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Topic: SS2 Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines Read 115930 times  



System Shock 2 - Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines v2.03
by RoSoDude https://rosodudemods.wordpress.com/

NOTE: Only the 2.04 BETA release supports SCP beta 5.

SS2-RSD aims to rebalance the game's RPG systems and provide more meaningful differentiation in character development. Below are some of the key features (see the full changelist for details):

Technical skills:
  • Hack: reworked minigame deducts nanites per node click for greater strategic depth, and skill requirements are less front-loaded to reward investment
  • Modify: brand new modification system allows the player to customize their weapons on the fly and even upgrade their armor
  • Repair: many new repairable items (batteries, prisms, security crates, even a QBR and a Power Station)
  • Maintenance: Tools are less effective at restoring condition for weapons with higher skill requirements
  • Research: Higher skill requirements for most organs, and skill increases chance of finding researchable items as loot

  • Standard weapons feature smaller magazines, longer reload times, and less potent special ammo, benefitting much more from modification
  • Stasis Field Generator available at Heavy skill 1 and drains fewer prisms per shot
  • Grenade Launcher available at Heavy skill 3, and grenade types are carefully rebalanced
  • Fusion Cannon deals more damage while also draining more prisms per shot
  • Exotic weapons are immune to weapon degradation
  • Viral Proliferator available at Exotic skill 1 (and earlier in the game)
  • Crystal Shard available at Exotic skill 4
  • Improved bullet tracers, impact sparks, and general weapon effects

  • Disciplines extensively rebalanced and rearranged in unlock tiers
  • 34 out of 35 disciplines benefit from overloading (previously only 15!)
  • Power Psi O/S upgrade increases the overload bonus from PSI +2 to PSI +3 (up to PSI 11) instead of preventing burnout

O/S Upgrades:
  • Pack Rat allows the player to stack food and junk items in their expanded inventory
  • Tinker required to perform level 2 modifications with French-Epstein devices
  • Smasher grants much more bonus damage to melee attacks
  • Naturally Able grants 25 cyber modules
  • Security Expert doubles the duration of security timeout

Stats and Difficulty:
  • Wearing armor enforces a speed penalty mitigated by Strength
  • Installing redundant tech software grants 10 nanites per Cybernetic Affinity
  • Robust difficulty scaling on Replicator prices, player health and psi pools, enemy loot, ammo pickups, and rare devices

Level Design:
  • New secrets and environmental hazards, extensive item redistribution
  • New opportunities for power cells to open loot caches and access locked routes
  • Final bossfight rebuilt for greater challenge and complexity

Quality of Life:
  • Using the "?" MFD action on an item displays its stat and skill requirements
  • Picking up a weapon auto-equips it if there is no other weapon currently equipped
  • Items can be dragged from the inventory into containers in the world

Installation and Mod Compatibility
Requires SS2 v2.48 patch or above. SS2-RSD is built for SCP Beta 4 (and hopefully beyond), which is required. Load SS2-RSD with Blue Mod Manager above SCP and all other gameplay modifications.
Essential mods:
  • Shock Community Patch Beta 4 (required, load SS2-RSD higher)
  • SS2 Repairman (load SS2-RSD higher for compatibility)
Optional mods:
  • SS2 Scary Monsters AI Enhancement
  • SS2 Alarming Cameras (load SS2-RSD higher, use included fix for conflicting text descriptions)
  • SS2 Stasis Trap (load SS2-RSD higher for balance tweaks)
  • Kyu's WeaponFX (load SS2-RSD higher)
All changes are made via DML, NVScript, and Squirrel Script for maximum compatibility with other mods, with no edits to gamesys or mis files.
Compatible with nearly all graphical mods and most NewDark gameplay mods.
Not compatible with Secmod.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Will this be compatible with the SS2 Enhanced Edition to be released by NightDive Studios?
    I'm not sure. It depends on whether they can bootstrap NewDark features to their KEX engine release. Apparently they're going to be including SCP which also relies on NewDark, so it might be possible.
  • Is this recommended for new players?
    SS2-RSD was developed for both new players and veterans alike, with all mod changes intended to seamlessly extend the original designs. Normal difficulty is recommended for most new players, while veteran players will enjoy the challenge on Hard difficulty.
  • Does it work in multiplayer co-op?
    No, there are several limitations in scripting that precluded co-op support.
  • Does it work with old saves?
    No, as many of the mod's features, such as the UI extensions for the new weapon/armor modification system, are only instantiated when loading a map for the first time with the mod installed.

SCP Beta 4 for several scripts
SS2 Repairman 1.06 for Wrenchier script
Secmod 3.0 for Portable Battery icons
Heavily Tweaked v1.06 for a mission DML
SCP Balance Revert v3 for DML
ZylonBane for several scripts and general assistance
voodoo47 for general assistance
sarge945 for general assistance
PandaMonium Reviews for editing the trailer
Beta testers: AshIndigo, sarge945, Voyager, Deus_nsf, Julian, Augmented, Zaratul, Waka, Georg, tiphares4, remyabel, Bratmanntoffel, Average Manatee

You have my permission to reuse anything I've created for this mod, so long as you credit my work.


System Shock 2 - Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines v2.03
by RoSoDude

#### SCP Reverts ####
-Reverted Power Armor unpowered combat protection from 20 to 0, powered radiation protection from 10 to 0
-Removed extraneous Energy protection on Hazard Suit and Worm Skin, now same as Combat value indicates
-Reverted SCP Hazard Suit rad/tox protection from 80% to 75%
-Partially restored immunity to Protocol Droid explosion damage with Localized Pyrokinesis, now reduces damage by 73% [credit SCP Balance Revert v3 DML]
-Reverted WormHeart toxin "buildup", now always applies 4 toxic on removal as in vanilla
-Reverted ADaOB Small/Large Worm Beaker stack count from 6/12 to 4/8, recycle value from 2 to 3 nanites
-Reverted ADaOB grenade rebalance
   -Frag grenade damage 26->20, damage scaling (already unintentionally in effect)
   -Proximity grenade direct damage 25->20, no scaling
   -Proximity grenade mine damage 25->10, no scaling
   -EMP grenade damage 21->15, damage scaling re-enabled (vanilla 13 damage)
   -Incendiary grenade damage 45->15, damage scaling re-enabled
   -Disruption grenade damage 68, no scaling (vanilla 35 damage)
-Removed ADaOB Laser Rapier 2 Incendiary damage (caused doubled STR bonus bug)
-Reverted EMP Rifle/EMP Grenade explosion damage from two 5 damage stims to one 10 damage stim
-Reverted SCP Recreation transmitter requiring auxiliary power
-Reverted SCP replacing a Midwife with a Shotgun Hybrid in BotM
-Restored Body of the Many teeth crusher timing puzzle
-Restored the volume of the Laser Rapier's ambient buzzing sound to vanilla levels

