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Posted by: Kolya
« on: 16. March 2020, 15:57:40 »

Das ursprüngliche Archiv habe ich ja bereits ersetzt.
Ich würde ansonsten empfehlen, mods unter Wine zu entpacken. Sofern sich das Problem nicht eh von selbst löst, sobald du solche gleichnamigen Ordner versuchst in Wine zu benutzen.
Posted by: JML
« on: 16. March 2020, 14:28:49 »

Hab jetzt sowohl das lc und das ursprüngliche auf Windows entpackt, und dann rüberkopiert auf Linux. Im einen ist alles einheitlich lowercase, im anderen alles einheitlich uppercase. Dürfte ratsam sein beim Archiv erstellen schon immer einheitlich das eine oda das andere zu verwenden.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 15. March 2020, 20:50:39 »

Okay, danke für die Rückmeldung. Ich habe das Archiv im ersten Post mit dieser kleinbuchstabigen Version ersetzt.
Posted by: JML
« on: 15. March 2020, 18:29:47 »

Ja das haut hin. keine Doppelordner mehr, keine uppercase filenames mehr, so ist alles paletti einheitlich lowercase. Keinen Plan was p7zip auf Linux aufführt.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 15. March 2020, 17:22:10 »

Possibly 7zip keeps its own internal file system, that respects upper/lowercase. When folders such as "iface" & "IFACE" are placed into the archive on seperate occasions, you might then get two seperate folders when unpacking on linux, but just one on Windows. Maybe.

What about this one? I lowercased all folder and filenames in it.

//Vergessen Deutsch zu schreiben, sorryEntschuldigung! :headshot:
Posted by: JML
« on: 15. March 2020, 16:15:04 »

Hab nur entpackt mit 7zip. Sieht im Archiv auch nicht anders aus als auf meinem Screeny.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 15. March 2020, 14:54:43 »

Das Archiv enthält keine gleichen Ordnernamen mit unterschiedlicher Groß/Klein-Schreibung.

Auf Windows, wo das Archiv erstellt wurde, können solche Ordner gar nicht nebeneinander existieren. Auch das Spiel kennt keine Groß/Klein-Schreibung in den Pfaden.

Vielleicht hast du auf einem Unix System, wo sowas möglich ist, Ressourcen vermischt?

[2020-03-15 15_56_23-Window.png expired]
Posted by: JML
« on: 15. March 2020, 11:51:11 »

Is das Absicht, dass es einen OBJ und einen obj Ordner gibt? I denkert mir, dass das vermutlich zu Problemen führen könnte, oda ned? (Das selbe mit iface)
I seh generell in allen möglichen Ordnern die ich durchforste eine Inkonsistenz mit der Groß/Kleinschreibung. Eine Idee woher das kommt?
[objOBJ.png expired]
Posted by: JML
« on: 01. December 2017, 21:12:19 »

Thank you for the explanation. I think this is the case for a lot of savenames in german, as this picture looks familiar to me on a lot of different saves throughout the game.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. December 2017, 19:15:45 »

the save/load menu is not ready for longer texts.
[ich_bin_zu_lang.jpg expired]
Posted by: JML
« on: 01. December 2017, 18:57:30 »

also, the savename for the Chesapeake Bay Station is a bit too long (limit is 23 characters). no good way around this, so probably better left alone.
Please elaborate. If it's over the limit and works then in which scenario does it cause problems?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 01. December 2017, 16:01:39 »

Ches á Pike
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. December 2017, 09:29:29 »

also, the savename for the Chesapeake Bay Station is a bit too long (limit is 23 characters). no good way around this, so probably better left alone.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 28. November 2017, 21:36:20 »

Just extract this to the "Deutsche_Übersetzung_2.2" folder. I cannot re-upload the whole archive due to the attachment size limit. Would suggest to bump the minor version number (@Kolya : That's okay?).

