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Topic: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta [obsolete] Read 50414 times  

Note: There's a followup release of Secmod.

This is TF's Uber Security Mod. As discussed on TTLG.
It started out as just a modification to the security camera's and then got completely out of hand!  :)
Though a lot of people have playtested it and quite a few fixes have been implemented this mod is still in beta status. So if you find a bug please report it to TF. (Preferably in the thread on TTLG to keep things together.)

Download from lgclassics.net: SS2_TF_SecMod101_Complete_beta.zip [36MB]
Download from FileFront: SecMod101completebeta.7z [25,1 MB]

Read the following advice carefully to get the best out of this mod

--------Possible assemblies:

Caesium + Bottle = Caesium Bomb - thrown via right click, very damaging with a very large blast radius, aim high before throwing to ensure it lands far, far away
Cigarettes + Cigarettes = Cigarettes x 2
Cigarettes x2 + Cigarettes = Cigarettes x3
Cigarettes x3 + Cigarettes x3 = Cigarette Psi Patch (normal psi patch only it deals 10 damage when used)

Auto repair unit + Ice Pick = Molecular Grafter
The molecular grafter is meant to be used on various chemicals to absorb them, the resulting grafter may be used to upgrade certain armor/implants/ammo.

Osmium (one charge):
Light, Medium and Heavy armors: Increases the damage reduction percentage by 10% and increases the strength requirement by 1.

Lead (one charge):
Light, Medium and Heavy armors: Adds a radiation resistance of 35% and increases the strength requirement by 1.

Iridium (one charge):
BrawnBoost, SwiftBoost, EndurBoost, PsiBoost and SpeedBoost - reduces the rate at which the implants drain their energy by 35%
Powered Armor - reduces the rate at which the armor drains its energy from 1 every 2 seconds to 1 every 3.5 seconds

Radium (12 charges):
Prisms: The radium-enhanced prisms deal double damage if fired from a Fusion Cannon, and freeze a target for twice as long if fired from a Stasis Field Generator; extra sfx has been added for the radium prism powered projectiles

!Do NOT use the molecular grafter on items that you are wearing, take them off and place them in the inventory, then use the molecular grafter on them. Not following this advice will cause horrors against the player object that you couldn't even imagine


These will allow you to quickly equip the new weapons and throw grenades without opening the inventory.
TruHG is the handgrenade, ScramHG is the scrambler handgrenade, and Shurik is the ninja star.
Add these to your user.bnd file:

bind * "equip_weapon smartgun"
bind * "equip_weapon plasmauzi"
bind * "equip_weapon flamethrower"
bind * "use_obj TruHG"
bind * "use_obj Shurik"
bind * "use_obj ScramHG"

--------Incompatibilities with other mods:

- Weapon model upgrades for the pistol and shotgun will likely prevent the firing animations from playing. (modellers - you can try to replicate the sub-object setup in SS2's old pistol&shotgun models)
- Rebirth users: hibrid and midwife gibs will be non-rebirth
- Incompatible with any other gamesystem mod


Changes/features as by the (included) ReadMe



Security Camera:

- Yellow (player spotted) to Red (set off alarm) 'grace period' reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds
- All bleeps and whatnot removed, the camera still has its slight ambient and the slight noise it makes when it stops rotating


- Doubled turrets' turn rate
- Slug turret now fires fully automatically rather than in inefficient bursts, bullet damage increased from 2 to 4
- Can be repaired with an Auto Repair Unit after they've been destroyed. To accomplish this you must pick up the turret's metal top which has been blown off, use it on the turret's still standing carcass and then apply the Auto Repair Unit. This also makes them friendly to the player.
- Can regain full HP if a maintenance tool is used on them

Protocol Droid:

- Abandons friendly appearance tactics in the favor of a high-speed dash if damaged while walking towards the player.

