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Topic: Silver's Bioshock mod Version 7.2 Alpha
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Has anyone tried Silver's mod or the BS2 difficulty mod with the remasters?


I have both remasters ready to install on my steam list, haven't tried them yet because I need to make some space first.

I'm curious about their compatibility aswell. Specially with Bioshcok (1), due to the remaster including a new difficulty level.


So far it looks like the same file structure is used. However, I have not attempted to check if the mod works. I know I have said in the past I would resume working on the mod, I've become very busy and am unsure if I will be able to push anything else out, other than bugfixes. I will look into it, however, I really DO want to try to pick this up again but only time will tell.


I got the remastered version of the first one installed. I remember trying two mods for Bioshock, the first one was yours, which I recall being the better balanced, but I found I also had another one, by IceBrazuka. I seem to recall one mod was somehow based around the other.

So I tried Brazuka's mod with the remastered edition and it seems to work. The intro video with the plane has a weird aspect ratio and the main menus texts are, well, weird, like the font is much larger and for some reason there was a "New game plus" option, which then led to a second menu allowing me to chose new game plus or regular new game. I went with regular new game and set the diffculty to Hard, assuming Survival would probably not work at all.

So far it's as I remember. The mod's definately working. The first three splicers were incredibly hard, as the wrench did almost no damage, haha.

I'll try it again with your mod psikoticsilver, and report how it goes. As I recall, with your mod the first tutorial hack was almost imposible to do, due to it being mandatory but the player not having yet access to any hacking related tonics, right? I'll use that as reference to know if it's having an effect on the game and report back.

Your mod was the reason I continued to replay Bioshock, for quite a long time. It'd be awesome if you were to continue development of it, but frankly, it's more than understandable that you'd put your time to more present things. In any case, having your mod working with the remastered edition would be more than good on its own!


Brooding:  Thank you for the kind words, and the effort of looking to it. And yes, the tutorial hack was hard, but I made it not impossible. I think I underestimated how good I got at hacking given the tens if not dozens of playthroughs I had. It's something I will try to address if I start a new version, but I really wanted hacking to be an actual challenge in my mod.  Anyway, I know there were a couple of hacking crashed with my latest version of the mod, that I can address even if I don't redesign the entire mod.

Anyway, I just tested the mod (using the extreme difficulty mode), and so far initially the INI files work.  If I raise the wrench damage to 100 (20 is vanilla) the splicers die in 3 hits, as opposed to 10+ for the wrench damage used in my mod (14).

One thing I noticed, is that I think they increased the base health for mobs in the extreme difficulty mode.


Hey, words are the least you deserve, as far as I'm concerned and as much as I love this game, I'm a sucker for good balance, and thats not something easy to find in most AAA games. You made this one infinitely replayable for me. So for that you got my thanks.

I do recall that the firs hack was certainly doable, it's just that, like you said, you became so good and practiced at it, that perhaps it wasn't apparent that it was, at least due to it being mandatory, incredibly hard hahaha. It took me, the first time, somewhere around 17 tries until I managed to get throught. Still, after that it was perfect. Mostly because you did the smart thing (which I'll never understand why it wasnt made like this by 2k) of allowing a lot of tonics to become actually relevant to the player. And to allow for actual character builds of sort.

I tried your mod. On hard difficulty.

It seems to be working, but partially. Unless I screwed something during installation but I don't think I did.

The menus fonts seem again larger than vanilla. Althought this time I saw no weird options, like new game plus or anything of the sort.
The intro movie with the plane crash is again scaled to a smaller frame and playing in the corner of the screen, just like with Brazuca's mod.

As for the gameplay, at first I thought it wasn't working, because the first fights were easier than I expected. The splicers seemed to go down in about 5 hits or so from the wrench. Again, playing on Hard.

I did get, even before Medical Pavillion, some crafting drops. Which didn't happen in vanilla and also not in brazuca's mod.

The first tutorial hacking minigame seemed easier, or at leas more forgiving than I rememeber from the last time I used your mod. It wasnt easy mind you, but it wasnt impossible nor it requiered 25 tries haha. Althought it took me 4 tries. Mostly because I got A LOT of trap tiles and borken tiles. Which again, point at the mod having an effect I guess.

But it seemed to work. If anything, it felt slightly easier than I remember. Just those first fights and the first hacking minigame.

I recall playing with your mod and loving the fact that the chemical thrower was finaly useful, great back up for hacking harder stuff and even compensating the lack of offensive plasmids in my build.

Damn this mod's awesome.

Hope some of this info helps btw.

IIRC, one of Silver's versions was harder than the latest one. I can't remember which, but upon reading your post, BT, I remembered that I also thought the game was too easy until I switched back to an earlier version.

I think the "easy" one I downloaded last time was the latest; the harder one was 6.0 I think. It's been awhile since I ran through the game but that's what I remember.