I don't know...am I supposed to do something?  O_o
EDIT: I think I get it. Updated the first post.
I may have to compare this to the german translation archive that gets dled by ss2tool.
EDIT: Done and upped.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. November 2017, 13:39:37 »

well, I'm only 1/16 german.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 28. November 2017, 12:44:14 »

Done. Thanks for the reminder, I guess that variable has been exposed by a gamesys update? Cause I can't find it in any of the files. It's "Schnellspeicherung" btw. :)
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. November 2017, 11:57:08 »

the bay3 fix is in the GOG/steam package as well, so all should be good. unless someone is running a manually updated CD install, but we don't care about those people.

also, you'll probably want this in your misc.str:

QuickSaveSlotName:"Schnell Speicherung"
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 28. November 2017, 11:52:46 »

Wait, DML fixes are exclusive to SS2Tool?  Wow, that's terrible.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 23:43:19 »

nah, would need a dml for pure vanilla, but yeah, 1kb of redundancy probably ain't that big of a deal.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 23:31:46 »

Well, now it even works without SCP at the cost of 1kb of disk space. Hooray!
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 23:28:06 »

ah yeah, forgot that model actually isn't renamed/germanified. so right, not really needed.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 23:01:41 »

The texture is in, what do I need the model for? I thought that's only supported by SCP, which also supplies the model.

€dit: Nevermind, that's fixed in the misdmls. Reuploaded but used my own texture for consistency (is also better spaced :p).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 23:00:00 »

maybe jam in the bay3 model as well.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 22:43:42 »

Alright, here are all the new files and an addition to the first post to tell users to load the mod directly after SCP, which is the recommended mod order now:

Code: [Select]
Wenn [url=https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=7116.0]SCP[/url] ebenfalls verwendet wird, sollte die Mod im Manager direkt darüber aktiviert werden (Eintrag in der Liste direkt über SCP).
Just extract this to the "Deutsche_Übersetzung_2.2" folder. I cannot re-upload the whole archive due to the attachment size limit. Would suggest to bump the minor version number (@Kolya : That's okay?).

All palettes were taken from the current SCP Beta 4 if anyone wants to know. I also put in voodoo's ghost despawn fix since it only really affects the German audio. Thanks again, voodoo!
[german_translation_update.7z expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 20:12:19 »

yeah, I pretty much figured in the last 15 minutes.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 20:01:06 »

you need to change the texture name, grab its object, hexedit it to use the new texture name, change the name of the object, and dml change the object name (on the archetype, in most cases).
no, this will make them irrelevant.
Yeah, that's what I meant.

I was looking at how things are set up in the vanilla DE version, and there may be a smarter solution to this - I'll let you know once I have something.
If you're referring to the folder structure, i.e. putting a "german" or "english" folder in the respective res folder and changing the config, forget about it, that's a can of worms closed a long time ago due to mod interference.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 19:14:44 »

you need to change the texture name, grab its object, hexedit it to use the new texture name, change the name of the object, and dml change the object name (on the archetype, in most cases).
this will break SHTUP - with SCP
no, this will make them irrelevant. so anyone actually preferring the hires english textures over the lowres german ones will be out of luck.

I was looking at how things are set up in the vanilla DE version, and there may be a smarter solution to this - I'll let you know once I have something.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 18:20:41 »

Okay, tested it and it works nicely. Now, the way I understand it, this will break SHTUP - with SCP being active - if SHTUP would ever replace the training signs with a higher res variant as SHTUP would reference the original osX.bin whereas the object's texture ID has already been altered to os_deX.bin. From my experience as a German and knowing a lot of German SS2 players, most people in such a case would prefer the higher res English variant over the low-res German one as they a) care more about interface, text and, most important of all, German audio while b) going along with the idea that there's no problem about international organisations and corporations pasting English signs all over their stations and space ships. In that case, a single low-res German texture really stands out. But without a combined DML footprint for SCP and SHTUP or a German SHTUP fork like you suggested, this issue probably cannot be solved.

BTW, assuming I would want to repeat this fix, you'd only have to change the texture name with a hex editor and create the DML fix to go along with it, correct?
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 15:16:21 »

Well, let's wait a moment and think about what's really necessary first. 🙂
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 13:25:50 »

right - added and reuploaded. 5 minutes for one fix, so with the remaining 298 models, we are looking at about one day of work, if you don't need to eat and sleep.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 11:51:33 »

Huh? os9. png belongs to the rightmost mission in year 3,that's the Deep Cover one in the English version.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 09:26:13 »

os9 is unused, I think? so shouldn't really matter. anyway, attaching the os4 tweak, which will, as requested, make things not conflict with SCP or SHTUP, no matter the load priority. I'm thinking that sometime in the future, the same thing should be done with all the DE textures to make the mod not conflict with anything ever, but ouch, 300 objects.. would take a few hours.
Don't know about that bug in the video.
yeah, but as steam won't allow me to download the DE version of the game without some extra effort, I'm hoping that someone has it at hand and would confirm or not. //ok, not that difficult actually, so I'll just do it myself.
[osa_scp_de.7z expired]
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. November 2017, 08:47:01 »

Thanks! Here are the altered German images. All training images seem to be a mess in terms of unified font size, character and row spacing, and placement. The original os9 doesn't even make sense. Guess I never noticed because I never choose OSA...