#### Tech Skills ####
-Decreased tech skill 1/2/3/4/5/6 unlock cost from 10/5/8/12/25/50 to 10/5/8/12/20/35 cyber modules
-Reworked Hack/Repair/Modify minigame:
   -Now deducts nanites per node click for 1/5 original cost (minimum 1)
   -Board start/reset deducts 2/5 original cost (minimum 2)
   -1 ICE node removed per CYB above 1 (was 0)
   -Psi hacking now counts Power Psi +3 PSI overload up to PSI 11
   -Psi hacking now has double psi costs with Recursive Psionic Amplification active
   -Psi hacking now counts Psychogenic Cyber-Affinity towards effective CYB
   -Now displays chance to succeed instead of chance to fail
-Overhauled weapon modification system:
   -Choose 1 of 3 exclusive mods for each modification level
   -Still 2 modification levels; each level has its own skill requirements and minigame difficulty
   -Each weapon has unique mod choices, 9 possible combinations in total
   -Upgrades can be swapped at any time (pending Modify minigame completion)
   -French-Epstein devices are limited to level 1 modifications (unless you acquire the Tinker O/S Upgrade)
   -French-Epstein devices can not be used to swap modifications
   -All mods provide +10% damage alongside their main benefit, except the pure damage mod available for all weapons
   -All weapons except Exotic have a -20% degradation mod and a mod that unlocks secondary fire
   -Other mods: reload time, clip size, ammo consumption, projectile speed, rate of fire, and several other unique mods
-New armor modification system:
   -Same as weapon modification system but with only 1 modification level (3 exclusive mods) per armor
   -Access by right clicking the armor in the inventory to open up the new stat display window
   -Hazard Suit, Light Combat Armor, and Medium Combat Armor have level 1 mods
   -Powered Armor, WormSkin Armor, and Heavy Combat Armor have level 2 mods (require Tinker to use French-Epstein devices)
   -Mods: reduced STR requirement, impact DEF, energy DEF, rad/tox DEF, and several other unique mods
   -Light Combat Armor: Modify requirement 2 (15 nanites, 10% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Medium Combat Armor: Modify requirement 4 (20 nanites, -10% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Heavy Combat Armor: Modify requirement 6 (30 nanites, -30% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Powered Armor: Modify requirement 5 (30 nanites, -20% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -WormSkin Armor: Modify requirement 4 (50 nanites, -40% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Hazard Suit: Modify requirement 1 (10 nanites, 20% base success, 0 base ICE)
-Armors now come with a movement speed penalty
   -Can be reduced by upgrading STR beyond the requirement
   -Light Combat Armor: 8% - 4% per STR above req (2)
   -Medium Combat Armor: 8% - 4% per STR above req (4)
   -Heavy Combat Armor: 4% - 4% per STR above req (6)
   -Powered Armor (charged): 12% - 4% per STR above req (4)
   -Powered Armor (unpowered): 30% - 10% per STR above req (4)
   -WormSkin Armor: 8% - 4% per STR above req (2)
   -Hazard Suit: 4% - 4% per STR above req (1)
   -Increased Powered Armor STR req from 3 to 4
-Rebalanced Hack/Repair/Maint skill requirements
   -Replicators require Hack 3->1
   -Security Computers require Hack 1->3
   -Slug/Laser Turrets require Hack 4, Repair 3, Maint 3->2
   -Rocket Turrets require Hack 4->5, Repair 3->4, Maint 4->3
   -Rickenbacker Turrets require Hack 5->6, Repair 4->5, Maint 5->4
-Maintenance tools increase condition by 1+Maint-MaintReq instead of just Maint [adapted Repairman 1.06 script]
-Increased Research skill requirements for organs and other researchable items. Full list:
   -Hybrid Organ 1
   -Monkey Brain 1->2
   -Midwife Organ 1->3
   -Arachnid Organ 1->4
   -Rumbler Organ 1->5
   -Psi-Reaver Organs 1->6
   -Annelid Psi Organ 1->3
   -Grub Pod Organ 1
   -Swarm Pod Organ 1
   -Annelid Healing Gland 1->2
   -WormSkin Armor 3->6
   -Psi Booster 1->2
   -WormBlood Implant 4
   -WormMind Implant 3
   -WormHeart Implant 5
   -Crystal Shard 4
   -Viral Proliferator 3
   -Annelid Launcher 6
-Increased research times
   -Midwife organ 2.5x
   -Rumbler organ 2x
   -Annelid Psi Organ 2x
   -Worm Skin 2x
   -Crystal Shard 1.33x
   -WormBlood 3x
-Each point of the Research skill increases the chance to find organs in loot tables by 20% (compounding)
   -Egg loot no longer affected by difficulty loot hose
   -Decreased base chance to find annelid healing glands in eggs from 30% to 15%
   -Decreased base chance to find annelid psi organs in eggs from 5% to 3%
   -Psi Reavers are now always guaranteed to drop researchable organs
   -NOTE: organs will not crowd out other possible loot
   -NOTE: Hard/Impossible still have a 30/75% chance to delete all loot found
   -NOTE: there is 1 guaranteed drop each for Hybrid, Monkey, Midwife, Arachnid and Rumbler organs
-Rebalanced the WormSkin armor to be more versatile but require high Research investment
   -30% defense (SCP, was 20% vanilla)
   -30% rad/toxin resistance (vanilla)
   -Increases Psi by +1 (was +2 vanilla)
   -No psi drain [adapted SCP Beta 4 script]
   -Removed Strength 2 requirement
   -Requires Research 6 (was 3 vanilla)
-WormBlood no longer passively drains energy, but drains 40 energy per worm pile eaten
-Repair now extends to portable batteries and prisms [adapted Secmod battery icons]
   -After use, portable batteries will become "spent" and require Repair 4 to become empty batteries (15 nanites, -15% base success, 7 base ICE)
   -After use, prisms will be become "spent" and require Repair 1 to become empty prisms (2 nanites per spent prism repaired, 5% base success, 5 base ICE)
   -Limit 10 prisms per repair batch to keep costs manageable and mitigate auto-repair unit metagaming
   -Limit 1 empty battery charged per Electron Cascade cast (still efficient)
   -Empty batteries/prisms can be recharged at power stations to become portable batteries/prisms
   -Spent batteries/prisms cannot be recycled; empty batteries/prisms have the usual value
   -Portable battery and prism pickups have adjusted pickup brightness with matching icons to indicate their charged status
   -TIP: hold alt to split item stacks
-Hackable crates can now be repaired after critically failing a hack, instead of exploding
   -Security Crates: Repair skill 1, 4 nanites, 20% base success, 0 base ICE
   -High-Security Crates: Repair skill 5, 4 nanites, -10% base success, 0 base ICE
-Repairing Replicators now also sets them to a hacked state for free (3->10 nanites, 25->10% base success, 0 base ICE)
-Using the repair skill now adds +2 for weapons with a break threshold of 2/10 (Assault Rifle and Heavy weapons)
-Rebalanced turret repair minigame difficulties [SS2 Repairman mod only]
   -Slug Turret: (15 nanites, 0% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Laser Turret: (15 nanites, -10% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Rocket Turret: (15 nanites, -20% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Rick Turret: (15 nanites, -30% base success, 0 base ICE)
-Repaired turrets spawn at 50% of their maximum HP [SS2 Repairman mod only]
-Increased LabAssistant implant drain from 1 charge per 10 seconds to 1 charge per 5 seconds
-Equalized ExperTech implant drain from 2 charge per 10 seconds to 1 charge per 5 seconds

