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Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 07. January 2022, 06:01:09 »

I don't believe its possible.  And there is no secret for it, but I appreciate your efforts!  :)
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. November 2021, 23:06:19 »

hmm.. maybe we should put a 12 character limit on usernames.

no idea about the basketball, but if you are expecting an easter egg, then that has to actually be set up.
Posted by: CrackSmokingWarlock
« on: 06. November 2021, 15:23:25 »

Alright, I give up: is it even possible to sink the basketball at the prologue, and if so how do you do it? I've tried multiple different jumps off of several objects and I can't get it.  :omg:
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 13. May 2021, 04:07:46 »

Well not sure if it was the 1.42 version of the fm or the 1.51 of Angeloader. But now it is seen. Thanks to all.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 12. May 2021, 11:18:05 »

I guess you could try to report it in the TTLG topic, maybe Fen can replicate it.

//v1.5.1 is now available, maybe try to update.
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 12. May 2021, 03:44:41 »

Then it must be angeloader. Wierd that its the only mission that don't work.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 11. May 2021, 11:13:41 »

That didn't work either.
manually extracted the Blind Disposition v1.4.1 folder from the archive (into the FMsel folder in my SS2 folder), pointed AL at it (also chose the FMsel folder as the place for backups, which might not be advisable, but AL insisted on choosing something), no problem.
[load.jpg expired]
Posted by: icemann
« on: 11. May 2021, 05:01:32 »

Great to see that work has continued on this. Will have to give the new version a play at some point.
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 11. May 2021, 00:41:38 »

That didn't work either.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 10. May 2021, 18:27:32 »

the fm is gamesysless, but can't imagine that would be a problem, as Thief fan missions with no gamesys definitely exist, and I would assume the loader has no problem with those.

anyway, you can check - copy shock2.gam from \SS2\Data\ to the BD 1.4.1 folder and see whether the loader will see it.
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 10. May 2021, 17:35:32 »

Yeah that don't work either. This is the only mission with the issue. I will wait for a fix if and when it happens.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 10. May 2021, 08:08:07 »

manually grabbing the folder with the files and dropping it into the FMs folder should do the trick.
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 10. May 2021, 00:29:18 »

I tried just putting the zip  with just the files in there and it still don't work. Angeloader just don't read it. Guess we wait for the fix.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 09. May 2021, 20:20:20 »

the last archive has an extra folder, that's probably why.

this should be corrected btw - all mods and fan missions should have no extra folders in the zip, so once you open the zip, you should see the resource files right away, not another folder with the fm name.
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 09. May 2021, 20:13:11 »

I use Angeloader for all thief and system shock missions. For some reason this mission is not seen by the loader. Any ideas?
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 08. May 2021, 19:45:48 »

Yeah I just noticed that I don't have that recent version, I'll have to update accordingly
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. May 2021, 19:31:44 »

remember, you will need a freshly SS2tool patched SS2 install, the mod requires the very latest NVscript to work properly.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 08. May 2021, 19:28:49 »

You know what....I can't believe I missed the keycard slots!  I remember watching I think Icemann's playthrough and him saying that along with there needing to be a chemical store room, I suppose I have more work that I'm more than happy to do; new update coming in the next day or two....  But first I gotta try that pistol mod of yours!  That looks awesome!   (I'll admit I was eyeballing it the other day).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. May 2021, 19:20:13 »

seeing some more unfixed stuff previously mentioned in this topic, card slots with incorrect light lit for example (locked should be red), and the custom texts could use a run through a grammar checker. would recommend going through all the reports again.

but hey, the Pistol Hybrid mod works out of the box, that's definitely something.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 08. May 2021, 14:08:23 »

Thank you for your input Voodoo, I'll definitely see if I can fix that.  I never touched on any of the room brushes in this version but I'll add it to the future update for certain.

I also am aware of the 'radmap' roombrush (you know the one with the exploding door) and now that you mention the testnextlevel one, I'll look into the radmap room brush as well.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. May 2021, 13:53:55 »

roombrushing is.. still not ideal.


Shocked go View->Show/Hide->Bad Rooms, check map, purple stuff means bad.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 06. May 2021, 19:44:10 »


I now have my account back!  Just updating this post to lessen any confusion.... 

