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Topic: nixos mini scp mods Read 2831 times  


beware... i am a huge noob :P most of the mods should work somehow :P

main mods:

80 nix avoid sk dup 1.1 (there are 2 swinekeeper gamecarts in system shock 2, this destroys the second one found in eng1 and spawn ping instead)

79 nix replicator items 1.5
(all items sold in replicator changed, prices are about the same, some items cost a bit more, some a bit less, and when an item had 2 prices, like 50 or 40 hacked psi hypo, it got only 1 price... 45 in this case.
New items are sold in replicators: cyber modules (150 nanites 1 module), all implants that you can usually find in the game, and all softwares also starting from the rickenbacker level you can buy auto-repair unit (rick1), french epstein device (rick3, shodan), ice pick (body of the many)
4 unreleased gamecarts can be bought in recreation deck
portable battery can be bought in the rickenbacker levels
broken replicators usually sell items optimized for the level they are placed in, also any broken and/or hacked replicator sells powerful rare items

78 nix recycle value 1.5 (you can recycle almost anything now, and the recycle yield is about 30% of standard replicator price)

77 nix stackable items 1.1 (many items now stack, also consumable items and beakers work without any problem)

gameplay altering mods

76 nix consumables gmply 1.1 (instead of 1hp/psi of heals, consumables now give 5/10hp and 5psi based on which kind of consumable)

75 nix hypo gmply 1.1 (hp hypo heals for 20 istant, healing gland 60hp [1hp every 1 second], psi organ 90 psi [1psi every 1 second], medkit now also remove toxin and radiation)

74 nix implants gmply 1.1 (all implants now last 30min with 100 charge,
the mind anellid implant now regenerates 1 psi every 6 seconds
the heart one regenerates 60hp every 60 seconds
the blood one gives 60hp and 90psi each time a worm pile is consumed)

73 nix armor gmply 1.1 (hazmat suit now protects 50% from all energy and antihuman damage, it now has 80 toxin resist 80 rad resist
light armor has no stat requirement
medium armor protects 40% and has 3 agi required
heavy armor protects 50% and has 5 agi required
powered armor has no stat required, protects 20%, when powered also gives 80% radiation resist and 2 CYB stat
wormskin has no stat required to wear, protects 20% and total immunity to toxins) [of course it has the +2 psi stat when equipped, and it slowly drains psi points]

72 nix weap gmply 1.1 (laser pistol does a bit more damage,
SFG consume less ammo, and its effect last 30mins also has increased clip size to 20
beakers: now they give 5,10 worms per beaker
viral proliferator: raised damage 6x, ammo used 5x instead of 2x unmodded, decreased clipsize, made it more like a rocket launcher
worm launcher: lowered ammo use from 4 to 1, made it behave like a machine gun)

71 nix weap dgrd. brk. 1.1 (lowered degrade rate speed and chance to break)

70 nix psi gmply1.1 (put all boost psi type duration to 180s per PSI, except invisibility and recursive psi both set to 6s per PSI

tier 1
//psycho reflective screen: extra effect lowgravity (no falling damage), 180s per psi, 20% immunity vs kinetic-based damage sources

//recursive psionic amplification max psi (+7) for 6s per psi
//localized pyrokinesis dmg rate 500 and radius 10 (instead of 400 and 10),Provides 50% immunity to all fire-based damage sources. (instead of total fire immunity) 180s per psi

//molecular duplication (you can duplicate almost anything now) 70% + 5% per PSI (from 30% + 10% per PSI)
// (both small and large version conjure the max quantity 20 prisms, 10 worms)
//energy reflection 180 seconds per PSI, also 20% immunity to all energy sources

//molecular transmutation changed amount transmuted and now you can also transmute weapons and armors
//you can recycle stacks of items faster, now the psi ability try to recycle at least 5 stacked item at once, instead of just 1

tier 5
//advanced cerebro-stimulated regeneration 3 hp per psi and takes out toxin and radiation
//soma transference Amount drained: 5 hit points per PSI
//Metacreative Barrier 25 hp per psi (from 150 + 50 per psi over 5)
//External Psionic Detonation (boosted velocity, now it acts like a rocket launcher with proximity grenade)
//Psycho-Reflective Aura 180 seconds per PSI also it only protects vs anti-human damage now, and by 50%)