#### Weapons ####
-Decreased weapon skill 1/2/3/4/5/6 unlock cost from 12/6/8/15/36/50 to 12/6/8/15/30/45 cyber modules
-Removed damage bonuses to wrench from Standard skill
-Decreased bullet projectile speed by 17%
-Fixed Pistol slide animation capping burst mode fire rate to 960 rpm
-Decreased Pistol BURST mode rate of fire from 960 rpm to 645 rpm
-Decreased Pistol BURST shot interval from 0.7 seconds to 0.5 seconds (equal to NORM mode)
-Decreased Pistol vertical recoil from 6.59° to 6.00° and increased horizontal recoil from 0.00° to 3.00°
-Changed Assault Rifle primary fire to 2-round burst (secondary fire is still automatic with 2-round burst minimum)
   -Adjusted Assault Rifle recoil stats between firing modes so that AUTO has greater recoil
-Decreased Standard weapon clip sizes and increased reload times
   -Pistol clip 12->8, 2.4x reload time
   -Shotgun clip 12->6, 1.5x reload time
   -Assault Rifle clip 36->20, 2x reload time
-"Fixed" Shotgun 1.5x reload time when in TRIPLE mode
-Rebalanced Shotgun projectiles
   -Rifled slug 7 damage (vanilla 8 damage)
   -Triple slug 14->7x3 damage, 0->450 spread (vanilla 16 damage, 0 spread)
   -Pellet 1x12->1x8 damage, 150->700 spread (vanilla 1x6 damage, 400 spread)
   -Triple pellet 2x12->1x24 damage, 150->700 spread (vanilla 2x6 damage, 400 spread)
-Increased Shotgun degradation rate from 1.0% per shot to 1.5% per shot
-Increased Shotgun TRIPLE mode degradation to 3x and break chance to 2x normal
-Increased Assault Rifle break threshold from 1.0 to 2.0
-Increased Laser Pistol OVER mode degradation to 5x and break chance to 3x normal
-Fixed EMP Rifle NORM mode not inheriting damage bonuses from modification and Sharpshooter
-Increased EMP Rifle NORM mode consumption from 2 to 3
-Increased EMP Rifle OVER mode consumption from 10 to 15 (20 vanilla)
-Decreased EMP Rifle OVER mode damage from 40 damage to 30 as it now benefits from scaling (vanilla 15, intended 45)
-Decreased EMP Rifle OVER mode consumption from 20 to 15
-Decreased EMP Rifle degradation rate from 1.5% per shot to 1% per shot
-Increased Laser Rapier Energy damage from 11 to 13 (see SCP reverts for removal of Incendiary damage)
-Swapped Stasis Field Generator and Grenade Launcher in Heavy skill tree
   -Stasis Field Generator requires Heavy 1
   -Grenade Launcher requires Strength 3 Heavy 3
-Decreased Disruption grenade radius from 8.00 to 7.00 (SS2Tool 6.50), removed linear dispersion
-Improved physics for grenades (lower gravity, more air friction)
-Improved physics for BOUNCE mode grenades (higher bounce, less roll)
-Rebalanced Grenade Launcher BOUNCE mode
   -Explosions are 50% bigger (except Disruption Grenades)
   -Fuse time reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds
-Increased Grenade Launcher break chance from 0.5-5.0% per shot to 1.0-10.0% per shot
-Increased Grenade Launcher break threshold from 1.0 to 2.0
-Increased Proximity Grenade mine damage from 10 to 20
-Decreased Stasis Field Generator base effect duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
-Added duration scaling with Heavy skill to Stasis Field Generator's AREA mode
-Increased Stasis Field Generator AREA mode radius from 10 to 15
-Removed Stasis Field Generator AREA mode line of sight restriction (enemies could block each other)
-Decreased AREA mode stasis trap duration from 20 seconds to 6 seconds, removed lasting 8 second stun after trap expires [SS2 Stasis Trap mod only]
-Decreased Stasis Field Generator ammo usage from 4/8 to 2/3 in primary/alternate fire
-Increased Fusion Cannon ammo usage from 2 to 4
-Increased Fusion Cannon reload time by 6x
-Increased Fusion Cannon energy damage on NORM/DEATH mode from 20/30 to 30/45
-Increased Fusion Cannon NORM mode radius from 5.00 to 7.00
-Decreased Fusion Cannon NORM mode projectile speed by 50% (vanilla)
-Increased Fusion Cannon DEATH mode projectile speed by 12% (vanilla 50% faster)
-Grenade Launcher and Fusion Cannon now experience moderate recoil
-Swapped Viral Proliferator and Crystal Shard in Exotic skill tree
   -Viral Proliferator requires Exotic 1, Research 3
   -Crystal Shard requires Exotic 4, Research 4
-Decreased Viral Proliferator base damage from 10 to 7
-Increased Crystal Shard base damage from 12 to 16 (Smasher from 18 to 24)
-Decreased Worm Launcher homing; 2700->1500 heading filter, 1600->1000 turn rate (vanilla 1350 heading filter, 800 turn rate)
-Fixed Worm Launcher not inheriting damage bonuses from modification, research, and Sharpshooter
-Exotic weapons are now immune to weapon degradation
-Rebalanced Repair/Maintain/Modify requirements on weapons
   -Shotgun: Repair 2->3 (vanilla), Modify 1->3
   -Assault Rifle: Repair 3->4 (vanilla), Modify 2->4
   -Laser Pistol Maintain 1->2
   -Stasis Field Generator: Repair 6->2, Maintain 3->1, Modify 2->1
   -Grenade Launcher: Repair 2->3, Modify 1->2
   -Fusion Cannon: Repair 4->6
   -Worm Launcher: Modify 2->4
-Rebalanced Repair/Modify minigame difficulties on weapons
   -Pistol: Repair (3->5 nanites, 20% base success, 4 base ICE)
   -Pistol: Modify level 1 (20->10 nanites, 40->30% base success, 2->3 base ICE)
   -Pistol: Modify level 2 (20->10 nanites, 20->10% base success, 2->3 base ICE)
   -Shotgun: Repair (5->10 nanites, 20->0% base sucess, 5 base ICE)
   -Shotgun: Modify level 1 (20->15 nanites, 30->20% base success, 3->4 base ICE)
   -Shotgun: Modify level 2 (20->15 nanites, 10->0% base success, 3->4 base ICE)
   -Assault Rifle: Modify level 1 (20 nanites, 10% base success, 4->5 base ICE)
   -Assault Rifle: Modify level 2 (20 nanites, -10% base success, 4->5 base ICE)
   -Laser Pistol: Modify level 1 (20->10 nanites, 0->20% base success, 5->4 base ICE)
   -Laser Pistol: Modify level 2 (20->10 nanites, -20->0% base success, 5->4 base ICE)
   -EMP Rifle: Repair (15 nanites, 0->-5% base success, 5->6 base ICE)
   -EMP Rifle: Modify level 1 (20 nanites, -5->0% base success, 4->6 base ICE)
   -EMP Rifle: Modify level 2 (20 nanites, -25->-20% base success, 4->6 base ICE)
   -Stasis Field Generator: Repair (12->5 nanites, 0->20% base success, 5->4 base ICE)
   -Stasis Field Generator: Modify level 1 (30->10 nanites, -15->40% base success, 6->4 base ICE)
   -Stasis Field Generator: Modify level 2 (30->10 nanites, -35->20% base success, 6->4 base ICE)
   -Grenade Launcher: Repair (6->10 nanites, 20->0% base success, 4->5 base ICE)
   -Grenade Launcher: Modify level 1 (20->15 nanites, 0->30% base success, 5 base ICE)
   -Grenade Launcher: Modify level 2 (20->15 nanites, -20->10% base success, 5 base ICE)
   -Fusion Cannon: Modify level 1 (40->30 nanites, -15->0% base success, 6->7 base ICE)
   -Fusion Cannon: Modify level 2 (40->30 nanites, -35->-20% base success, 6->7 base ICE)
   -Viral Proliferator: Modify level 1 (75->30 nanites, -20->10% base success, 8->5 base ICE)
   -Viral Proliferator: Modify level 2 (75->30 nanites, -40->-10% base success, 8->5 base ICE)
   -Worm Launcher: Repair (30 nanites, -10->-15% base success, 6 base ICE)
   -Worm Launcher: Modify level 1 (50->40 nanites, -20->0% base success, 7->6 base ICE)
   -Worm Launcher: Modify level 1 (50->40 nanites, -40->-20% base success, 7->6 base ICE)
-Added reload time to Stasis Field Generator, Viral Proliferator, Annelid Launcher
-Reload mods now hasten the raise/lower speed as well as the time spent at the "bottom" of the reload

