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Posted by: fbr
« on: 06. September 2023, 16:15:14 »

Just finished the game with this mod and it works perfectly. There were a couple of things that looked like respawns, but I think it was just scripted spawns. I installed it for last in the mod manager.

I've already finished the game a few times with regular respawns, including in Impossible, and using this mod really changes the mood and the gameplay. Particularly in the parts that you have to backtrack, they felt really empty and a bit pointless. On the other hand, I enjoyed playing with the high costs and deadly enemies of Impossible without the high respawn rate. However, as expected, I had a lot of resources to spare by the end.

In the end, I prefer to play in regular mode, but I'm really glad that this mod exists. For who is turned off by respawns, I would still recommend to try a bit harder to get used to them. However, if the alternative is to quit the game, give this one a try, even for a first run (you'll still have a lot to deal with, don't worry). But, sure, try regular mode another time.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 26. July 2022, 23:02:39 »

yes. Alarms use a completely different set of ecologies for spawning.
Posted by: TheHoodedTeddy13
« on: 26. July 2022, 22:59:29 »

Will stuff still spawn from alerts and such?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. July 2022, 21:42:00 »

yes, it should work ok.
Posted by: TheHoodedTeddy13
« on: 26. July 2022, 21:31:49 »

Does this still work with modern patches and such? This is pretty much what I've been looking for.
For my 2 Cents, I would not enjoy this game vanilla.  Too much looking over my shoulder while trying to get things done with no reprieve wears me down and stops being fun after a while.  I'm not making a judgement about it being good or bad game design, in fact I think how the game is vanilla nails what the game is going for.  That being said, I'd like to have the option to lessen that so I can actually play through and appreciate the game without just getting stressed and tired from playing it.
Posted by: Join2
« on: 30. November 2021, 07:50:39 »

Timed spawning is precisely the point, so that it is dynamic and an ever-looming threat.
It doesn't have to be viewed as "gamey", as a) The Many is aware of your approximate location at all times and sending more to end you would be of high concern, and b) who says they're not coming from the vents, from somewhere you didn't properly check, or were on your tail the whole time?

All SS2 needs in this regard is to enhance the illusion of it being real and not a designed system.

-Script some enemy spawns from time to time, often in areas currently being backtracked, complete with unique animations: A dead corpse previously passed gets up from the floor, now is in hybrid form. A hybrid crawls out from under some pipes. A monkey jumps down through a ceiling panel. A little scripting goes a long way, as long as it is not too frequent (and thus defeating the point of a dynamic system).
-Extensively ensure spawn points never have line of sight to the player (not just a simple trace, but a double/triple trace and distance check).
-If a spawn point is in a dead end with only one means to enter, ensure the player isn't anywhere near before a spawn can commence (greater distance check).
-Perhaps adjust dialogue for spawned enemies: e.g make hybrids say "we seek!" "Where are you?", make them *sometimes* behave like the post-combat state where they are looking for you, to provide the illusion that they had been on your tail rather than spawned in none the wiser.
-Perhaps even move some spawn points to bulkheads, with distance and line of sight checks described above they can never spawn when you're close, and it will certainly feel more organic this way (providing the illusion that they sometimes come from other areas).

Even vanilla, most of the time the spawning works perfectly. But it can be better.
It shouldn't be removed even if it damages immersion and believability, as the "gamey-ness" it brings is important, among other things (ensures frequent combat, drain of player's resources, adds tension and horror).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 11. November 2021, 14:29:26 »

SCP can do global timers now. but implementing them everywhere.. eeeh.
Posted by: Hikari
« on: 11. November 2021, 07:18:25 »

If  that could be done that would actually be pretty spiffy. However as far as I know time doens't exist for places you aren't. In fact i have many memories of leaving mid explosion, then loading back in an hour later to that same explosion finishing.

In fairness bathesda's fallout, games made  years later, have the same issue.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 11. November 2021, 05:41:57 »

I think less people would have a problem with the respawning if it was area based instead of time based, like what PREY has.

So leave medsci for more than an hour, next time you come back the zone will be repopulated completely, but no respawning while you're on the deck.

I guess some people have suspension of disbelief ruined when a room they just cleared spawns an enemy, which feels very videogamey. I understand that. I turned off spawning in my first playthrough for this reason, now I'm pretty used to it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 05. November 2021, 14:48:51 »

always remember, SCP lowest, then Obj_fixes, then SHTUP. the rest doesn't really matter - all other mods are deliberately constructed to not depend on priority as much as possible.

