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Topic: SS2 Window mode always on center
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To be honest, it seems like you have entered this game with the mindset of not liking it if you're not wanting to engage with it's systems after only 15 minutes or so of play. If you are having a hard time with security cameras, you can either shoot or hit them with your wrench to destroy them, or if you trigger the alarm you can find a security access panel and interact with it, that shuts off the alarm. Invest in some Hack and hack the panels and it will turn off all cameras and turrets for a set amount of time. It's not like in SS1/SSR where they're a non-threat and are only there for the sake of progression in certain areas, they play an active role in the level design and need to be treated like any other threat in the game. It's like what Polito says, either avoid, destroy, or hack them.


that screenshot looks weird. are you using some dll injector tool to get hdr and blur? if so, maybe don't do that.

ok, if you keep whacking the hybrids then yeah, you can get that line, and yes, corpses disappear, that is a feature, not a bug.

hmm, I think the highest resolution confirmed working was 3440x2160, so 8k may not be supported. if it is, then I'm quite sure you will have to set it up as a custom resolution in cam_ext.cfg, if you are willing to try.


screenshot was taken when hit by the monkey psi ability which results in the blurr

and this is direct proof that the game will dump 8 or more enemies on you if you trigger the alarm. Which you have denied.

I already did that per my other comment but then it will still crash. The only way I get it to run is window mode which is fine since I play basically every other game in window mode too.

Just there is no other game that keeps moving the window to the center of the screen


technically, it will not, as the system will not spawn new enemies until the existing ones are dead. so you don't have 8 enemies there, you have 8 corpses, that is not the same thing. that ecology can have 2 living AIs existing at any given moment iirc.

try user_mode1 7680 4320  32 in cam_ext.cfg (if that is your resolution. note that there has to be no ; at the beginning of the line) and game_screen_size 7680 4320 in cam.ext, no forced windowed mode, and start the game.


I'm not stupid. But having to kill every cam in 2 seconds so it does not trigger the alarm is really shit design. And once it triggered it will spawn 8 enemies around you. Then you have to backtrack to a security panel which won't work if you are in an area with no security panel or you have not yet found it.

I don't see any fun or entertainment in playing this shit minigame over and over in "spot the camera - get swarmed by enemies - backtrack to security panel - hack security panel to bypass turrets"

the game would be a third of the length so far if not for that stupid gameplay loop.

fuck the best option in one section was to just go afk and let the time run out while the enemies constantly kill me in the respawn point because there is no point in killing the endless spawning enemies during the alarm and waste ammo and hp items. And yes I did not have access to the security panel in that section yet so literally go afk is the best decision.

I just finished playing system shock 1 and loved it so seeing this is a sequel I would imagine it is the same just better but so far the fundamental aspect of the game are just worse. The cameras in the first game worked perfectly fine as progression but also reducing the security level to zero stopped new enemies from spawning. And the amount of enemies respawningw was much better in the first game. It was a few singular enemies here and there to keep you on your toes. The second game just dumps endless amounts on you that spawn in the worst way possible, just right out of your fov. You can literally turn around and they will spawn behind you or  walk around the corner and they spawn right behind the corner where you just were. Incredibly cheap and immersion breaking.

and that is just one aspect. 1 step forward, 2 steps back.


Are you just standing still and letting each camera detect you? The camera doesn't automatically lock onto your position, it has to be looking in your direction and it has to track you long enough for the alarm to go off. If you're quick enough you can even run directly underneath it in some cases and it can't detect you. You don't even necessarily need to take the cameras out if you just move around a little and get out of the way. They have very low health so usually just one hit from the wrench or 1 shot from the pistol is enough to take it out. I just can't see how you are having this much trouble with the cameras. It's a straightforward enough gameplay mechanic.


I don't want the game in full 8k size for fucks sake.

I only mentioned that fullscreen does not work and the method you suggested I already tried and also does not work to the other guy.

And ah yes , 8 enemies spawning right after each other makes it so much better than 8 at once as I have exaggerated because it makes nof fucking difference when the game just shits tons of enemies on me. When I trigger an alarm there are literally endless amounts of enemies spawning. Sure not all at once but 2 every time until the timer runs out or the alarm is stopped. Great game design. Fun mechanics, just spawn endless enemies every fucking alarm. If not for that shitty mechanic the game would only be a third in play time so far.
And they still spawn right out of your vision or behind you.


no shit sherlock. I would have not guessed I have to destroy them. Thank you for enlightening me.

as if you have not been spotted by the cameras on your first playthrough when you did not know where they are.

and all that aside it does not change what a shit mechanic this is . You just keep moving the ball, ignoring all my critique and every reply it is something different you bring up.

It is not a bad mechanic, I just don't know the position of the camera by heart. It is my fault for not knowing them yet.

