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I haven't even played SS1 one (yet), but for me this seems more true to the original than what they showed previously.

And honestly this looks more promising to me than what the teaser showed for SS3
Acknowledged by: hemebond
I love the voicework but my initial complaints on the actual lines spoken still stand. Compare and contrast the original where Rebecca knows exactly who you are, your part in all this, and 'help us fix this and you MIGHT get a pardon' vs 'hello? Some rando! Yay get a weapon yur gunna need it.'

Again, love the voice actress. I'm assuming this is mostly reusing the pre-alpha asset rather than reflection of end prodoct? Either way minor quibble but it is a fairly major shift in tone in the working relationship Hacker and Rebecca has through the game and the Hacker's motives for going through with things.


The inventory have any way for you to double click and the thing is in your inventory as opposed to manually dragging items?

I like the charging station effect compared to the pre-alpha being more 'this is routine equipment' as opposed to the old 'you are getting electrocuted this is fine.' Maybe have the Hacker place a hand on the pillar? I dunno how that would break flow.

I like the picture as the logs play.

Mutants looking solid at a glance. Will want to rewatch to critique the fall animation.

The music is... nice. Soothing background ambient you'd perhaps find at a doctor's office (this is medical after all.)

Wire puzzle even to my rather poor eyesight looks easy to comprehend, which is great.

Are you using the old logs or are these new assets? Either way I like that the logs are in place.

I like the removal of the vaguely melancholy orchestral from the observation area overlooking saturn.  Ilike how saturn itself looks.

Am I the only one that thinks every surface looks too glossy? The textures themselves look good but everything looks either high polished or soaking wet.

I enjoy the visual effects, though I keep expecting to hear the sounds of computers wirring away, coolant pipes hissing, and the like maybe? I dunno.

Overal though I'm liking the direction the game's going and want to give money.
« Last Edit: 19. March 2019, 21:44:03 by Hikari »


That music that kicks in around the 4 minute mark... no. Just no. It sounds straight out of Minecraft.
Acknowledged by: Marvin
That music that kicks in around the 4 minute mark... no. Just no. It sounds straight out of Minecraft.

Actually my only complaint would be the music. It doesn't fit. Hadn't thought about Minecraft though, but now that you say it, it really does sound like something from Minecraft
To me the music there felt in line with 'welcome to the medical level.' Soothing ambient inoffensive doctor's office music.

My gripe beyond reusing the pre-alpha's clueless rebecca dialogue is everything looks wet and shiney.


To me the music there felt in line with 'welcome to the medical level.' Soothing ambient inoffensive doctor's office music.
Except it's tonally completely wrong. Soothing music shouldn't be playing over fog, death, darkness, and monsters.
Acknowledged by: Kolya
That's part of why I like it, o long as it's used sparingly it is a good 'this used to be a safe place where people lived and wor and now it is horrible'

so long as that doesn't happen later on now that the horror has sunk in it totally works, especially paired with shodan's impersonal but friendly announcement. Relics of better days.
Except it's tonally completely wrong. Soothing music shouldn't be playing over fog, death, darkness, and monsters.

Well Hikari does have a point. Its not like the place is supposed to be fog, death and darkness in the first place. If its supposed to be played as a part of the game it self, and not as a soundtrack in the background, it should be made more localized from some speakers or something. But i still think its a little too Minecrafty.
Acknowledged by: Hikari


Well Hikari does have a point. Its not like the place is supposed to be fog, death and darkness in the first place. If its supposed to be played as a part of the game it self, and not as a soundtrack in the background, it should be made more localized from some speakers or something.
Yeah, it's clearly not diegetic music. If it was, it wouldn't even sound like video game ambient music. It would be more like muzak.

It's a shame they aren't just remixing the original Medical deck music.
On that we agree. A nice hit of nostalgia for the old timers.
Welcome back to disco station.

The audio log by Rebecca Lansing was terribly voiced in the original, but this is somehow worse. Mentioning a mining laser taking aim at earth like some secondary nuisance. Bad. Very bad.

The medbots seem rather comical, the way they let their head hang after being beaten. But mainly those strikes with a leadpipe don't seem to have any connection with the world. That bot should tumble but instead it gives off little puffs of smoke as the only visual indicator that your hit connected. Exactly as the cameras. 

I liked the zombies. And most of the environment and textures, save for the stark disco lighting. But I guess that is a possible interpretation of the original and they are going for that retro look.


I have to agree. Voice actress of Rebecca Lansing is doing a fantastic job, but the log itself is just off. They could have done much better.

I hated how some things you hit just disappears into dust/smoke. And I disliked how medbots give off dust/smoke every time when you hit them, there is just no proper feedback there. I hope that doesn't represent the final product.

I hoped to see survivors similar to SS2 (You know, you enter a room, an NPC is running away and getting killed, you are far away unable to stop it. It was one of the best parts of SS2, it really added to the atmosphere and how desperate and horrifying the situation is.)

Also, it seems they took out yellow jumpsuit wearing mutants. It was in the original (well, to be honest all mutants in the original wearing the same thing.) and I would really hate it if there are no examples of it in this one. (Just one or two yellow jumpsuit wearing mutants would do. And maybe add a few human corpses who wear yellow jumpsuits, maybe cleaning crew or something to show it was a thing)

It seems they took out the implant animations from the beginning. (You would jam them into your head, which would bring up your HUD) It was something I loved in the previous demo, I don't understand why the hell they would get rid of it.

