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Posted by: icemann
« on: 22. May 2024, 04:47:20 »

Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 21. May 2024, 23:43:58 »

Night Dive has finally achieved late-stage System Shock.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 13. May 2024, 19:43:58 »

Still no dedicated key to play the last log you picked up. Night Dive's UI designers lagging behind a quarter-century-old game.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 04. May 2024, 05:05:19 »

A minor hotfix by the sound of it, compared to previous patches.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 03. May 2024, 20:01:01 »

Posted by: Briareos H
« on: 29. April 2024, 11:59:37 »

Briareos H
I was able to finish the game after the latest patch. Phew!

I may write down some more detailed feedback later but the short of it is that I am very happy with how the game was remade. It is a lot more faithful than I was expecting while bringing new elements of design language that are valuable on their own. Citadel still feels like its own place and the way exploration works in the original is almost perfectly reproduced.

The art style is definitely my jam. I found the consistency in visual style to elicit the early 3D graphics cyberpunk look quite remarkable, with a very confident grasp of the Unreal Engine for a first release. And the nearest neighbor filtered low-res look was love at first sight, but I suppose that's a me thing.

Like the OG, the second half is looser and some aspects of the original game's main quest progression could have been improved without undermining the minimal signposting approach. If I didn't know the game by heart I would definitely have gotten lost around the time you need the master jettison code.

The combat was interesting, somehow the interplay of systems that were completely overhauled such as weapons and enemies results in an imperfect balance that feels fairly close to the original game. Decades of FPSes have made me annoyed that they chose to make the player more of a glass cannon but I can't fault the game for it, and with the proper set up of stim patches and weapon switches the pure shooting was often fun.

Another fun aspect of the overhaul was cyberspace, but it felt less remarkable than in the original. I liked to see a clean and minimalist implementation of a Descent clone (btw I didn't know that Mike Kulas and Matt Toschlog both worked at LGS before moving on to develop Descent. Toschlog is even credited as having worked on libraries in the original and remake, but I'm not sure whether he contributed to the cyberspace implementation in System Shock) and I liked the looks of it, but it lacked something to make it feel special.
The end boss was a messy fight. A bit weird to lose the 6DOF shooting, it didn't work that well but solid attempt and fun Tron 2.0 vibes. I'll still take it over the original ending.

The music was a mixed bag for me, while I don't dislike it and I think the audio director is a competent composer on top of being very good at his main job, it was too subdued for System Shock. The original soundtrack, with all its weirdness, is an integral part of the Citadel experience. Elevator bossa nova is absolutely perfect though.

A clear negative was the recycler mechanics, which felt really clunky. Unless you spend the whole playthrough vaporizing everything you come across, you will never manage to use vending lockers as reliable sources of ammunition or health, so the obvious use is for weapon upgrades. Those upgrades are nice but why not simply make them found items like hardware upgrades? Hoarding in-game currency for upgrades is one of the ImSim tropes that I've always disliked and one of the reasons the original System Shock is still my favorite.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 25. April 2024, 20:20:12 »

ZylonBaneIt isn't a deal breaker for me but I agree that some sort of explanation would be nice.

Also unrelated but for some reason the female hacker only changes the head, arms, and voice. For some reason despite the custom artwork, in game the female model reuses the male torso and legs which is a bit disappointing.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 25. April 2024, 18:00:58 »

"Pseudospace" is what they're calling the final battle arena? Ugh. SS2 could use the FTL drive to handwave that nonsense, but SS1 lore has no such reality-warping excuse.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 25. April 2024, 16:51:39 »

Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 15. April 2024, 09:21:57 »


Oh well, still sounds a tiny bit less bad I guess.
Posted by: NeilHoward17
« on: 15. April 2024, 09:15:28 »

Nameless Voice
Yes, now you are mortal.

Now you have more than one gun option, and now have to destroy some ICE whilst avoiding enemies, you still have to do it three times.
Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 14. April 2024, 18:28:06 »

Did they at least change it so you don't have to do the exact same thing three times while being immortal?
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 14. April 2024, 15:56:08 »

Night Dive: Oh no, everyone hates our final "cyberspace" boss fight where you run around on foot shooting things like some kind of Doomguy. We'd better fix that.

