lines "sub psiapsac" and "sub psiapsde" to "Reflect Shield activated/deactivated".
« Last Edit: 18. June 2019, 03:31:03 by GuyFawkesGaming »


Don't feel like waiting for Zylon to add these to SCP
You'd be waiting forever. The incompatibility with the subtitles is exactly why those audio files aren't going to change. Also because the player is extremely unlikely to be throwing up multiple different shield spells at the same time, so the current generic shield barks are perfectly sufficient.


Could it be made into a mini-mod/patch, like the portrait one?


Anyone can overwrite whatever files they want, no matter how bad an idea it is to do so.
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