Thank you Voodoo, I'll PM him, I figured that, I read the terms and I noticed I was a little past the expired login date lol  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. May 2021, 19:32:52 »

nobody, your original account has expired. @Kolya can assign your old posts to your new account, so you will be able to update the first post with the new version, which would be preferable.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 06. May 2021, 18:38:01 »


I now have my account back!  Just updating this post to lessen any confusion.... 

Hello, Its the real me, chuckles n chestnuts here.  I don't know who has this account now as its been awhile since I last logged onto this website (well over a year), but I just finished working on Blind Disposition v1.4 and will be posting very soon.
Posted by: GreeX
« on: 18. December 2020, 19:23:06 »

Russian translation for this Fan Missions  (last edit  26.11.2020)  —  SS2FM_BlindDisposition_1-3_RUS.7z
    Download:   https://yadi.sk/d/uCLNnhqKCB1JDQ

Screenshots and information about this russification
    Link:   https://darkfate.org/forum/index.php?topic=1100.msg293775#msg293775

  Будучи сотрудником министерства Исследований и Разработок, Вы обладаете некоторыми кибернетическими усовершенствованиями и работаете в одном из Гидропонно-Обогатительного комплексов на Земле. Неожиданно с Вами связывается Ваш непосредственный руководитель и сообщает, что на военном, научно-исследовательском корабле UNN "Рикенбакер-14500" потребовалась помощь такого специалиста как Вы, и отправляться туда нужно немедленно...
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 29. April 2017, 21:49:02 »

I appreciate the encouragement.  I'll be honest here, I don't like asking for things.  I might rip the "voice in-put mal-func-tion" soundbyte and use that....with permission of course if I  decide to do a v1.4 (if).  We'll see, I'll thank about it.  I appreciate the positive encouragement though.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. April 2017, 15:11:51 »

also, the audio editing part was actually pretty swift - once you have the raw files, reprocessing them into the SS2 log format was just a couple of hours. plus that annoying bit where you have to reload audio schemas to make them work properly.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 28. April 2017, 14:55:12 »

Second that. All comes down to yourself on whether you have the motivation to continue working on it or not. We've all been there trust me :). I'm still working on a singleplayer campaign for Shadowrun Returns 2 years on. Working on it, bit by bit over time when I have the motivation.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. April 2017, 17:12:18 »

well, don't expect any written invitations - it's just about whether you want to do it or not.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 27. April 2017, 15:05:08 »

Yeah as I expected, its no quick task....As is many things being equal with dromED.  But doable.  Well, I'll let the community speak for itself for full audio logs on this.  You or someone give me an update.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. April 2017, 13:54:54 »

Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 27. April 2017, 13:27:54 »

On a side note, if you need voice stuff for a later update let me know. Happy to help out.

Having audio logs in FMs just adds to the "Shock" experience. I can't talk though as my FM didn't have any. That was very much intentional though as I prefer working solo.

When the community comes together to improve an already good FM to higher heights it really makes a difference. To compare the original version of "The Minstrel" to the community fixed/updated version, it's like night and day.

Thanks for the compliments icemann.  At this point no garauntees at all.  I think I've done mostly all the fixes for BD, with exception of a few pending corrections (namely the 'bulkhead' level transition points).  As far as actual voices go, I am not sure about that for this FM.  But I appreciate the offer.  I'll leave voiced audio logs up to the community modders for this one, but I'll back it if it gets enough encouragement for sure.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 27. April 2017, 03:43:23 »

On a side note, if you need voice stuff for a later update let me know. Happy to help out.

Having audio logs in FMs just adds to the "Shock" experience. I can't talk though as my FM didn't have any. That was very much intentional though as I prefer working solo.

When the community comes together to improve an already good FM to higher heights it really makes a difference. To compare the original version of "The Minstrel" to the community fixed/updated version, it's like night and day.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 23. April 2017, 14:48:37 »

wut? you just set up multilevel/dest level and multilevel/dest loc on a Bulk_On_Button, done.