Also Night Dive: So yeah we decided to double down on it instead lol.
Posted by: Briareos H
« on: 14. April 2024, 15:06:03 »

Xkilljoy98If we go by the technical issue reports in the Steam forums, I'm far from being the only one with major issues (i.e. a broken game) playing from a previous save. I'm pretty sure 1.2 is a big improvement for people starting the game from scratch but it's kind of a russian roulette if you want to pick up where you left off.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 14. April 2024, 14:13:30 »

You expected a game released after 2010 to be in a playable state?

Your standards are too high.

Wow. What I expected was not to have to wait a year for a patch that was ready ever since roughly July / August of last year, and that it still not completely fix after this length of time, the very thing it was designed to fix. Sure it's not THE thing that was causing save game issues (of infinite projectiles resulting which essentially led to corrupted saved games), but for there still to be save game corruption related issues to still be present is very disappointing.

Especially this long after release. To give a comparison, Cyberpunk 2077 which released in a HORRIBLE state on release, got constant updates after, which eventually got the game up to a much less bug ridden state. Are the issues with Cyberpunk completely fixed? No. But it's FAR better than it was.

SSR on the other hand got I think 3 patches after release, then nothing for a full year (almost) before we FINALLY got a new one. Is that their fault? Well yes and no. The patch was held back due to their publisher, but they chose that publisher.
Posted by: NeilHoward17
« on: 14. April 2024, 13:33:44 »

The end boss is worse with this patch, the original end boss wasn't perfect, but it was better in my opinion than either of the final bosses in the remake. I hate how Cyberspace is now segmented arenas. And still no Gamepig.

But other than that, I think it's fantastic. I do miss being able to climb on pipes and vines though.

I do wish the levels had a more circular feel, to match the station exterior, and I wish that the exec suites had exec bathrooms. I hate those dragon fly cyberspace things, and I dislike the invisible mutants.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 14. April 2024, 13:17:46 »

sarge945I mean it isn't a perfect port but it still runs mostly ok after you tweak some options
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 14. April 2024, 13:03:38 »

Oh well, I suppose there is still a chance that NDS will fix them in time for the console versions release.

NDS has left System Shock Enhanced Edition in an unplayable state for over 3 years, and they continue to sell it on Steam.
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 14. April 2024, 12:48:00 »

You expected a game released after 2010 to be in a playable state?

Your standards are too high.

But patch 1.2 took nearly a year to arrive. If NDS had diverted enough of their resources to testing/bug fixing SSR, instead of beginning new projects (Quake 2, Turok 3, Star Wars: Dark Forces) then the game would be devoid of any actual/noticeable bugs and glitches. It's absolutely ridiculous that publicly known bugs have not been fixed by now.

Stupidly, I had assumed that by the time the console versions were released (which is what, six weeks or so from now) they would be devoid of any of the bugs that plagued the PC game. Oh well, I suppose there is still a chance that NDS will fix them in time for the console versions release.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 14. April 2024, 10:28:51 »

God dammit. Been waiting since July last year to play the game, was hoping it was fixed now, and it's not. Grr.

More waiting then.

You expected a game released after 2010 to be in a playable state?

Your standards are too high.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 13. April 2024, 14:59:05 »

icemannI mean it is playable, just some bugs here and there. Mostly minor stuff, I hadn't encountered anything in the latest patch that is game breaking
Posted by: icemann
« on: 13. April 2024, 14:24:31 »

Unfortunately the update seems to have introduced some problems of its own, like the Magpulse not being able to chamber a second round after a while, and it also seems to have broken my save as the game crashes when I take the elevator to Executive. Hoping for a hotfix.

God dammit. Been waiting since July last year to play the game, was hoping it was fixed now, and it's not. Grr.

More waiting then.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 12. April 2024, 20:15:56 »

must be that fingernail polish.
Posted by: Briareos H
« on: 12. April 2024, 19:34:31 »

Unfortunately the update seems to have introduced some problems of its own, like the Magpulse not being able to chamber a second round after a while, and it also seems to have broken my save as the game crashes when I take the elevator to Executive. Hoping for a hotfix.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 12. April 2024, 07:06:42 »

Posted by: sarge945
« on: 12. April 2024, 03:47:27 »

At 5mb+, it's more like attack of the killer PNGs
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 12. April 2024, 03:44:31 »


Edit: Not sure how pngs that small are an issue unless you are running it on older hardware
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 12. April 2024, 01:52:48 »

Return of the PNGs.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 12. April 2024, 00:32:58 »

Fem Hacker
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 08. April 2024, 00:03:43 »

They say that the physical stuff will release, when that will be IDK. They say "soon", but who knows

Another thing is that I wanna know if Gamepig minigames are gonna be in the patch 1.2? Previously in past updates the threw in an "Oink Oink" at the end to hint at it but it hasn't been mentioned since last year, and you'd think that it would be in the patch notes but no. Did they forget? Is it in there and they aren't mentioning it? Is it coming later?

