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Topic: SS2 Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines Read 52848 times  


My guess is that this sort of mod would do a lot of terrible things to Dark's dynamic light limit
Animated lights from fixed sources have absolutely nothing to do with the dynamic light limit.


Animated lights from fixed sources have absolutely nothing to do with the dynamic light limit.

Good to know.


imagine: you are amidst a firefight in one of the Von Braun's corridors - the lighting system gets damaged & it suddenly gets even
MORE dark..

What would that mean regarding system shock 2's immersion?

Combined with light switches everywhere, and maybe even the reintroduction of thief's light gem in one form or another (i've never played it, just read about it) - be it as a permanent ability by o/s upgrade and/or temporary psi buff skill - it would serve as an immersion boost-factor multiplicator par excellence & add additional depth/gameplay loop (stealth gameplay)

i think there is some very great potential.. i am already a huge fan of being finally
able to use faucets & flush toilets for example🚿, this was a great job; those are the small details that contribute to ss2's simulation character.

One more idea concerning a bit more to the thread's topic:

It would be nice seeing an earlier appearance of the Assault Rifle as well (similarily also to that shotgun in med/sci deck, it would be on par with it) in one of the farthest remote corners of those large engineering storage rooms.

Of course in damaged condition, so you still have to massively invest cm's for early use.
Imo that french-epstein device is by far not rewarding enough after the grueling experience those storage rooms offer.
(it would be a bit reminiscent of finding the machine gun in quake 2 which also happened to be within the strogg's storage facility area level as well iirc)

I have the feeling it would be exactly the right place & not a bit to early. always felt a bit kind of late for me appearing in hydroponics in vanilla.

Maybe build some little environment-storytelling around it:
scatter some of those around some blown up crates & corpses (i might remember wrong, but there
might be already some similar scenario in vanilla, isn't there a damaged smoking security crate somewhere?) - maybe some crewmembers discovered some hidden freight list entry, leading them to salvage some armory crates in engineering storage & then something blew up..

those are maybe not at all new ideas & and i don't know all of those ramifications it would provide nor just how feasible it might be to implement, just throwing my 2cents in

« Last Edit: 18. February 2023, 20:10:37 by tiphares4 »


The original reward for getting to the end of the Cargo Bays was a broken Laser Pistol (first available if you didn't go Marine Energy start), and a French-Epstein device. I made this a working Laser Pistol instead and added a broken Laser Pistol to an earlier supply closet, to allow other starts to specialize into Energy weapons earlier. As for the Assault Rifle, there used to be a broken one available in one of the Engineering Nacelles, but I replaced this with a broken Grenade Launcher, as otherwise the Heavy skill 3 weapon isn't available until Hydroponics, whereas the Energy skill 4 Laser Rapier can be picked up nearby (and there are already several Standard skill 3 shotguns available). The Assault Rifle in Hydroponics used to be functional but is now broken, as I actually think that's too early to be throwing the final Standard weapon at players without repair (skill or auto-repair tool).

Here's the current layout for when weapons are first available:

Standard Weapons
  • Pistol (broken) - Med/Sci 1
  • Pistol - MedSci 1, Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty only
  • Pistol - MedSci 2
  • Shotgun (broken) - Med/Sci 2
  • Shotgun - Med/Sci 2, Easy/Normal difficulty only
  • Shotgun - Cargo Bays
  • Assault Rifle (broken) - Hydroponics A
  • Assault Rifle - Ops D

Energy Weapons
  • Laser Pistol (broken) - Engineering
  • Laser Pistol - Cargo Bays
  • Laser Rapier - Engineering
  • EMP Rifle (broken) - Hydroponics D
  • EMP Rifle - Ops C

Heavy Weapons
  • Stasis Field Generator (broken) - Med/Sci 2
  • Grenade Launcher (broken) - Engineering
  • Stasis Field Generator - Hydroponics B
  • Grenade Launcher - Hydroponics B
  • Fusion Cannon (broken) - Ops D
  • Fusion Cannon - Recreation

Exotic Weapons
  • Viral Proliferator - Hydroponics C
  • Crystal Shard - Ops B
  • Worm Launcher - Rickenbacker C
Acknowledged by 2 members: sarge945, Join2


Is there any specific reason why Energy has to wait until Engineering to get it's first (broken) weapon, when Standard and Heavy get theirs in medsci?

