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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. August 2024, 09:19:33 »

in 2 days when I get back home, would take 2hrs on this mobile connection.  //done.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 24. August 2024, 17:48:16 »

After looking at SCP b6's script code, it showed me how to interact with user.cfg values.

I have updated this mod to work by reading values from user.cfg, rather than having to edit the squirrel file.

I also fixed a bug where using the "cycle" option would allow cycling to colours which had zero drop weight (they were effectively disabled).

@voodoo47 can you please transfer over the download counts, and then nuke the previous version?
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 03. June 2024, 12:43:23 »

This is now out of Beta.

@voodoo47 can you do the stuff with the thing?
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 07. February 2024, 13:32:30 »

400+ downloads on the Beta version and nobody has reported feedback so that I can release it out of beta? Seriously?

I guess no news is good news, and I'm going to assume this doesn't have any glaring issues.

Just waiting for the broken hack text fix from RoSoDude, then I will release it out of beta.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 02. August 2023, 02:02:58 »

I could always make a version with NO colour changing. It's very easy to do.

But I find having to hack them with a somewhat expensive HCK 4 hack, is already enough of a barrier to entry to the point where unless you become hackerman, you're still going to be excited about finding the next rapier.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 01. August 2023, 11:16:00 »

The ability to change the color has an unintended side effect, it makes future encounters with laser rapiers less exciting because you can control the color yourself, there's something exciting about not having control and hoping the next one you find is a color you prefer.
Just my opinion of course.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. July 2023, 14:24:25 »

Literally nobody would be unhappy if it didn't cost any nanites at all. In fact I'll predict right now that removing the nanite cost will be one of the first support questions. Imposing a game resource cost for an action that has no gameplay effect is a very strange choice.

I'd be unhappy, because it takes something away from collecting rapiers. Giving everyone the choice to immediately choose whichever one they want for free takes away some of the fun of searching for the rapier colour you really want or finding all of them.

There's value in rarity and in finding something rare that you want. This is also why people are willing to pay money for "legendary loot boxes" on the off chance of finding a rare cosmetic that they like. Getting excited when finding something rare like that is a core part of human nature and I like that you can't simply toggle the rapier you want.

But I don't think it will be a support question at all since it's already been accounted for. Check the first post for the new beta which has 2 versions, a hack version which is what you see in the video, and a version where right clicking simply cycles through the available colours for free.

The free version is there for those who want it. I recommend the hack version, as it keeps the rarer colours (like the black rapier) special, but to each their own. I'm not going to judge anyone for using either version, and nobody is "ruining" their experience by using one version over the other. I'm more than happy to provide multiple versions. It's not exactly difficult to do and largely handles itself automatically.

I guess we can see how many downloads each version gets, but I think you'd be surprised how many people will want to have that extra level of resource investment.

Nobody is clamoring for a "Freely unlock all GamePig games" mod either, despite the hack for it being very hard and requiring significantly more resources than the rapiers in this mod. People are more than happy to pay for non-gameplay rewards that add flavour or enjoyment to a playthrough without being numerically advantageous. All the lore-building non-gameplay fluff that's interactive and part of the world is the essence of what makes these sorts of games so immersive for so many people.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 23. July 2023, 14:18:23 »

So no matter what I set it to, someone will be unhappy.
Literally nobody would be unhappy if it didn't cost any nanites at all. In fact I'll predict right now that removing the nanite cost will be one of the first support questions. Imposing a game resource cost for an action that has no gameplay effect is a very strange choice.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. July 2023, 08:48:59 »

I have uploaded a new beta version. Please note there's 1 known issue currently - When playing with RSD the hack text doesn't appear, but it's a minor issue. I have asked RoSoDude to look into it.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. July 2023, 03:21:12 »

To be fair, the nanite costs in the game are totally insane across the board.

I can fully heal all health, toxin and radiation at a bed for 5 nanites, and fully reconstruct myself for 10 or so nanites. (I don't use QBRMs so I forget the price). But a single med hypo can cost nearly up to 50 or so nanites.

So no matter what I set it to, someone will be unhappy.
Posted by: bombum
« on: 22. July 2023, 18:57:11 »

That reconstruction costs about the price of a snack in a replicator. Nanites work in mysterious ways
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 22. July 2023, 16:44:46 »

I just ended up using a stock MFD image of a security computer

I was actually able to make it display the Hack button on the Query panel, but some internal pointer was screwed up, it would often hack the last thing I interacted with, rather than the rapier.

