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zohnlowper - 06/30/2018

I am never satisfied by doing the same thing over and over again
there is somthing that is fun in the whole world I just don't know what it is(edited)

if only I was  a psyche like you guys
then i would be able to read the future and what is fun
but i can't because im not any of you

Hamumu - 06/30/2018
why does something have to be in the future to be fun? This is very strange

SpaceManiac - 06/30/2018
I promise I don't have the ability to read the future

zohnlowper - 06/30/2018
because the past is over the fun ends once your already done it and you have to wait for something new to come out
like I watched all the movies I wanted
and now I have to wait for 1 year for new ones to ome out
or if there isnt any new games or somthing
we all wait
unless we could time travel into the past and bring technology to from the future and increase the amout of ps2 games and olden day games
sadly we don't have a time machine yet
if we did, we would just press the reset button
which will make us forgot everything and turn back into a baby
I would not use that time machine
because then I wouid have more da ja vu than before in the next life
which is horrible because you can only do the same thing and not change the future
The End!
oh also the real ending is a paradox and loop because we would keep going back to that same time machine

SpaceManiac - 06/30/2018
Did you know there are video games about this?

Hamumu - 06/30/2018
well, that was much more than I bargained for for sure. But nonetheless, it does tell me that you DO find certain movies and games fun. So I feel less concerned about the universe collapsing

zohnlowper - 06/30/2018
well there are games for certain things of what i said but nothing really about what i said.

and also hamumu the universe could not and would not, because it is organized and well sorted and it is not random like a big bang theory.
unless the universe was forced by human power or some other evil thing

Reality - 06/30/2018
This reminds me of my crisis - less with video games than with television shows
I thought that the point of having boxed sets of tv show seasons
was that if you had about 5-6 whole shows
you would be able to forget the ones you started with
and you could just cycle them for your entertainment needs in the future

zohnlowper - 06/30/2018
you COULD do that, but then again if you want to go back the old one for fun, you must have a reason to do that or somthing you missed else it would not be fun to watch again if there isnt anything new or isnt a reason or isnt anything you made up for it to be fun
like some reasons to go back old games are easter eggs,glitches,cheats,hacks,mods, or to make somthing new out of old
like super mario 64 it had an online version made for it
before that it only had single player and it wasnt very popular anymore
untill some came along and spent some future time into it
and made it a little fun again

Reality - 06/30/2018
So your problem is that games are good until you get to 100%
and then the only thinngs left are to add things with your own input
either self-imposed challenges, or glitch/hacking exploration

zohnlowper - 06/30/2018
seems about right, romerix is doing the same thing with dr. lunatic supreme with vegtables
and also editors for the games

Hamumu - 06/30/2018
the lesson you are learning is that creativity is fun

zohnlowper - 06/30/2018
yes it is, but it we have things that block creativity
like the tool we don't have or tech or things yet, like what about eeg mind reading program tthat can make any art you think of or create

Hamumu - 06/30/2018
only SpaceManiac can tell you about that, the rest of us can't see the future

zohnlowper - 06/30/2018
I have made ideas for inventions but I do not know how or who would do them for me. all i know is that The only solution I found was
when watching other people or search for what other people do have and use
Like there is a site called plot geneator my cousin used, I got my creativity back from it since it was new and had a way to create songs writings and more basicly for word and poems

Androgeos - 06/30/2018
Back when I was in Grade/Primary 6 (i.e. 16 years ago), I thought very similar to Reality - if I had enough video games, I could cycle through them for a fix. It seemed to make sense at the time, but as it turns out, the cycle is a lot larger than I expected. It's still getting larger with each passing month.

Sometimes, ZENRON, if no one's making them for you, you'll have to make them for yourself. It requires a huge amount of motivation to pull off, but think of the benefits! You can decide how you want to make it, and if you don't like something about it, you can fix it right away.
I faced this challenge when I was remaking Spooky Castle as a Supreme With Cheese world. After so many past attempts by others came and went, I decided I wanted to do it myself, and I more or less did.
And right as you read this, I am deciding where I should go to for further studies next since my latest attempt at studying went up in smoke last week after 18 months of trying. You could say it was 18 months wasted, but I see it as 18 months of knowing more about myself and what I'm interested in.(edited)

zohnlowper - 07/01/2018
the only way to solve this time paradox loop thingy
is to create a new form of robot humans
or upload to the internet
like the movie chappie
whats gonna happen when the world war 3 happens
or earth explodes?
A little bit of context, please? Uncommented this just looks like teenage rambling about the important questions in life in some chatroom.
You don't like to play SS2 any more until something new comes out? Subscribe to the SCP topic and do something else. No big deal, I find.
Acknowledged by: daniel
A little bit of context, please? Uncommented this just looks like teenage rambling about the important questions in life in some chatroom.
You don't like to play SS2 any more until something new comes out? Subscribe to the SCP topic and do something else. No big deal, I find.

see there goes the loop again. you got yourself  stuck on the same thing, and what will happen is"Oh now since scp topic and what I was doing is OutDated*

I Now have to wait for the future or look for somthing new to do" which will take ages or maybe 1 year because what you did in the past is no longer the thing.

you cannot and no longer feel the fun or what ever it gave you because its not new anymore and it's plain  and been reused so many times. its like something useless once its reach the point of its end. thats the same with our life and movies,

when you watch a movie and it come to the end of movie(not actual end of the storie) you will be like"wow that was fun but now I crave for more and that wasnt the full storie" or "NOOOOO the movie wasnt long enough" or"what? is there a part 2 or another movie?"

and now life a life cycle of an animal say a fly, *wee I am allive* (next day) *dead* then lator to find out it had babies and did the same thing.

