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I've wasted many many MANY hours trying to do this by myself and very angry.  Please help me.

Created new Stim called TeleportStim

Created marker and added source with Stimulus TeleportStim, propagator radius, radius 5, line of sight, intensity 10, no max firings, period 100, max firings 10000.

Added receptron to ThePlayer with Stimulus TeleportStim, Min Intensity 0, No max, Effect Teleport Object, Target -384 (the player), agent is A Marker (7)

Doesn't fucking work

...but it worked before somehow and I lost my setting by unknown means.


You set the teleport target to an archetype?? Archetypes don't actually exist in-game, y'know.

Why are you messing around with stims/receptrons anyway? Are you making a teleporter gun?


Are you making a teleporter gun?

God I hope so


Several google searches on the topic say to use S&R because it's the most robust method.  Don't ask me why, I just believe what I read. 

I'm not teleporting to an archetype.  I need to create a new stim to follow the process given by these methods.  I presume the logic is, create a marker, apply the new stim to it, add receptron to the player vulnerable to that stim, upon stimulation, teleport player to another marker.  It sounds reasonable but just recently I found out that since the player doesn't exist until run-time, I have to use some bouncy thing to relay the signal to the generated player or some gobbledygook.


I'm not teleporting to an archetype.
I didn't say you were. I said you're setting the Target to an archetype. Any negative object ID is an archetype. Anyway...

Assuming the source is on a marker, the receptron is on the player, and the destination is another marker, all you have to do is set the receptron Target Object to Me, then the Agent Object to the destination marker.

That being said, I would never use S&R for teleporting the player, since it requires a custom stim, a permanent receptron on the player, and a continuously-firing stim source for every teleporter/destination pair. I'd just use a tripwire linked to a marker with TrapTeleportPlayer on it.


I came to a similar line of reasoning myself, even though most of what I read was in agreement NOT to do it this way, for reasons that were not made clear by the author.  I don't know why there is a consensus to use S&R when the damn earth level teleports you into training using traps.

I finally got a successful teleport but it's so unsatisfying because even with the most basic test level, I have all sorts of bizarre errors and anomalies that it's like the game is trying to tell me to quit harder and harder every time I make the tiniest bit of progress.  What a dreadful experience unless you're fluent in how the editor works I guess.

FYI, tried target Me and Agent the other marker and that didn't work... except when it did because I had this working a while back and now it doesn't.  Totally random.


DromEd is almost never random. If you think it's being random, you've overlooked something.
Acknowledged by: RocketMan


I don't actually think it's actually random (although I will say I have run the same level 10 times in a row and gotten different results so... take that for what it is).  I'm just speaking casually.  However if the behaviour of a piece of software is that sensitive that I don't even know how I threw it off and can't get it working again by all perceivable permutations, then it aint  that good, because I'm not that dumb when it comes to computers, despite how dumb I may feel HERE among highly educated, technical specialists.  I consider my frustration level a pretty accurate barometer for how crappy something is to use.  To be fair though, I don't think a considerable amount of attention went into making the editor highly accessible, beyond programmers and the design team themselves.  This is what they could do in the mid 90s with limited time and money so it is what it is.
« Last Edit: 17. January 2022, 17:46:43 by RocketMan »


If you want random, ask @RoSoDude about the cargo bay crash


this is the craziest thing I observed when trying to do stuff; https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=9225.msg114317#msg114317

//fixed link
« Last Edit: 20. January 2022, 10:42:03 by voodoo47 »


« Last Edit: 20. January 2022, 10:41:43 by Moderator »


Nice to know I'm not completely insane but more importantly, did anyone discover the root-cause of the anomalies... whether they were a simple glitch or something more sinister that might cause other weirdness unexpectedly?


Very rarely do I encounter anything in NewDark that totally defies explanation... there is always a logical sequence of events that will get you the behavior you're seeing, even if it's opaque to you at that moment. Especially when there are vanilla event messages/script functions that are doing things you didn't realize -- tinkering with NVSpy message dumps and spitting out object properties on a timer can usually resolve it.

...except for the goddamn Cargo Bay crash in SS2-RSD. Who the hell knows. It happens more often on higher-end computers, and I can only guess it's either related to the map geometry itself or my leaning tower of Squirrel scripts.


Well, I'm not sure what to think then.  Clearly, it has something to do with my ineptitude with DromEd.  However, simply sucking at something doesn't usually cause me to enter the twilight zone, where reality breaks down.  I'll probably just blow everything away and reinstall everything.  However even then, I will probably need to know how to "set up" DromEd properly, whatever that entails, to avoid repeating history.


...except for the goddamn Cargo Bay crash in SS2-RSD. Who the hell knows. It happens more often on higher-end computers, and I can only guess it's either related to the map geometry itself or my leaning tower of Squirrel scripts.
Eng2 has had random crash issues for a long time. It's probably a corrupt object or linkage somewhere in the level, but the only surefire way to clear it would be to recreate every object (including room brushes) in the level from scratch. Even if this worked, it would break every DML fingerprint for this level.
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude
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