Big Bots:

- Diversified the items found on the corpse
- Increased the Assault Bot's damage. 12 -> 25 (originally, droid fusion shot = 12 & slow, turret laser shot = 10 & near instant-hit ?!)
- Gave the Assault Bot fusion shots that move as fast as the player's shots (originally they had the speed of a DEATH shot, which is half as fast as a normal one), aswell as the ability to fire fusions shots with the 'DEATH' setting, far more damaging but half as fast as non-DEATH; a DEATH shot is lethal, not even the Power Armor can save you. (okay maybe the power armor combined with a bunch of psi powers can save you)
- Maintenance Bot's attack: added a hit particle effect, normally they'd just vanish right away when hitting a surface, this also gives them some splash damage; getting hit by the electricity shot also shakes the player around quite a bit and has the electro-stun effect of a prism grenade on light organic enemies

Cyborg Assassin:
- If the player has the Cyber Assimilation OS upgrade, he can extract one shuriken (ninja star) out of every cyborg assassin corpse, which is thrown by frobbing it in the inventory, it deals 18 damage against organics and cyborgs, and 9 against fully robotic enemies.

- Altered melee attack motions to make the midwife somewhat more able at hitting a crouched player.


- Every hybrid has an organ now. There is no randomized chance of getting one. (Or two)
- Diversified the items found on the corpses of all humanoid hybrids
- The weapons in the humanoid hybrids' corpses' hands dissapear if they're taken from their inventory (most of the time)

Pipe Hybrid:

- Attack damage reduced from 10 to 8
- Some ridiculously slow and inefficient attack motions (upwards swing particularily) have been sped up

Crystal Shard Hybrid*

- Twice as damaging as the pipe hybrid, tears through the improved armors with ease
- Has double the amount of hitpoints the pipe hybrid has
- Is 15% faster than the pipe hybrid in all respects

Shotgun Hybrid:

- Increased shotgun hybrid's damage from 4 to 6.
- Shotgun not always broken anymore
- Reduced hitpoints from 24 to 17
- Starts using shotgun as club for melee attacks if the player gets too close (8 damage)

Grenade Hybrid:

- Fends off player with fists (4 damage) if the player gets too close for grenade throwing, rather than fleeing
- Throws grenades faster/is actually vaguely resembling a challenge
- Grenade damage increased from 15 to 20
- Grenade projectile weight increased, now the hybrids' grenades don't fly over your head anymore, but hit you in the face instead
- Used to have Grenade Launcher grenades for loot, those have been replaced with the handgrenades that are thrown by right-clicking them from the inventory

Grenade Launcher Hybrid*

- Fires bouncing grenades which explode on contact with the player, and detonate by themselves after 3 seconds otherwise
- Attacks in melee (8 damage) if the player gets close
- Has 24 hitpoints


- Reduced blue/red monkeys' hitpoints from 10/12 to 8
- Reduced monkeys' melee attack damage from 4 to 2
- Added a 3% chance of having a psi booster


- Every annelid that could bear an organ guaranteedly has an organ now. There is no randomized chance of getting one. (Or two)
- Added a hit particle effect for the psi reavers' projectiles
- Worm piles can be easily destroyed with just about any weapon attack


Psi Amp
- Psi amp 'muzzleflash' fx added, they appear briefly in front of the psi amp when a psi power is used; shield powers have a wall of particles coming towards you (green-gray for psi shield/aura, green-yellow for rad/tox shield, flame particles for Pyro Field), stat boosting ones have a particle line following your hand and going for your body (red for strength/andrenaline, white for other stats, green for technicals like Anti-Entropy), icy burst for Cryokinesis, fiery burst for Pyrokinesis and so on.
- Pyro Field no longer emits 5 incendiary damage every 2 seconds, it emits 1 incendiary damage every 0.4 seconds.


- Ranged weapons' muzzle flashes now light up surroundings
- Pistols and shotguns have firing animations
- Ballistic weapons leave steamy bulletholes in walls
- Grenade launcher and fusion cannon can tear apart and dematerialize respectively enemies that are weak enough to be normally killed in one shot by the weapon. Search the enemies' dismembered torsos for items.
- Melee weapons' overhand smash damage increased so it truly does 50% more damage than normal swings (in the case of the laser rapier, crystal shard and psi sword it did only 35% more, making Overhand Smash redundant compared to Lethal Weapon)
- bullet/shell casings don't dissapear instantly when they hit a surface, they just stop rotating, they still dissapear when they hit another object like another casing
- Weapons don't completely slide off-screen when you're reloading or switching ammo, they stop close to the bottom