I have now changed it to be a proper hack, 10 nanites per go. It still rolls randomly. I know this is a dumb cosmetic mod, but I still want different colours to feel special, rather than just being something you toggle between at will. A relatively cheap and easy hack (but with a high skill requirement - currently 4) should be enough to do it, but you've still got to get lucky to get the one you want.

Hacking the GamePig costs 50 nanites per attempt(!), is very hard, and doesn't really affect gameplay (except in Overworld Zero). This sort of precedent is already set. But I might add a version that simply rerolls on right click, for free, with no hacking at all, to appease everyone.

Here it is automatically working with RSD's new hacking minigame.

Also, @RoSoDude the hack text (+ObjProp -24 "HackText" = "Weapon: "Sets a new Rapier Color"") works perfectly fine with the vanilla hacking minigame, so I am officially REPORTING BUG TEXT. It also doesn't print "Hacking Successful" to the log like the vanilla minigame does.

Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. July 2023, 16:04:05 »

You're charging players four times more nanites than it takes to reconstruct an entire human body from scratch just to change the color? Come on, this is just a silly cosmetic mod. There should be no cost, and it should cycle through the colors linearly instead of randomly.

Also it would also be better if there was a UI sound effect played when you change colors.

As for an MFD, are you talking about the Query panel? That flat-out will not display hack or modify buttons. That's why guns don't display it when you query them, vs the right-click Settings panel where it does display.

You could make a Settings MFD display, but since laser rapiers don't have settings, that would just be confusing for people.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 22. July 2023, 11:08:13 »

This is ready to go, would just like some feedback on the idea before I release it.

I can't seem to find a way to make a MFD appear for it, but even then, it would likely just be empty. I wonder if there's a way to bring up the normal "description" MFD with a plug for hacking/modify/etc.

@RoSoDude I know you've done UI work, do you know if this is possible?

Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 03. December 2022, 17:04:15 »

I guess the brightness is very dependant on the monitor, I have a monitor with very bright and powerful colors, so even just a tiny bit pops. You're the mod creator though, so your value matters. And thanks for putting options to change it easily!
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 22. November 2022, 03:48:37 »

This is no longer in Beta, I have released a new version v1.04

@voodoo47 would you please remove the 1.04 beta versions, transfer the download counts across to the new 1.04 version, and set it to never expire? Thank you!

@Deu sex you can now easily set the brightness using constants under the colour table. I didn't like your values, but you should now very easily be able to change them to your liking.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 22. November 2022, 02:52:59 »

Deu sex
Do you have any comparison shots. Your blue and red are identical to mine, and I can't tell any difference between your green and mine despite the numbers being different. Your purple looks much better, though.

I don't like your reduced brightness values. They make the rapier look like it's only emitting a small glow, despite being a massive bright light in your hand.

I have also done some playthroughs and the mod has been working just fine for me too. I might move it out of beta.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 21. November 2022, 22:05:36 »

I've been playing with it quite a lot, got almost all colors, tried to change floors, etc... No issue so far, I think it's great.
Little update on the color values/saturation which feels more natural imo :

Code: [Select]
["blue",    1.0,      1.0,             [150,0.66,0.80],
["red",     1.0,      1.0,             [150,0.98,0.90],
["green",   1.0,      1.0,             [150,0.40,0.80],
["purple",  1.0,      1.0,             [150,0.80,0.80],

and light properties :

Code: [Select]
SetProperty("AnimLight","min brightness",200);
SetProperty("AnimLight","max brightness",250);
SetProperty("AnimLight","millisecs to brighten",1400);
SetProperty("AnimLight","millisecs to dim",1000);

Feel free to update them, or not! Anyways the mod is ready as far as I'm concerned :)
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 14. November 2022, 00:33:58 »

Nope I was waiting for the next version, it did release a week ago though but I only realized it now, I'm getting RSD beta 13 now and I'll be playing it during the week :)
You're better off now. It had some nasty issues a week ago which luckily got fixed.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 13. November 2022, 13:47:52 »

Nope I was waiting for the next version, it did release a week ago though but I only realized it now, I'm getting RSD beta 13 now and I'll be playing it during the week :)
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 09. November 2022, 09:36:22 »

sarge945RoSoDude is going to release RSD's next version soon, I'll try it again in a full run during that playthrough and if everything is fine, I'll give it a green light, not that you need it or anything though haha just a little external validation roleplay.
Sorry for bump, but did this end up happening @Deu sex?