I usually go with the base (SCP+Obj_fixes+SHTUP), then graphics/audio enhancements, then everything else. whatever is the craziest (santa hats) should go on top.

also, as mentioned a trillion times, environmental spawning is very mild, and is an integral part of the game's mechanics, if you have a problem with that, it's all you.
Posted by: Acleacius
« on: 05. November 2021, 14:28:26 »

Thanks for your work on this mod!   8)

It's an enormous help in curtailing the absurd level of spawning, beyond any flesh or robotic presence.
I certainly don't begrudge anyone for wanting to experience the game the way they want or feeling
tension due to unlimited beyond all reason spawning.
It's caused me nothing but eye rolling disbelief at the ridiculousness.  :omg:

My question is, where do you suggest placing this mod in the load order?
My first guess is after all the graphic updates but before SCP.

Posted by: Kolya
« on: 03. August 2016, 21:01:27 »

it shows the authorities who try to shame fans of mods like these aren't quite as knowledgable as they pretend to be.

No one tried to shame you and you're not fighting the powarrr here. Sit down on your ass, learn shocked and check the ecologies yourself. We're all volunteers here who do the same.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 03. August 2016, 19:51:56 »

All I saw in that video was one unusual clump of AIs, not an endless horde.
Posted by: DMRN
« on: 03. August 2016, 19:31:45 »

there are no endless hordes of mutants on hydro2 - as mentioned before, the spawning is very mild unless you set the alarm off.
There is.


And as you can see from Veriax' glee and efficiency, this is not his first trip through the deck, meaning it was pure ecology spawning leading to this thing that supposedly only happens during alarms. Granted, it is the only example this extreme I've seen in the game, but facing three or four enemies at once somewhere happens often enough.

Sorry to necro, but not only does the video validate this mod, it shows the authorities who try to shame fans of mods like these aren't quite as knowledgable as they pretend to be.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 30. September 2015, 19:16:50 »

The mod is complete, but I would be happy to update if any further bugs are found. I have not played the mod through the entire game. I did enjoy working on it, but I prefer to play the game with respawning active. Although there are some places in the game where the respawning seems a bit out of control, I still prefer it with all its warts than to play without it.
Posted by: DMRN
« on: 30. September 2015, 17:54:13 »

So what is the current status of this mod? Done? Tested to game completion?
Posted by: VanZant
« on: 04. July 2015, 05:33:48 »

I see. I suppose I was misinformed. I'm playing right now. Freaking hard game. I was also tempted to run the no degradation mod hahaha. I ended up reading the whole thread of folks trying to come up with a reason for that mechanic.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 03. July 2015, 17:31:58 »

Alright, you convinced me to skip this mod. I just had the feeling the difficulty was meant for multiplayer mode.
Eh? Multiplayer mode in SS2 only exists because the publisher insisted on it, was tacked on in a post-release patch, and has never worked very well anyway. It is, at heart and by design, a single-player survival horror game.
Posted by: VanZant
« on: 03. July 2015, 17:21:20 »

Alright, you convinced me to skip this mod. I just had the feeling the difficulty was meant for multiplayer mode.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 03. July 2015, 02:40:37 »

This mod will help for the quiet time to enjoy the other half of the game. Explore, search for stuff, and breath calmly.
If you can breathe calmly while playing SS2, you're playing it wrong.

I mean, sure, if you're a wuss who can't handle full-strength SS2, I guess it's better than not playing it at all. But then don't go telling people you've played SS2, because you haven't. You've played a weaksauce, watered-down, decaf imitation. SS2 is supposed to wear you down. It is supposed to stress you out. You are supposed to be motivated to run, and hide, and cower in the dark, and learn the few areas that are completely safe. Quiet time in SS2 isn't handed to you, it's earned.
Posted by: VanZant
« on: 03. July 2015, 02:14:51 »

Forgot to add the video companion to my post.


Where would vanilla SS2 stand in the quiet time meter?
Posted by: VanZant
« on: 03. July 2015, 02:11:33 »

Thanks Voodoo. Got this game on sale last week and I finally got myself to install it. The atmosphere alone creeps me out and I haven't seen an enemy yet. Taking baby steps hehe.. This mod will help for the quiet time to enjoy the other half of the game. Explore, search for stuff, and breath calmly. Thanks Yankee.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 02. July 2015, 21:00:09 »

in this case, the priority doesn't matter.
Posted by: VanZant
« on: 02. July 2015, 20:55:47 »

Should I put this before or after SCP Beta 1 in the mod manager? Thank you.
Posted by: System Shocked
« on: 28. March 2015, 14:08:06 »

Updated to v1.1. Now includes Command and Rickenbacker levels.

It might be a good idea to add this update note to the OP.
Posted by: Salk
« on: 21. March 2015, 05:00:00 »

Prrrrrrrrrfect! :)
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 20. March 2015, 10:44:11 »

Updated to v1.1.