#### Psi Disciplines ####
-Decreased Tier 1/2/3/4/5 unlock cost from 10/20/30/50/75 to 10/20/30/40/50 cyber modules
-Decreased Tier 1/2/3/4/5 discipline costs from 3/5/8/12/20 to 3/5/8/12/17 cyber modules
-Adjusted psi burnout time for Tier 1/2/3/4/5 from 2.0/1.5/1.0/0.75/0.4s to 2.00/1.50/1.08/0.75/0.50 seconds
-Adjusted overload threshold at PSI 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 from 85/82/78/73/67/60/52/0% to 89/85/80/74/67/59/50/40%
-All duration-based psi powers now benefit from overloading
-All psi powers can now be overloaded up to an effective PSI 10 (11 with Power Psi)
-Swapped psi powers in tiers
   -Psychogenic Agility from tier 1 to 2
   -Psychogenic Strength from tier 2 to 3
   -Electron Cascade from tier 3 to 5
   -Enhanced Motion Sensitivity from tier 3 to 4
   -Psionic Hypnogenesis from tier 3 to 4
   -Remote Pattern Detection from tier 4 to 3
   -Photonic Redirection from tier 4 to 5
   -Electron Suppression from tier 4 to 5
   -Psychogenic Endurance from tier 4 to 1
   -Instantaneous Quantum Relocation from tier 5 to 3
   -Metacreative Barrier from tier 5 to 4
   -External Psionic Detonation from tier 5 to 4
-Increased Psycho-Reflective Screen combat protection from 15% to 20%
-Decreased Psycho-Reflective Screen duration from 20s + 30s per PSI to 20s + 20s per PSI
-Increased Neuro-Reflex Dampening duration from 1 minute + 20s per PSI to 1 minute + 30s per PSI
-Decreased Localized Pyrokinesis damage from 5 every 0.4s to 0.5 every 0.4s (vanilla 5 every 2s)
-Decreased Localized Pyrokinesis duration to 7s + 8s per PSI above 1 to 5s per PSI
-Increased Localized Pyrokinesis radius from 10 to 15
-Removed Recursive Psionic Amplification initial psi cost
-Decreased Recursive Psionic Amplification duration from 10s + 10s per PSI to 10s per PSI
-Increased Recursive Psionic Amplification buff from +2 PSI to +3 PSI
-Rebalanced Adrenaline Overproduction from 1.00+0.25*PSI multiplier to +2 base damage per PSI
-Increased Adrenaline Overproduction duration from 10s per PSI to 20s + 20s per PSI
-Decreased Psionic Hypnogenesis duration from 20s per PSI to 10s per PSI
-Increased Electron Suppression duration from 3s per PSI to 5s per PSI
-Decreased Psychogenic Endurance duration from 120s + 60s per PSI to 60s per PSI
-Decreased Psychogenic Cyber Affinity duration from 60s + 30s per PSI to 30s per PSI
-Decreased Psychogenic Strength duration from 120s + 60s per PSI to 60s per PSI
-Decreased Psychogenic Agility duration from 120s + 60s per PSI to 60s per PSI
-Increased Remote Pattern Detection duration from 60s per PSI to 120s per PSI
-Increased Enhanced Motion Sensitivity duration from 30s per PSI to 60s per PSI
-Increased Cerebro-Energetic Extension duration from 10s per PSI to 10s + 10s per PSI
-Decreased Metacreative Barrier health from 150 + 50 per PSI over 5 to 30 + 20 per PSI
-Decreased Cerebro-Stimulated Regeneration healing from 2 HP per PSI to 1 HP per PSI
-Decreased Advanced Cerebro-Stimulated Regeneration healing from 5 HP + 5 HP per PSI to 3 HP per PSI
-Decreased Psycho-Reflective Aura combat protection from 60% to 40%
-Decreased Psycho-Reflective Aura duration from 10s + 20s per PSI to 15s per PSI
-Decreased Photonic Redirection duration from 5s + 5s per PSI to 3s + 3s per PSI
-Photonic Redirection now deactivates Localized Pyrokinesis on cast
-Removed Remote Circuitry Manipulation initial psi cost
-External Psionic Detonation now damages robots (0.5x multiplier)
-Neural Decontamination now clears radiation in addition to providing 80% radiation resistance
-Neural Toxin-Blocker now clears toxins in addition to providing 100% toxin resistance
-Remote Pattern Detection now detects items in containers and corpses
-Enhanced Motion Sensitivity now detects robots, turrets, and cameras
-Molecular Transmutation nanite output now scales with difficulty (1.00/1.00/1.25/1.50x on Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible)
-Instantaneous Quantum Relocation improvements:
   -Placing the teleport marker no longer costs psi points
   -Teleport marker no longer has collision
   -Teleporting maintains current view angle
   -Teleporting more consistently confuses pursuing enemies
-Increased Psi Booster nanite cost with Molecular Duplication from 20 to 30

#### Stats and Difficulty ####
-Decreased stat 2/3/4/5/6 unlock cost from 3/8/15/30/50 to 3/8/15/25/40 cyber modules
-Changed Replicator price scaling on Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible from 0.85/1.0/1.25/2.0x to 0.75/1.0/1.25/1.5x
-Increased nanite cost for using surgical units from 5 on all difficulties to 5/10/15/20 on Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible
-Decreased player HP on Normal from 30 + 5 x END to 24 + 6 x END
-Decreased player HP on Hard from 24 + 3 x END to 16 + 4 x END
-Decreased player PP on Hard from 3 + 8 x PSI to 4 + 7 x PSI
-Increased player PP on Impossible from 1 + 5 x PSI to 3 + 5 x PSI
-Increased corpse loot removal chance on Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible from 0/0/30/75% to 0/15/45/75%
-Pickup ammo count on Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible is randomly decreased by up to 0/15/30/45% on initial map load
-Security camera alert decay scales with difficulty (6/8/10/12s on Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible)
-Changed Strength 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 melee damage bonus from 0/1/2/3/4/6/10/15 to -1/0/1/3/6/10/15/21
-Installing redundant softwares now grants 10 nanites per base CYB
   -Hack/Repair/Modify software now goes into the inventory before it is installed
-Rewrote PSI help text to indicate that it increases maximum psi points
-Rewrote CYB help text to indicate that it increases security hack duration

#### O/S Upgrades ####
-Tank O/S upgrade now offers 15% combat protection instead of 10 HP bonus (stacks with other sources of protection)
-Pack Rat O/S upgrade now allows for stacking of food and junk items in addition to granting 3 more inventory spaces (includes beakers)
-Power Psi O/S upgrade now increases overload bonus from +2 PSI to +3 PSI instead of removing burnout damage and psi point cost
-Tinker O/S upgrade now allows for modification level 2 with French-Epstein devices in addition to halved nanite cost when using the Modify skill
-Strong Metabolism O/S Upgrade now removes negative effects from drugs and alcohol in addition to reducing rad/toxic damage by 25%
-Diagnostic/Repair Modules now always appear in robot inventories regardless of the Cyber-Assimilation O/S upgrade
   -Cyber-Assimilation is still required to actually use the item
   -Can now be recycled for 2 nanites
-Security Expert O/S upgrade now counts towards minimum Hack skill requirements
-Security Expert O/S Upgrade now doubles security timeout
-Increased Naturally Able cyber module bonus from 20 to 25 (vanilla 8 )
-Increased Smasher O/S upgrade base damage from 1.25-1.5x to 1.72-2.00x to compete with 1.35x from Lethal Weapon
   -Wrench 9->12 (normal 6)
   -Crystal Shard 15->28 (normal 16, vanilla 12)
   -Laser Rapier 18->23 (normal 13)
   -Psi Sword 24->31 (normal 18 )

#### Character Creation ####
-Marine Year 2 JM-432 Station assignment: now starts with a Stasis Field Generator instead of a Grenade Launcher [adapted ZylonBane's script]
-Marine Year 2 Port MacArthur assignment: now starts with a Shotgun
-Navy Year 1 all assignments: now start with 50 nanites
-OSA Year 2 all assignments: now start with a psi hypo
-OSA Year 3 all assignments: no longer give +1 Strength

