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Topic: Silver's Bioshock mod Version 7.2 Alpha
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Thiefsie, i would love to get my hands on your mod. like especially if its as big as the one in this thread and geared towards remastered. i love a challenge and the more horror-survival that this mod offers


It's posted in this forum already, not sure if it works on Remastered or no, but it probably does

665b9bc7618dbHannibal Rex

Hey guys,

It's been almost 7 years, but the remastered versions have enticed me to pick up the first two Bioshocks again. I'd like to do a light mod that only changes the ADAM economy. The last time around, I did something similar by editing loottables.ini in this mod, but does anyone have a set of unmodded ini files from the remastered game?

I haven't had any luck googling how to extract the files from configini.ibf Can I get some pointers there? Would I need all the files extracted, even If I only want to change the loot tables?

Editing configini.ibf directly with Notepad++ didn't work, the game won't start afterwards.
« Last Edit: 07. March 2021, 19:36:10 by Hannibal Rex »


If you guys ever start fixing this mod up again, consider combining efforts with thief - he got vita-chambers to charge money per respawn!
If you guys ever start fixing this mod up again, consider combining efforts with thief - he got vita-chambers to charge money per respawn!

Oh, I would like that in Bioshock 2 (the one I keep replaying). I NEVER use the vita chambers (after death, I always just load a save) as it just feels like cheating to use the vita-chambers, and the game is already too easy, especially when you you know everything about the game because of repeated play-thoughs.

But if the vita chambers actually depleted something of value from your inventory, then that might make them acceptable as a game mechanic. Either use money (a decent amount, not just a token few dollars), or maybe two or more EVE syringes. And if you don't possess  the required payment then ideally the game would end.


You can set vita chambers to consume an arbitrary amount of money, with console commands.
Looking at the source also indicates that they could be turned on and off originally.
However they've pretty much been hardcoded before shipping to be as casual as possible, so even with hacks they will always resurrect you, sufficient money or no.


Didn't Bioshock 1 release a patch that allowed you to turn them off in the options?

Because we're at a stage now in the game industry where you need a major patch before your game is considered playable
Didn't Bioshock 1 release a patch that allowed you to turn them off in the options?

Because we're at a stage now in the game industry where you need a major patch before your game is considered playable

I certainly agree that it's ridiculous that games are so often released with serious bugs or flaws (and is there any other industry that could treat it's customers as badly as the games industry does and still survive?), but I wouldn't really call the Bioshock games unplayable with the vita chambers permanently activated. Disabling them is more a quality of life feature really. Or at least, it should have been.

Ironically, and supporting your implication that the games industry is so useless, the option to disable vita-chambers (which was introduced in a later patch, as you say) isn't really worth using. See, when you have installed the patch, and turned off the vita-chambers in the games menu, then when you are playing the game and you die it goes straight back to the main menu. That sounds like a good idea, but actually, when you die it takes longer for the game to go back to the main menu and for you to access the load the game-save menu, than it does for when you die to respawn in a vita-chamber and for you to access the load the game-save menu, so I just use leave the vita-chambers option activated in the game's options menu, and so when I die I respawn in the vita-chamber and then I manually select the game-save menu and load the last game-save.

It's just quicker. And the disable vita-chambers option was never released for Bioshock 2, though given the way it was implemented in Bioshock 1 then I really don't miss it. Why didn't they make it so that (if the vita-chamber option was disabled) then when you die you automatically go to the load a game-save menu?


Guess they can't even get that right..

Still, it was a lot worse in infinite. You basically pop out 3 feet away from where you died.
Bioshock: Infinite is one of the most disappointing games ever, in my view. It's a simple but OK linear first person shooter with often really good graphics and sound, and frequently great atmosphere. And some of the writing is great, including much of the script that applies to Elizabeth.

On the minus side, the game can be pretty boring at times, the gameplay is a huge step step backwards from the first two games, the ending is depressing, pretentious, and doesn't make much sense. The game has a really good setup, story and atmosphere, at the start, and the game then utterly fails to utilise them. My favourite genre is the first person shooter, but even to me, Bioshock: Infinite's world was wasted in a first person shooter. The gameplay deserved to be much deeper, with RPG type aspects, and a storyline that branches according to the player's actions and decisions. Instead, the gameplay is very shallow and, at least to me, doesn't have any replay value.

There are so many terrible decisions in the game, such as the weapon carrying limit  (and the magically appearing weapon upgrades, so that when you drop a weapon and later on pick up a different weapon of the same type, then it magically has whatever upgrades you'd previously added to the earlier weapon), Elizabeth being basically an indestructible source of salt and ammunition during a firefight, the way where you spend most of the game in a flying city made up of flying platforms, yet if you tried to walk/jump off whatever flying platform you are standing on (which would lead to your character's death, but we all tried it once  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) , then you don't actually fall, instead you either are instantly replaced back on that same platform, or you hit an invisible wall and so can't fall of the platform. Thereby removing the fear of you falling and dying if you are careless in that flying city.