Added a handgrenade which can be thrown by right clicking on it in the inventory, it gets thrown out of the exact center of your screen (where the crosshair normally is). It's just as effective as a normal grenade (20 standard damage) and it has no skill etc. requirements/bonuses.
Added a scrambling handgrenade that functions in the same way as the handgrenade, on detonation it emits a pulse which:
- disables cameras
- detonates protocol droids
- makes the turrets&maintenance/security/assault bots attack anything in sight, including the player, except for other scrambled bots or turrets
- 75% chance to unlock a hackable crate/high-security super crate, 25% to detonate it
- 50% chance to change a replicator's items list to a completely new one, 50% chance to cause it to spew a random item, both are picked from a pre-written list so there's no chance of things being too crazy

Pistol&Assault Rifle

- Special ammunition multiplier (delivered by armor piercing against robotics/anti-personnel against organics) reduced from x4 to x2.5 against fully robotic/fully fleshy enemies respectively and from x2 to x1.7 against cyborgs like the midwife and assassin.
- Armor piercing ammo no longer does half damage to organic targets, it does full damage like a standard round, Anti personell ammo still does only half damage against fully robotic enemies.
- Pistol singleshot firing rate increased (ridiculously slow before, burst mode firing rate unmodified)
- Assault Rifle's Standard weapon skill requirement decreased from 6 to 4, damage decreased from 10 to 7 in consequence.


- Added muzzle flash
- 'Triple' shot uses 2 shells instead of 3 now, still delivering double damage.


Standard weapons skill requirement: 6
Strength requirement: 4
Damage: 11
Clip: 100
Rate of fire: Very high, approx. Assault Rifle x4.
Kickback: Close to none.
Modify/Repair/Maintain Requirements: 3/3/3.
Ammo types: Normal.
Modes: Auto - plain auto fire, minimum of 2 rounds per burst
       Track - bullets guide themselves into the nearest target, can track targets within a ~70 degree radius in front of the player
Modifications: Lvl 1 - decreases reload time, boosts damage a bit
               Lvl 2 - increases clip size by 36, boosts damage a bit

Laser pistol:

- Instant hitting laser beams (placement still buggy)

Laser rapier:

- Boosted energy damage by ~20%
- Emits bluish light around the player when drawn
- Reduced energy weapons requirement from 4 to 3

EMP Rifle:

- Over mode damage and energy cost tweaked
Old: Normal: 10 emp damage (x4 against robotics, x2 against cyborgs) for 2 energy
Over: 15 emp damage  for 20 energy
Over: 50 emp damage for 20 energy.

Plasma Uzi*:

Energy weapons skill requirement: 3
Damage: 4/24
Energy usage: 6/50
Rate of fire: AR
Kickback: Relatively low
Modify/Repair/Maintain Req: 2/2/2
Ammo type: Energy
Modes: Auto - minimum of 2 rounds per burst
       Discharge - giant slow-moving energy ball, explodes on hit dealing splash damage
Modifications: Lvl 1 - Increases ammo capacity by 10 aswell as damage
               Lvl 2 - Increases shot speed and damage

Grenade Launcher:

- Added template grenade ammo. ('empty' grenades which are combined with various stuff for a real, damaging grenade)
Template grenade combination recipes:
-- 4 bullets or 2 shotgun shells (or 2 bullets and a shotgun shell) for a standard grenade. Bullet/shell type doesn't matter.
-- 2 prisms for an electricity grenade which deals double damage against robotics and normal damage aswell as a brief stun against organics
-- Caesium for a standard grenade

- Disruption grenades deal 115 Standard damage. Enough to destroy a rumbler/assault bot in 2 hits. All disruption grenade 'stacks' you can find have been reduced from 3 to 2 in consequence
- Incendiary grenades leave behind a fire that lasts 10 seconds which deals 2 damage every half of a second.
An incendiary grenade hit will also set the target on fire, which will be taking damage for quite a while.
Stacks reduced from 3 to 2 in consequence.
- Proximity Grenades deal 20 instead of 15 damage, and you can now detonate them by damaging them in any way


Heavy weapons skill requirement: 3
Strength requirement: 3
Damage: 2 incendiary damage per direct hit (x4 damage against annelids, x2 against hybrids/monkeys, x0.5 against cyborgs, x0.33 against fully robotic)
        1 every 200 milliseconds for the flames that get attached to brushes, flames last for ~2.5/3 seconds
Rate of fire: High
Kickback: Low
Modify/Repair/Maintain Req: 1/2/2
Ammo type: Napalm
Modes: Norm - minimum of 2 rounds per burst, can stick to brushes
       Gas  - on contact with a brush leaves behind an invisible spot of gas, which can be set off with a               Norm shot, basically a gigantic flaming trap can be set off with a single flame shot
Indications: Due to the dodgy physical model of enemies (their actual physical model is bunched to their center),
             it's recommended that if you plan on making a flame trap for your enemy, to fire at nearby walls rather
             than floors, only short enemies like grub worms and spiders will get damaged by floor flames.