#### Maps and Resource Distribution ####
-Swapped the Grenade Launcher in the MedSci Crew Quarters and the Stasis Field Generator in the armory [adapted Heavily Tweaked 1.07 DML]
   -Grenade Launcher fixed to 5 condition, 6 ammo
   -Stasis Field Generator broken to 2 condition, 12 ammo
-Added 20 prisms to MedSci 1
-Added 10 empty prisms to MedSci 1 as a teaching moment/storytelling device
-Removed free Psi Amp from Med/Sci 1 start, moved closet speed boost to corpse instead
-Broke a Pistol in Med/Sci 1, still condition 5
-Broke a Shotgun in Med/Sci 1, still condition 5
-Rearranged Med/Sci 1 Replicator database so anti-toxin hypo requires a hack while anti-rad hypo does not
-Replaced Fragmentation Grenade Clip in a MedSci 2 Replicator with 10 prisms
-Replaced all surgical units in Med/Sci with incomplete surgical units
-Added a surgical key to the autopsy room in Med/Sci 1 on Easy
-Added an annelid healing gland to Med/Sci 1
-Replaced 3 proximity grenades in Med/Sci 2 with 10 small prisms
-Replaced Light Combat Armor in Med/Sci 2 closet with a medical hypo
-Swapped the hackable crate and 2 cyber modules between the two radiation rooms in Med/Sci 2
-Removed BrawnBoost from Med/Sci 2 crew quarters bathroom
-Added SwiftBoost to Med/Sci 2 closet
-Replaced Fragmentation Grenade Clip in an Engineering Replicator with 10 prisms
-Replaced the Pistol in the Engineering supply closet with a broken Laser Pistol at 5 condition
-Added a Strength Booster to an Engineering supply closet
-Added a Strength Booster to Engineering near Engineering Control
-The broken Shotgun in Engineering now comes with a clip modification instead of a reload modification
-Added 10 prisms to a corpse in Engineering hallway to Cargo Bays
-Moved corpse with access card closer to Engineering security room
-Repaired the broken Laser Pistol in the Cargo Bay, starts at 1 condition
-Added 20 prisms to the Cargo Bay
-The email about Auxiliary Storage 4 now plays after returning from the Cargo Bays if you haven't already heard it
-Rebalanced Auxiliary Storage 4 keypad hack difficulty (3 nanites, 0->20% base success, 5->3 base ICE)
-Added radiation to Engineering nacelles
-Replaced the broken Assault Rifle in the Engineering Starboard Nacelle with a broken Grenade Launcher at 6 condition, 4 ammo
-Replaced 2 anti-rad hypos in Hydroponics A with anti-toxin hypos
-Broke the Assault Rifle in Hydroponics A, decreased condition from 7 to 5
-Added 10 empty prisms to Hydroponics A
-Added a Strength Booster to Hydroponics A pool
-Removed the Hazard Suit from Hydroponics A on Hard/Impossible difficulties
-Replaced the Laser Rapier in Hydroponics B surgical bay with a Stasis Field Generator at 5 condition, 12 ammo
-Added a Strength Booster to Hydroponics B near hazardous storage
-Added 10 empty prisms to Hydroponics B
-Decreased the Grenade Launcher condition in Hydroponics B from 6 to 3
-Added a guaranteed Monkey Brain drop to Hydroponics B
-Added a Viral Proliferator to a corpse in the Hydroponics B hazardous storage environmental regulator room
-Replaced Armor-Piercing bullets in a Hydroponics C Replicator with Anti-Personnel shells
-Moved the Hydroponics C French-Epstein Device out of a Hackable Crate, now available on all difficulties
-Added a Proximity Grenade clip to Hydroponics B hazardous storage
-Replaced Powered Armor in Hydroponics D with a Medium Combat Armor
-Added a guaranteed Midwife Organ drop to Ops B
-Added a Strength Booster to Ops B spider ambush apartment
-Added a Strength Booster to Ops C power admin
-Added 20 prisms to Ops C
-Replaced Proximity Grenade Clip in an Ops C Replicator with 10 prisms
-Moved the hackable crate in Ops C near the radiation leak into the radiation leak
-Decreased ammo count on ADaOB's Fusion Cannon jammed by extra prisms
-Decreased Ops D Red Asssassin motion speed multiplier from 54% to 11%
-The broken Stasis Field Generator in Ops D now comes with a clip modification
-Added Powered Armor to Ops D armory
-The Viral Proliferator in Recreation A Crew Quarters now comes with a recoil modification
-Broke the EMP rifle in the Recreation A surgical bay, decreased condition from 8 to 3
-Added a Strength Booster to Recreation A gym
-Added grub pod eggs to Recreation A gym
-Improved night vision capabilities of the Rumbler in the Recreation A gym
-Added a French-Epstein device to the Recreation B Bonne Chance lounge
-Broke the EMP rifle in the Recreation C theater, decreased condition from 8 to 5
-Replaced 10 Prisms in Recreation C Replicator with Proximity Grenade Clip
-Rearranged Recreaction A Replicator database so Anti-Personnel bullets require a hack while Rifled Slugs do not
-The broken QBR machine in Command A is now repairable, requires Repair 6 (20 nanites, -20% base success, 0 base ICE)
-The broken Stasis Field Generator in Command B now comes with a projectile speed modification
-Replaced a rad hypo in Command bridge high-security crate with an anti-toxin hypo
-Replaced WormMind implant in Command bridge high-security crate with WormHeart implant
-Increased the broken EMP rifle ammo at the top of the Command bridge elevator from 0 to 50
-Moved the Rickenbacker O/S Upgrade Station from the Bridge to Pod 1
-Replaced Armor-Piercing bullets in a Command A Replicator with Anti-Personnel bullets
-Replaced Anti-Personnel shells in a Command B Replicator with Armor-Piercing bullets
-Decreased Sympathetic Resonator nanite cost in Replicator from 100 to 50
-Added a broken Power Station to the Rickenbacker, requires Repair 6 (40 nanites, -20% base success, 0 base ICE)
-Replaced 2 rad hypos in Rickenbacker A with anti-toxin hypos
-Converted a hackable crate in Rickenbacker A to a high-security crate
-Replaced 10 prisms in a Rickenbacker A Replicator with 6 AP bullets
-Decreased prism stack count in Body of the Many corpse from 20 to 8
-Decreased nanite stack count in Body of the Many corpse from 71 to 21
-Decreased prism stack count in Body of the Many hackable crate from 36 to 16
-Added a high-security crate to the Body of the Many, placed nearby ammo and new items into it
-Rearranged Body of the Many Replicator database so Anti-Personnel bullets require a hack while Anti-Personnel shells do not
-Added a French-Epstein device to the Body of the Many birthing chamber
-Reworked SHODAN bossfight
   -Removed Mechanical vulnerabilities from SHODAN avatar
   -Added stasis and Electronic Suppression vulnerability to SHODAN avatars
   -Rocket shots now inflict radiation damage, blast damage reduced from 12 to 10
   -Increased head health from 125 to 500
   -Increased head WeaponBash stim mult from 0x to 0.75x
   -Increased head Energy stim mult from 0.5x to 1.00x
   -Decreased head Incendiary stim mult from 1.0x to 0.5x
   -Decreased head Anti-Personnel stim mult from 0.75x to 0.5x
   -NOTE: Left Standard and Cold at 1.0x, Armor Piercing at 1.25x, EMP at 1.5x
   -Decreased shield health from 115 to 100
   -Decreased shield EMP stim mult from 2.0x to 1.5x
   -Increased shield Energy stim mult from 1.0x to 1.25x
   -Shields dim and change color as they take damage, green -> yellow -> magenta -> blue
   -Shields regenerate when SHODAN is below 50% health (no passive shield regeneration)
-Decreased Replicator base/hacked cost for 10 Prisms from 120/90 to 100/75
-Decreased Replicator hacked cost for 20 Prisms from 150 to 125
-Equalized Replicator base/hacked cost for psi hypos from 75/40
-Decreased Replicator base/hacked cost for anti-armor bullets from 120/90 to 100/75
-Decreased Replicator base/hacked cost for anti-personnel bullets from 120/90 to 100/75
-Removed special recoil/degradation status from all weapon pickups
   -A Pistol, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, and EMP Rifle in medsci2
   -3 Pistols in eng1 (1 more is already converted into a Laser Pistol)
   -An EMP Rifle in rec1
   -An EMP Rifle in rec2
   -An EMP Rifle in rec3
   -A Pistol, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, and Laser Pistol in command1
-Removed some items on Normal/Hard/Impossible difficulties
   -A shotgun in Med/Sci 2 on Hard/Impossible
   -An ICE Pick in Hydroponics B freezer on Impossible
   -An Auto-Repair Unit in Hydroponics B maintenance area on Impossible
   -An ICE Pick in Ops C storage closet on Hard/Impossible
   -An Auto-Repair Unit in Ops D Fluid Ops on Hard/Impossible
   -A Surgical Key in Recreaction C security room on Hard/Impossible
   -A French-Epstein Device in Command A Shuttle Bay on Normal/Hard/Impossible
   -An Auto-Repair Unit in Command B Bridge on Normal/Hard/Impossible
   -A Surgical Key in Rickenbacker A tunnels on Hard/Impossible
   -A French-Epstein Device in Rickenbacker A on Impossible
   -An ICE Pick in Body of the Many egg chamber on Normal/Hard/Impossible
-Added more beakers:
   -Large beaker to Med/Sci 1 in R&D
   -Small beaker to Med/Sci 2 near Crew keycard
   -Small beaker to Med/Sci 2 in Watt's room
   -Small beaker to Engineering security room
   -Small beaker to Hydroponics A storage corpse
   -Small beaker to Hydroponics B ambushing midwife
   -Small beaker to Hydroponics B chemical room
   -Large worm beaker to Hydroponics B hazardous storage cor
-Added new secrets for psi pull
   -Maintenance tool to Med/Sci
   -50 nanites to Engineering
   -Maintenance Tool to Cargo Bays
   -Proximity Grenade Clip to Hydroponics A
   -20 nanites to Hydroponics B
   -Shotgun at condition 6 to Hydroponics B
   -20 prisms to Ops C
   -Portable Battery to Ops C
   -A radiation hypo to Ops C
   -[moved] Medical Kit to Ops D
   -Strength Booster to Recreation C
   -Armor-Piercing bullets to Command A
   -Psi Hypo to Command B
   -Disruption Grenade clip to Rickenbacker A
   -Incendiary Grenade clip to Rickenbacker A
   -Strength Booster to Rickenbacker A
   -Psi Hypo to the Body of the Many
   -Medical Kit to the Body of the Many
-Replaced all Hack/Repair/Modify software from Replicator databases with other actually useful items
   -MedSci 2, Hack 1 to Portable Battery for 85/65 nanites
   -MedSci 2, Research 1 to Speed Booster for --/45 nanites
   -Cargo Bay 2, Repair 1 to 6 Armor-Piercing Bullets for --/90 nanites
   -Hydroponics C, Repair 1 to Disposable Maintenance Tool for 60/45 nanites
   -Hydroponics C, Repair 2 to Speed Booster for --/45 nanites
   -Hydroponics C, Modify 1 to 6 Anti-Personnel Shells for 90/70 nanites
   -Ops C, Repair 2 to Portable Battery for --/65 nanites
   -Command B, Repair 3 to Small Beaker for --/90 nanites
-Added new radiation hazards
   -Radiation clouds as part of trap in Ops C hallway
   -Radiation barrels in Ops D Fluid Ops
   -Radiation cloud in Recreation C mall
   -Radiation cloud in Command B escape pods
   -Radiation barrels in Command B escape pods
   -Radiation barrels in Command A shuttle bay
   -Radiation barrels in Rickenbacker A
   -Radiation clouds in Rickenbacker A
-Added dead power cells as an exploration reward
   -Med/Sci B (Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible)
   -Engineering (Easy/Normal)
   -Ops B (Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible)
   -Recreation B (Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible)
   -Command B (Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible)
   -Rickenbacker A (Easy/Normal/Hard)
   (Recreation A from vanilla now only appears on Easy)
-Added auxiliary power receivers locking off routes and goodies in the following maps:
   -Ops C
   -Command B
   -Rickenbacker A
-Recreation A power cell now powers the nearby recharging station
-Cyber module redistribution
   -Added 5 to Med/Sci
   -Added 10 to Engineering
   -Removed 12 from Hydroponics
   -Removed 10 from Ops
-Rebalanced security hack duration across decks
   -Med/Sci: 120 seconds
   -Engineering: 105->90 seconds
   -Hydroponics: 70 seconds
   -Ops: 55 seconds
   -Recreation: 45->40 seconds
   -Command: 30 seconds
   -Rickenbacker: 25 seconds
-Change distribution of security computers on Normal/Hard/Impossible difficulties
   -Removed one from Med/Sci 1 on Hard
   -Added one back to Med/Sci 1 on Impossible
   -Removed one from Engineering on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Added one back to Cargo Bays on Hard/Impossible
   -Removed one from Hydroponics A on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Removed one from Hydroponics B on Hard/Impossible
   -Removed one from Hydroponics B on Impossible
   -Removed one from Ops B on Hard/Impossible (previously only present on Hard/Impossible)
   -Removed one from Ops D on Hard/Impossible
   -Removed one from Ops D on Impossible
   -Removed one from Recreation A on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Removed one from Recreation A on Impossible
   -Removed one from Recreation B on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Added one back to Command B on Hard/Impossible
   -Added one back to Rickenbacker A on Impossible
   -Removed one from Rickenbacker A on Impossible
   -Removed one from Rickenbacker A on Hard/Impossible
   -Added one back to Rickenbacker C on Easy/Normal (previously only present on Hard/Impossible)

