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Topic: SS2 IonosFear Testlevel Read 12828 times  

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IonosFear's test level extends the earth level in SS2.
Being a testlevel it's not fit to be used as a start for the official campaign and doesn't have a plot to follow. But it's a pleasure to look at.
(As discussed on TTLG)

EDIT: Updated version that works as a first level.

Stapled together by IonosFear,
Edited textures originally from SHTUP, created by Zylonblane
Reskinned signs originally from G'len's shocked deluxe
Triop Glass Table half-inched from TSP, model created by G'len
« Last Edit: 27. February 2017, 09:55:30 by Kolya »


I'll try it, I was hoping to learn to do this myself :)


I tried it, but it lacked the feel of the city that the original had, I would have appreciated more buildings to visit.


It's so different. Another level. And such a dead place. I like it.
It seems to be WIP as there is no voice navigating you and the training courses are not working. I don't know if it's me but after I choosed my career the cutscene played and then CTD.


Same, Mine CTD'd too. The Tutorials do not work either, If I understood the whole installing/editing/mapping thing I would do it myself.

665bd8b6d5de8Not You

This looks simply amazing.  I'll have to test it out when I have some free time.


Well this is interesting, I didn't expect a following for a test level I did ages ago :)

Basically I scrapped this level, for several reasons, the primary being an error in polycounts (stand in the corner and look down both streets at once), it being too fucking big with not enough detail in, as someone pointed out, a dead world (the impressive white building, I believe it was the triop building a very long time ago had to be cut because of engine restrictions.  If I remember correctly it had a triop hollograph spinning on the reception desk) and as it was my first level, I really wasn't happy with it.

Issues aside, the 'pointer' as it were, leads to a level called "washington" (I don't have dromed here so I'm guessing"  which was another level 80% made but never released, which is why it exits after the cutscene, as you don't have that one :)
I relly like this new earth level but when i chose my career in loading it turn of my game and says system shock 2 stoped working.
Yeah, as Ionosfear mentioned above the level is not fit to be used as a start for the official campaign. I'll make a note in the first post until someone makes the pointer lead to medsci.mis.


I changed a few properties so that all of the career selectors now work properly. In other words, you can now use this level in place of the original earth.mis. I may paste the trainings and loudspeaker messages in later as well, if Ionosfear doesn't mind.


To be honest, I didn't really do much, but thank you anyway. :)
Thanks Enchantermon. If you think you're done with it, give me a sign and I'lll replace the level in the first post with your updated version.



Hate to bump an old topic but did the sounds ever get put into this level?  In other words, is it the same as the original except better or is it better in some ways, missing in others?


Heh. No, I never got back to it; I didn't have the time. If you want to do it, go ahead; I may get to it at some point, but it's up in the air at the moment.


I'm trying to do this myself but my absense of ShockED skills is getting in the way.  After analyzing the default earth.mis and the new one, I think I know how to fix this level in theory but not in practice:

I need to make a multibrush of the training areas and copy them into the test level (somehow)
I need to create a teleport trap linking from the booth in the main part of the level to the test area's teleport trap.
I need to add a couple of sound traps with the correct sound schemas so the robot talks to you.
I need to make a button or something for the basic training booth since you can't currently get to it and then make the button teleport you to basic training instead of using a trap for that.
I need to make sure the process is reversible by setting a marker or something at the origin point in the main part of the level so you can return from training.

Is this right so far?

Couple problems with this...

1. The default earth.mis appears to be stripped so there's no architecture to store in a multibrush.
2. I don't know how to make and copy multibrushes from one file to another.
G. Somebody do it for me so I don't have to continue embarassing myself :P


1. The default earth.mis appears to be stripped so there's no architecture to store in a multibrush.
The unstripped missions pack include earth.mis.
2. I don't know how to make and copy multibrushes from one file to another.
Select one brush, then hold down Shift while selecting all other brushes, then release. In the Multibrush menu, click Save Group and give it a file name. Load Ionosfear's level, go to the Multibrush menu, click Load Group and select your file. The multibrush will appear.
If you don't have the Multibrush menu then you may have to load custom menus; I don't know if it's there by default. I have NV's DromED menus installed, though I'm not sure where you can download them.


Sounds straightforward enough....I'll give it a shot.


Ok so far it looks like copying and loading multibrushes is about as easy as I figured it would be....that is if you don't count the fact that you have to shift-select every single thing in the multibrush manually....is there no way to highlight multiple items simultaneously by drawing a box around it or something? There are some really tiny objects that I feel like I'm going to miss.

Second problem I'm having is that when I paste the multibrush in the new earth.mis, the textures are screwed up.  They're plain gray tiles everywhere when they were clearly something different before.  I'm getting a headache thinking about what's involved in a copy/paste operation for ShockED


There's no drag-select that I know of. As for the texturing, you may have to redo it manually; I don't know. What I told you was all theory; I've never actually done it (other than testing to make sure it worked like I thought it did).


Hmm...I'll screw around with it a bit more and see if I can figure out what's wrong.


This was a pretty neat idea.  I always felt that the Earth level could've been expanded a little more for exploration purposes, not unlike Ponterbee's Earth level.
Has anyone done anything with this level at all?
Emon put in the career selection but otherwise, no.

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