Stasis Field Generator:

- Enhanced shot particle fx

Fusion Cannon:

- Doubled energy damage for both modes
- Ammo cost increased from 2 prisms to 3 prisms for the normal mode and from 2 prisms to 4 prisms for the death mode.
- Second modification no longer reduces ammo cost, it increases shot speed for both modes instead
- Added (sadly, nearly imperceptible) muzzle flash

Viral Proliferator&Worm Launcher

- Reduced kickback
- Halved degradation rate (now half the degradation rate of all other weapons)
- Small/large beakers' sizes increased from 4/8 to 6/10
- Make squishy organic noises when thrown around rather than metallic ones
- Given some proper schema settings so they sound all wormy and fleshy when drawing/reloading/breaking/out of ammo.


Hazard Suit:
No requirements
Reduces Standard damage by 15%, rad and tox by 75% as usual

Worm Skin:
Psi Requirement: 4
Reduces all damage types by 20%. Absorbs 1 point of damage out of all damage types.
Reduces Energy damage by 40%.
Reduces Anti-Human damage (full protection against grub worm bites, reduced damage from annelid psi reaver shots and annelid weapons' shots while in Anti-Human mode) by 65%

Strength Req: 2
Agility Req:  2
Reduces all damage types by 20%. If damage type is Standard (bullets, melee attacks/pokes) an extra 1 point of damage is completely absorbed by the armor.

Strength Req: 4
Agility Req:  3
Reduce all damage types by 30%. Absorbs 2 Standard damage

Strength Req: 5
Agility Req:  4
Reduce all damage types by 40%. Absorbs 3 Standard damage, 2 energy damage (1 actually, but since humans take double damage from energy, 1 -> 2 here)

Strength Req: 5
Agility Req:  4
Cyber Req: 4
Reduce all damage types by 50%. Absorbs 4 Standard damage, 4 energy damage (2 actually, as above)
Energy draining rate increased.

Powered armor can now be turned into medium armor by right clicking on it, which can be turned into a fully charged powered armor if you drag it onto a recharger or use a portable battery on it. (this will make it lose the Ir upgrade however)

- Armor is somewhat harder to use and will be rarer and show up slightly later in the game.
- Added sounds that get played when the player wearing the armor gets hit; depending on the armor worn and the damage type:
light: brittle, glassy sound for standard impacts
medium, heavy: metallic sound for standard impacts
power armor: unbreakable window-like sound against standard damage, super duper absorption sound against energy
worm skin: fleshy sound against standard damage, fleshier sounds against anti-human damage


Added the perfectly functional but normally unused RunFast implant, both random and certain placements. Drains its energy twice as fast as a normal implant. It has been renamed to SpeedBoost.

--------Misc changes:

- Gave some world objects a visual response when they are frobbed:
  - recharger's energy beam glows brighter for half a second when it's frobbed
  - the cyber upgrade units (aka trainers) have their eyeslot piece rotate upwards when frobbed. (normally they'd do that on level initialization, I forced them to snap back to the normal 'down state' on init and then forced them to play the motion when frobbed), the eyeslot piece rotates back down when the player       moves out of range 
  - the security panel is now somewhat desaturated, and becomes fully saturated when frobbed, then desaturated again if the player moves out of range
- Lighting attached to various energy projectiles and explosions
- Explosion visuals enhanced; added: smoke, Deus Ex-style shockwaves aswell as incandescent bits flying away from the explosion.
- Nanite container model upgraded to have modelled wires instead of flat texture ones
- Strength and speed boosters renamed from 'strength boost/speed boost' to 'strength booster/speed booster'

--------Level modifications:

- keycards, certain quest items, some weapons and hidden cyber modules have been relocated
- item randomization on corpses and containers, some containers were added
- added more radiation spots
- several enemies have been added and several bits of ammo have been removed in order to prevent the new weapons from unbalancing the game too much
- minor additions/modifications have been made in places to keep you alert
- the new enemies respawn like the others
- armors moved from corpses' inventories and actually placed on their bodies in the world
- the electrical spark emitters no longer damage you for ridiculous amounts of damage once every 2 seconds, they do little but constant damage if you get close, letting you know there's an actual hazard there and thus pull back before taking a ton of damage
- little things like muting the radar dish's explosions in space, making the blue particle rings in medsci fit inside their glass casing, resizing the computer under the hanged man so his feet don't poke through it etc.
- smoke particles on corpses or on broken turrets vanish with time
- following some of Straylight's notes I was able to quickly fix the unbreakable/recoilless weapons scattered across the levels


Summon these for fun with the summon_obj command:
- goggles
Image intensifying tech goggles prototype, inspired by Deus Ex 1 in being completely useless, pick up the white wedge and frob it in your inventory, it will give you a modified shuttle shield visual overlay, and any AIs in a 50 foot radius around you will be fully lit.
Created simply out of fun over the span of a mere five minutes, couldn't be bothered to make a model and text, so it remained an outtake.
- destructor
Modified Fusion Cannon which deletes any objects that come near their projectiles, was useful as a 'development tool' for deleting locked doors and the like. Cleans up rooms quite nicely.

« Last Edit: 05. July 2014, 21:48:34 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
so the reward "Bug of the year" goes to the TF's mod :scratch:
i played normal 'till engeneering when i was going back from 45m/dex and one hybrid respawn.turrnets cant hit him and he can't hit them.after he folloled me around he become invisible but still cant hit me.
otherwise thats the best mod. :thumbwink:
but if it was more stable it will be "Mod of the year" :sniper: :scatter: :shodan:
and one more-the flamethrower dosent have flame and prim-filled grenades dont shoot
we are waiting for MASSIVE upgrade
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Yeah well I told TF about your post but like I said you should keep bug-reports to the original ttlg-thread.

665cff034e7f5The Brain

Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Rather than deleting HYDRO2.DIF-file, I would suggest to rename it.
After all it's crucial part of patched game and playing orginal missons without it could make bad things to happen.
Especially in second Hydroponics-level.
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Thanks Brain, that's good to know. I thought it was a file distributed with TF's mod when I took this advice from his readme. I better check next time.


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
ive managed to fix the istibilaty and almost all bugs(exept the "broken" prims-filled grenade)
its very good mod
But one bad thing-the fusion cannon is so powerful that you better be careful in multiplayer


Mod's compatibility with graphics upgrades
Hi, Kolya !
I consider System Shock 2 as one of the greatest video games ever made and I'm always happy to play it again since it offers so many possibilities (a most seldom gift today).
I recently discovered the HDTP Project for Deus Ex and my first reflex was to look for similar mods aimed at improving our good old System Shock 2. So, I was overjoyed when I found your forum which is really a model of its kind.  :thumb:
The first mod to really catch my attention was TF's one because of its greats additions : even a soldier (a class I always overlooked) finds a new legitimation with the enlarged weapons panel. I may even give it a try someday !  :rambo:
After reading the various topics on the subject, I concluded that other mods are compatible with this one as long as they don't affect the game mechanics and specific skins (the hybrid and the midwife). I downloaded Rebirth and other goodies (including your excellent crosshairs and cursors !  :biggrin:) and extracted the archives contents; my intention was to select the compatible components with TF's mod and copy them to the SS2 folder for a permanent install.
However, I was unable to locate the related files (where is this CROSSHAI.pcx ???  :scratch:). Moreover, I'm not sure where to place the appropriate mesh folders since the SS2 folder's structure has been modified by TF's mod.
I must say that I followed rigorously the instructions you have given (that is, the "mod ready" procedure). I tested the game and everything seems to work perfectly (including the improved turrets...  :dropsdead: Blast !). The mod seems as great as I had expected and I'd like to thank TF for all his marvellous work : he deserves it !  :thumbwink:
Now, as I said previously, I would be even more happy if I could use the other mods I downloaded. Some help is required and would be greatly appreciated !

Thanks for keeping SS2's soul more alive than ever, Kolya.