#### Visual and Sound Effects ####
-Added tracers for bullets/slugs/pellets fired by the player
-Reworked bullet impact effects:
   -Glow particles emerge on contact with all objects and terrain except flesh
   -Bullets and slugs produce highly visible sparks instead of gray debris alongside smoke
   -Pellets produce contact glow and a small amount of smoke
   -Impact produces blood when hitting fleshy objects and goo when hitting eggs
   -Cyborg Assassin impact particles are now small sparks instead of gray debris
-Added missing bullet impact effect on contact (only occurred on terrain hits)
-Added missing Grenade Launcher shockwave effect on contact (only occurred on terrain hits)
-Added missing Fusion Cannon shockwave effect on contact (only occurred on terrain hits)
-Added bullet holes on impact for shooting target objects
-Added triple casing ejection for Shotgun TRIPLE mode
-Shotgun casings now eject on a delay timed with the pump sound
-Increased size and number of spark particles on EMP Rifle OVER mode to better distinguish from NORM mode
-Matched Stasis Field Generator AREA mode visually apparent radius to actual effective radius
-Added sounds for changing weapon firing modes (except for Laser Pistol)
-Refined cosmetic recoil parameters on Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, and Fusion Cannon
   -Shotgun TRIPLE mode experiences greater kickback
   -Grenade Launcher kickback recovery is more realistic and equalized between firing modes
   -Fusion Cannon experiences greater kickback with longer recovery
   -Fusion Cannon kickback is no longer reset when changing firing modes
-Increased reload pitch on several weapons so they are only partially lowered out of view when reloading
   -Pistol, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Grenade Launcher lowered less than before
   -Stasis Field Generator, Viral Proliferator, Annelid Launcher are now lowered when reloading

