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Posted by: Zygo
« on: 25. June 2013, 22:52:48 »

That's defunct information, with new dark there's no need to do save/reloading as the Thief style save game mode backup is working by default.
Posted by: Join2
« on: 25. June 2013, 20:43:43 »

When I said "helpful for future reference" I wasn't stating the obvious I was referring to me personally. As long as this site is still around in x amount of years it will have to be done one day, though I am not liking the idea of having to save and reload after each test of a map.  :/
Posted by: MrTrip
« on: 11. June 2013, 07:28:24 »

Thanks! The goal is to build a knowledge base for people to search through that is maintained by the community :) wikilike! Encourage more editors!
Posted by: Join2
« on: 05. June 2013, 05:35:56 »

Excellent work Trip!

These write-ups will be helpful for future reference.
Posted by: MrTrip
« on: 04. June 2013, 20:38:01 »

The Resource Files (.CRF)

You will undoubtedly want to include your own emails and logs throughout your level. This involves creating your own resource files, by modifying the orignal collections that came with the game. The resource files are stored in the 'crf' files, which either are in your installation directory, but if you cannot find them there they will be on the SS2 cdrom in the shock directory. Despite the strange extension, they are just zip files and can be opened up in winzip.

Here's a list of what the crf's are called and what they do, the more useful ones to start with are in bold.

bitmap.crf - Contains bitmaps for particle effects and explosions, not really editted that much.
books.crf - Contains the pcs files which adorn emails and logs - logos, peoples faces,etc.
editor.crf - Small crf containing the font that dromed uses and a mouse pointer. No real use for level editting.
fam.crf - Contains the texture families, follow the same format of the directories to create your own textures, or replace existing ones.
fonts.crf - The different fonts used in the game.
iface.crf - more fonts and pcx files for the interface.
intrface.crf - pcx files for interface, but also contains the map files and string file settings which dictate text such as difficulty level.
mesh.crf - contains the models for AIs and skins. Models are created using maya, but skins can be adjusted using any graphics program.
motions.crf - contains the motions that AIs play.
obj.crf - contains the nonAI objects, created using 3dstudio and can be created using free model editors. Skins as well.
objicon.crf - contains the icons that appear in the inventory for all objects.
pal.crf - contains the palettes to help create objects and textures.
snd.crf - contains the ambient and creature sounds.
snd2.crf - contains the voice overs for briefing, logs, and email traps.
song.crf - list of schemas to play for songs, not really that well known yet.
strings.crf - String files containing object name, email text, logs, etc.

Now, you could edit any of the files in these crfs, and then put it back into the crf and the game would work fine. Unforunately, you would have to distribute the whole crf to get your level to work - a nasty prospect. Luckily, the game engine looks for specific local copies first, and uses them if it finds them instead. To enable this special mode you have to optimise your installation, something familiar for Thief Gold users.

Thankfully, System Shock 2 with its latest updates (Dark 2.42) include a very easy and happy way of creating and maintaining FMs.

Create a folder in your System Shock 2 directory called FMs, then a sub folder with your FM name like this

C:\sshock2\FMs\super cool FM\

You will include your levels and all resources there. ShockEd will allow you to edit these by launching ShockEd with the -fm argument and selecting your FM to edit, or launching sshock2.exe with the -fm argument and selecting your FM to play.
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