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Topic: demand system shock 3
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I always said they need to spend more on space defense


in sequence with layoffs etc...

Eidos laid off the team that was presumably working on the new DX.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I didn't even know a new Deus Ex game might have been in production. Were there any announcements or information about the game?


It is unfortunate about Deus Ex. Not been many immersive sims as of late. I've been replaying the Buoshock games recently. Been interesting playing the games again for the 1st time in many years.
Technically Bioshock didn't age very well. Tried to replay Bioshock 2 a while ago and was repelled by how bad it played on a then modern PC. 

Judas is looking a lot like Levine is having another go with it.

Judas - Story Trailer

« Last Edit: 10. February 2024, 08:52:27 by fox »
Technically Bioshock didn't age very well. Tried to replay Bioshock 2 a while ago and was repelled by how bad it played on a then modern PC. 

I replayed Bioshock 2 (the original version, not the remaster) on the PS3 a few weeks back, and to me it was still fantastic, both technically and playability/enjoyment-wise. I replayed the PS3 of Bioshock 1 a few moths ago, with no problems, aside from the bot pathing of the flying turrets - I sometimes like to use the flying turrets by deliberately failing a hack on something so that the alarm starts and the flying turrets appear and attack me, and I then run to a Big Daddy and shoot the 'Security Bullseye' plasmid at the Big Daddy, so the flying Turrets attack the Big Daddy. This way, the Big Daddy get's it's health whittled down, and I repeat this if necessary until the Big Daddy is dead. This way, you don't have to fight the Big Daddy, as they never realise that you are the one setting the flying turrets onto them. But sometimes the flying turrets seem to get lost, and when they do appear more than half of the alarm time has already passed, reducing the time the flying turrets can spend attacking the Big Daddy.

Thankfully, this bug was fixed in Bioshock 2. And it's the only bug I'm aware of, in either of the two games.

I know Bioshock and Bioshock 2 were released in a bugged state on the PC (maybe also on console, I can't remember if they were later patched, but the console versions are great now), but it's been very long since I've played the PC versions, and I'd had thought that by now that it would be possible to play both games on any current version of Windows, especially given how popular they are, and fan-made fixes being one of the benefits of PC gaming. I do seem to remember that one of the games had problems with a version of DirectX, and also the sound could cut out either randomly or at set points in the game. I seem to recall that the PC version of Bioshock Remastered was released in a bugged state too, but again I would expect it to work fine by now.

This will make me seem old, I know, but I remember when games were properly tested before release.

Now Bioshock: Infinite, that didn't age well. I don't remember if it had bugs or not, but gameplay-wise it was several steps backwards from the first two games, unfortunately.


iirc the pc versions didn't have any major stability or other gameplay issues (I don't remember having any, apart from the long loading times, and texture loading), but they were plagued by problems with drm/activation/middleware. all patched out either by modders (hey, guess who gifted the second game to Timeslip so he could patch out the games for windows live stupidity?) or the actual devs eventually.

haven't tried the remakes (or rather, re-releases) yet - but as mentioned, I would pay premium money for a redux version with all the stupid patched out, proper inventory etc.
Yes, I really wish that the Bioshock games had been moddable. Given how very popular they were, I don't doubt that many talented people would have given us great mods and extensions for the game, from small changes (just getting rid of the hacking mini-game would be nice) to new levels and actual new episodes, to actually adding RPG elements and hopefully giving us a much more System Shock 2 like game mode.

Oh well...


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foxI think it ages well, the Remastered version tho has some bugs that weren't in the original. The original versions though I hadn't ran into major issues, though it is possible some might have encountered things I did not.

JDoranAgreed, the only bugs I really ran into were from the Remastered versions, they have issues that weren't in the originals and for some reason they never bothered to patch out


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Also on the topic of System Shock 3, I always thought that one potentially cool idea is to play or fight a Shodan possessed Rebecca. Like both Rebecca and Shodan both exist in the same body, like multiple personalities or something. Though there would need to be a reason why Shodan wouldn't just bail out of her asap. IDK, would be something different at least.