I really want to get this out of BETA
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 25. October 2022, 16:50:23 »

Yeah I've been stress testing it in a playthrough, but having others to help out always makes testing way better, since people will think of different things and do different things.

It's why software projects can go through years of testing only to break on the day of realease when customers start using it in all sorts of strange ways.

I don't really play Secmod though (don't like the mod personally), so someone should really test that.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 17. September 2022, 01:10:37 »

Last time I checked it was working quite nicely, no issues as far as I can remember since the latest version.
RoSoDude is going to release RSD's next version soon, I'll try it again in a full run during that playthrough and if everything is fine, I'll give it a green light, not that you need it or anything though haha just a little external validation roleplay.

Don't hesitate to stress the mod yourself too!
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 10. September 2022, 04:46:38 »

Okay this seems pretty stable now.

@Deu sex and anyone else who has played the Beta versions, can you give some feedback? I want to move this from a Beta state to a full release.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 24. July 2022, 04:42:40 »

Fair enough, got any recommendations?

I eventually went with Door Close Sound.

I try to avoid using object properties because I am not yet experienced enough with the editor to know what will have various implications I don't know about.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 24. July 2022, 03:52:29 »

If you want to store persistent state on an object that doesn't rely on script data, you can just use an inapplicable object property.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 24. July 2022, 03:47:20 »

Well I found a far more disgusting solution that works. It's the dirtiest hack I could think of, but as long as it works I am happy to use it.

Tell me what you think of this. Let me know if it's likely to blow up in my face.

The problem with using "OnScriptBegin" is that it re-rolls on every map change. I cannot simply prevent it running by using SetData/GetData because, for some strange reason, GetData and SetData don't seem to work for held weapons or inventory items, so the rapier was changing colours between maps. I originally fixed this by changing it to use OnCreate instead, which only runs once. The problem with using "OnCreate" is that it doesn't affect already existing rapiers in the maps, meaning I had to do a bunch of DML edits and replace rapiers via script, which meant compatibility concerns (needing to do manual DMLs for SCP, Secmod etc) as well as being incompatible with mods like SS2-RSD which dynamically remove, swap and replace items via scripts, which would not affect the newly placed rapiers as they have different object IDs, and depending on various factors would swap before other mods could change their properties.

I instead used a horrible hack to fix both problems. I am using OnBeginScript again, which means it does affect pre-placed rapiers in the maps, but as part of OnBeginScript, I forcibly set my own Script Slot to "", effectively removing the script. This prevents OnScriptBegin from running again on map changes and game reloads.

I gave it a quick test and will upload, but will not be removing the old BETA version because I am not entirely happy with this solution, even if it works. I feel it is inherently fragile and could have implications elsewhere.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. July 2022, 18:50:20 »

kind of depends, if the Secmod maps are close enough to SCP, then you can just add handling for Secmod exclusive objects and as long as SCP does not have the object, nothing bad will happen, the console will throw an error obj not found but that's it. Repairman does this, working for both vanilla and SCP.

or you can create alternate dml set just for Secmod, a separate download but the safest and cleanest way of doing this.

and it is also possible to keep everything in one single package - you will have to check the TFix fmdml folder and use that setup if you don't want to maintain separate packages - basically, Dark can load a dml with a completely custom name from one specific folder (which can contain loads of dmls), and only actually apply it when a matching fingerprint is found).

also, limited access to the internet for the next week, so only can help with stuff stored directly in my memory.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. July 2022, 17:49:39 »

I might need some DML help for this one, @voodoo47 or someone.

So basically, I have this fixed for vanilla/scp, using DML files for each mission.

I also want to fix it for Secmod, but....well obviously there's a problem because I am already using DMLs for the mission files, and they are specifically fingerprinted against secmod (because for example Secmod removes the laser rapier in eng1).

How would I make DMLs for the Secmod maps and still have the ones for the regular maps? Do I just create alternate versions of the .mis dmls in the dbmods folder?
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. July 2022, 17:26:23 »

Okay, I have fixed all the in-game Laser Rapiers in Vanilla and SCP. I will do Secmod versions of the DML when I get around to it.

This has been tested and it works, but not thoroughly. I haven't completed the game or anything with it.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. July 2022, 16:32:09 »

Strange, that shouldn't be happening.

