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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 12. December 2015, 20:12:07 »

time for some dml/NVscript magic - the attached mod, once activated, will slaughter ALL spiders EVERYWHERE, vanilla, SCP, fan missions, it just won't care. a worm will be spawned at their place. pre-placed spider corpses will also be removed.

note: if the level does something scripted with a spider, this mod will break it (no change there, the previously posted mods that were removing spiders are not any different) - a good example would be the Eng2 Many sequence, while the spiders will be converted into worms properly, they will not patrol around like the spiders did (as that part is scripted on the spiders, and will die with them).

//attached to the first post after a round of (successful) tests.
Posted by: CFW Magic
« on: 10. November 2015, 13:56:28 »

I can't seem to get the DML part to work properly (not having enough time to really dig into the guides to DML might be an issue here), however, for anybody who still wants it, here is the revised and all fixed up version of shockscp.gam

I might get back to attempting to switch spiders into something else, but don't expect it too hard. Trying to replace them by worms made BotM rather complicated due to how small these are and the lack of a flashlight, and replacing them with rumblers is guaranteed to rip up anybody who didn't play the game for at least 4/5 times (or doesn't play on easy).

Another suggestion stems from voodoo's proposition to replace the spider model and give it new sounds, but I'm nowhere near 3D graphics and animation, so I'll have to bow out for now.

Feel free to use this as you see fit. Yell at me if something's broken/not working. I'll attempt to fix it ASAP.
[shockscp.zip expired]
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 09. November 2015, 20:07:50 »

Maybe I sounded too harsh due to the brevity of my post. I understand that a fear one doesn't share is absurd and hilarious. I don't have Arachnophobia myself. But if System Shock triggered social phobia, how many here would be able to mock that as easily?
So please show respect and empathy or refrain from posting in this particular thread. Thanks.

//Opiliones are arachnids and therfore no exemption. Did you really have to ask?
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 09. November 2015, 19:39:43 »

Is it my imagination, or are some of the arachnids in the Many cutscene different than the others (and new to scp b2)? I saw some with some white markings on their bodies and they had a slightly different shape. Opiliones, maybe?
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 09. November 2015, 18:46:37 »

Opiliones are okay though, right?
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 09. November 2015, 15:32:11 »

Myself, I have never been much bothered by spiders. However, this thread is starting to look a little scary.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 08. November 2015, 21:40:56 »

Anyone who posts a picture containing spiders here or ridicules Arachnophobia gets a 5 day ban. Are we clear?
Posted by: System Shocked
« on: 08. November 2015, 02:47:55 »

@ CFW Magic

Don't forget that   .   .   .   .   .

[Image deleted by moderator.]

Posted by: Olfred
« on: 08. November 2015, 01:19:24 »

Added to the cure is turning all the worms into spiders and there will be a Spiderblend implant where you have to eat the spiders.

[Image deleted by moderator.]
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 06. November 2015, 18:44:12 »

The cure for fear of spiders is MORE SPIDERS. The BotM and SHODAN bosses are now giant, screen-filling spiders. That shoot spiders at you.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. November 2015, 18:23:27 »

I don't think adding a pumpkin with a glowing face would help an arachnophobiac out.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 06. November 2015, 18:14:24 »

Maybe the pumpkin head spider world do the trick. Can't imagine even a severe arachnophobia would be too bothered by that
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. November 2015, 17:42:40 »

yeah, stims and act/react are a no go, but pretty sure there is a way around with all the possibilities that NVscript gives. supported by v2.44 now.

for example, why don't you take a completely new approach to the task, and convert all the spiders into worms, or bags of chips, or whatever does not make you want to pull out your flamethrower upon level start.
Posted by: CFW Magic
« on: 06. November 2015, 00:14:06 »

Alright, time to learn how to put this mod into DML. Thanks for the links, VooDoo.

Zylon wants me to have a heart attack, respiratory paralysis and then drown in my own puke puddle... That, or I shall go on a flammenwerfer rampage.


So as far as the DML documentation has taught me, it's not possible to create new stims and assign act/react to things, right? Because if that is so, then removing spiders won't be possible. The mod relies on assigning a new stim, making spiders emit this stim and forcing them to react to that same stim by pretty much dieing. I can make them invisible, completely silent, have 1 hp and switched to player team, but they won't self-destruct.