I want to do somthing new, and maybe fix this so I don't have live a life of recycle events.  but maybe WHAT IF a certain creature or person could revive that animal or keep it alive forever or change its path mutate and evolve and to stay different and not enter the path it has been given, that it may have free will to choose like humans.

I am saying this because my dog died and I don't want the same for my cat. there must be more to life than this!!!!!


kids nowadays - when I was 14, I was making explosives out of expired gunpowder, matchstick heads and large bolts, and not pondering about what the purpose of life is. ahh, the simple, good times.
Acknowledged by: daniel
that sound like that would be fun and dangerous, thats somthing my brother wish he could do.  we can't make things at home without getting introuble I live in a poor family with hardly any resources


yeah, I kinda still wonder just how the heck did I end up with both eyes and all fingers intact.
Acknowledged by: daniel
You are just 17. You will figure it out.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, daniel
You are just 17. You will figure it out.
He probably heard that a lot of times before, but it's still right. @daniel keep thinking a lot about things but stay open minded. Don't have a definitive opinion, that always helps. Listen to the other side and don't overthink things. In the end nothing really matters and your life is pretty much what you make out of it. If you always wait for new things that excite you that's also okay. The world is big and there's so many cool things you'll never run out of exciting new ones. I for example watch a lot of homemade stop-motion shorts right now; let's see what comes next.
Acknowledged by: daniel
I want a solution, not somthing to hold me back from this. else I would of not made this thread if it wasn't important.

I don't NEED SELFhelp

its not about that. even if I did what you all said, it will end up at the same loop and ending.  I HATE WAITING. waiting waste time that I have to live and ton do things, you enevr know I could die from a sickness or from bomb or someone.

same with the world being destory and world war 3.

Yesterday night i watched :The Last Man. it was storie about a man who believe in the end and horrible things were happening to him, he was hallucinating but that didn't mean he was crazy that the end of the world was fake.

he had problems but they were not the reason for his belief

I am oepn minded and, if you never think deep or woke, you will never find out these things.

You said this was a teenage rambling on a chatroom**  of course it would be.

NO scientist or smart people would of understood or found out about this. they have no time to look into this becuase they are buy experminting and making pills for health markets
To Me it seems you have much fear about the future.

You need to stop just consuming and try to be creative. Don't be afraid of using other works as an inspiration.
If you think that there are no tools to be creative in some way, then you really don't know enough about it or you are just procrastinating.
Travelling backwards in time is impossible.
There is no loops, everyone has one line.
You don't actually know what you want until you find it, keep searching.
Things you are interested in changes about every six to eight years. Some stuff keeps being interesting all the time.
Problem with watching movies or series multiple times is that you don't forget them, ever.
Learn more about human lives before video games and movies. These are very new things.
Universe doesn't circulate around humans.
When I get sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead.
Acknowledged by: icemann
To Me it seems you have much fear about the future.

You need to stop just consuming and try to be creative. Don't be afraid of using other works as an inspiration.
If you think that there are no tools to be creative in some way, then you really don't know enough about it or you are just procrastinating.
Travelling backwards in time is impossible.
There is no loops, everyone has one line.
You don't actually know what you want until you find it, keep searching.
Things you are interested in changes about every six to eight years. Some stuff keeps being interesting all the time.
Problem with watching movies or series multiple times is that you don't forget them, ever.
Learn more about human lives before video games and movies. These are very new things.
Universe doesn't circulate around humans.
it is impossible to stop comsuming, I have been creative but we are all limted to what we can do.

and yes there is a loop, and no things only stay fun if the person knows how or they are addicted or they do it becuase they are lik psychopath or sicopath or somthing else.

it is not normal to do the same thing forever,we change and are different.

there is a limt to everything. what you said is mostly wrong and is by a person who thinks that everything is normal and never will change.

wake up.


Acknowledged by 2 members: JML, daniel
good point, same with paranormal activity and jobs and cars and places, and chores, I have got a theory maybe 1 solution that could fix this.

1. find secret community/society top and top secret stuff

2. learn and find the most groups/cults/religions( I will not believe in any, I just want to see what the world has and find somthing I don't already know for the future

3.create and experiment with the last few things we have that people don't know about and with things that is not common

4.search for answers truth, peace, and finally but not last, survival and infinite life, no sicknesses etc.

I do not want to die, I have a short time to live, idk when is my time, but I sure do want to be brave, and endure these last days

let me know what you thinK/ if you got a better idea??
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