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Posted by: Enchantermon
« on: 01. June 2011, 22:21:29 »

Lines such as "Babies must feed" don't make much sense when she has no breasts (which are there to feed infants not to be stared at) to feed them with.
As I recall, there is no such line in the game. Perhaps you are thinking of the Many's line: "Babies must sleep. Babies must rest. Wise is the one who does not waken them."
Besides, the annelids would have no need for a woman's breast milk.
Posted by: skullkan6
« on: 01. June 2011, 21:08:27 »

Nice Idea for a skin but I definitely have a problem with this, what people can mis-understand is that the mid-wife is supposed to be a cyborg MOTHER and that is exactly what makes her so disturbing. Now while I do understand how the breasts make it look less scary you have to realize that the circuitry going up her spine and covering her ovaries is controlling her and that is still a human body. My personal idea of what a midwife should look like is more toward what the latest version of rebirth has only with a modified face, and stronger legs. Having almost half the breast cybernetic makes more sense in-universe considering what it's purpose is. Lines such as "Babies must feed" don't make much sense when she has no breasts (which are there to feed infants not to be stared at) to feed them with. Also someone need to draw a line between the full human face and the current Rebirth model shown here: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/747/midwiferebirth02.png. Around 1/4 to a full half  of the face should be mechanical or missing skin as it makes more sense in how shodan creates the cyborgs. The face is what we look to when we wish to find a sense of being human, but what is so frightening about Shodan's cyborgs is that they are humans who were forced to become cyborgs, and therefore not made by a human who would wish it to look more human, but at the same time not created specifically to look the opposite.
Though I do agree with Koyla.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 21. March 2011, 04:32:02 »

Eldron's model is good for the most part, but I think it needs more cybernetic implants on the arms since I believe the midwife has a number of tools she can access via her hands for tending and defending.  I also think that the scars should be a little more apparent rather than cosmetic. 

Other than that, looks good.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 21. March 2011, 01:08:37 »

I agree that the contrast between humanity and cruelty is actually emphasised by showing the breasts in Eldon's model.
I think what most of us had a problem with wasn't really the fact that tits are shown in rebirth at all, but the "frightened porn star" quality the whole model has that is out of context in the game.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 21. March 2011, 00:54:31 »

Yeah now see that model shows clear evidence of trauma and surgery but leaves the upper body intact AND shows that wrecked face look Firon referred too without going as far as to deflesh it completely. 

When I think of all the movies that I found truly disturbing, one pattern stands out:

It's easy to make something grotesque looking...but that's almost expected by the audience.  Focus on something they don't expect and flip their understanding of normal upside down and you've got something truly horifying. 

Working in parallel with that, you always run the risk of showing something illogical that certain people will pick up on.  If the immersion factor is good, you get away with it but one should be careful with this.  Nurse Bloome's face may look mangled for any number of reasons.  IMO, showing the face in a somewhat transitional state, as Eldron did, leaves room for speculation as to why it's decomposing in the first place (or whatever is happening to it) instead of suggesting:  Hey look we ripped her face off when we operated on her!

As far as the breasts go, the Cyberblutch implementation may very well be over the top.  I've silently noted this on a number of occasions myself.  I guess my point was that the breasts as a feature should be preserved in some form since I can't easily justify why they'd be removed or covered up and it creates a stronger contrast between the physical features that represent nurture and tenderness with the inner turmoil and behavioural features representing insanity, violence and blood-lust.

The only problem with Eldron's (if you can call it a problem, maybe it's just me) is that the "nurse bloome" look is far less appropriate as a "common" model to be found all over the ship than the "white girl" model.  Does Bloome have her own distinction from the other midwives in the game?  The hair should be different for the others in a perfect world.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 21. March 2011, 00:29:51 »

Speaking of which...I guess NV has other things to do at the moment than rigging someone else's model, but I'm still looking forward to the final release of Eldron's midwife, which is a new model with new texture that might eventually do the old one justice.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 21. March 2011, 00:22:12 »

The only problem I have with a number of midwife mods is that they get rid of the "no-skin" face.  It diminishes how scary the midwife really is because here...she herself looks scared, of us, and possessing much more humanity.  The original made the midwives vaguely resemble their former selves so that you knew they were female humans at some point, but what happened to them and such makes them scarier opponents than the hybrids; especially those muscule-exposed and bone-lined faces.

I don't really care whether or not the midwife has a techno-bra or not, it's just not scary enough when her face isn't as menacing.  Kind of a similar story to the top of the torso because the skin doesn't appear being stretched or tightened like the original. 

But that's just my opinion.  It's a good model, I just don't think its scary enough; so I agree with ZylonBane.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 21. March 2011, 00:16:35 »

Distorting art in the name of making what's supposed to be a scary AI not look laughable is okay though. Cyberblutch's double-D cyborg tits were not a good choice. Depicting the cyborg midwives as having been stripped of every trace of their humanity except what's required to care for the "children" is far more horrifying.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 21. March 2011, 00:12:30 »

Excellent work on the mod and this is strictly a stylistic comment but I've always despised the apparent need to distort a perfectly good piece of art in the name of censorship.  In a practical sense, I'm sure there are those out there who might prefer a non-nude experience or maybe they'd like to spare those around them from seeing it but in most cases, if you're an adult playing alone, why screw with the model?  BTW I realize I'm also criticizing the original ss2 model since it didn't show breasts but if you break it down, what sense is there in manufacturing some sort of mechanized bra/plate thing as part of a cyber augmentation?  Midwives are supposed to serve the same function in their new role as mothers serve in a human role...to nurture and provide care.  Granted we're talking about eggs with worms in them instead of children but I find it hard to believe that the Many has any interest in modesty or in relieving unnecessary lower back pain by excising a woman's breasts.

Like I said before though....good work on the mod itself :)
Posted by: Chii
« on: 19. March 2011, 19:11:05 »

Aaaw, she's SO cute!
Posted by: Enchantermon
« on: 09. October 2010, 16:32:43 »

. . . techno-bra . . .
Best new word of the year. ;)
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 09. October 2010, 15:45:39 »

Tags: °mesh °SS2
Install the Rebirth Mod first then install this on top.

This skin by huginn for the Rebirth midwife model by Cyberblutch gives Ms Bloome a nice techno-bra (see the screenshots below).
"Perfect for avoiding those awkward moments when a stranger walks by!" as huginn said on TTLG.
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