This might take a longer while than I expected it to ...
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 05. November 2015, 22:05:56 »

Your evil knows no bounds! :O
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 05. November 2015, 22:03:24 »

[secretly replaces file with an all-spiders mod]
Posted by: CFW Magic
« on: 05. November 2015, 21:49:50 »

Basically the only way I can deal with insects is by burning them. Get a deodorant and a lighter, light 'em up ... If they're in ashes, I'm a little less panicked ... Insects with less feet/

Either way, I'll do the dml part soon as I'm able to. I'm at work right now, nightshifts and whatnot.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 05. November 2015, 20:02:05 »

converting the changes into a dml should be pretty easy, if you know/remember what changes need to be done. check the dml stuff over at Engineering.

no idea whether some other suitable replacement creature models exist - I'm aware of the roach, but would actually have to ask for the model at TTLG, as I don't see it in any of the public model repositories at a quick glance.

but it's good to see an actual arachnophobiac's angle on this - as I have absolutely no problem with insects, it's pretty hard for me to imagine how things work for someone who does.

the only thing that can disgust me almost up to the point of vomiting are.. people.
Posted by: CFW Magic
« on: 05. November 2015, 18:46:30 »

I see. I've had some sleep and I might want to try and do that (DML edits) instead of toying around with the gamesys, however ... This was the very first time I have actually used ShockED whatsoever so it might take some more time to get  myself good enough to do that. For the time being, I'll re-edit gamesys with a map loaded (cheers for that advice, really helps out). Processing the gamesys fixed the sound problems, but there may be other bugs I'm not aware of.

I'd also suggest using a fly or perhaps something similar to inviso-mutants (since arachnids are supposed to be semi-invisible in some instances), as I'm not sure that a roach model will solve the issue. In my example I start to have uncontrollable panic fits and start vomiting whenever I see a spider, but roaches and such have less of an effect, despite still provoking anxiety. But some of my family members in the same situation have similar circumstances with pretty much anything which has more than 6 legs and crawls low and fast.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 05. November 2015, 17:51:54 »

those are actually symptoms of editing the gamesys without having a map loaded, something you should never do.

anyway, this is exactly the type of mod that should be done via dml, to minimize chances of screwups and to maximize compatibility and (ease of) future editability.

also, there is a giant roach model available at TTLG, turning the spiders into roaches would probably allow arachnophobic people to play while not breaking the game as much (removing three enemy types completely does affect the game balance for quite a bit).
Posted by: CFW Magic
« on: 05. November 2015, 06:18:11 »


I KNEW I forgot something. Forgot to complete process the .gam and as a result many things broke (footstep and door opening/closing sounds being one of them) and I can't even edit my own post because I posted as a guest. Well fuck me sideways ... I need to stop messing around with ShockED in the middle of the night and get some actual sleep ..

Anyway, the .gam is fixed and re-packed. Should work now. Do not use the package in the above links, use this one only. If a mod can remove my above post, I'd appreciate it too.


Ninja: Removed it for now, I'll be making a DML version, if it's at all possible.

Posted by: CFW Magic
« on: 05. November 2015, 02:19:16 »

I think I have figured out how this mod was made and ported it to work with SCP beta 2 (untested so far as I have just finished learning how to use ShockED), being arachnophobic myself, I couldn't bring myself to enjoy that excellent mod just because of these enemies, which, IMHO, is a waste.

For anybody interested, here's the modified shockscp.gam. As said above, it's largely untested. The spiders are set to be un-rendered (invisible), silent, self-destructing on spawn and set to the Good team (player team) to be murdered by any other wandering AI shall something go wrong with the other aspects. I haven't found a way to make spiders "slower than an average dead slug" and do zero damage, but even without those, I think it shall be more than enough to help out fellow arachnophobiacs enjoy the excellent SCP mod.

Please test it out and let me know if it works properly (it should, but who knows?) and if possible, send feedback as this is essentially my very first time using ShockED and I had to figure out how to do that by myself (largely because the advanced tutorial had too much info for me to dig through to find the relevant sections).