#### Miscellaneous ####
-Using the "?" MFD action on an item now displays its stat and skill requirements
   -Unresearched items only display the current research requirement
-Picking up a weapon now auto-equips it if there is no other weapon currently equipped
-Items can be dragged from the inventory into containers in the world (up to 11 slots filled)
-Decreased Anti-Human damage multiplier for player from 4x to 2x
   -Grub, Swarm, and Psi Reaver shot damage doubled to match (Greater Psi Reaver damage left at 15, now effective 30)
-Added missing Electricity defense on Light/Medium/Heavy Combat Armor, WormSkin Armor, and Psycho-Reflective Aura
-Increased Energy damage multiplier for half-mechanical enemies from 1.0x to 1.5x to reside between 1.0x for half-annelid enemies and 2.0x for mechanical enemies
-Decreased Armor-Piercing damage multiplier for mechanical enemies from 3.0x to 2.0x
-Decreased Anti-Personnel damage multiplier for half-annelid enemies from 3.0x to 2.0x
-Changed Slug Turrets to incendiary explosions in line with the other turret types
-Increased Grenade hybrid health from 15 to 18
-Grenade Hybrids 15% chance to drop 4 grenades is now 30% chance to drop 1 grenade (loot table rolled twice)
-Added 50% stun resistance to Rumbler
-Assault Droid fusion shots now inflict radiation damage, blast damage reduced from 12 to 10
-Fixed Kinetic Redirection timing out early when cast in quick succession (vanilla bug)
-Fixed Kinetic Redirection not ending after the pulled object was picked up (vanilla bug)
-Fixed Soma Transference visual FX appearing on untargetable enemies and objects (vanilla bug)
-Fixed Soma Transference not reliably targeting through Metacreative Barrier (vanilla bug)
-Fixed hack/repair/modify window closing abruptly when the target object disappears from the world due to success/failure (vanilla bug)
« Last Edit: 26. April 2024, 20:08:10 by RoSoDude »
Acknowledged by: hemebond


 :thumb: Oi, this looks really good! Will bookmark it and promptly forget about it and never download it.
Acknowledged by: Valet2


very quick check - the mission dmls are not fingerprinted to not load for Secmod maps, so they probably will for at least some of the Secmod levels. not a big deal as people shouldn't be using the mod when Secmod is active, but might as well safeproof it completely (don't apply to map if QVAR "secmod" == 1).

Most important of all, the Laser Rapier has its ambient buzzing volume restored from vanilla.
umm.. no thanks. to anyone interested in not being annoyed to death by the sound, gamesys.dml, change -1200 back to -3000 in the code bit below (or delete it completely);
Code: [Select]
////Restores Laser Rapier buzzing volume
+ObjProp -3002 "SchPlayParams"
    "Volume" -1200 //was -3000
the logs show no errors when loading the dmls, I assume? no time to test to death, but at least the technical side of things should be confirmed working ok before I move this to the mods subforum.

//gamesys.dml quick notes;
- nerfing tank on impossible? come on, that was pretty much the only situation where one would actually want to take it.
- increasing research times, yeah, that's definitely not going to annoy people.
- while making the regular batteries rechargeable is not a big deal, turning the prisms into just "the other type of rechargeable battery" as well might be a bit too balance breaking. guess it's not that bad if the repair cost is prohibitive enough - is it?
- launched projectiles ejecting spent casings is a bit of a duct tape solution - the proper way of handling this would be making the weapon eject them, see the setups on SCP shotgun.
- line 526 says "//Have to delete and replace the old StimSource (just editing them won't take for some reason)", looking at the code, I'm assuming this issue has been resolved, so the comment is now redundant (and might confuse someone looking at the code for references).
« Last Edit: 24. April 2020, 12:45:37 by voodoo47 »


Yeah, I wasn't sure if I had to add the Secmod protection to the mission DMLs too. Will do.

I have to push my agenda somewhere! But people can make their own edits as desired, everything should be commented in roughly the same order as the changelist.

No log errors on my end. Should be good to go.

My responses:
-A no-brainer choice on Impossible is worse than a bad choice on other difficulties, from my perspective. Will look into making it scale though.
-I increased the research skill requirements for most of those items, which prompts higher research time to compensate. I'm sure most people were researching those organs at the minimum skill requirement before.
-Repairing prisms is cheaper than buying them if you succeed at the minigame. Fail twice and it's more expensive. Fail once and it's worse than hacked prices. It incentivizes Repair investment with Heavy, and helps defray the increased ammo expenditure of the Fusion Cannon. It's a bigger gap on higher difficulties, but cyber module upgrade costs are more probibitive as well so I don't think it's a problem.
-Sure, I'll take a look at reworking how that's implemented.
-Yeah that was resolved, will clean up.


'kay. should I push the 1.00 into the mods subforum now or are we waiting for that update?

laser rapier sound annoy illuminati.


You can move it, 1.00 should be stable. The next update will take a bit of time for me to figure out.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Love the re-balance - especially that of the standard weapons and research skills. The repair features are great and perhaps the most interesting. Repair, modify and research a way more meaningful investments now. Great work, mate.


NB - Noticed floating prisms (10) on crate outside of Watt's Office in Medical. And maybe one of my other mods but you seem to be much more agile/faster now.



Hmm, another guy was having that too. It should be creating those prisms and linking them to the crate, but for some reason the last step isn't happening. It works on my end so I'm not sure what's wrong, something with the NVScript module?
« Last Edit: 24. April 2020, 18:22:39 by RoSoDude »


maybe the link is reversed? it needs to go from the container to the item held.

//no, doesn't seem to be the case - maybe something is going on with the has refs flag? in that case, the dumb fix would be to spawn the prism inside the crate (literally, so same location as the crate), that would hide the prism even if visible, circumventing the issue. or even better, spawn them in the level's blue room (a "place where all the stuff that needs to exist without the player seeing it until it triggers is kept"), check hybrid 1624.

anyway, a save would be helpful.
« Last Edit: 24. April 2020, 18:40:24 by voodoo47 »


Just got confirmation from another person having the issue that the items are floating above the crates AND contained inside them, so I can safely move them physically inside the crate (or to the blue room as you said) without putting the items out of reach. Will do for all of the new contained items.

EDIT: see my friend's attached save
[save_12.zip expired]


would go for the blue room, their glow might be visible when just stuck inside the crates.

yeah, the prism's got Has Refs set to true, odd. blue room it is, then. //or not. crates for the win, I suppose.
« Last Edit: 24. April 2020, 20:48:09 by voodoo47 »


Uploaded 1.01 with some fixes and changes:

#### 1.01 ####
-Added DML fingerprinting to prevent changes being loaded into Secmod missions
-Fixed new prisms added to medsci1, eng2, hydro1, hydro2, and ops3 floating above their containers for some users
-Reduced charged prism glow from 15 to 10 to make placement in crates less conspicuous
-Fixed Tier 4 Psi Discipline unlock cost not being changed to from 50 to 40 cyber modules as claimed in 1.00
-Fixed an exploit where the player could abuse saving and loading to spawn limitless spent prisms in their inventory
-Fixed Tank O/S Upgrade description listing the SCP value of 10HP instead of the reverted 5HP
-Decreased player HP on Normal from 35 + 5 x END to 24 + 6 x END
-Decreased player HP on Hard from 24 + 3 x END to 16 + 4 x END
-Decreased base success chance on spent prism repair from 15% to 10%, increased base ICE nodes from 5 to 7
-Cleaned up some comments in the mod files

Any way I can set the download to never expire? Or is it something the forum moderators do, along with transferring download counts?


yeah - done.

also, the prisms emitting light, and prisms "glowing" actually isn't the same thing - if you want to make them look like they are glowing, have a look at the extralight prop (on the left, value of 0.4. note that this still isn't proper - ideally, the object would be set up to self-light itself when emitting light, but that is something a modder needs to edit into the object itself. the various light objects, like the wedge lights, are a good example).

also note - giving a dynamic light to an object the player can throw around in large quantities might cause issues - Dark has a limit of 32 dynamic lights per level, and bad stuff will start to happen when that is reached. the chances are pretty low, but still.