Don't know about that bug in the video.
[os4.png expired]
[os9.png expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. November 2017, 08:19:04 »

also, can someone check the unmodified DE steam version? looks like some texts are in english - summon_obj brawnboost in the console (shift+; to open), and check the full item description.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. November 2017, 12:07:53 »

definitely possible, but some trickery will be required - a hexedited sign object bin referencing the special texture, then a dml that will assign the modified bin to the sign at station, but only when passing the SCP fingerprint check.

I can do this in about two minutes, as long as you supply the texture.
[textest.jpg expired]
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 26. November 2017, 11:50:24 »

@voodoo47 : Is it possible to load object texture A if SCP is active but load texture B otherwise (via DML or MTL)? I'd like to include the altered OSA chargen signs but as a fix/change they don't belong here and if I put them in my mod (as I'm doing with the automap fixes, for example), I'd get a SHTUP conflict.

BTW, os4.png is wrong, it should be "Engram analysis" not "Engramanalysis".
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. November 2017, 12:58:58 »

it's only worth doing if you think it's worth doing. or, as I like to say, given sufficiently long time, nothing is really worth anything, because all is just ash and dust in the end.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 24. November 2017, 12:39:52 »

1) I started on the signs at some point and then forgot about them. ^^
I have the ar_* textures, would need to get the rest. Will do.

4) And here I thought you never made any mistakes. :D

I wondered about doing a German SHTUP version but I'm not sure it would be worth it. Moreover, ZB did everything in PS iirc which don't own and know nothing about.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. November 2017, 12:08:43 »

1) I've checked the resources manually, and I can say with 99.99% certainty that there is no benefit of loading this translation with lower priority than SCP. the one and only thing affected is the leftmost sign of the second year of the PSI career, which will be in english instead of german.

SHTUP vs translation(s) is a completely different can of worms, as mentioned, it's a lose-lose choice of either having a full translation with a lot of lowres stuff, or everything hires with a lot of untranslated stuff. the only proper solution is a germanized fork of SHTUP - wouldn't be a big deal for a skilled texture person (NOT me, I suck at textures). also note that a few more textures that are exclusive to SCP should be recreated in their DE versions to make this mod completely SCP compatible (bay_*, ar_*, cargo_*, maybe a few more).

2) the mod root would be a nice place for the dml.

4) the requirement was 3, but the string was still incorrect, we forgot to change it as well.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 24. November 2017, 11:32:14 »

Okay, need to clear a few things up:

1) Thanks for the additional fixes. The reason for applying this translation first and SCP later was (to me at least) the priority of fixed textures over correctly translated ones, especially if SHTUP is applied anyway. I haven't actually run a full comparison to see if, for example, SCP fixes something which is not (yet) taken care of in SHTUP. In such a case, the translation should definitely have the lowest priority. Otherwise, I guess it's not so important and we can put gamesys mods at the bottom of the priority list.

2) Thanks for the DML fix. Should this be applied to this mod's folder or used as a separate mod?

3) There are several reaons for keeping this translation and my mod separate. First, there are some stylistic differences that Kolya and I don't completely agree about, so he's kept my vanilla changes and added a few of his own. Second, my mod can be used as a pure text translation so that people can play with English audio, which is preferable, but keep the German texts. Third, I update my mod more frequently and also include translations of some mini-mods which is out of the scope of this vanilla translation (which is technically treated as a mod for convenience even though it's a different beast). Plus, you don't have to download a huge archive each time I make some small fixes or update to the newest SCP beta.

