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Topic: SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN Read 256449 times  


Tags: °FM °SS2 °rttunn
Okay everybody! Here's the full download, version 1.01!

As you download it, read these notes:

I am not a perfect machine so I may have forgotten something, made a mistake, left you out of the credits, etc. Just let me know about it and I'll patch it up!

There may be bugs or other small quibbles. If so, post them in this thread or send me an email. Version 1.1 is planned to add some more stuff (the log pics that everyone did won't show up until 1.1 :( ) and fix anything that may pop up. Also, the current download is 38.4 MB and there is no special download for modem users.

A very special thanks to Kolya here at systemshock.org for hosting the file!

The RttUNN was announced here on ttlg.com.
The audiologs of this mission are collected here: https://www.systemshock.org/shocklogs/fm/rttunn/
1.01 includes the sky patch, spawn patch and the "UNN Gallo deck 3 spawn patch"

The patch resolves a couple of orig issues and adds some NewDark goodies (1.02 changelog, 1.03 changelog, 1.04 changelog, 1.05 changelog, 1.06 changelog, 1.07 changelog, 1.08 changelog). To install, just extract the patch archive to your FMs\RttUNN folder and overwrite. 1.08 also makes the FM multiplayer ready (not widely tested though). Requires SS2 2.44 or newer. if using Rebirth, make sure you have version 04 or newer.

Also make sure to load Olfred's Fixed Objects and SHTUP-ND, this is required for everything to look and work properly (the patch has been made with these two in mind).
« Last Edit: 25. November 2020, 19:09:44 by Moderator »
Re: The Return to the UNN expansion pack for System Shock 2!!
Here are some screenshots from Return to the UNN.
« Last Edit: 09. July 2006, 10:32:17 by Kolya »
Um, does anyone have hints on how to start exploring this one?  It seems to start you with a wrench, some jammed guns, a few psi-amp shots and no skills..  In the middle of a downtown zombie apocalypse.  Am I missing an obvious survival trick?
Check out the second post in this thread. There's a spawn-fixed version. You might also want to follow the link to the corresponding thread on TTLG there. You'll see you're not the only one who found this FM to be quite hardcore at certain points.
Regarding survival-tricks: Choose easy difficulty, use the wrench wherever possible, save often. :)

66626a2b3a4efLambda 00

Check out the second post in this thread. There's a spawn-fixed version. You might also want to follow the link to the corresponding thread on TTLG there. You'll see you're not the only one who found this FM to be quite hardcore at certain points.
Regarding survival-tricks: Choose easy difficulty, use the wrench wherever possible, save often. :)
Good point there.
« Last Edit: 15. February 2013, 18:46:59 by Lambda 00 »


There's one issue the spawn fix doesn't seem to solve: the spawned enemies always know where you are, especially in the Trioptimum Facility level. It's like hybrids are on permanent alert status.


Did anyone have troubles running the original (without any patches). I can't start a new game, the game crashes, and Windows message of whether to send to Microsoft, and bla-bla-bla? Deleted FM - all works fine. WTH?
This sounds like an installation failure. Nevertheless I suggest you download the patched version in the second post of this thread, make your game mod ready and use the Modmanager which has just been updated, thanks to TheBrain.


And I've got some freezing during saving a game. Hopefully, that was only once, not like UNN Polaris. But strange, these are the only two FMs I've seen such a problem in, irregularly.

Also, first time I returned from the garden level (I went there more, I just stashed my extra items near the shuttle), the banging sound of a wrench sounded whenever I walked and reached any objects. That was like if I constantly swinged my wrench, hitting anything in my sight (even in sight of my back  :)). Strange, eh? That passed as soon as I went to the garden again. Further return did not trigger the bug again, so I enjoyed the bug just once  ;).
Yes very strange. Venom_31 if you want to chat come over to the IRC channel. There's no need to post every spark that flies by, if you catch my drift.


OK, I got it. You're right, no more flooding.


 Got a small problem at the end of this great FM. Installed the fuel canister and try to go aboard the escape pod and the program crashes to the desk top.
I am running SS2,Mod Manager and rebirth mod with no problems at all with Christines FM's and this one up till now. Oh, I am using Win XP btw.


Got a small problem at the end of this great FM. Installed the fuel canister and try to go aboard the escape pod and the program crashes to the desk top.
I am running SS2,Mod Manager and rebirth mod with no problems at all with Christines FM's and this one up till now. Oh, I am using Win XP btw.

Got a small problem at the end of this great FM. Installed the fuel canister and try to go aboard the escape pod and the program crashes to the desk top.
I am running SS2,Mod Manager and rebirth mod with no problems at all with Christines FM's and this one up till now. Oh, I am using Win XP btw.

I would first try disabling the other mods to see if a conflict is causing the crash. You're the first person that I know of that has had a crash here (doesn't mean that this has never happened, of course) - so my best guess would be that something in your installation is causing the problem. Try to just reduce all the extras that you may have to see if that helps.