Installation process is fairly simple: go to DMM folder in your SCP linked System Shock 2 folder, then to your SCP Beta 2 folder and un-zip the package inside it. The only file in the package is shockscp.gam. Don't forget to back up the original in case I have screwed something up.

P.S.: For our amazing host (Kolya) and/or SCP dev team, feel free to re-host/include the modded .gam in releases or wherever else you need to help out other arachnophobics.

P.P.S.: Shoutout to voodoo47 and ZylonBane for bringing us SCP. Excellent work out there, people.


Posted by: JackTheHacker
« on: 09. February 2014, 20:13:33 »

Phobia is not another word for being easily scared. It's a medical condition with sometimes severe consequences for sufferers. If you're interested here's a good article about arachnophobia.

Thanks for the article. (I'd also like to state that I used the word "scared" as more or less "phobia/phobias triggered".)
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 09. February 2014, 16:51:48 »

While we're at it, why don't we change every enemy into fluffy teddy bears so that nobody gets scared? :P
Phobia is not another word for being easily scared. It's a medical condition with sometimes severe consequences for sufferers. If you're interested here's a good article about arachnophobia.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 09. February 2014, 16:25:29 »

Yeah, fluffy teddy bears would fit well in spaceship filled with ninjas and monkeys shooting ice/fire balls into everything!
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 09. February 2014, 16:19:09 »

While we're at it, why don't we change every enemy into fluffy teddy bears so that nobody gets scared? :P
Yeah, fluffy teddy bears would fit well in spaceship filled with ninjas and monkeys shooting ice/fire balls into everything!
Posted by: JackTheHacker
« on: 09. February 2014, 14:20:22 »

Looking at the huge spiders in SS2 that try to jump on you, the game increases those perceptions. I assume that replacing the spiders with beetles would only partly work for arachnophobes, since only one of the triggers is removed. It might be enough to lower the feelings from phobia to a mere aversion, which would work in the context of the game. The crawlies are supposed to be enemies after all. But replacing them with a completely different foe (eg birds) would be the safer bet.

While we're at it, why don't we change every enemy into fluffy teddy bears so that nobody gets scared? :P
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 09. February 2014, 11:37:05 »

as someone who is ok with spiders/beetles, I can't really relate, that's why it'd be nice to have a real arachnophobic comment on this, so I can consider whether a spider->beetle mod would be worth attempting.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 09. February 2014, 11:17:53 »

As far as I could find out the phobia is triggered by the extra pair of legs, the scuttling and the unpredictable movement patterns.
In western society, around 55% of women and 18% of men experience a fear of spiders to some degree (src).
The phobia alters their perception, making arachnids appear bigger (src, src) and closer (src) than they really are, to those affected. Fun fact: Even many entomologists suffer from arachnophobia (src).

Looking at the huge spiders in SS2 that try to jump on you, the game increases those perceptions. I assume that replacing the spiders with beetles would only partly work for arachnophobes, since only one of the triggers is removed. It might be enough to lower the feelings from phobia to a mere aversion, which would work in the context of the game. The crawlies are supposed to be enemies after all. But replacing them with a completely different foe (eg birds) would be the safer bet.
Posted by: JackTheHacker
« on: 09. February 2014, 00:33:58 »

a question for all our arachnophobic friends - how well do you cope with giant beetles? because I think it shouldn't be too hard to replace all the SS2 spiders with a custom giant beetle model made for Thief2, allowing an arachnophobic person to play the game without breaking a lot of stuff (as simply removing the spiders will indeed break a lot of stuff).

It could even be fed into the storyline, like they are slightly more grown worms/a different type of annelid.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. February 2014, 19:02:40 »

a question for all our arachnophobic friends - how well do you cope with giant beetles? because I think it shouldn't be too hard to replace all the SS2 spiders with a custom giant beetle model made for Thief2, allowing an arachnophobic person to play the game without breaking a lot of stuff (as simply removing the spiders will indeed break a lot of stuff).
« on: 20. January 2014, 01:47:38 »

As a warning, there is still a spider's corpse on the Recreation deck in the mall area (the one with the gardens and I think the chemical room).  It's dead but be prepared if you're an arachnophobe like me.  It's near a dead body that may or may not have good loot on it (I forgot what I found last time) in the second section of shops.  Other than that the mod works really well.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 30. May 2013, 12:10:00 »

Certainly some enemy coming out of the trap so it makes more sense in the context of the game. And just as surely this ain't spiders. That's not Enchantermon's type of humour.
Posted by: Shotgunz25
« on: 30. May 2013, 00:42:07 »

So, just what is the small addition in the Sim unit 3 trap.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 28. May 2011, 09:36:02 »

Thanks for the understanding
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 28. May 2011, 08:17:33 »

You made a mistake, no big deal. ZylonBane called you out on it harshly. Try not to make such a big deal of this either. Move on everyone. Thanks.

