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In which year was System Shock 2 released:

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Posted by: AT-HE
« on: 14. February 2014, 06:41:23 »

i like to think triop/unn just bring bad quality/experimental weapons

.. after all many things in vonbraun/ricbkenbacker are broken or doesnt work properly (weapons, administrative procedures, ethics, etc.)
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 11. December 2010, 13:34:47 »

I've read these articles of course and some of these things were already known, eg the corrosive gas (or an entropy field) of the Many causing weapons to degradate. But they haven't been collected here yet and you've done that nicely. Thank you, Leadershinji.
I'll make sure to link this thread in the background infos and move it to the SS2 archive.
Posted by: Leadershinji
« on: 11. December 2010, 13:12:19 »

I havent see it anywhere here, also i miss that in the background informations about Sshock ( https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=817.0 )

From the Vault | Irrational Games :

by IG.ShawnElliott on January 26 2010

For every feature that ends up in a game, 10 more are proposed and dumped during the pre-production phase, and another five on the road to final release*. The handful of examples that follow offer a window into the different ways that BioShock and System Shock 2 might have turned out.

*These aren’t hard figures. Include them in your school papers at your own peril.
System Shock 2’s missing log

“One of the most controversial design decisions in Shock 2,” says designer Dorian Hart, “was to have the weapons degrade with use, and so be in regular need of repair. From a pure design standpoint, the goal was to ratchet up the feeling of constant tension. Part of what made Shock 2 such an emotional experience was that we never let the player get comfortable; having players know that their guns could jam in the middle of a fight played straight to that goal.

“There was, and continues to be, backlash from the fans about that system — and a majority of that criticism comes as complaints about the realism of the system.  In real life, weapons don’t noticeably degrade with each shot fired, and so it angered players that the Shock 2 weapons had that behavior.

“The maddening truth about that was, at least once during development, we talked about having an audio log in the game that talked about why that was happening — enough so that some people on the team thought we actually shipped with it. The log would have explained that as part of their takeover, the Many had released a special corrosive gas into the Von Braun that damaged weapons but was harmless to organic creatures.

“Of course, in hindsight, the team has been kicking themselves for not including that audio log. In one fell 30-second swoop, we could have prevented about 80 percent of the complaints, or at least redirected them toward Xerxes and the Many, and away from the development team.”

quote : http://irrationalgames.com/insider/five-cut-features/#more-2726

Image: http://irrationalgames.com/files/2010/07/ss2_007.jpg

What Might have Been

by IG.Collin on January 29 2010

All games have secrets that stay locked away for years on end.  Creative Director Ken Levine sits down and reveals some of these secrets from 1999’s classic shooter System Shock 2.

Apocalypse Shock?

“The original story had the player going to a spaceship to assassinate a character similar to Colonel Walter Kurtz from Apocalypse Now,” says Creative Director Ken Levine. “We pitched the game to Paul Neurath at Looking Glass Studios based on a story outline I wrote and they gave us access to the Dark Engine which was used to make Thief.”

“We took the concept around to all the major publishers of the day and we ended up talking to Electronic Arts, who held the rights to System Shock,” Levine adds.  EA eventually did sign the project and the original story outline quickly emerged. As Levine puts it, “you can’t have a System Shock game without SHODAN, so I wanted to rewrite everything.  I was such a System Shock fanboy that it was a dream come true to create the sequel.”

Zero-G vs. Technology

“Originally, the level that would become The Many had the player traverse from the Von Braun to The Rickenbacker on the outside of the hull,” says Levine. “We thought it would be a really cool mission because it would change everything the player was used to by introducing a zero gravity environment as well as changing the behavior of all the monsters.”  The technology in 1998, when System Shock 2 was in development, really didn’t allow for such grandiose ideas unless it was a major feature in the game.  Levine remembers chatting with Lead Programmer Robert Fermier to discuss the level and being told, “Dude that is going to be a huge amount of work for it to work properly.”  A feature specific to only a single mission of the game didn’t fit into the schedule. Levine adds, “It was good that it got cut. If you don’t have the resources for it, you can’t make it that good.”

F’ing with the Player

“To fuck with the audience was a new concept in video games,” says Levine on creating the plot twists in System Shock 2.  “It was a bit of an experiment and it had some resistance from the team, but once I had the idea I really wanted to run with it.”  With the help of Randy Smith, who was on loan from Looking Glass Studios, the script that Levine wrote was built into the sequence in DromED (the tool used to create levels in System Shock 2). Levine remembers, “That was a very challenging task and ended up being the most complex sequence in the game to script, with the multimedia presentation where the player finds out that Shodan has been posing as Polito the entire time.”

The End?  Rewrite.

“Due to miscommunications or differing ideas, a different cinematic video was created from the one that I originally scripted,” says Levine. “It had this elaborate sequence where Shodan would attempt to kill you in a double-cross, as this ‘cyber stinger’ that was in view provided tension of your impending doom.”  Upon getting his hands on the video for the ending sequence, Levine didn’t see anything that he wrote in the script.  “We didn’t have much to work with.  It was like when you look in the cupboard and you’re trying to make soup, and you have a bag of salt and couple of pinto beans.”  Working with fixed assets can be extremely challenging especially with limited time and resources as well as fighting the technology back then.  Levine remembers, “We had to write to the assets we had at that point, and all we could do was edit it.  We completely ran out of time and that cut scene wasn’t the right ending for the game.”

900 Square Feet of Amateurs

“System Shock 2 was made in single room, which was around 900 square feet,” Levine recalls of the original office space that Irrational Games called home.  “We didn’t have any money and didn’t have a lot of experience shipping games at that point.  We lucked out by hiring some newcomers like Nate Wells, Ian Vogel, Michael Swiderek, and Mauricio Tejerina, as well as being loaned some guys from Looking Glass, including Dorian Hart, Alexx Kay, and Randy Smith.” Working in such conditions on a project that lasted 11 months lead to many sleepless nights and likely some foul body odor.  “If we knew then what we know now, we probably would have just stopped in our tracks petrified, and not have been successful because we wouldn’t have thought we could pull it off,” remembers Levine.  While conditions were cramped, there was a great deal of optimism while working on System Shock 2. “I remember getting that first milestone check for around $75,000 from Looking Glass and thinking, ‘OH MY GOD! WE CAN DO ANYTHING!’ We made it happen.”

quote : http://irrationalgames.com/insider/what-might-have-been/

Hope it helps, i think the part with the missing log is very interesting :)
Also i really like the idea to enter the many via EVA mission, with zero-g.

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