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Topic: SS1 ICE Breaker (Handbook) Read 31291 times  

« Last Edit: 09. February 2012, 19:29:38 by Kolya, Reason: attached download »


Re: System Shock ICE Breaker
Oh nice, finally

Can't make heads or tails of the originating thread though
Re: System Shock ICE Breaker
Nameless found it out so he can explain this better probably. From what I could make out the first image contained a tinyurl code that led to the second image (easteregg) which contained the download link. Somehow. Who cares, it's up. :)

665b88cc6eedfNameless Voice

Re: System Shock ICE Breaker
The second image was unusually large, so I resaved it as a normal gif, checked after the resulting number of bytes, worked out that the second part was a (really hard to understand) MP3 with a megaupload URL...
Re: System Shock ICE Breaker
Interesting, I did see something like a lame encoder stamp in the second pics last code lines but had no idea how to extract whatever was hiding in there.

665b88cc6f13fNameless Voice

Re: System Shock ICE Breaker
I split the file using a file splitter, but you could actually have just dropped it into WinAmp and played it like that.


* Kolya lifts hat

Thank you, but it isn't our work, all thanks go to enter, who scanned the Breaker.
Shame on me, I forgot to leave a big Thanks ! Very much appreciated indeed.

To be honest, I did not even know that something like that existed. Really interesting stuff.
Does anyone still have a copy of this lying around? None of the share links seem to be working for me.
I don't have a local copy. Hopefully someone steps up, then I'll attach it to the post so this cannot happen again.


*good looking hero steps in..after this I also enter the room*^^

-look up, look down, look out: post. first post-
« Last Edit: 28. April 2012, 19:18:57 by unn_atropos »
XD Thanks a lot atropos!

EDIT: Added in the first post.
« Last Edit: 09. February 2012, 19:29:20 by Kolya »
Indeed, thanks! I'm a huge fan of this game.


I've found a Maps & "System Shock Strategies & Secrets" pdf guide that I think can supplement this handbook. I found both of them on Webarchive, here are the original links:

EDIT: server error prevented me from uploading "System Shock Strategies & Secrets". Also turns out it was already uploaded by another user in this thread.
[System_Shock_Maps.pdf expired]
« Last Edit: 18. March 2017, 21:46:07 by Moderator »
Thanks, but the same "System Shock Maps.pdf" is already included in the ICE Breaker download in the first post.

The "System Shock Strategies & Secrets" is too large for you to upload, but I will attach it to atropos' original post.

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