4) This translation includes v05 of my mod which which reflects the SCP beta 1 changes where the shotgun requirement was still different.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. November 2017, 11:11:58 »

good question - afaik, one could use the SCP strings in vanilla and everything would still be correct, so unless there is a very good reason to keep them separate, I would recommend merging and having just one DE translation mod that would serve all.

btw, this mod has incorrect description for the shotgun (and also the hybrid shotgun), stating that the weapon requirement is 2 (should be 3) - probably an ADaoB leftover.
Posted by: JML
« on: 23. November 2017, 22:58:16 »

Ist der einzige Grund warum es diese Mod und die "Verbesserte deutsche Übersetzung" Mod gibt SCP? Könnte man nicht die beiden Mods zusammenführen und aktuell halten, oder macht das eben aufgrund des Unterschieds Hauptspiel - SCP einen groben Unterschied? Schließlich steht immer noch im ersten post, dass diese Mod die Verbesserte deutsche Übersetzung v5 enthält.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. November 2017, 18:57:03 »

also, the missing bay3 sign for the Earth map, just for good measure (extract to the DE translation folder, overwrite).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. November 2017, 18:36:08 »

so yeah, the first ghost does not have a long enough lifespan to fully play the DE audio (no matter whether SCP is active or not). the attached dml should fix this.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 20. December 2016, 13:40:20 »

Gut, da hast du nicht ganz Unrecht, allgemein fließen aber in die Mod Dinge ein, die man nicht mehr als pures Bugfixing bezeichnen würde. Und da ich SCP-artige Sachen nicht vom Rest trennen will, gibt es eben keine Vanilla-Version mehr.
Posted by: JML
« on: 20. December 2016, 13:12:23 »

Achso? Dann scheine ich etwas in deinem changelog misszuverstehen.

(Verbesserte Deutsche Übersetzung)

    v07: Weiterer Abgleich mit Untertitel-Mod, kleinere Anpassungen für neue dt. Rechtschreibung
    v06b: Großes Update für Email- und Logtexte, Kompatiblität mit kommender Untertitel-Mod
    v06: SCP beta 2 übersetzt, einige Bezeichnungen geändert (danke an Kolya!), psihelp.str verbessert
    v0.5: SCP übersetzt, einige Bezeichnungen vereinheitlicht, Interpunktion korrigiert, einige weitere Korrekturen
    v0.4a: wenige übrig gebliebene Fehler korrigiert (danke an gnartsch!)
    v0.4: kleinere Änderungen, viele Tippfehler korrigiert (danke an gnartsch!)
    v0.3: ein paar Tippfehler korrigiert, kleinere Änderungen (danke an gnartsch!)
    v0.2: kleinere Bugfixes, SHTUP-Fonts von ZylonBane hinzugefügt
    v0.1: Release-Version

Bekommen dann Vanilla-Spieler keine Kompatibilität mit Untertitel-mod, Email und Logtexte Update und Anpassungen für die neue dt. Rechtschreibung oder wie funktioniert das? Das klingt nämlich nicht nur SCP-specific.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 20. December 2016, 12:44:44 »

Hast du vor die Verbesserte Deutsche Übersetzung v07 von Marvin zu integrieren, nachdem die v05 bereits integriert ist?
Nicht nötig, die Updates sind nur für SCP, diese Übersetzung ist nur für Vanilla.
Posted by: JML
« on: 20. December 2016, 10:35:15 »

Die mit SSTool mitinstallierte Version dieser Mod ist 2.2 (aktuell), stimmts?
Wäre vielleicht praktischer die umzubenennen auf zB Vollständige_Deutsche_Uebersetzung_2.2, o.Ä. Dann würde man sie eventuell auch finden wenn man im Modmanager auf "Lookup mod (WWW)" klickt.
Hast du vor die Verbesserte Deutsche Übersetzung v07 von Marvin zu integrieren, nachdem die v05 bereits integriert ist?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 04. February 2016, 08:49:00 »

It's foreign and has a translation tag. Pretty sure most people can figure it out. But anyway, I added Marvin's explanation.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 04. February 2016, 05:24:53 »

Here you go:
"This contains all translated game resources (cutscenes, sounds, textures, texts) of the German version of System Shock 2. With it, you can transform an English game into a German one.

The translation, as any other mod, can be activated with the Blue Mod Manager.
It now also contains Marvin's improved German translation (v.05 SCP), as well as further corrections and translations from my side."
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