Now includes Command and Rickenbacker levels.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. March 2015, 16:18:30 »

welcome to our world.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 19. March 2015, 16:08:56 »

They did it the way they say you are supposed to do it for all the other levels and then didn't follow protocol for the command and rickenbacher levels. Sounds like whoever worked those levels didn't so much decide to do it another way, they just had their head up their ass.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. March 2015, 13:35:45 »

check the ecology, definitely set to spawn randomly, and not after an alarm. just one of those LGS/IG "lol lets do stuff in a nonstandard way, this will definitely NOT ruin someones day 15 years later" things.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 19. March 2015, 13:32:15 »

Hmm.. there is no camera connected to ecology 1314. Instead, 2 directmonstergens. I wonder if it's a bug.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 19. March 2015, 13:02:41 »

Those ecologies use DirectMonsterGen, meaning they are alarm ecologies, at least according to Kolya's tutorial:

The Ecology has to be SwitchLinked to a marker or trap with the TrapSpawn script on it. DirectMonsterGen (for alarm ecologies) and RandMonsterGen (for normal ecologies) are traps set up like this with different default flags. While the Ecology determines the timing, it is the monster generator that determines what is spawned.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. March 2015, 12:49:31 »

I'm very sure there are respawn points on command and rick. (hilight_obj_type -976, I can see five on command1 at this very moment. example obj 1315, connected to ecology 1314).
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 19. March 2015, 10:10:45 »

v1.02 has been posted. Fingerprint blocks have been updated so the mod will work with either vanilla or SCP.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 19. March 2015, 10:10:25 »

I was surprised to find that there are no respawners on either the command or rickenbacher levels, so nothing for a dml to do. There is a dml for the many.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. March 2015, 23:13:00 »

watch out, rec2 dml has an error, FINGERPRINT is missing. also, no dmls for command and beyond?
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 17. March 2015, 17:24:53 »

@Salk: ;) I like little projects to distract me from time to time. Please let me know if there are any bugs or oddities.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 17. March 2015, 17:19:21 »

Fingerprints added.
Posted by: Salk
« on: 17. March 2015, 13:14:15 »

Permanent mod.

Thanks, Yankee Clipper!

Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 17. March 2015, 03:45:46 »

You convinced me. I'll update.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. March 2015, 21:12:52 »

as you are modifying the concretes, the mod will be useless for any FM (meaning, it won't stop any spawns as the obj ids will be different). the thing is, if you are extra (un)lucky, you can end up modifying a FM quest concrete object in a way that would render the player unable to progress. therefore, all mission dmls meant for the vanilla game (and its close derivates, such as SCP) should be fingerprinted to lower such a chance to 0.

you know what happens if you say things like "the chance (of bad stuff happening) is minimal, I think we should be good", right? also, there is a really nice extension to this law in Starship Troopers (the book), if memory serves.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 16. March 2015, 21:04:01 »

I thought about fingerprinting, but that would mean that those who wanted to use it with a fan mission would be unable to. While those who wish to use the fan mission without the mod can merely deactivate the mod.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. March 2015, 20:39:26 »

had a quick look - as mentioned before, would recommend fingerprinting to make sure this won't affect FMs in any bad way.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 16. March 2015, 19:42:16 »

Revised attachment has been reattached. Thanks again to voodoo47 for pointing me in the right direction (almost). The respawners are generated by randmonstergen while the monsters that spawn in response to an alarm are from directmonstergen.

If you trip an alarm, they will still come.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. March 2015, 12:35:23 »

there are no endless hordes of mutants on hydro2 - as mentioned before, the spawning is very mild unless you set the alarm off.

and no, it's not difficult (as mentioned before, a hour or so for anyone who knows his way around Shocked/DML), it's just that I have better things to do, like changing all humanoid AIs into spider-monstrosities with tits.
Posted by: DMRN
« on: 16. March 2015, 04:45:21 »

Not Engineering. Hydroponics.

Faulty memory. Hydroponics deck is unaffected by Zygoptera.
Posted by: DMRN
« on: 16. March 2015, 04:40:30 »

Last time I tried Zygoptera's Spawn remover, it wasn't able to affect Engineering. It turned the game from the suitably scary and challenging game it was even without respawning, into me fleeing from an endless horde of monsters. I've heard say that this only happens when alarms are activated. Those must have been the quietest and most unnoticeable alarms ever.

In any case, I'm all for a further development of ecology elimination, but for it to be an improvement over what we already have, it needs to work on the Engineering deck too. The tech talk I've heard makes this sound like a difficult goal.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 12. March 2015, 07:29:12 »


I like Doom  :D

and I like SS2 with norespawn too.. yeeey  :D
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 11. March 2015, 23:05:37 »

Posted by: Kolya
« on: 11. March 2015, 22:23:05 »

It would be an accurate statement to say that SCP makes SS2's graphics more like HL2. And high praise indeed!
Hahaha, okay. You know I love you ZylonBuns even if I criticise the hell out of you sometimes this place wouldn't be the same without you.  :)
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