Yeah I tried it several times during the production of the FM and it would give me crashes.......However, all the tries were done on the old dark 2.12 editor...I might just give it a test run and I'll give an update..but not another update to the FM..not just yet at least..
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. April 2017, 07:54:38 »

I don't think I will mess with anytime soon due to me trying to get the buttons to work but to no avail and I don't want to mess level changes up as from my experience that can be finickey.
wut? you just set up multilevel/dest level and multilevel/dest loc on a Bulk_On_Button, done.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 23. April 2017, 00:25:52 »

Just played thought the mission again.
I like the little touch-ups you made. The audiologs (while a bit on the rough side) serve a good purpose in giving some atmosphere and game hints. I also liked the "visitor centre" style info kiosk at the crystals.
- You really should consider replacing the automatic level changes with buttons.
- Near the bridge the player can get into a situation where progress is not possible: pushing the elevator button closes the door behind you. If the player rushed back to escape the rumbler there is no way to open it again.
- the bridge feels rather unfinished. Some human characters there, all "death" models with closed eyes, some even standing behind the cargo fence, but no interaction. Maybe you can put the "end mission trigger" on one of them and let them say "well done soldier!" As a last stronghold there should be a few barricades and a few corpses

Hey atropos,

-Thank you for the compliment on the visitor center feel of the 'crystal purity' info terminal.
-The automatic level changes I don't think I will mess with anytime soon due to me trying to get the buttons to work but to no avail and I don't want to mess level changes up as from my experience that can be finickey.
-The bridge area is intentional, I actually put an info terminal right before you enter it giving some insight on that very aspect.
-The actual bridge dock is intentional as well, and the door is still sealed in the dark room where it opens slowly, and the extender is extended so there was no need to put bodies or barricades there as there was no threat due to the sealed door on the main ship's side.
-And as for the death models, I have replaced them and I have noted you as a comment in the changelog for fixes.

Thank you for your input.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 22. April 2017, 13:56:56 »

Just played thought the mission again.
I like the little touch-ups you made. The audiologs (while a bit on the rough side) serve a good purpose in giving some atmosphere and game hints. I also liked the "visitor centre" style info kiosk at the crystals.
- You really should consider replacing the automatic level changes with buttons.
- Near the bridge the player can get into a situation where progress is not possible: pushing the elevator button closes the door behind you. If the player rushed back to escape the rumbler there is no way to open it again.
- the bridge feels rather unfinished. Some human characters there, all "death" models with closed eyes, some even standing behind the cargo fence, but no interaction. Maybe you can put the "end mission trigger" on one of them and let them say "well done soldier!" As a last stronghold there should be a few barricades and a few corpses
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 22. April 2017, 10:24:22 »

yeah, there actually have been udates to Shocked cfgs no long ago, and as I have used that when editing the map, you should do too, to be safe.

if you want to finalize a map, you just fire up the build dialogue, select optimized, set shadow type to terrain+objects and that should be all (well, setting lightmap to 32bit would be nice as well).

Thank you, I will actually save this comment and add it to my long, long list of 'shockED notes'.  Will do here real soon and possibly repost either within a few hours (if we're lucky), tomorrow, or the day after.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. April 2017, 10:14:30 »

yeah, there actually have been udates to Shocked cfgs not long ago, and as I have used that when editing the map, you should do too, to be safe.

if you want to finalize a map, you just fire up the build dialogue, select optimized, set shadow type to terrain+objects and that should be all (well, setting lightmap to 32bit would be nice as well).
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 22. April 2017, 09:26:54 »

yeah, I'm pretty sure an annoying video is EXACTLY what will melt everyone's heart.

aanyway, make sure to update to the latest version of the editor if you are about to use the level I posted (SS2tool). also, I find the level name (testnextlevel) strangely irritating.

Well, it was supposed to be a joke.  But all sarcasm aside, I have the latest version of dromED and updated it with the SS2tool less than a month ago are there any real changes?  Also, this question might be late but, when I "finalize" that builds EVERYTHING including lights correct?  (The reason I ask this is I plan to change the goo's and maybe a few more things then finalize but I don't want to screw up your work.. oh and sidenote I will give you credit in the .txt release for v1.3 once its out).  Let me know sir.  Thank you in advance.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. April 2017, 09:21:03 »

yeah, I'm pretty sure an annoying video is EXACTLY what will melt everyone's heart.

aanyway, make sure to update to the latest version of the editor if you are about to use the level I posted (SS2tool). also, I find the level name (testnextlevel) strangely irritating.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 22. April 2017, 09:20:07 »

I'll rather be in Nice than being nice.