69 nix skills gmply 1.1 (weapons require skill 1,3,5 based on their tier,

maintain: all weapons require 1, laser pistol 3, emp rifle 5
repair: conventional weapons require 1, others 2
modify tier 1 weapons require 1, tier 2 2, tier 3 3

heavy weapons require 3 end (sfg), 5 end (fusion cannon) to equip
exotic weapons require 1,3,5 research skill to research based on the tier of the weapon)

research skill: organized the 20 researchable items in 5 tiers, 4 items per tier... the hybrid and midwife now require a chemical to research, the grub pod require none, also the last exotic weapon, worm launcher, can now be researched using chemicals found at the start of the "body of the many level... " in the first of the three places where chemicals are located in that level. Also changed some of the chemicals required for research for some items, when making the change would open up more options about where to gather said chemicals...

//research skill:

//research 1
//*!OG Organ x 90 --> chem 7 (Cf) @ 81
//Monkey_Brain 1 300
//antitoxin-a 4,2,4 600
//Crystal Shard 5 2400 (unchanged except research 4to1 as weapon skill mod)

//research 2
//*!Annelid_Medpatch 9 800
//*!INT Boost 8,10 1800 --> chem 18,10
//*!Grub Organ 3,7 720
//*!Midwife Organ x 600 -- chem 3 @ 300

//research 3
//*!Viral Prolif 14,16 10000 --> chem 13,14 (Hs,Te)
//*!Worm Skin 13,16 2700 --> 12,6(Cs,Cu)
//WormMind 12 3400
//*!Arach. Organ 10 4400

//research 4
//*!WormBlood 6 900 6 --> 18 (Cu to Ba)
//*!Annelid_Psipatch 3,5 1100 --> 8,11 (8 is Na, 11 is As)
//*!Swarm Organ 1500
//*!Rumbler Organ 15 2200

//research 5
//*!Worm Launcher 15,19 5400 --> 15,16 (Mo,Tc)
//*!WormHeart 12,13 4800 (Cs,Hs) --> 17,16 (Ra,Tc)
//*!Mn. Over. Organ 17 3600
//*!Gr. Over. Organ 17,18 4800 --> 19 (Se)

68 nix strings gmply 1.1 (any text change placed inside a file that affect more than 1 mod is placed here... mod affected are implants, hypo, armor, skills)

nix camera alarm 1.0 (discarded mod, when you destroy a security camera, alarm is triggered)

camera alarm 1.0
replicator + recycle + stackable + swinekeeper.zip
« Last Edit: 21. July 2020, 19:08:40 by Moderator »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
hum sorry guys i think i am so thrashed right now that i posted this in the wrong place -.-' :D


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
that's a ton of stuff, no way I'll have the time to go through everything anytime soon (especially because some mods use squirrel), so unless someone else goes through all that stuff, moving this to the mods subforum will have to wait (I assume that's what you are asking for here). will move it to Engineering.

so, do you consider all this fully working?


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
edit: as 2018/04/29 yes :)

the minimods are now split in 3 packages...

main package has minimods with narrow gameplay changes... items sold by replicators, recycle yield, stacking items, and a swapped gamecart

gmply package has many minimods who alter widely gameplay

the last package is a security camera minimod, i made but didn't like... i still included it in a self contained package
« Last Edit: 29. April 2018, 12:53:15 by nixosgl7 »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
seems like you still have a few percent to shave off.


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D

« Last Edit: 29. April 2018, 12:53:41 by nixosgl7 »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
yeah, Engineering is the place for work in progress stuff, moving it there.


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
WTF is up with all the numeric prefixes?

