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Topic: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
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Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
load_path is somewhat special, so it cannot be used for all dmls, and we'll definitely need some modfolder(s) for patches and other mandatory resources, most likely keeping patch_ext at the end and adding a dedicated folder for fm dmls (FMdml for all, most likely, asking Jax64 to just use that instead of T2FMdml should be easy). will have to double check as it's been a while, but I think install.cfg locations are not valid for dml loading, so if you have lets say, a pack with patched resources that also includes dmls, you will have to use a modfolder.

yes, OSM is an ubermod folder, this is intentional, and not to be touched.

aware of the issues the modmanager would have with TFix, I'll see whether those can be sorted out once I have the test build running in the environment.

as far as cutscenes are concerned, no exceptions for authors that cannot be bothered to give their work the proper folder structure, period.

if we were to unify the mandatory locations, I think we would end up with +mispatch+respatch+fmdml+patch_ext at the mod_path end (or something similar).
« Last Edit: 26. December 2020, 17:01:09 by voodoo47 »
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Ok then. As I said, I will keep all defaults to SS2 since that is what the manager is about, T(2)Fix can then supply a custom let's say, dmm.cfg to override the base paths to accomodate those games.

I'll try to set up a basic version for you and then change/delete any custom SS2 stuff once you're happy.


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
yeah, lets not invest too much work into this until it can be confirmed that it actually is viable.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Here's a basic version with a cfg file for Thief 2 that worked for my T2Fix'ed version. This assumes the normal DMM folder, though.

The exe does not work automatically without a custom-edited cfg except for SS2. Edit for T1 accordingly.

Ignore all of the custom SS2 logic like Google lookup.
[dmm.cfg expired]
[dmm.exe expired]
« Last Edit: 26. December 2020, 18:16:42 by Marvin »
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
I think I like the dmm.cfg approach - the patchers can customize that so it would append whatever baseModPath folders are necessary.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
It wouldn't work without it anyway. You'd need to have kept SS2Tool in sync with SS2BMM which is of course a stupid idea.

If this checks out, I would have the exe and install.cfg/darkinst.cfg names auto-detected but still overridable (without it, the manager is not able to operate), rest would be configurable with SS2 as default.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
turns out I didn't have the latest T2Fix installed - the latest version simplifies things, as it uses install.cfg locations (or root) wherever possible. that means as long as we have game.baseModPath .\t2fmdml in dmm.cfg, the T2 version is pretty much good to go (rename Mods to DMM, activate, done and working). TFix will be slightly more annoying, as it uses patches for mods, which is something I hate, but have no way of avoiding. will have to figure it out.

few quick notes;
- crf packed mods should probably be left alone, not extracted.
- upon starting dmm for the first time, the window was gigantic, and stretched throughout both of my monitors. I think 1.16 betas did something similar.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
CRF mods: Uhm, ok, but how else would you handle them? Mods are represented as folders internally, everything is built on that idea.
Startup: Just a copy-paste from my PC, I have a 4k monitor -> I need a large resolution. :) This would not happen in a final version.
« Last Edit: 26. December 2020, 22:24:56 by Marvin »
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
As a side-note, I personally would ignore current installations when it comes to restructuring/updating TFix. Assume a fresh GOG/Steam install and you avoid a lot of headaches.


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
not quite sure what you mean by that, but I definitely want a (future) TFixed install to be compatible with this.

ok, if crfs have to be extracted, then that's not really a big deal, hdd space shouldn't be an issue nowadays.

I think I will need another special patch folder to make the TFix stuff work, so basically
Code: [Select]
game.baseModPath .\fmdmlalways appends fmdml at the end of the modpath, and something like
Code: [Select]
game.overModPath .\patchfixwould always add a sneaky patch folder at the beginning of the modpath. with this, I should be able to make everything work fairly easily.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
An overModPath? Wouldn't you just add that to the uber_mod_path?


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
no, that is a bit too much, all I need is the top mod_path spot (just like I need the lowest one).

Code: [Select]
mod_path patchfix+whateverwhateverwhatever+fmdmlwith the last position controlled by game.baseModPath (already working), and patchfix controlled by game.overModPath (or whatever cfg string will be chosen). that should be enough to permit the user to control everything in between without breaking something.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
If you say so. Here's another trial:
- detects exe automatically
- detects (dark)install.cfg automatically

This version works ootb with Thief and Thief 2, only needs a minimal dmm.cfg to also "detect" the correct folder setup (see example).
[dmm.cfg expired]
[dmm.exe expired]
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
looking good, with one little hitch, not sure whether solvable via the manager, but lets see - Thief Enhancement Pack has that annoying thing going on where you need to enable an extra path with higher priority to load a few modified resources if you want to use the pack for T1/TG. I can now do that using the game.modPathPrefix .\DMM\EP\Thief1 (EP files are placed in .\DMM\EP\), this means I can pause/disable the pack in the manager, but this however will not disable modPathPrefix loading, so those few resources from .\DMM\EP\Thief1 will still get loaded even with the main pack disabled.

so the question is - if I pause/disable a mod location in the manager, would it be possible to make it unavailable to game.modPathPrefix as well?

so basically,
Code: [Select]
if cam_mod.ini .\DMM\xyz (paused/disabled)
then game.modPathPrefix .\DMM\xyz\* (paused/disabled)

if not, I can work around it, so it's not a show stopper.
« Last Edit: 27. December 2020, 18:39:16 by voodoo47 »
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Everything's possible, but changing larger parts of the internal logic for the sake of one particular not very nicely set-up mod is a bad idea(tm).

My recommendation would be to add the folder as an extra mod, such as EP_Thief1Compatible, and load the mod with higher order in the initial setup, then use fingerprinting to enable it only when EP is present. Or simply provide a combined mod just for Thief 1.
« Last Edit: 27. December 2020, 18:54:09 by Marvin »
Acknowledged by: Kolya


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
yep, that pretty much is the backup plan.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Ok, this sounds like it could work, then.
If anyone has a suggestion for the icon/About image, feel free :)


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
yeah, pretty sure that the current functionality will be enough to make it work for all the patchers.

also maybe
Code: [Select]
because ocd.

icon is going to be tough, the Thief games can share some glyph or whatever, but we definitely want to keep Shodan for SS2. two builds then, I guess?
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Already planned, this is just an intermediate build. Expect more cleanup.

How about the LGS icon?


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Looking Glass Software didn't make this tool.

Maybe just use the Engineering "wrench" logo.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
They made the Dark engine. though.

Mmh, not very Thief-like.
Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Something simple. What sizes do you need?
[DMM-logo.png expired]


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
Words as an icon is like, icon design "Don't Do That" rule #1.

If there won't be separate builds, then I'd recommend some manner of custom symbol that combines the iconography of Thief and SS2. Not an easy task since their aesthetics are so different. Perhaps a Hammerite hammer across an SS2 wrench. Or the Thief 2 gear icon but redrawn in the SS2 style.


Re: Re: SS2 Blue Mod Manager
as we are not releasing a new version of the manager/tool every odd week, I don't think building two versions with different icons (SS2 and Thief) would pose a problem.

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