I would love to see some connections between this and SS2, however small. System Shock 2 had many different things like PSI powers and such, but in SS1 there wasn't even a mention of something called PSI. (as far as I can recall at least) Adding PSI powers to the game would be too much (lets just say it is not something Hacker can do for whatever reason), but at least they should be mentioned somewhere in the game, maybe in the audio logs or something. Some parallels that connects two games should be drawn.
One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of this is WIP: combat, enemy destruction effects, AI, etc. aren't all 100% implemented yet, nor is level design fully finalized, but things are definitely coming along!  This is a great preview, but not necessarily representative of how everything will be done in more mature builds. 


I was just going to say.  There's a lot of stuff that's clearly wrong but it's not worth mentioning because it's almost certainly WIP material (like the cpu nodes that disappear with a pipe hit)... clearly unfinished so no problems.  I'm actually encouraged by the stuff they've done right this time around.  I think they're getting to be on the right wavelength anyway.  Just my 2c
Acknowledged by: icemann


You guys are right of course. The problem comes from not knowing what is a placeholder (or unpolished version of the final thing) and what is not. We all just want the best for this game.

One more thing I wanted to mention, doesn't mutant faces (especially the eyes) look a bit goofy to anyone else? I know it was in a similar way in the original (though it is hard to tell) but because their eyes are overly bright, perfectly round and symmetrical, it looks more like they are wearing googles than anything else. It could be just me, but they fail to look scary in any possible way for me.
I would love to see some connections between this and SS2, however small. System Shock 2 had many different things like PSI powers and such, but in SS1 there wasn't even a mention of something called PSI. (as far as I can recall at least) Adding PSI powers to the game would be too much (lets just say it is not something Hacker can do for whatever reason), but at least they should be mentioned somewhere in the game, maybe in the audio logs or something. Some parallels that connects two games should be drawn.

In fairness Shodan/Polito does mention that being experimental. Maybe have a log or two of shodan noting tinkering with brain chemistry combined with specific crystaline structures built into grafted mplants allowing for curious manifestations that she would like to study further?
Maybe just keep it as SS1 remake and don't include anything from SS2.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, WhyNott


Those deep crevices in those floor tiles at 7:45....that's a walking hazard if ever there was one. You'd be stepping on the edge of them with the edge of your foot ...instant sprained ankle and fall.

Doesn't seem like a logical choice a company would make for flooring on a space station...right?


In fairness Shodan/Polito does mention that being experimental. Maybe have a log or two of shodan noting tinkering with brain chemistry combined with specific crystaline structures built into grafted mplants allowing for curious manifestations that she would like to study further?

I finished both games (though its been a while since the last time I played them) and I don't remember anything about it being experimental. I vaguely recall "some" PSI powers being experimental, but not the PSI itself. With Psionic Amplifier being a relatively widely used thing in SS2, I think it should already exist in SS1. (Shouldn't be something thats available to Hacker however)

Maybe just keep it as SS1 remake and don't include anything from SS2.

By that logic, maybe don't remake it in the first place and keep replaying the original one, since you are against improving it.

I didn't say "this game should have PSI powers", it just needs at least a mention of it. I don't want this game to be anything but System Shock 1, but being a purist only goes so far.

As far as I can see it, the only thing that keeps two games together is Shodan, which is not a good thing. It could have been taking place in a different universe and it would have made no difference. There should be a few dots that connects the two games together, however small they might be. (In fact, smaller the better) There are many story elements that concern the setting they didn't even think about until the second game. First game needs more of it, because it has so little of it in the first place.


The thing there is that is not what the backers pitched their money in for, and it was the move to a more SS2-like game that nearly destroyed this reboot. You may have liked the earlier incarnation of this reboot more, but this is not what the majority want.
Acknowledged by: Kolya


You are talking nonsense. You really have no idea what you are talking about.

Earlier incarnation you are talking about had absolutely no resemblance to SS2 in any shape or form. People hated it because it didn't even look like a System Shock game anymore. They were basically creating a different game with the same name.

And there is nothing wrong with game being a bit more like SS2 where it makes more sense. This is why I didn't say "yeah, lets add the weapons from SS2 to SS1" or "lets add PSI powers to the game". I just want some established game lore to be in SS1, because it makes sense being there.

Only other thing I said that would make the game just a bit more like SS2, is adding some NPC's getting killed in front of your eyes (which would help with the horror theme), which didn't really exist in SS1 because of the limitations at the time. Again, it doesn't change the game all that much, it makes sense, no one in their right mind would disagree with that.


You are talking nonsense. You really have no idea what you are talking about.

Uhh.. but you're suggesting incorporating story elements of a sequel into the chronology of the first game, as if references to the second game belong in or have no adverse effect on the first game.  Is that not nonsense?


You are talking nonsense. You really have no idea what you are talking about.

As you've done no research before saying that, I'd recommend reading up on the forums here. Until then, your the only one talking nonsense. Have a long read, then post. We shall be waiting. There was dozen of threads with hundreds of posts on this.
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