//Thank you. I'll see myself out.  :carnage:

lol I don't quite understand the meaning of that Koyla, do you mean be in Nice like in the city Nice, France?  That must be a local term or something , I've never heard that.  I am just big on courtesy when it is due or reciprocated.  I don't know about you but I would rather spread courtesy than contempt you know?

But I don't wanna turn this thread about chicken soup for the soul lol.  I've got some fixes to do!  Either way thanks for you input, even though I don't quite get it.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 22. April 2017, 09:09:10 »

I'll rather be in Nice than being nice.

//Thank you. I'll see myself out.  :carnage:
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 22. April 2017, 08:34:13 »

sure.I've got no idea what you are talking about there. anyway;

-have SHTUP loaded when working with goos, it gives them more depth, making it much easier to see whether they are positioned correctly.
-texture and lighting problems are quite noticeable even for casual players (especially when using hires texture mods), and they really are better off fixed.
-same goes for objects floating off surfaces, it's not a problem if it's just a few pixels, but some are way more off than that.
-the earth level 0,0,0 is in mid air and not in a blue room, but as this is not a playable level, it shouldn't matter too much.
-the no-bulkhead load zones still annoying.

did notice a few basic logs, definitely a step in the right direction, even though they do feel a bit on the rough edge (no portraits, and linguistically imperfect). not sure whether I will have enough time for a serious playthrough, being yanked around between way too many things these days.

also, yes to the reduced spawn rates.

Hey thanks for the info Voodoo, I appreciate it, I'll get to working on it right now and give an update, I'll most likely just use your map for testnextlevel and as for the goo's yeah I'll do that, and Zylonbane thanks for your advice too..but I feel you need this video:

So from Chuckles to ZylonBane here is my video for you:

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. April 2017, 07:10:55 »

that texture archetype has ended up under Missing in the gamesys
the fm has no gamesys of its own (as mentioned earlier, you actually can grab the SCP gamesys, rename it to shock2.gam, drop it into the fm root folder and get instant cool stuff), so no surprise.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. April 2017, 02:53:22 »

And as far as my custom soil texture goes (which you didn't mention but I'll mention it) I tried REALLY hard to get the 'Material Earth' sound for texture archetypes to work but to no avail, but again, I figured I would keep it as pure 'soil' I suppose can get away with little to no sound.
Eh? All you have to do is find the texture name in the texture hierarchy (F5 -> Show Tree: Textures) and drag it under "EarthTex".

And for the love of christ don't use BMP for textures.

EDIT: I see, that texture archetype has ended up under Missing in the gamesys instead of in the Texture tree. You probably saved the mission after adding that texture but didn't save the gamesys. To fix it, go to Edit -> Purge Lost Objects. Go into game mode. Exit back to DromEd. "dirtydirty" will now be listed under the Texture hierarchy and can be dragged under EarthTex. Then save your gamesys. This gamesys will have to be distributed with the mission. You should do this fix for every other terrain texture you added as well.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 21. April 2017, 21:52:16 »

I thought it was just that texture and I decided to keep it because I liked the way the tile looked.  And as far as my custom soil texture goes (which you didn't mention but I'll mention it) I tried REALLY hard to get the 'Material Earth' sound for texture archetypes to work but to no avail, but again, I figured I would keep it as pure 'soil' I suppose can get away with little to no sound.
I've got no idea what you are talking about there. anyway;

-have SHTUP loaded when working with goos, it gives them more depth, making it much easier to see whether they are positioned correctly.
-texture and lighting problems are quite noticeable even for casual players (especially when using hires texture mods), and they really are better off fixed.
-same goes for objects floating off surfaces, it's not a problem if it's just a few pixels, but some are way more off than that.
-the earth level 0,0,0 is in mid air and not in a blue room, but as this is not a playable level, it shouldn't matter too much.
-the no-bulkhead load zones still annoying.

