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What does the U.N.N start with?:

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Topic Summary

Posted by: Kolya
« on: 19. December 2010, 01:38:33 »

Tags: °SS2 °tutorial
CS 1 - Step in or near something and investigate it
CS 2 - run and jump over a hole
CS 3 - Protocol droid stance
CS 4 - Protocol droid talking
CS 5 - Protocol droid waving or pointing
CS 6 - Protocol droid, right hand up
CS 7 - (Nothing)
CS 8 - Limping (Hybrid?)
CS 9 - Limping (Hybrid?), 180 turns
CS 10 - (Nothing)
CS 11 - Swing weapon right (Hybrid?)
CS 12 - Swing weapon down (Hybrid?)
CS 13 - Swing weapon left (Hybrid?)
CS 14 - Swing weapon down and left, then push (Hybrid?)
CS 15 - Combo swing, weapon fast (Hybrid?)
CS 16 - Ninja walk, or creep
CS 17 - Another variation of above motion
CS 18 - Stange kind of 180 turn
CS 19 - Female, arms out then walk right
CS 20 - Zombie walk (?)
CS 21 - Idle gesture, fore arms forwards
CS 22 - (Dont use, crashes game)
CS 23 - Searching around
CS 24 - Shake arms, as if annoyed or angry (long)
CS 25 - Lift both arms up, then back down (In conversation)
CS 26 - Lift left arm up, then back down (In conversation)
CS 27 - Lift right arm up then back down (In conversation)
CS 28 - Variation of CS 25
CS 29 - (Nothing)
CS 30 - (As if there is a computer on the wall) Right arm up then down, turn left, then same again
CS 31 - Bending over, inspecting something on the floor
CS 32 - Starts standing, chokes violently, ends up on hands and knees
CS 33 - Choking or vomiting
CS 34 - Idling, looking upwards
CS 35 - Shooting pistol one handed (?)
CS 36 - Flinching (?)
CS 37 - Knocked down (earthquake?)
CS 38 - (Messed up motion)
CS 39 - Right hand out, stepping backwards
CS 40 - Sidestep up onto something (stairs?)
CS 41 - Idling motion, right hand slightly out
CS 42 - Holding hand on head falling to hands and knees
CS 43 - Grassi, lying down dying
CS 44 - Falling to ground, holding stomach
CS 45 - Searching for something (files on a shelf?), looks up and steps back quickly
CS 46 - Bending over, looking at something (vent?)
CS 47 - Stepping backwards, frightened
CS 48 - Walking forwards
CS 49 - Same as above
CS 50 - Slightly leaning forwards (In conversation)
CS 51 - Right arm quickly up then down (In conversation)
CS 52 - Both arms quickly up then down (In conversation)
CS 53 - Conversation gestures (In converstion)
CS 54 - Variation of above (In conversation)
CS 55 - (In conversation)
CS 56 - (In conversation)
CS 57 - Strange running teqnique
CS 58 - Same as above
CS 59 - Same as CS 41
CS 60 - Right hand on hip, idling
CS 61 - Looking up, idling
CS 62 - Falling down face forwards
CS 63 - Variation of above
CS 64 - Die in chair
CS 65 - Bound to a table, stuggling
CS 66 - Holding hands forward, walking backwards (like trying to prevent being crushed by a moving wall)
CS 67 - Side stepping right (Player?)
CS 68 - Side stepping left (Player?)
CS 69 - Stepping backwards (Player?)
CS 70 - Kneel down and swing with weapon upwards
CS 71 - (Dont use, crashes game)
CS 72 - Lying down, stretching arm out (quick)
CS 73 - Dead on back
CS 74 - Varation of above
CS 75 - Presses something, then turns to run
CS 76 - Yawning (?) with arms out stretched
CS 77 - Leaning forward grabbing something
CS 78 - Sleeping on a chair (?)
CS 79 - Playing a game of bowls (?)
CS 80 - Crawling along the floor, on hands and knees
CS 81 - Sitting down, drinking tea
CS 82 - Jumps back in fright, and then walks back a few paces
CS 83 - Goggles ghost (in conversation), shoots himself
CS 84 - Starts standing, crying (?) ends up on the floor
CS 85 - Strange stance
CS 86 - Kneeling down, searching through a filing cabinet (?)
CS 87 - Protocol droid, talking (?)
CS 88 - Protocol droid (in conversation?)
CS 89 - Female, walking forwards
CS 90 - Bending over with arms out walks backwards then forwards
CS 91 - Female, giving directions or ordering somebody
CS 92 - Strange kind of walk
CS 93 - (Nothing)
CS 94 - Ninja, searching
CS 95 - Backflip / cartwheel
CS 96 - Searching, walking backwards
CS 97 - Walking forwards slowly, falls to knees
CS 98 - Tough guy / Angry motion
CS 99 - Shakes head, punches in a code, then walks into a ship (?) then falls onto hands
CS 100 - Midwife running (?)
CS 101 - Same as above
CS 102 - Speaking (In conversation)
CS 103 - Same as CS 83
CS 104 - Strange run
CS 105 - Left flinch