Took a quick glance at some of the scripting. This has got to be some kind of antipattern:
Code: [Select]
if (Property.Get("Player", "Toxin") < 3){
Property.SetSimple("Player", "Toxin", 0);
ShockGame.OverlayChange(kOverlayPoison, kOverlayModeOff);

if (Property.Get("Player", "Toxin") >= 3){
Property.SetSimple("Player", "Toxin", Property.Get("Player", "Toxin") - 2);

This logic can be expressed far less redundantly like this:
Code: [Select]
local toxin = Property.Get("Player", "Toxin") - 2;
if (toxin <= 0) {
toxin = 0;
ShockGame.OverlayChange(kOverlayPoison, kOverlayModeOff);
Property.SetSimple("Player", "Toxin", toxin);
Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
@nixosgl7 Maybe you could split out the 3 mods you are sure about. These could be tested first and moved to the mods board while you work on the others. Just an idea.

I also didn't understand that about the numbers. Are you numbering your mods? What were the first 50 mods about?   O_o
Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
Maybe numbering every try. That's how we got WD-40.
(Even though it is believed they had it at a lower number and just went with a better sounding one.)
« Last Edit: 26. April 2018, 01:32:12 by Olfred »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
« Last Edit: 29. April 2018, 10:07:34 by nixosgl7 »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
edit: merged the 2 mini mods posted here into 1 without gameplay changes, and made a new mini mod with only the gameplay changes...
« Last Edit: 27. April 2018, 11:42:48 by nixosgl7 »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
pretty sure with the other one (stackable snacks) only one item is consumed from a stack upon a single frob.


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
a new scp minimod: usually when you consume a stack of chips, soda, juice, alcohol, cigarettes all the stack disappear...
All those things do not usually stack at all.


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
ops... i played at least 2 playthrough with that stackable mod and never noticed... probably cause i always recicled the drinks and chips :D

so i guess... i just made a mini mod, to fix my other minimod :P


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
« Last Edit: 29. April 2018, 10:08:03 by nixosgl7 »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
a little rant here... i tried to make the transmutation psi ability more useful, making it work on weapons and armors too...
and when i try it on stacked items... it does transmute only 1 item in the stack O_o (except some bullets -.-')

now... before someone shoot me :D i like prey more :P (i still like this game although) about 15 to 20 years ago i finished it a total of 7 or 8 times, while usually i rarely completed videogames... recently when testing my mods i completed it 6 or 7 times in 2 months :P

about 6 years ago i thought about modding this game a bit, but everything was too hard, and when a new community patch was released my changes would need to be redone from scratch... these dml changes are optimal as you can apply it on any new patch that will come :)

well... i will see if i will be able to make transmute psi consume all items in stack :D

edit: i didn't mod the psi transmute skill, but now a single psi cast transmutes at least 5 of the selected objects
« Last Edit: 29. April 2018, 10:09:19 by nixosgl7 »


Re: nixos mini scp mods :D
just to let you know, i am done working on the mods... they should be 99,99% fine :P

do what you want with them, i had a bit of fun playing like 7 playthrough with these mods in the last 2 months

the changes here are the changes i wanted to do 5 years ago, but couldn't.


Does anyone still have "nix camera alarm 1.0.zip" which had been available for download, but now is listed as expired.


did someone manage to grab the "final" versions of the zips?

nix camera alarm 1.0.zip
nix gmply.zip
nix replicator + recycle + stackable + swinekeeper.zip

I only have the first zip where everything has been packed into one archive, now attached to the first post again.


hi voodoo47, the zip file you attached is the unfinished 1.0 version...

here is the last version of every scp mini mod in a 138kb archive. + a bonus 1,17gb archive with my system shock 2 mod collection ordered by correct activation order to avoid conflicts between different mods plus system shock 1 and 2 game guides and hint books

« Last Edit: 24. July 2020, 21:52:10 by Moderator »


downloaded the first archive and attached it to the first post.

anything special in that other 1Gb archive?


hum probably not...

1) my hand picked selection of mods to use in system shock 2, already placed into a dmm folder and in the correct order for loading into the game

2) system shock 1 and 2 book guides, including an icebreaker booklet for system shock 1 + some txt gamefaqs walkthrough
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I do not own anything.
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