Hey Joe,

that would make sense. The version I used now is 7.2. I downloaded it from here instead of using the one I had just in case it was out of date. Which it may have been. If that's the case then I'd say the balancing in this version, 7.2 is the best one yet. At least as far as I have played. I'll continue testing by playing it further. I'll stay in Hard difficulty. It'd be interesting to see if the new "Survival" mode could be used as a blueprint or if it allows for new changes to be implemented.


So I've confirmed loot system and damage modifiers still work when using the old mod in remastered. So far what I've noticed from Welcome to Rapture is that the mobs are different in some places. I first noticed this with all the health and eve hypos dropping like candy. Then I noticed some of the mobs are super easy to kill in that level, and some aren't.  They must have replaced these mobs with ones from higher levels, or they simply aren't referenced to the loot tables / damage tables at all.

At least I know I can change basically everything I used to be able to change.
« Last Edit: 19. September 2016, 23:01:18 by psikoticsilver »


Was this the case with the splicer near the crib with the first pistol pick up? Because I noticed that one was far easier to deal with than the ones before it. I thought it was weird.

Are you still testing on Survival?
Is there anything that can be done so they aren't so easy to kill?

Glad to see it still works, though. great news. Also, big thanks to you, BT, for keeping the BS2 mod - I really appreciate it!


Don't mention it Joe, I was just the messenger of good news fortunately.

I wish I could contact the original modder, Z008MJ, I sent him a message a few years back, when I originaly started looking for his mod. It'd be awesome to have something similar to psikoticsilver's mod for Bioshock 2. Specially considering it has no "Survival" mode per se.
That's a good point - can Silver's mod even be used on Survival?


I believe, based on what he posted, that he was indeed trying the mod on survival. Thus far it seems to work. It seems the changes that haven't translated as well are related to enemy health and resistance. So hopefuly it means the mod may be adaptable to the remastered edition.

Bioshock 2 is a whole other animal thought.


the reason for the weird intro aspect and menu fonts, and assign plasmid/tonic screen are messed up, is because the gui.ini in the mod is the original bioshock gui.ini.

Remove that file to fix it
BroodingToast: "Your mod was the reason I continued to replay Bioshock"

Me too. Bioshock is probably my favorite game, and since I used it the first time, I can't play Bioshock anymore whitout psikoticsilver's mod. It's just to easy  without it, even Suvival mode in Remastered.

So well, I'm happy seeing that silver's mod works in Remastered.

I take this opportunity to thanks psikoticsilver for the mod. Really really needed and usefull.  :thumb:


heres the extracted Bioshock RM configini


remastered gui.ini is in it
[bioshock rm configini.zip expired]
« Last Edit: 23. September 2016, 20:20:46 by Moderator »
If I only want to remove the adaptive difficulty system, which of the files do I need?


If I only want to remove the adaptive difficulty system, which of the files do I need?




Thanks so much. :)


heres the extracted Bioshock RM configini


remastered gui.ini is in it

I wonder if we could finally figure out why it's possible to override these files that come from ConfigINI.IBF and not other much more powerful files like ModEffects.ini (which frankly I'm not sure where the AlphaMaterr guy managed to extract from, maybe some other IBF)
With access to ModEffects.ini tweaking difficulty modes would be a lot easier given you would have access to this:

Code: [Select]
ModDefinitions=(GroupName=GlobalDamageResistance_PercentBonus,Operation=OP_Addition,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=0.8,Description="Player takes 80% less damage on easy",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)
ModDefinitions=(GroupName=GlobalDamageAmplification_PercentBonus,Operation=OP_Addition,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=1.5,Description="Player causes 150% more damage on easy",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)
ModDefinitions=(GroupName=BioAmmoReduction_Modifier,Operation=OP_Multiplication,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=0.5,Description="EVE costs cut in half on easy difficulty",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)
ModDefinitions=(GroupName=PEGDamage_PercentBonus,Operation=OP_Addition,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=-0.8,Description="damage done to player-escorted gatherer reduced by 80%",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)

ModDefinitions=(GroupName=GlobalDamageResistance_PercentBonus,Operation=OP_Addition,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=-0.5,Description="Player takes 50% more damage on hard",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)
ModDefinitions=(GroupName=GlobalDamageAmplification_PercentBonus,Operation=OP_Addition,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=-0.35,Description="Player causes 35% less  damage on hard",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)
ModDefinitions=(GroupName=PEGDamage_PercentBonus,Operation=OP_Addition,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=0.2,Description="damage done to player-escorted gatherer increased by 20%",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)
ModDefinitions=(GroupName=RessurectionEveGain_PercentBonus,Operation=OP_Addition,UseExternalDuration=False,Duration=0,UseExternalValue=False,Value=-0.5,Description="only get half of normal EVE bump after dying on Difficult.",UsePlasmidSlotBonus=False,PlasmidName=None,BonusWhenEquipped=0,BonusPerSlot=0,BonusDurationPerSlot=0,AddUnique=False)


I noticed in remastered with the mod, the 1.1 patch plasmid and tonics costs like 5000 adam.

I modified the loottables.ini so they cost like they supposed to.

[LootTables.ini expired]
« Last Edit: 23. September 2016, 20:21:30 by Moderator »

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