For the record: Generally thread necromancy is no problem as long as you have something new to add to the topic. This could also be a new question.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 28. May 2011, 05:59:23 »

My earlier remark about "adorable bastards" was basically hinting at my own annoyance at the spiders but at the same time implying that I like them in the game cause they are pretty neat.

Sure enough my remark was misplaced and badly timed (it's in my blood pretty much) but the context is far from offensive or crude.  I don't go around the forums to make fun or insult others because they may find discomfort about a particular aspect of the game (especially the spiders because I know how serious a phobia can be.  Trust me, I knew someone with a phobia towards men and it wasn't pretty).

I don't mean to look like an idiot (then again, who can avoid looking like one 100 percent of the time?) but I was just randomly browsing the forums during the last week of school and came upon this topic.  Typed in an ironic remark about how I love and hate the arachnids, and that was that.  Hardly a matter to get upset over. 

It's my fault for not considering the time of the last post and continuing a conversation that probably ended like a year or so ago.  I was just bored.  If it really bothered anyone, all I needed to know was that my remark was probably inappropriate for certain reasons.  I'd apologize, look into it a bit to remendy my behavior to make the occurance less likely to happen, conform to the policies; problem solved.

Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 28. May 2011, 04:40:13 »

An analogy might be appropriate here.  Would you be upset with the kitchen stove if you burnt yourself on it because you weren't paying attn. to where your hand was?
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 20. May 2011, 21:52:43 »

I didn't take the date into account.  My bad.

Was there really a need for the disrespect though? 
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 20. May 2011, 18:27:48 »

Apparently you're not aware that the last post to this thread was almost a year ago. How about if in the future you don't amuse yourself by thinking up stupid things to post to threads that are perfectly well off without your dazzling wit.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 20. May 2011, 17:27:22 »

It was a joke.  Don't burst a vein.  I'm aware that people take the spiders out due to arachnophobia or just a plain dislike of them.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 20. May 2011, 17:12:20 »

Stop making me want to punch you.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 20. May 2011, 09:02:43 »

Aw, how could you guys hate the adorable little bastards?
Posted by: Enchantermon
« on: 29. August 2010, 02:46:50 »

Yes. In fact, it's possible to complete the entire game with only melee weapons.
Posted by: XenoSpyro
« on: 27. August 2010, 00:08:48 »

Its very possible to do the "Sorrow" Sim unit 3 thing with only your melee weapon.
But I guess thats just me playing the game too much. =p
Posted by: Enchantermon
« on: 13. October 2009, 21:49:44 »

I took the liberty of making a small addition to the Sim unit trap so Malick's log will make sense even with this mod installed. Let me know what you think. ;)
Be advised that this new version replaces ops4.mis in addition to shock2.gam, so be sure to back up both files before installing.
Posted by: Enchantermon
« on: 07. October 2009, 02:56:15 »

But if someone wants to add rumblers, who am I to stop them.
That's not a bad idea, actually. It really doesn't make sense for the doors to open up without anything there, especially after the aforementioned log.
An arachnophobe named Scorpion. Only just noticed.
Yeah, that's...strange.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 06. October 2009, 23:47:18 »

An arachnophobe named Scorpion. Only just noticed.
Posted by: Scorpion
« on: 27. September 2009, 02:04:13 »

I'm an arachnophobe too. Though I tend to waste ammo on them and miss alot of the time T_T
Posted by: Karis35
« on: 27. July 2008, 15:23:57 »

I fear spiders :sweat: this is why this mod is correct for me :thumbwink: If you ask why i fear spiders... :rolleyesgreen: When i was kid my friend did drop a lot of spiders on top of my head  :p
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