And on and on. So many bad design choices. But the pre-release videos of the game, that contained features cut from the final game, made the game look like it was going to be something really special. But instead it turned out to be just another beautiful but very shallow game, with pretentious rather than good writing, and to me, it's just an extremely good example of a mediocre game with some very good aesthetics.


Bioshock: Infinite is one of the most disappointing games ever, in my view.
I'd think that after Bioshock you would have learned your lesson.


Bioshock Infinite is the most disappointing thing since my son...


Bioshock Infinite is the most disappointing thing since my son...

Acknowledged by: icemann



In the weapons.ini file i have changed BaseMagazineSize to 50 instead of 40 for the tommygun but ingame nothing has changed.
Does anyone know why it did not change?

665b9bc763a3cEther Bot

I understand that the damage of headshots were edited for each weapon, but does anyone have any idea how?


Check AI.ini for entries like "Multipliers=", the multipliers vary both per weapon (stimulus) and per enemy.

These are the splicer settings.
Hey guys,

Did anyone ever make any progress on why weapon edits don't actually manifest in-game?

I was trying fruitlessly to change stack sizes for ammo within the weapin.ini in absence of the ability to increase wallet capacity and noticed it doesn't do a damn thing.. Can't really wrap my head around that as the values are pretty clearly defined within that file.

I got super excited when I discovered this mod just today. The part which excited me the most was that I would get to play a challenging overhaul of the game in addition to fixing the issue that has really bugged me since the first time I played, which is the annoyance that those very limited stack sizes have both for ammo and credits.

No doubt this is going to sound silly to most but I went from super-pumped to downright miserable the moment I realized I still could not change any of this and then lamented that I would have to do the stupid lockbox hoarding all over again to satisfy my hoarding needs. At that point I just gave the 2K logo the finger literally and I cannot even muster the enthusiasm to even play now.

I figure if anyone can give me a definitive answer on whether it's even possible it's likely here. If not, well I can say a final fuck you to 2K and be done with the game for good with a lingering redeeming final thought that I am proud that I am one of the few to abstain from supporting these money-grubbing mod cock-blocking fuckers throughout the years.


Many values are not read from the ini files for some dumb reason.
You can use the ini files and decompiled unrealscript source to create console commands that will change whatever you want, however some of those changes don't persist properly between level changes, you have to remember to press a button after each level change or reload, since nothing reliable was found to trigger the console commands automatically.
I mean, I'm sure someone could do it, far more impressive hacks have been made, it's just that no one with the skills cares.


Many values are not read from the ini files for some dumb reason.
You can use the ini files and decompiled unrealscript source to create console commands that will change whatever you want, however some of those changes don't persist properly between level changes, you have to remember to press a button after each level change or reload, since nothing reliable was found to trigger the console commands automatically.
I mean, I'm sure someone could do it, far more impressive hacks have been made, it's just that no one with the skills cares.

Dumb question, but why not just make the W key do it?
Anyone know where I might find the decompiled script source? I could only find a script to export models from the game..

Something tells me that this sort of tweak might actually be impossible by virtue of having the data reset during transition. I can only assume that the counters will revert to the default maximum capacities in that instance resulting in a loss of any surplus items.

I know this is going to be largely inconsequential in the early-game being that with the new loot tables you can easily kill 25 splicers and loot absolutely nothing from them. My thought process, as always, is that I will inevitably reach a point in progression where I want more storage, particularly true if you are playing with the sole interest of having a persistent war with splicers and no real interest of ever finishing the game.   

Wow I actually did it with the help of your Biosec mod. Much to my delight and surprise it actually carries through transitions! I did not expect that at all. :O

I guess the only thing to do now is map a whole bunch of random buttons to the ammo stack sizes. Shame you can't make a batch command for that. At least I don't know if that's possible.

Thanks so much for that resource, TheifsieFool. Your mod actually looks like l something I would enjoy, possibly more than Silvers. The hacking overhaul in silvers mod doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me as it effectively locks you out of early-game hacking almost entirely. Anything but the tutorial bot hack shorts in 1 second or so, obviously necessitating tonics/upgrades... That and there appears to be inconsistencies in enemy scaling, some deck1 enemies requiring 25+ wrench headshots to kill. 

The death penalty in your Biosec mod appeals to my masochistic senses. I may actually start over with your mod come to think of it. :)

PS. Many thanks to Silver for his mod also.

Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool
Crud I should have asked; Is Biosec even compatible with Remastered?
Holy shitballs the hacking in Silvers mod is so busted. The timing for a camera on Medical pavilion is about 3 tiles per second with an initializing speed of 1 or less seconds. Not sure if difficulty factors into it at all, I'm assuming it does as these hack times are actually impossible without tonics/upgrades.

Even after I tweaked the value to be more consistent with the tutorial bot hack, systems are barely hackable, like 500% harder than vanilla 'tweaked' - god knows who playtested this, if that happened at all lol. Granted I am playing the Remaster version and on Survivor. Surely something hasn't translated correctly or difficulty was not factored into the hacking tables.   

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