I will look into it.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 22. July 2022, 14:22:04 »

Woops, I just started a new run to try RSD's new version, and with your mod, sadly rapiers placed on the maps still have the default properties (tested with the first one you find at Deck 1 near the reactor), changing level makes the min and max brightness good again, but self lit rad stays default/minimal.
It was also a blue one, not sure if I was very unlucky or if something doesn't work here as well.
Note that I'm not using the beta version you just referred to, but the version just before, the one that fixed randomization in inventory at level transition/reload and such.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 21. July 2022, 08:29:52 »

damn I forgot to convert it to jpg first, going to do that asap
-> done
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 21. July 2022, 08:19:09 »

I finally figured out Squirrel script messaging, so I have added a system to allow objects to force linked rapiers to use a certain colour. This is used by the assassins - they roll a colour themselves, and pass it on to all rapiers they create (including their loot when they die).

The message system in Dark is easy to use, powerful, flexible and consistent. It has also allowed me to make my code significantly simpler, as the assassin can handle themselves and then tell the rapier what to do. I guess, contrary to popular belief, there are SOME free lunches in Dark.

Since the messaging system is all relatively new to me, I have decided to play it safe. I have uploaded a BETA version for now. Once more people have tested it, it should be good to release as a full version.

Deu sexI'd like to make rapier colors compatible with the upcoming rapier assassin minimod for Scary Monsters, but I'm not sure precisely how to do it at the moment.

It's already done. Just remember that you need to ship Obj/Txt16/bluegrad.gif from secmod as part of the assassin rapier addon for scary monsters, as it's missing in your beta version. If people decide to use your rapiers addon without this mod, the assassin rapiers will have the jorge textures and be purple-ish rather than bright blue as originally intended. Alternatively, this mod ships an altered version of the model that uses a PCX texture instead, so it has the right colour pallette to represent the original rapier colour EXACTLY, so the assassin rapier looks exactly like the regular one. Feel free to include it in your mod too if you wish (in which case you will also need BLUEORIG.PCX).
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 21. July 2022, 01:36:37 »

System Shock 2 is such a highly detailed, photorealistic gaming experience we need huge images to really soak in all the minute details
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 21. July 2022, 00:41:59 »

[fucking huge image]
Please refrain from inlining multi-megabyte PNGs.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 21. July 2022, 00:03:16 »

Thanks for the info. Yeah I tried putting in texture paths, had no luck, so maybe it's for AI's, or maybe not implemented in the SS2 version of the engine, I don't know.

It's a shame actually. If this sort of feature was properly in the engine, it would allow the creation of pretty compatible skin type mods (like having 2-3 hybrid skins chosen randomly), but ah well.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. July 2022, 23:37:35 »


so probably not usable for weapons. that assassin texture looks like outdated Secmod.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 20. July 2022, 23:25:27 »

What is up with your assassin models? The textures on them look completely broken?

I haven't really looked at heat disks, I feel like it might be a little too much effort for an effect that's not likely to look good, but I might have another look at it soon.

For now though, unless voodoo or ZB come up with a really good answer to my question above that lets me completely change how this mod works (for the better), then I basically consider this done for the most part. I might look into heat particles, but I have some other mods I need to get properly tested and released (like my Keypad mod)

Then again, RSD has been done for almost a year now, and that mod's still going.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 20. July 2022, 10:37:41 »

Works very well now thanks! Doesn't randomize in inventory, keeps the right color, and rapier position on the model is accurate now

The fact that it randomizes on assassins rapiers is not an issue as far as I'm concerned, they'll die before they even get the chance to draw two swords anyways hehehe.

This shapes really good as it is, any chance something can be done with the heat particles?
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 20. July 2022, 09:28:21 »

So there's a property in Renderer->Mesh Textures, which from what it looks like in the editor, apparently allows replacing a texture in a mesh with another one?

This would be extremely useful for this mod because currently it's shipping a bunch of copies of the rapier model in order to effectively replace the texture paths within the model files.

@voodoo47 or @ZylonBane have either of you used this property or know of any similar ones? Has it ever worked? I tried putting in all sorts of inputs but never got anything useful out of it.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 20. July 2022, 05:16:16 »

I introduced an extremely stupid bug in v1.01 that prevented the "changing colour in your inventory" on level change/reload bug from being fixed, and actually made it WORSE.