The significance of this is that you're essentially punishing Energy builds against the first bot in the game, even if they pick up Repair. Maintenance is already an obvious choice for Energy, this might sweeten the pot a little bit for Repair.


Is there any specific reason why Energy has to wait until Engineering to get it's first (broken) weapon, when Standard and Heavy get theirs in medsci?

The significance of this is that you're essentially punishing Energy builds against the first bot in the game, even if they pick up Repair. Maintenance is already an obvious choice for Energy, this might sweeten the pot a little bit for Repair.

The new Broken Laser Pistol is basically at the start of Engineering, vs the broken Stasis Field Generator which is available near the end of Med/Sci, so the difference isn't enormous. Moreover, the Stasis Field Generator's Repair skill requirement is 2 vs the Laser Pistol's Repair skill requirement of 1, so the former being available a bit earlier basically cancels out (this is the same logic behind broken weapons being available earlier, but applied to relative Repair skill requirements).
Acknowledged by: sarge945


Version 2.00 is finally released, with accompanying showcase trailer


Release notes:
-Removed DML fingerprinting that still allowed SS2-RSD changes to be applied to missions without SCP
-Changed "Damage +X%" to "Duration +X%" in Stasis Field Generator mod tooltips
-Fixed hack/repair/modify jargon strings occasionally extending outside of text box
-Added new jargon text for armor modification minigame and reverted weapon modification jargon text
-Removed ADaOB Laser Rapier 2 Incendiary damage (caused doubled STR bonus bug)
-Matched Molecular Transmutation difficulty scaling to new Replicator price scaling
-Increased Laser Rapier Energy damage from 11 to 13
-Increased EMP Rifle NORM mode consumption from 2 to 3
-Increased EMP Rifle OVER mode consumption from 10 to 15 (20 vanilla)
-Decreased EMP Rifle consumption mod from -50% to -33%
-Increased Proximity Grenade mine damage from 10 to 20
-Improved physics for grenades (lower gravity, more air friction)
-Improved physics for BOUNCE mode grenades (higher bounce, less roll)
-Decreased WormSkin armor Modify skill requirement from 5 to 4
-Increased Shotgun Modify skill requirement from 2 to 3
-Removed WormBlood anti-human/anti-anneld immunity swap feature
-WormBlood no longer passively drains energy, but drains 40 energy per worm pile eaten
-Increased Adrenaline Overproduction duration from 20s per PSI to 20s + 20s per PSI
-Inreased Photonic Redirection duration from 3s per PSI to 3s + 3s per PSI
-Decreased Psycho-Reflective Aura combat protection from 60% to 40%
-Removed Recursive Psionic Amplification initial psi cost
-Psi hacking now counts Psychogenic Cyber-Affinity towards effective CYB
-Decreased Naturally Able Cybernetic Module bonus from 30 to 25
-Repaired turrets start at 29% HP [SS2 Repairman mod only]
-Rebalanced Repair/Modify minigame difficulties on weapons
   -EMP Rifle: Repair (15 nanites, 0->-5% base success, 5->6 base ICE)
   -EMP Rifle: Modify level 1 (20 nanites, -10->0% base success, 4->6 base ICE)
   -EMP Rifle: Modify level 2 (20 nanites, -30->-20% base success, 4->6 base ICE)
   -Stasis Field Generator: Repair (6->5 nanites, 20% base success, 4 base ICE)
   -Stasis Field Generator: Modify level 1 (10 nanites, 40% base success, 3->4 base ICE)
   -Stasis Field Generator: Modify level 2 (10 nanites, 20% base success, 3->4 base ICE)
   -Grenade Launcher: Repair (12->10 nanites, 0% base success, 5 base ICE)
   -Grenade Launcher: Modify level 1 (15 nanites, 30% base success, 4->5 base ICE)
   -Grenade Launcher: Modify level 2 (15 nanites, 10% base success, 4->5 base ICE)
   -Fusion Cannon: Modify level 1 (30 nanites, 0% base success, 6->7 base ICE)
   -Fusion Cannon: Modify level 2 (30 nanites, -20% base success, 6->7 base ICE)
   -Worm Launcher: Repair (30 nanites, -10->-15% base success, 6 base ICE)
-Rebalanced turret repair minigame difficulties [SS2 Repairman mod only]
   -Slug Turret: (15 nanites, 0% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Laser Turret: (15 nanites, -10% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Rocket Turret: (15 nanites, -20% base success, 0 base ICE)
   -Rick Turret: (15 nanites, -30% base success, 0 base ICE)
-Fixed psi pullable Maintenance Tool in Med/Sci 1 dropping through grate
-Moved Med/Sci 1 annelid healing gland floating above table
-Removed BrawnBoost from Med/Sci 2 crew quarters bathroom
-Added SwiftBoost to Med/Sci 2 closet
-Added 10 cyber modules to Engineering
-Replaced Powered Armor in Hydroponics D with a Medium Combat Armor
-Removed 5 cyber modules from Hydroponics
-Added Powered Armor to Ops D armory
-Added a dead power cell to Ops B
-Removed 5 cyber modules from Ops
-Removed a dead power cell from Recreation A except on Easy difficulty
-Added a French-Epstein device to the Recreation B Bonne Chance lounge
-Added a French-Epstein device to the Body of the Many birthing chamber
Acknowledged by 6 members: ZylonBane, Chandlermaki, voodoo47, sarge945, Deu sex, purplerhino83
I could be wrong here but...
Quest.Get("Difficulty") returns 5 in multiplayer, which does not seem to be handled in your script? (looking at switch statements)
If the mod does not support multiplayer it might be a good idea to state it somewhere, as it otherwise appears to work.