P.S. : apologies for my approximate English !

665cff034f036The Brain

Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Hello, marston!

You can use program called Zombe's Mod Manager for easier mod managment and installation. If you really want to install mods manually, read this FAQ over here:SS2 Technical FAQ.
« Last Edit: 17. February 2008, 21:51:59 by Kolya »
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
I think Marston read the SS2 Technical FAQ (the "mod ready" procedure, he refers to).
The Brain is right though that you should use Zombe's Mod Manager, Marston. It will make your life a lot easier.
If you want to go the manual way just follow the installation instructions at the start of each post, eg for the crosshairs just extract the downloaded zip-archive to your SS2 directory (with pathes enabled of course).
SecMod doesn't make any changes that would prevent this from working.
The worst that can happen if you mix mods is that you overwrite parts of SecMod, but then you can always re-apply it to your game afterwards to make sure that SecMod works completely.
« Last Edit: 17. February 2008, 21:54:22 by Kolya »


Thanks for the advice, Kolya : everything worked perfectly ! By the way, I'm really fond of your improved screen menus. In particular, the sound is great and most chilling (the "escape" key doesn't bring a truce to the Brave anymore !  :bluegrin:). The "pulse" in the background lets me remind of the first Terminator movie : the feeling of a constant and relentless threat is omnipresent. Quite appropriate, isn't it ? Congatulations again !  :worship:
Concerning your suggestion about Zombe's mod manager, I readily recognize its wisdom. However, this method has a significant disavantadge insofar as it doesn't allow a "custom" install of various mods.
In my case, I'm trying to mix as many compatible components as possible to enhance my gaming experience (and it has started rather well !  :biggrin:).
On this subject, I would like to know if TF released a list of the mesh files (BIN & CAL) from the Rebirth mod which can be used with his one. The FAQ said that only the hybrid and the midwife were causing problems. So, I tried to locate the "good" files in the mesh folder but most of them are not easily identifiable (and the risk to forget some critical files is great).
Help anyone ?  :rolleyesgreen:

Have a good weekend !
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Oh, it seems I missed this. Probably too late now but I'd like to set some things straight, mainly:
The mod was made by TF. And I hear he's working on it again.  :)


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Is there any way to increase the co-operative difficulty while still using this mod?
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Yes. You could learn how to use ShockEd and then modify TF's mod according to your wishes.


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
One nasty thing about playing SecMod along with Rebirth or some other models mod is that there are those crystal shard hybrids which use the old mesh and it suddenly feels like a fist in the eye. I've come to some kinda solution.

Use Arcaniacs grenade hybrind model which fits perfectly. Or at least try it.
Use the files grunt_g.bin; grunt_g.cal; txt16\HYBMLEG.gif; txt16\HYBMTor.gif; txt16\MCGHead.gif from Arcaniac TrueRedux but rename the models to grunt_l.bin and grunt_l.cal so it's used as crystal shard hybrids.
I like it.

I'd upload this as SS2_TF_SecMod101_ Crystal shard hybrid mesh (Arcaniac).zip to save you folks trouble.

EDIT: Removed my link as Koyla was so kind to upload it here. And thanks for new privileges, Koyla.  :thumbwink:
« Last Edit: 24. June 2009, 04:24:42 by Kolya »

665cff034fa5cRecon-Unit 1

Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Is this going to be updated ? I attempted using this in the latest Mod-Manager, and first try it just gives me a black screen after intro.
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
This is not likely to be caused by the mod. But yeah, it will get updated "soon".


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Same thing with me. Black screen. All other mods I ever tried worked fine.

665cff0350283Recon-Unit 1

Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
This is not likely to be caused by the mod. But yeah, it will get updated "soon".

Ah HA ! I found out the issue, or least a way to make it work. Basically i had to untick the "Repack mods again" option soon as i changed it to a .ss2mod file and put it in the mods section, soon as it was done it worked.

Least i think that way worked. Hmm ...


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
burped up an update yet?


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
ALMOST *guzzlez mor fizzy soda pop*  :thumbwink: :thumbwink:  :weird:
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Where I can get this mod? Because i can't find it anywhere :(


Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Added another download link.. filefront.
Re: SS2 TF SecMod101 Complete beta
Thanks a lot :) Will test tonight in MP with friend ;)
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