And now it makes for a really shitty time when having to slowly peek into every room and making sure to take out every fucking camera and even then it just sucks because they lock on to you and when you peek out they immediately trigger so you have to wait until the camera has turned around again before peeking and shooting it.

and sure I could just run into every room because they might not be fast enough but that is hardly worth the risk of having do deal with the alarm so that is not a legitimate suggestion.
Cameras make sound? And have bright lights? Anyway. Getting an alarm isn't game over or anything like that. Just run to a security station and interact with it, alarm will be canceled


I see, reading is hard for the people here


aaand my save game is fucked, played two hours or so and it saved right when I died, reloading results in me dying right away. At least the auto save is only an hour or so behind. If not for the community pach this would have fucked my save completely

trash game

don't know how this got cult status. Can only hope for nightdive to remake it to actually make it a playable game.

Kotor and half life are an infinite times better


aaand my save game is fucked, played two hours or so and it saved right when I died, reloading results in me dying right away. At least the auto save is only an hour or so behind. If not for the community pach this would have fucked my save completely

trash game

don't know how this got cult status. Can only hope for nightdive to remake it to actually make it a playable game.

Kotor and half life are an infinite times better

You are an idiot. Please go away. Literally nobody here wants your opinion or... you.


the mechanic is well thought through - the cameras make noises, and are fairly easy to spot, will make a different noise when when they spot you, and change color, giving you time to react, you can shoot them or run. if the alarm is triggered, most people will find out really quickly you are not supposed to fight the AIs, as they will get replenished quickly. so you run to a place the AIs are unable to reach instead, or to the nearest security panel to deactivate it. pretty easy as long as you don't go against the grain.

do that and you are in for a lot of pain. be deaf to the lessons the game is trying to teach you, and you will get punished, that is SS2 for you alright. the last lesson learned is - don't quick save while dying, and also create a full save every once in a while.

share ss2.log created after the game crashed when you try to use the custom resolution.


It's not really that hard to understand the function of the cameras. It's quite easy to figure out how it's meant to be played around instead of shouting like a blowhard at people who tell you how the game is meant to be played when what amounts to being the ample tutorial level of the game clearly was not enough. You are meant to take the game at a slower pace, yes. SS2 is not Doom Eternal or CoD, and it's not even like SSR where you zoom around everywhere on rocket shoes after you get them and occasionally shoot a bunch of bullet sponges. You need to manage your resources and weigh the benefits and consequences of the choices you make. You should probably try to play the game on the easy difficulty to help mitigate having to check and listen for a camera or be alert for enemies respawning.

TL;DR Git Gud


perhaps it may be the other way around, and you are having trouble expressing yourself properly?

to make it short, the camera mechanic is what it is, and 96% of people understand it's there for a reason (and it takes about one alarm in their faces to figure out what's up). you don't like it fine, you are free to do that. if you want me to take a look at the log, share it.




yes, writing in caps will definitely make things better.

and I actually don't really care what you want, but it would be interesting to maybe find out why the game is crashing when it tries to initialize the fullscreen resolution. hence, asking for the fullscreen init log.

just for the record, why would you want to use a non-centered window in the first place? makes very little sense (and the solution to that request has been provided, but looks like someone has trouble reading).



ah sure it is my fault because my requirements are too unusual.

and no game in the over 100 I own on steam has the problem of moving itself around in window mode.


"zoomers loudly not understanding things"


that picture explains nothing.

and yes, if you are the first person asking for that in the last decade, then we can safely say it is an unusual request. anyway, the only way (as already mentioned) would be to change the DX/D3D settings so the windowed output would be locked to a specific location of your desktop, so you need to talk to people who can help you with that. many years ago, I used to go to the neowin forum, maybe they still exist.

hint: once you are there, perhaps don't start the conversation with "you are all useless" and "your product is worthless".


If the program does not provide a built-in option to set the window position, it's not possible to achieve it by directly modifying the registry. The registry does not control the window position of individual programs.

The position of a window is typically managed by the window manager and determined by the program itself based on its internal logic and configuration settings. The window manager handles the placement and positioning of windows on the screen, taking into account factors such as the program's requested position, screen resolution, and user preferences.

I know from a guy reverse engineering lego island's source code (which was released 1997 and is based on direct X) that the program has to give the parameters to the window manager. There was an error in lego island which did not specify it should render without a title bar.
My guess is that system shock gives no value to the window manager for position so each time the game is drawn the window manager gets no reply and sets it to the default placement which is center of the screen. Or the other way around and is is hardcoded into the game it always returns the center position to the window manager.


if it's not possible to modify/lock the window position by changing DX/D3D/windows settings (anymore?), then you are out of luck, most likely.

gpu control panel/advanced maybe? AMD should have some overscan options there (again, quite sure it was possible to modify desktop position there in the past, probably not exactly what you want but maybe something that can be used as a workaround. too bad we still have no idea why you need to use a noncentered window position).
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