Ah yeah, I should include a warning about that. Multiplayer will definitely break a few things unavoidably, particularly relating to the user interface and modification system, but also a lot of general scripts that just check for "Player" properties in generic terms. I've only been asked about it one other time so I really forget that multiplayer is even on the table.


Quick hotfix for some issues in the 2.00 release, plus some redistribution of cyber modules.

#### 2.01 ####
-Fixed edge case where weapons could not be level 2 modified with French-Epstein device when clicking level 1 mods first
-Fixed Stasis Field Generator duration +40% mod not working as intended
-Fixed ExperTech bonus in Hack/Repair/Modify minigame reading as +3%% instead of +10%
-Fixed issue where new Engineering power cell receptacles would not always work properly
-Increased Marine Year 2 Port MacArthur Shotgun condition from 15% to 25%
-Added 5 cyber modules to Med/Sci
-Removed 7 cyber modules from Hydroponics (SCP added)
-Removed 5 cyber modules from Ops


-Removed 7 cyber modules from Hydroponics (SCP added)
Technically ADaOB.
Acknowledged by 2 members: RoSoDude, Deu sex


@voodoo47 2.01 file is getting flagged as a trojan by Windows Defender. Several confirmed so far. I'm extremely doubtful my 230KB is dangerous, so do you have any ideas on how to circumvent this false positive on my side?


not a security expert, all I can say this is definitely a false positive, the mod is literally just textures and text files - it couldn't be harmful even if it wanted to.

can you submit a false positive report to ms perhaps?


I've been searching for a mechanism to do that but haven't found an easy way to. No option through Windows Defender and the general Windows support ticket feature isn't really fit for purpose either.

@Deu sex noted that it didn't get flagged when I put "beta" at the end of the mod name, so maybe I'll try renaming for the next upload or something silly like that.
Serious problem I found, can't be sure what the exact mechanism of the issue is, but I am unable to modify the shotgun.

I can modify the Pistol and Grenade Launcher fine though, not sure on Assault Rifle but will find out soon. It's a serious issue that needs fixing.
Alright, I discovered the issue, it was caused by the RealSG_Rebirth_1.03 mod.