Who knows
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 06. April 2024, 17:49:29 »

A poster on the Kickstart page mentioned the physical version of the console release of SSR. Does anyone know for definite if that is coming out? I just assumed that the PS4 game would just be digital download, like all of NDS' other PS4 releases (Doom 64, Turok 1 to 3, Quake 1 and 2, etc), but if a physical release is coming out, then I'd prefer to have that.

I don't care about the extra stuff (art book, music CD, figurines, etc), but a physical disc in the DVD box would look nice on my shelf.

I would e-mail NDS and ask, but it's NDS, so...
Posted by: fox
« on: 05. April 2024, 14:10:38 »

I agree that this is a bit of a spoiler but maybe people shouldn't read patch notes anyway if they try to avoid such stuff. Wouldn't have hurt NDS to mention this in a less revealing way though. Then again, they probably thought this could help sales a bit.
Posted by: Pyornkrachzark
« on: 05. April 2024, 13:34:42 »

From the Steam website:
"Face and defeat Shodan once more in her new cyberspace domain"
OK, this game is so old that everyone knows the ending, but they should avoid spoiling it
What I meant is that they reveal the fact that Shodan will be faced in cyberspace, which is something the player might not expect... Well it's something that I didn't expect the first time I played the original game 😅
Posted by: icemann
« on: 05. April 2024, 06:47:35 »

Female hacker looking very Aliens marines inspired. Just missing the red headband and smart gun.

Posted by: Briareos H
« on: 05. April 2024, 05:36:42 »

Shodan is the end boss of System Shock???
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 04. April 2024, 22:04:40 »

What are you even talking about? The part you quoted is referring to the fact that this patch changes the final battle.
Posted by: Pyornkrachzark
« on: 04. April 2024, 21:52:42 »

From the Steam website:
"Face and defeat Shodan once more in her new cyberspace domain"
OK, this game is so old that everyone knows the ending, but they should avoid spoiling it
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 04. April 2024, 19:16:30 »

Would be nice if the female hacker has the fashion sense to not wear those awful half-fingered gloves, but somehow I doubt it.
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 04. April 2024, 13:05:28 »

You could email NDS to ask for the source files, or 1:1 image files. They might actually reply to that type of request.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 04. April 2024, 02:41:53 »

Nameless Voice
Possibly, if so that is gonna make me need to get screenshots instead
Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 03. April 2024, 11:12:27 »

I don't see them either.  It's possible that they use the 3D models for the inventory too?
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 03. April 2024, 01:59:23 »

Unrelated, but I did need to get the pictures of the item inventory icons but can't find them in the files
Posted by: icemann
« on: 29. March 2024, 07:11:54 »

Nothing about the next patch unfortunately. 100% about physical game releases.
Posted by: Xkilljoy98
« on: 28. March 2024, 20:25:03 »

Posted by: icemann
« on: 24. March 2024, 02:26:40 »

Should be. Their lead programmer (Matt) has been posting on Discord about the patch for close to a year (I can't believe its been that long between patches) and he never mentioned anything about it not being compatible. Especially as one of the fixes is specifically about save games.
Posted by: Briareos H
« on: 23. March 2024, 09:34:18 »

Do we know if 1.2 will be backwards compatible with existing saves? I'm about two-thirds through the game (loving most of it btw!) and I feel like stopping here and waiting for the patch.
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 15. March 2024, 17:10:05 »

So we now have a projected release date for the console versions? I hope NDS stick to the date, but given their previous record, I'm not exactly confident.

Still, it's good to have a possible (probable?) ETA, so thanks to NDS for that.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 12. March 2024, 21:55:50 »

"The PC version of Patch 1.2 will soon be released in the near future."

Gotta love the usual Night Dive vagueness.
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