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Topic: SS2 Czech Translation
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I certainly wouldn't mind, but yeah, that's definitely not enough for CZ/SK. anyway, the current CZ/SK fonts should suffice for the needs of this translation.


I've already addressed some Czech pals from localization projects, maybe they'll find someone willing to help from their teams. In the meantime I am thinking that maybe a developed and reliable autocorrect feature might exist somewhere. Google comes to mind when thinking about clever AI. Just pasting the text may be 90% remedied in a single hit. Anyone familiar with something like that?


I'm guessing even some CZ office suite autocorrect could do a decent chunk of work - feel free to try.


By the way we have already started with the work here

At first I had a brilliant idea to use Chrome's https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/ and just read it aloud all to have instant text.
Then my colleague pointed to this page https://www.nechybujte.cz/nastroje which makes processing the whole files much faster. Not entirely reliable but that's what we are here for.

If you'd like to contribute I suggest to use GitHub Desktop or equivalent for collaborating on the project. There are linux shell scripts included to convert codepage so that Git has no issues displaying diff for utf-8.

I have submitted tickets for each file so any collaborant may assign the respective file he's working on - not to do redundant work.


remember, you (or anyone else wanting to try the fixed texts ingame) will have to install the new fonts as described.

I'm pretty sure I'll be too busy this month to do any more work here.


hint - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci3W1T88mzw&feature=youtu.be&t=431and you want to Clone repository miracleflame/SS2_CZ_Translation_SHTUP inside GitHub Desktop app.
« Last Edit: 20. October 2018, 22:23:46 by miracle.freak »


I may poke into things a bit, so alright.

also, it took me a few minutes to figure out I actually have to copy and paste the raw text into the original str files for everything to work as it should.
[help_cz.jpg expired]


chargen needs the blueaa font, added to the new fonts post.
« Last Edit: 21. October 2018, 20:07:41 by voodoo47 »


very quick stab at translating the main menu (extract to your CZ translation folder) - feel free to upload to github, I really don't have time to figure out how things work there.


attaching the latest version of all the fonts, modified by miracle.freak.


ok, I've completely forgot about this - attaching an archive, it's the hopefully latest texts and fonts I've grabbed from https://github.com/miracleflame/SS2_CZ_Translation_SHTUP/tree/master/1250 and my last version of book, obj and iface - they probably need to be merged with whatever is on github (I've redone a few textures in the meantime), I'm hoping you could do it, as I've got pretty much no idea what's where on github at this point. also, I've got one extra string in the package, DEBRIEF.STR, might check that as well.

lets try to put together the first public release before I completely forget about this again.

- so we are calling Ops "Správa" after all? obj/txt16/ops.pcx needs to reflect that.
- some texts under SS2_CZ_Translation_SHTUP/1250/strings/ seem to have broken characters (MAPTEXT.STR), fixed them when putting together the attached zip.
- notes.str needs Note_6_7:"Přípoj harmonický rezonátor ke generátoru štítu a... zmizni!" changed to Note_6_7:"Připoj rezonátor ke generátoru štítu a... zmizni!"
- usemsg.str updated on github, easter egg area on earth was missing some strings (the fix is not in the attached archive).
[CZ SHTUP final_test.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 25. February 2019, 18:38:01 by voodoo47 »


found the original hires ops.pcx that says "správa", attaching (also, Eng should be "technika", not "technologie", eng.pcx in obj/txt16). not a fan of the new broken weapon inventory icon - is it really impossible to fit any text there ("zásek", for example)?
[ops.pcx expired]


and a quick stab at eng.pcx, should be good enough™.
[eng.pcx expired]
« Last Edit: 27. February 2019, 18:29:26 by voodoo47 »


I've made some further updates including the suggested ones. Details in commit history of the GitHub project.
I am not immediately planning any further updates, let's have the public test and point out any discrepancies. Please check the attached archive. This is how I would publish the translation here. Download may be redirecting to external page - this one.
I suggest you prepare the description, instructions and credits for the other page. My colleague will translate it into Czech.

[SS2_CZ_Translation_SHTUP_1.1 beta.7z expired]


I don't think we are ready for a full public release just yet (pics below), but I'll post this at a couple of forums, maybe we can grab some people that would give it a stress test or two.
[dump027.jpg expired]
[dump029.jpg expired]
[dump028.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 04. March 2019, 14:13:31 by voodoo47 »


Feel free to make any corrections. We are done with the project for now. It's a shame you're not Git friendly. It's the most efficient way to collaborate on file changes in a team online without need to manually track, explain or pack&upload anything. Czech quality assurance pro already went though the whole game correcting numerous typos and grammar mistakes. There may be some left unnoticed of course but not in such extend that would be annoying considering this is not a professional localization.


ok, I'll try to fix whatever I can, and upload to git - I can do it, I just don't like it too much.
"patronů" is stupidity, right is "patron" (ta patrona, vidím jednu patronu, vidím ty patrony, vidím několik patron), against "pusťte" I would have no objection.
If interested, I can do Czech proofreading.


yes please/ano prosim. this is something you have to do ingame though - feel free to grab the package four posts above.

was not sure about "patronů" (definitely not a CZ grammar expert), but the point was that "broků" is simply nonsense.


I can see the minimap on Patronů screen in English. Are my textures applied there already?


yep, the corresponding texture is missing from the package from your last post. as mentioned, at least a few runs through the entire game (planning one real soon) will be required before we can mark this as ready to ship.


I believe it is supposed to be intrface\eng1\english\Page001.pcx which is included. I was hoping those background map textures are enough and the rest is just about corridors... at least that's how it worked for Hydroponics deck.


it's because I took the Spatially Aware OS upgrade, if you do that, PAGE001A.PCX is used instead, and that indeed is missing from the package. sometimes, the game does evil things.


Alright, this was not entirely lot of work so I've pushed the SAOS maps translation over to master repo on GitHub.

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