Disabling that mod immediately fixed it.


aha, yes, those two will be incompatible unless the shotgun RS script is either moved to a metaprop, or slot 3/4 as RealSG uses slot1/2. temp fix - edit shockscp.gam.dml of the RSD mod with notepad and change
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -19 "Scripts" //Shotgun
"Script 0" "rsdShotgunModify" //was ShotgunModify
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -19 "Scripts" //Shotgun
"Script 3" "rsdShotgunModify" //was ShotgunModify
and make sure RSD has higher priority than RealSG.

//aha, same deal with gamesys.dml, change
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -19 "Scripts" //Shotgun
"Script 0" "rsdShotgunModify" //was ShotgunModify
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -19 "Scripts" //Shotgun
"Script 3" "rsdShotgunModify" //was ShotgunModify
« Last Edit: 01. April 2023, 08:43:29 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


I've found with my modding that metaprops are pretty much required if you want to maintain mod compatibility. It's why I get so annoyed that both Vanilla and SCP contain a lot of "Don't Inherit" scripts, which prevents the use of metaproperty scripts.

I have been resorting to dynamic script additions a lot of the time - run a script on the player via a metaprop that dynamically attaches scripts to objects in a free slot. Deterioration uses this to make everything in the game work, because so many items have so many problems otherwise.

If we can fix that and find a way to combine strings files at runtime, we should have MUCH more mod compatibility across the board going forward.


New update with some changes to security computers (changed difficulty distribution, changed base timeout duration, Security Expert trait doubles timeout duration), egg loot unaffected by difficulty loot hose, some things that were intended for 2.00, and a few bugfixes.

#### 2.02 ####
-Fixed Recreation A gym ceiling worms spawning even after egg is destroyed
-Fixed surgical units deducting nanites and denying service when player has insufficient nanites
-Fixed player being unable to kill themselves by smoking too many cigarettes
-Fixed hacked turrets not firing on enemies when player is invisible
-Fixed new Command B High-Security Crate items being frobbable through the crate on some installs
-Fixed some psi pull items being frobbable from odd angles (eng1,hydro2,command2)
-Fixed psi pull items not always being frobbable after a physics collision
-Fixed bugged overlay showing up when using French-Epstein devices on items outside of inventory
-Fixed some suboptimal DML adding items to container in command2
-Rewrote PSI help text to indicate that it increases maximum psi points
-Rewrote CYB help text to indicate that it increases security hack duration
-Hack/Repair/Modify software now goes into the inventory before it is installed
-Security Expert O/S Upgrade now doubles security timeout
-Swapped Remote Circuitry Manipulation from tier 3 to 4 (intended for 2.00)
-Swapped Instantaneous Quantum Relocation from tier 4 to 3 (intended for 2.00)
-Increased Shotgun Modify skill requirement from 2 to 3 (intended for 2.00)
-Decreased Hazard Suit Rad/Tox DEF mod from +25% to +15% (total 90%)
-Unreverted Hazard Suit 50% Anti-Human protection as indicated by "Biological DEF" stat display
-Diagnostic/Repair Modules can now be recycled for 2 nanites
-Decreased Slug/Laser/Blast/Rick Turret Maintenance skill requirement from 3/3/4/5 to 2/2/3/4
-Egg loot is no longer affected by difficulty loot hose
-Decreased base chance to find annelid healing glands in eggs from 25% to 15%
-Decreased base chance to find annelid psi organ in eggs from 5% to 3%
-Increased research skill bonus to organ loot chance from 15% to 20%, now compounds multiplicatively
-Increased Grenade hybrid health from 15 to 18
-Decreased Anti-Human damage multiplier for player from 4x to 2x
   -Grub, Swarm, and Overlord shot damage doubled to match (Greater Overlord damage left at 15, now effective 30)
-The email about Auxiliary Storage 4 now plays after returning from the Cargo Bays if you haven't already heard it
-Rebalanced Auxiliary Storage 4 keypad hack difficulty (3 nanites, 0->20% base success, 5->3 base ICE)
-Removed the Hazard Suit from Hydroponics A on Hard/Impossible difficulties
-Moved the Hydroponics C French-Epstein Device out of a Hackable Crate, now available on all difficulties
-Removed the Rickenbacker A French-Epstein Device on Impossible difficulty
-Rebalanced security hack duration across decks
   -Med/Sci: 120 seconds
   -Engineering: 105->90 seconds
   -Hydroponics: 70 seconds
   -Ops: 55 seconds
   -Recreation: 45->40 seconds
   -Command: 30 seconds
   -Rickenbacker: 25 seconds
-Change distribution of security computers on Normal/Hard/Impossible difficulties
   -Removed one from Med/Sci 1 on Hard
   -Added one back to Med/Sci 1 on Impossible
   -Removed one from Engineering on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Added one back to Cargo Bays on Hard/Impossible
   -Removed one from Hydroponics A on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Removed one from Hydroponics B on Hard/Impossible
   -Removed one from Hydroponics B on Impossible
   -Removed one from Ops B on Hard/Impossible (previously only present on Hard/Impossible)
   -Removed one from Ops D on Hard/Impossible
   -Removed one from Ops D on Impossible
   -Removed one from Recreation A on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Removed one from Recreation A on Impossible
   -Removed one from Recreation B on Hard (already on Impossible)
   -Added one back to Command B on Hard/Impossible
   -Added one back to Rickenbacker A on Impossible
   -Removed one from Rickenbacker A on Impossible
   -Removed one from Rickenbacker A on Hard/Impossible
   -Added one back to Rickenbacker C on Easy/Normal (previously only present on Hard/Impossible)
hi RoSoDude,