did notice a few basic logs, definitely a step in the right direction, even though they do feel a bit on the rough edge (no portraits, and linguistically imperfect). not sure whether I will have enough time for a serious playthrough, being yanked around between way too many things these days.

also, yes to the reduced spawn rates.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 21. April 2017, 20:10:51 »

well then, after a very quick look;

-the earth level has no lighting.
-sound propagation and lighting still broken around the first level toilets (and other places as well, most likely. view -> show/hide - bad rooms in any modern version of Shocked. seeing pink is bad).
-keycards now work as they should, but the second slot on the first level (obj 125) only says "access needed", without saying what kind of access is needed. a custom MISC.STR required, with Access4:"SECURITY2" (or "BANANAS" or whatever you want) line added.
-in the second level, you can frob the broken door (92) and they will disappear, as they have frobinfo/worldaction/delete set. no door (and probably any other sane object) should have this set (unless it's part of some very intentional setup).
-bad texturing on door alcoves (ahh, fixes so many of those when working on original levels).
-a lot of wormgoos float off their surfaces, and are reversed.

attaching a map where I fixed the bad lighting, sound propagation, door location and door alcoves (jump to obj 695 and compare to the original).

Yeah, I did notice the keycard nuance and just assumed it was normal (wasn't really sure, I am not a dev).  And as for the floating worm goo's I didn't notice much if any of that (perhaps they were very slightly floating).  And as far as sound brushes goes, yes, in the first level I am aware of the no-sound in the bathroom.  I thought it was just that texture and I decided to keep it because I liked the way the tile looked.  And as far as my custom soil texture goes (which you didn't mention but I'll mention it) I tried REALLY hard to get the 'Material Earth' sound for texture archetypes to work but to no avail, but again, I figured I would keep it as pure 'soil' I suppose can get away with little to no sound.

In closing, to the untrained eye, and even trained eye, about 3/4 of what you mentioned or even more, the average player for sure will not notice (this does not mean it should not be fixed).  And a trained eye (depending upon depth of knowledge) may notice (I did notice but I felt it was sufficable and definately playable and not immersion or game breaking).  For example, alot of the fixed room brushes (which I fixed and have in the changelog) no casual player will ever notice that except for a slight strange glitch in radmap but it takes some wierd maneuvering to do (I tested it).  Again doesn't mean it should not be fixed though.  Thanks for your input and fixes though.

Edit: I'll take a look at the fix you did later on tonight after I get off work.  Again thank you Voodoo
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 21. April 2017, 09:39:46 »

Blind Disposition v1.2 is currently up as of yesterday.
well then, after a very quick look;

-the earth level has no lighting.
-sound propagation and lighting still broken around the first level toilets (and other places as well, most likely. view -> show/hide - bad rooms in any modern version of Shocked. seeing pink is bad).
-keycards now work as they should, but the second slot on the first level (obj 125) only says "access needed", without saying what kind of access is needed. a custom MISC.STR required, with Access4:"SECURITY2" (or "BANANAS" or whatever you want) line added.
-in the second level, you can frob the broken door (92) and they will disappear, as they have frobinfo/worldaction/delete set. no door (and probably any other sane object) should have this set (unless it's part of some very intentional setup).
-bad texturing on door alcoves (ahh, fixed so many of those when working on original levels).
-a lot of wormgoos float off their surfaces, and are reversed.

attaching a map where I fixed the bad lighting, sound propagation, door location and door alcoves (jump to obj 695 and compare to the original).
[testnextlevel_lightfix.7z expired]
Posted by: callum13117
« on: 21. June 2016, 07:37:19 »

If you want to go for an ultra challenge, try doing it pacifist style and see if it's do-able. I'm assuming it's not possible with your FM, but a guy managed to make it 3/4 through vanilla SS2 without killing a single enemy himself (he got the enemies to kill each other).

Yeah, the ShepardReborn playthrough is pretty incredible. Although story-wise, pacifism makes little sense, since most of your enemies are either robots or demented zombies screaming "KILL MEEEEE!!!!"
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