For the 2 people that downloaded v1.01, please download v1.02. That was my bad, sorry.

Fun Fact: GetData/SetData and friends don't work for inventory items at all, so my usual thing of "set parameters, check them later" doesn't work at all. So I just did everything on create rather than OnScriptBegind (didn't even know about OnCreate) and it all worked like magic.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 20. July 2022, 03:22:18 »

Okay, I believe I have fixed both issues.

The rapier should no longer randomise inside your inventory at all, or on level load etc.

Assassins now use the correct rapier model. Unfortunately, they generate a new rapier each time they attack - it's just part of that mod and I can't change it. This means on every attack, their rapier will reroll a different colour.

This may be desired, but if not, there's a new option in the squirrel script file to force assassins to use a specific colour always.

I have attached a new version to the original release post. I really should start using that as a common post for new releases since this is now an "official" mod with actual users, not just an engineering project.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 19. July 2022, 23:44:14 »

This makes sense, I actually am using copies of the models (in order to change the texture paths)

Also, I will fix the level transition issue. It seems like it's resetting some values on level load, so I will set the values on load (without rerolling a new colour)

Sorry you're having issues :(
Posted by: RoSoDude
« on: 19. July 2022, 21:17:41 »

Okay, I figured. They do indeed use a different model, borrowed from Secmod.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 19. July 2022, 18:38:08 »

The rapier position is good only when it is the neutral rapier, the one from the model that is not actually a rapier if you see what I mean,
scary monsters is loaded above assassins rapier, above RSD beta 12 hotfixed, above Coloured Laser Rapiers
Posted by: RoSoDude
« on: 19. July 2022, 18:26:39 »

Deu sexHmm, that rapier position on the assassin is off. Is it always like that? And how did you get different rapier colors for the assassin?

I'd like to make rapier colors compatible with the upcoming rapier assassin minimod for Scary Monsters, but I'm not sure precisely how to do it at the moment.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 19. July 2022, 18:15:00 »

Very cool! Love that you implemented the things! I just increased SelfLitRad to 30 and reduced min and max brightness to 200 and 230 to suit my convenience, and just kept the red, purple, and green additional rapiers to 1 in the randomized chance, others at 0, very cool to have such flexibility.


the rapier gets randomized inside your inventory at level transition or reload though, and sometimes it's a little messed up, like here at Deck 4 with a red rapier and blue light


I'm using the latest RSD beta 12 hotfix, rapier assassins, and of course the coloured laser rapier mod
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 15. July 2022, 16:39:12 »

I fixed a bug where the Rapier was inheriting the Energy Weapons script from it's parent. I also made white and black rapiers half as likely to appear, since they look strange and are generally weirder and more niche. As a result of this, each rapier colour can now have it's individual chance to appear adjusted! Got a favourite that you like more than the rest, but want to still see the others? Bump it's chance up!

I find it odd and annoying that we are hard limited to 4 script slots and thanks to Dont Inherit being true we can't add more via metaprops.

In some ways I wish the EnergyWeapon script was detached from the Energy (-14) archetype and instead attached to each of the energy weapon archetypes through a metaprop, then we could get access to more script slots on the rapier by using metaprops. Because of this quirk, this mod currently has an incompatiblity with SS2-RSD because that mod uses all 4 script slots on the rapier.

Here's what happens when I deliberately mess with the chance values...

UPDATE: Thanks @RoSoDude for the RSD Update. This is now compatible again with Version 8 Beta 12 (hotfixed today) and should remain compatible going forward.

[dump047.png expired]
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 15. July 2022, 14:53:02 »

(looks at code)

Haven't discovered arrays yet, have you?

A-Ray? You mean like one of these?

Actually seriously though, yeah that was a pretty major derp on my part. I basically spent so long hacking this together and getting it barely working (with lots of issues at the time), that I never even considered cleaning it up - brain was goo by that point and I was just happy to get the damn thing done and released, even with it being horrible.

I originally thought squirrel arrays were like C arrays (limited entirely to one type) and abandoned them because of the "sometimes you want values and sometimes you don't" aspect of this and put it in the too hard basket. That's obviously not an issue here since squirrel is weakly typed and allows values of multiple types within arrays.

Despite the snarky response, and it pains me to say this, you're completely correct, arrays are a good fit for this. I feel stupid for not even considering using one. I have uploaded a MUCH neater version.
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