CS 106 - Gut flinch
CS 107 - Playing basketball
CS 108 - Showering (?)
CS 109 - Kneeling down, dancing (?)
CS 110 - Tapping something in to a console above head
CS 111 - Same as above
CS 112 - Laying on back, reaching up
CS 113 - Jump backwards in fright
CS 114 - Dead on stomach
CS 115 - Bending over, then dies backwards
CS 116 - Computer typist, standing up
CS 117 - Idling, right hand on hip
CS 118 - Turn head right
CS 119 - Idle stance
CS 120 - Looking up and shaking both arms (as if betting on horse or dogs)
CS 121 - Macarena!
CS 122 - (Dont use, crashes game)
CS 123 - Drunk, swaying
CS 124 - (Nothing)
CS 125 - Standard human walk
CS 126 - Standard human run
CS 127 - OG pipe, swing down
CS 128 - Twitching, standing up
CS 129 - Nodding head (to a beat?), then downs a glass of something
CS 130 - Flailing arms, then ducks (bee swarm?)
CS 131 - Bending forwards, running on the spot
CS 132 - 180 turn
CS 133 - Small kick with right foot
CS 134 - Medium kick with right foot
CS 135 - Big kick with right foot
CS 136 - Same as above
CS 137 - Cleaning the top (?)
CS 138 - Cleaning the top, tells someone to go away, then carries on
CS 139 - Slightly leaning forward (In conversation)
CS 140 - Slightly leaning forwards, hands on hips
CS 141 - Slightly leaning forwards, right arm goes up then down
CS 142 - Slightly leaning forwards, both arms go up and down
CS 143 - Slightly leaning forwards, hands on hips, speaking
CS 144 - Slightly leaning forwards, points at listener, then at themself
CS 145 - Same as CS 143
CS 146 - Same as above
CS 147 - Same as CS 144
CS 148 - looking down, fidget (Monkey?)
CS 149 - Idling stance (Monkey?)
CS 150 - 180 turn (Monkey?)
CS 151 - Big death, then twitches on the floor
CS 152 - Cortez, knocking window scene
CS 153 - Ghost by the piano, swings hips side to side, the takes a drink of something
CS 154 - Lifts arms in the air, swinging them back and fourth
CS 155 - Same as 153, except without swinging hips
CS 156 - Dribbling a basket ball
CS 157 - Looks right, shoots a gun, looks left, shoots, then goes into a crouching position covering face
CS 158 - Big hit to the shoulders or chest
CS 159 - Idling Rumbler
CS 160 - Laying on back asleep or dying
CS 161 - Laying on back reaching arm upwards, talking then dies
CS 162 - Laying on back, leans forwards talking, then dies
CS 163 - Varient of 160
CS 164 - Shoots pistol twice, runs out of ammo, then runs back a few steps
CS 165 - Inputting a code (?)
CS 166 - Dead in chair
CS 167 - Shoots pistol once (?)
CS 168 - Inputs a code, then pulls something out of the cupboard (?)
CS 169 - Both arms up, as if reaching for something on a shelf
CS 170 - Left arm out, the other waving, as if signalling traffic
CS 171 - Right arm out, the other waving, as if signalling traffic
CS 172 - Sitting down, typing
CS 173 - Idle, sitting down
CS 174 - Sitting down, Press a button
CS 175 - Varient of above
CS 176 - Slumped against the wall, dead
CS 177 - Slow left 180 turn
CS 178 - Slow right 90 turn
CS 179 - Slow left 90 turn
CS 180 - Right arm up to look at watch
CS 181 - Melee weapon, strike down twice, then right
CS 182 - Bending over caring to something (Plants?)
CS 183 - Slightly leaning forwards, hands on hips (Laughing?)
CS 184 - Crouching down behind something, then stands up slightly to shoot (?)
CS 185 - Hybrid walk
CS 186 - Short, sharp kick
CS 187 - Monkey, victory dance
CS 188 - Variation of above
CS 189 - Crouching or monkey idle
CS 190 - Variation of above
CS 191 - Hybrid kneeling, smashing someone to bits
CS 192 - Dead on side
CS 193 - Walking forwards, swinging arms (Swiming?)
CS 194 - Walking forwards, swinging right arm (Swiming?)
CS 195 - Hybrid, fast walk
CS 196 - Walks forward, stops, then slowly walks backward, with arms covering head
CS 197 - Hybrid, walk backwards
CS 198 - Idle (Player?)
CS 199 - Protocol droid, raise right hand
CS 200 - Ninja stance (?)
CS 201 - Pump arm down, as in victory or won something
CS 202 - Pelvic thrust!
CS 203 - Salute
CS 204 - Blasted forward, by an explosion behind
CS 205 - Creeping forward, turns around, then takes a couple of steps back
CS 206 - Idle, looks left and then right
CS 207 - Shot from behind, die forwards
CS 208 - Stumbling death, onto stomach
CS 209 - Dead on back
CS 210 - Die backward (Fall off chair?)
CS 211 - Same as CS 65
CS 212 - Same as above
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