And regarding the spawn problem, I think the ecologies get corrupted on the first level (it's just too big, and had some issues when I was making it. The other levels are much more robust, but I made a lot of mistakes that I later tried to clean up). So, that does seem to affect the other missions.

One thing you could try is to begin your game from a different mission (Triop level, or UNN Gallo) and see if these types of problems still persist. (Simply fire up your desired mission from within ShockEd, save the game to create a "clean" save, then load you saved game from within the normal game). Let us know what you find out!


 Hmmm...I don't use Shocked..never have.
 Using ModManager I tried running your mod again but the regular SS2 loaded so I played through again!!!
Had your FM saves in the top 6 rows and saved the regular game in the bottom rows. When I finished SS2
and reactivatied your FM I kept crashing to the desk top.

  I'll play with it later..may have to reinstall everything.
Thanks for the reply.


  I goofed and had the wrong FM activated...The saved games for your FM work ok...I replayed from a save where I had to go to the engine room and got the fuel cell.
Then went to the bridge..no captain there, just a log file. Went down to the escape pod, installed the fuel cell. As I try to enter the escape pod I get booted to  a black screen
saying "System Shock 2 has encountered a problem..."  Your Mod played fine up to that point..I'm guessing that is the end of the game and I am just missing a cutscene???


Most likely, the movie codecs aren't properly registered. Be sure to re-register the lgvid.ax ( or whatever it's called :) ) and make sure that you have DivX installed, since my movies use DivX. Some people can still watch the codecs outside of the game, but to watch them in-game you need to make sure and do both steps.

Since you went up to bridge, there is one more small part that you get to play after the movie. I'm glad you liked it.
LGVID.AX should get registered by the modmanager. So it's probably the divx codec.


  I used the DivX codec and even reinstalled them again but the problem persists.
I'll work on it..Playing Strangelhold right now<g>.


A few problems.

1) I have DivX installed as one of my media players, and I know I have all the latest codecs, but the movies won't play within the game.  They play just fine on the DivX player outside of the game, but whenever the FM tries to run one of the movies, it minimizes SS2 and tries to start the player, but nothing happens.

2) On the Impossible setting, I died immediately upon hitting the ground in the initial fall.  I know the fall was designed to injure you rather than kill you, but you only start with 10 HP on Impossible.  I was finally able to avoid fatal damage by holding the run forward key, but the first time I loaded up the mission, I didn't know I'd have to do this.  Do I necessarily have to play it on an easier setting just to avoid this issue?

3) I'm getting a weird bug with the wrench, which seems to be happening whenever I try to run a new fan mission using the Mod Manager.  When I try to equip it, the wrench doesn't appear in front of me wielded, but as a disembodied arm holding a wrench, which floats about 10 feet in front of my view.  I was able to remedy the problem when I played Ponterbee by reactivating ADaoB followed by all the weapon/model upgrade packs (including Arcaniac's) in sequence, but the same fix isn't working here.
Note: This glitch did not occur in Nightwalker, but it's happening again with Polaris, so I don't think it's related to this fan mission specifically.  :weird:

I'm most concerned with problem #3, as it renders fan missions unplayable at the moment.  Any help would be appreciated.

ETA: I found the solution, but I still don't know what causes the problem.  I ran the SS2 Tool again, including the patching utility, mod-ready, and bug fixes.  Then I reactivated all of my mods, including the fan mission, and this time it ran fine without the wrench bug.  I suspect this glitch is caused by the uninstallation of certain mods or missions, but it shouldn't be happening because I've been using the Mod Manager for every single mod or mission I have.
« Last Edit: 03. April 2008, 06:44:57 by Silencer150 »
SS2: Re: SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN
Logs and text do not correspond...and audio is inaudible...I can't go through the Aux. Storage 5 in Deck A...
Where can I find the code to open the very first door (via the computer to the left). Thanks.  :thumbwink:

66626a2b3c11bShakura Jolithion

I've got DivX installed and updated, and I also end up having the game alt-tab out to DivX and start it up, but no cut scene shows. I decided to watch the cut scenes in DivX, but I'm not entirely sure what order they go in... I know  cs1 is first and the credits are last, but when I get to the next cutscene, do I open cs3 or shuttle?


I've got DivX installed and updated, and I also end up having the game alt-tab out to DivX and start it up, but no cut scene shows. I decided to watch the cut scenes in DivX, but I'm not entirely sure what order they go in... I know  cs1 is first and the credits are last, but when I get to the next cutscene, do I open cs3 or shuttle?
If you want to have good ending, choose shuttle. Or if you want to betray Hawkins, choose cs3.


I try to play with this mod but I could not start a "new game" because if I try it the games froze.
Have you got any ideas what is wrong?

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