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So it's kinda pointless to just open every bin and check there, better check in the editor.

Is it possible to jump into game mode with normal shading/lighting?
yes - type toggle_lighting in the command window (lower right part of the screen).
Ah, thank you.

Played around a bit with the termibox


while at it, termibof.bin (-1080) is missing the back as well.


//just found out that four SHTUP custom models are now conflicting with the fixed object pack - attaching those models - they need the same fix(es) as the originals.

[SHTUP_conflicts.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 19. November 2013, 01:10:18 by voodoo47 »
In this zip is termibox.bin (a new one), termibof.bin (both can be used for vanilla and shtup).
Also a rick001.bin only for SHTUP

Somehow the dark engine/bsp.exe is fucking with me when I want to do poddoor.bin.
I only took my already fixed model and just changed the texture name to podscrn.*
But now when I place it inside the editor (ops2.mis) the whole model does have the transparency of the glass.
When I simply start the game and check (many.mis) all illuminated pieces are not visible.
I just can't figure out why the heck this is happening now.
Acknowledged by: ZylonBane


hopefully ZB will shed some light into this. not sure what do you mean by "all illuminated pieces are not visible".
I'm talking about this.
Strangely it is also happening with the model I already submitted. Which was working for me when I submitted it. Very strange.
(But I tested it on my other machine which has better hardware)

Please check for yourself with only starting the game. I experienced different results when coming in from the editor or starting the game directly.

The only thing I did recently is installing the newest shockED following your instructions.

Well, I moved the lighted parts a bit farther away, now it works.
Dark Engine is really sensitive when it comes to graphic cards.

Now here is a new version for vanilla, and one for SHTUP
« Last Edit: 19. November 2013, 09:30:27 by Olfred »


yeah, sometimes you just have to give in and do things the way the engine likes it. adding;

msd_b.bin (-2579) [broken medsci door, very weird stuff going on with the textures]
CBDoor.bin (-208) [bay door, weird stuff going on with the textures when opening or closing]

these two already have proper higher res replacements in SHTUP, but as there might be people out there who would want to run their game without SHTUP, but with fixed models, it certainly won't hurt to have them fixed - one never knows.
Is there some stored information about what of SHTUP is a model fix and what is to integrate new features?

Just to make sure we don't miss any model which might have been discovered by SHTUP already.

Attached msd_b.bin
For the CBDoor.bin it should be safe to just take the SHTUP one
« Last Edit: 19. November 2013, 17:13:08 by Olfred »


so you are saying that there is no difference between orig termibox and termibof, and those pulled out of the SHTUP package? that seems rather odd.

right now, only 5 models can be found in both packages - rick001, poddor, termibox, termibof, and msd_b. there are quite a lot of other models in the SHTUP package, but I have no idea in what kind of way are they modified - this is a question for ZylonBane.
so you are saying that there is no difference between orig termibox and termibof, and those pulled out of the SHTUP package? that seems rather odd.
What SHTUP did was adding illumination to the boxes so the screen is glowing in the dark. In my opinion this can also be included in the vanilla.
If you insist on non illuminated for vanilla I can provide you with that.

this is a question for ZylonBane.
Yeah, I kinda pointed that question to him.


ah, I see. well, I never insist - I only suggest, and leave things flow. it's entirely up to you.
Well you are the head of the SCP (I think?), so it's all up to you how you want it.


noo, I'm just someone who keeps bugging everyone to do things, as I can't do anything myself, apart from some very basic Shockeding. no way I'm a project lead in this - it's called Shock Community Patch for a reason, anyone can contribute with any skill he might posses, and as long as it's deemed ok by at least a bunch of other members of the community, the contribution will get added.

ok, as for the termiboxes, then I would say the more the merrier - having both the vanilla ones and the illuminated SHTUP ones certainly won't be a bad thing, so if you have no problems with doing it, then go ahead, would you kindly. :)
And who is going to scramble it all together?



well, it's true that I have always been the wd-40/duct tape guy.. let's just say I'm someone who is making sure that when this chaos hydra finally crawls out of the dark matter, its many heads will be not be fighting with each another.
I'll just call you the inofficial lead then.
Besides I don't really know someone else, except ZylonBane maybe.
The first one, the one I linked.

The second one was with an illumination of 100. The third one after you mentioned the SHTUP thing does have an illumination of 69, like the SHTUP one.


roger that, will pack things up accordingly.


I see a black smudge, a red smudge, a blue smudge, and a floating testicle. dude, seriously?

also, edited away the rotated link, ha-ha-ha really funny.
« Last Edit: 20. November 2013, 13:49:12 by voodoo47 »


map issue. probably already fixed in SCP.
map issue. probably already fixed in SCP.
when the fix for  Secmod?

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