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Topic: Weird question Read 712 times  

Is there a way to edit a particular sound?

I've always been a fan of pickup sounds and I really like the "PING" sound the game makes when you pick up an item. What I don't like is the tiny sound that comes after - it sounds like when you pick up software or an audio log, that sort of "electronic" sound, if that makes sense. I'd like to just hear the ping sound. Is there a way to edit out that audiolog sound from normal item pickups? I believe the ping sound is PICKUP.wav, correct?


yes, editing the correct sound file accordingly should accomplish that.
Do you know of a way to do this and is PICKUP.wav the file I want?


not off the bat, and I have no time to go digging around, so you'll just have to dive in yourself, head first.
Some good news - I figured out that PICKUP.wav and LINEBEEP.wav are linked.

PICKUP.wav is obviously the ping sound while LINEBEEP.wav is that electronic beep you hear when you pick up software, audio logs, and when you quicksave.

Removing LINEBEEP gives me the ping sound and only the ping sound I've wanted to hear for 12 years but, of course, there's no more sound when saving, picking up logs or software. Again, the two are linked seemingly. Do you have any suggestions?


you probably need to dive into sound schemas - while I did some basic work in that area, it's been a while, so I would have to basically go figure things out again to provide any useful info, something I really have no time to be doing right now.

the gist of it is you need to edit the appropriate *.sch file with notepad or similar, and then reload schemas in the editor. this functionality is shared between Shocked and Dromed, so googling for "reload schemas Dromed" should yield sufficient results.
A temporary workaround I found that is satisfactory for now is that I took the PIKCUP.wav and renamed it to LINEBEEP.wav. So now the pickups for audio logs and saving plays a bit of a muted "ping" but I can still hear it, and I get my normal item pickup sound that I wanted. It's not ideal, but it'll do for now I guess.

Thanks - helpful as always.  :thumb:
Found this in MiscSfx in SECMOD3.1999/schema:

schema pickup_item
archetype UI_SCH
volume -500

But not sure what to do now.


pickup is the name of the sound file, you can replace it with something else, adjustments to the volume makes it louder or more silent (-500 means it's silenced a bit).


You know you could just open up the wav file in Audacity and edit it to your liking there.


assuming it doesn't break the audio format - it can be kind of fragile, from my experience.
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