//there's a desktop.ini file under objicon, also, bmp is not an ideal format for Dark, should be converted to png.
[brightlight.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 26. April 2020, 08:02:10 by voodoo47 »


NVscript has been updated - NVCreateAndLink now sets Has Refs to FALSE on Contains links, this fixes the issue of the contained prisms being rendered after the first save/load for good.

the tool will start deploying the updated script in a couple of hours, in the meantime, you can grab the linked archive and extract it to your OSM folder.
« Last Edit: 30. April 2020, 08:27:43 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


Uploaded 1.02 with some more fixes and changes.

#### 1.02 ####
-Cleaned up gamesys.dml to minimally overwrite script slots (archetypes for battery/prism repair fully overwrite just in case)
-Fixed compatibility issues with RealSG 1.03 overwriting SS2-RSD's changes to shotgun modifications
-Fixed compatibility issues with RealSG 1.04 being overwritten by SS2-RSD
-Fixed shotgun changes not being applied to broken hybrid shotguns
-Fixed 3 Pistols in medsci2, hydro2, and ops2 having more ammo than the new base capacity
-Fixed a Pistol in medsci2 and a Shotgun in eng1 having the old mod level 1 stats
-Fixed adjusted psi discipline durations not reflected in game descriptions
-Removed special recoil/degradation status from all weapon pickups
   -A Pistol, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, and EMP Rifle in medsci2
   -3 Pistols in eng1 (1 more is already converted into a Laser Pistol)
   -An EMP Rifle in rec1
   -An EMP Rifle in rec2
   -An EMP Rifle in rec3
   -A Pistol, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, and Laser Pistol in command1
-Broke the Assault Rifle in Hydroponics A, reduced condition from 7 to 5
-Added comments to mission DMLs to allow removal of pointless (?) gun properties on melee weapons/psi amp pickups
-Replaced glow on charged batteries/prisms with adjusted pickup brightness to better match icons and avoid engine limitations
-Removed desktop.ini file from install archive
-Deleted outdated design note parameter from gamesys.dml


Load SS2-RSD above SCP with Blue Mod Manager
people might misread that and place it right above SCP - considering there are a couple of other mods that need to have a lower priority, I'd just state that this mod needs to have the highest priority possible.

also, what's the official stance on vanilla compatibility? not supported/don't care/supported? as far as I can tell, it will probably work ok (with maybe some minor issues, like strings not being completely accurate).

and 99.99% sure the shockscp.gam.dml with the extra script edits is unnecessary, as the change will get applied by the gamesys.dml anyway (as long as the mod has top priority).
« Last Edit: 29. April 2020, 18:14:53 by voodoo47 »


Yeah, good point about the load priority.

Official stance is I haven't tested it with vanilla and there might be some minor problems (like the reverted stim stuff on Localized Pyrokinesis?). Also, it was designed with the ADaOB balance changes that SCP retains in mind. I'd actually consider recreating those in DML so the mod is more vanilla friendly.

Without it, the shockscp.gam.dml from RealSG 1.03 overwrites my gamesys.dml changes. With it included, I get the reworked shotgun modification script as intended. Just tested both scenarios. Obviously I'd encourage everyone to update to 1.04 (like I should have), but it was worth idiot proofing.


so it does - interesting. good thing I didn't say I was 100% sure.

anyway, icons still in bmp format, I know I'm nitpicking, but still..


I tried exporting the edited icons I made in GIMP as .png instead of .bmp but the purple background didn't turn transparent, so I didn't bother. Is .pcx any better? I could try that.

Also, will need to update anyway since I messed up the Midwife/Rumbler organ research times.

EDIT: If you're using 1.02, overwrite SS2\DMM\SS2-RSD_1.02\gamesys.dml with the attached file to fix the research times.
[gamesys.dml expired]
« Last Edit: 30. April 2020, 00:33:00 by RoSoDude »


ah right, you need Dark compatible texture transparency. no free lunches, as always.

but should work with png as well as long as you add alpha/transparency properly. lemme check.

//ok, it's an easy fix - load the bmp into gimp, go Image->Mode, select RGB, go Layer->Transparency->Add Alpha Channel, use the Fuzzy Selection Tool to select the pinky part of the texture, hit delete and export as PNG. voila, 0.2KB of space saved.
« Last Edit: 29. April 2020, 20:16:32 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


I tried exporting the edited icons I made in GIMP as .png instead of .bmp but the purple background didn't turn transparent, so I didn't bother. Is .pcx any better? I could try that.
Just so you know, in paletted images (GIF/PCX) the Dark Engine makes all pixels that use palette index #0 transparent. It can be literally any color, but it's usually set to pure magenta or green so it's easy to spot which areas will be transparent.


These are some pretty good changes.
« Last Edit: 25. July 2020, 03:36:52 by sarge945 »


Thanks! Your timing is good, because I just so happen to have a 1.03 update ready for today. The main changes are a total revert of ADaOB's grenade balance and reduced costs for the highest ranks of stats/skills to better incentivize specialization -- see comparison of upgrade curves here:


#### 1.03 ####
-Fixed Midwife Organ research time being increased to 4400 instead of 1500
-Fixed Rumbler Organ research time not being increased from 2200 to 4400 as intended, so the Mo chemical requirement never initiated
-Fixed Wrench description still implying that it benefits from Standard skill
-Reverted Viral Proliferator Research skill requirement from 5 to 3 as intended
-Removed Molecular Transmutation value on spent prisms/batteries
-Reverted ADaOB Small/Large Worm Beaker stack count from 6/12 to 4/8, recycle value from 2 to 3 nanites
-Decreased Anti-Entropy duration from 30s + 20s per PSI to 20s + 20s per PSI (vanilla 10s + 20s per PSI)
-Decreased base Stasis Field Generator effect duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
-Added duration scaling with Heavy skill to Stasis Field Generator's AREA mode
-Decreased AREA mode stasis trap duration from 20 seconds to 6 seconds, removed lasting 8 second stun after trap expires [SS2 Stasis Trap mod only]
-Decreased Grenade Launcher modification level 1/2 damage multiplier from 2.00/2.28x to 1.10/1.25x
-Reverted ADaOB grenade rebalance
   -Frag grenade damage 26 -> 20, damage scaling (already unintentionally in effect)
   -Proximity grenade direct damage 25 -> 20, no scaling
   -Proximity grenade mine damage 25 -> 10, no scaling
   -EMP grenade damage 20 -> 10, damage scaling (re-enabled)
   -Incendiary grenade damage 45 -> 15, damage scaling (re-enabled)
   -Disruption grenade damage 68, no scaling (vanilla 35 damage)
-Decreased Disruption grenade radius from 8.00 to 6.50, removed linear dispersion
-Increased Fusion Cannon energy damage on NORM/DEATH mode from 20/30 to 30/45
-Decreased Fusion Cannon DEATH mode radius from 12 to 10
-Increased Fusion Cannon Repair skill requirement from 5 to 6
-Changed spent prism repair difficulty from 10% base success, 7 base ICE to 5% base success, 8 base ICE
-Decreased tech skill 1/2/3/4/5/6 unlock cost from 10/5/8/12/25/50 to 10/5/8/12/20/35 cyber modules
-Decreased weapon skill 1/2/3/4/5/6 unlock cost from 12/6/8/15/36/50 to 12/6/8/15/30/45 cyber modules
-Decreased stat 2/3/4/5/6 unlock cost from 3/8/15/30/50 to 3/8/15/25/40 cyber modules
-Broke the EMP rifle in the Recreation A surgical bay, decreased condition from 8 to 3
-Broke the EMP rifle in the Recreation C theater, decreased condition from 8 to 5
-Increased the broken EMP rifle ammo at the top of the Command bridge elevator from 0 to 50
-Fixed pickup brightness on prisms and batteries in maps (did not inherit from object hierarchy)
-Converted new object icons from .bmp to .png for reduced file size
-Included manual fix for in-game text descriptions conflicting with SS2 Alarming Cameras. See [install]\SS2\DMM\SS2-RSD_x.xx\ALARMING_CAMERAS_FIX\ for details

« Last Edit: 25. July 2020, 01:30:52 by RoSoDude »

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