Firstly, massive kudos and thank you for all your addons - on point, smart and meaningful changes I enjoy greatly.
System Shock 2 is the game I was raised on and one that shaped my appreciation and love for the medium.
Coming back to it after nearly quarter of a decade I find I'm having an absolute blast that no game managed to top since - they just don't make it like LGS used to anymore and even Prey for all its great ideas didn't hit home fully.

I wanted to check if I can safely update from 2.01 to .02 mid-play? I'm in engineering.

Also, by way of most minor feedback after only a few hours:
- I find the 'burst must be unlocked' message on handgun minorly immersion-breaking in as far as it sounding uncharacteristically meta within the immersive sim diegetic formula. I'd consider either a faintest sound cue indicating refusal, or something akin to a more diegetic 'burst-mode module missing', 'burst mode not found' etc.   

- I'd decrease the pistol reload speed further still, and tie the gradual increase to the weapon skill (also fill it with a more complete reload sound, if within your power).

- as far as ideas, I'm all the way behind alarming cameras design philosophy.
I thought it'd be interesting to add extra functionality to security terminals for low-level hackers:
1. temporarily shutdown the system (as per current design) @ HIGHER HACK SKILL + COST
2. temporarily slow down global camera and turret panning speeds  @ LOWER HACK SKILL + COST, allowing to slip past them a little easier.   



Glad you're liking the mod so far. You should be fine to update to 2.02 (just note that map changes will only go into effect for levels you haven't visited yet).

Fair enough on the weapon setting message. I needed something to clearly indicate what's happening (as I can't stop the "Setting changed to: BURST" message), but I can consider rewriting it.

Reload speed tied to stats/skills is dicey as it would require some complicated hacks. I think I'm happy with the current reload speed and reload speed mods; the Pistol holds just under the capacity of the Assault Rifle and reloads at just over half the time. Better reload sounds would be great but I'm pretty limited in what I can do as a DML mod, as I can only repurpose existing sound schemas and it would have to be done in a hacky way.

 I see where you're coming from with the camera hacking idea. I'm not sure I'd be able to implement anything quite like that, but it's a cool idea for a trait or something...
All sounds good, I'm very aware of the various limits you guys are hitting when it comes to implementing things so all at your own discretion of course.

I have made a little colour-grading addon for ss2, my little contribution to the beloved game, but I'm not sure how to upload it. Is it as simple as starting a new post? It seems that one is being automatically created under the 'recreation deck' rather than modifications category.


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