As for the state of SS3 in general, who knows. The version(s) being made aren't anymore and who knows what or when they plan on doing anything with it.
« Last Edit: 10. February 2024, 19:13:43 by Xkilljoy98 »


Just to go a bit more on my earlier post on my replaying of the Bioshock's (remastered editions on PC):

Bioshock 1 - This is really damn good stuff, especially once the game opens up and you start finding the tonics which adds some choice in how you want to play.  I really enjoyed the pipedream hacking style (of getting water from point A to B). Great voice acting and story. Gameplay feels very SS2-ish. Love the research system. Quite unique with having to take photos.

I went nearly total melee. The tonic that makes you invisible when stationary was a must for me. Made alarms no threat at all + lots of fun ambushes on splicers.

Bioshock 2 - I'm only 2 hours in so take this with a grain salt. I'm a bit mixed on this one so far. Hacking I find far less fun in this one as they went with a more quick twitch reaction style, rather than the more puzzle style of the first. Melee is nowhere near as satisfying which makes no sense as a drill should be way cooler than a wrench.

Lots of things lack sounds that were present in the first game. From saving your game to the vending machines and the alarms. Its so quiet. Gah. I also hate it when a TV show several seasons in adds in a new cast member, and has all the others pretend they were there all along. Which they totally do with the new Lamb character. Levels are super linear so far which goes against what I remember from my only other play through a decade or so ago.

They changed a whole heap of assigned keyboard controls for things, which meant I had to spend 15 or so switching it back to what it was in the first game. Not a massive deal, but when you go straight from 1 game to the next, you like things being similar and natural. Having plasmids on your left hand but fired with the right mouse button, and weapons on your right hand but fired with the left, just throws my brain out of whack. Makes no sense. I prefered switching between plasmids and weapons, rather than having both at once. Not a big deal, but always having the plasmid arm playing its animation can be distracting.

On the positive end: Combat feels good on the shooting end, voice acting seems good so far. Less copyrighted old music was a bonus (since I've been streaming my play though) and I quite like the risk / reward stuff with hacking of going for the blue zones or not. Story seems interesting too. Playing as a Big Daddy is very cool also.
« Last Edit: 11. February 2024, 07:08:47 by icemann »


Every now and then I try to hop back into Bioshock, and I always have to stop after a few minutes because the entire thing just feels pretentious as fuck. It's like an art school project with guns.


It's because Bioshock isn't very deep, but everyone seems to think it's super intelligent. The pretention doesn't necessarily come from the game itself - it's just a dumb shooter - it comes from the community that pretends it's an immersive sim when it's not.


First game totally is. Not far in enough in to speak on the second.

Infinite though, 100% agree. First person shooter. Not counting the Burial at Sea DLC.


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ZylonBaneWell the art is part of what makes it good, and I wouldn't call it pretentious as it's not and it tells its story well and its praise is earned, at least by those that enjoyed it. Though I can admit it isn't for everyone, though even with games I am not as into I can understand why others like them more than I do.

sarge945Regardless of what genre it is, The Bioshock games aren't in any way dumb shooters. To call them such is admitting that you misunderstand them or are biased against them. A 'dumb shooter' is what cod is (outside of a few notable exceptions), and Bioshock offers more than that. The Bioshock series is very deep in its own ways. Yes it isn't 1:1 like SS2 but it doesn't need to be, and neither was SS1 (Bioshock is also a different series). Personally I enjoy the story and gameplay overall more than System Shock, though I love both series, it really depends on what you're into.

I also 100% consider at least the 1st two games Imm Sims, Infinite has elements but idk if it counts. If SS1 is one, then so are BS 1 and 2.

Anyway on a side note, I think this thread has changed topics :p
« Last Edit: 11. February 2024, 07:30:09 by Xkilljoy98 »


I wouldn't call it pretentious as it's not
Your logic is truly unassailable.

The pretention doesn't necessarily come from the game itself
Did I stutter? Bioshock the game is pretentious as fuck. Voice work that ranges from overdramatic and pseudo-intellectual to obnoxious carnival barker nightmare droning. "My daddy's SMARTER THAN YOU." "HAHAHAHAHA!" Garish, exaggerated art design. It's all cartoonishly over the top and as subtle as a brick, screaming look at me, look at how clever I am.

It's interesting to contrast Bioshock with its contemporary Fallout 3, another post-apocalyptic game with a goofy retro-future aesthetic, yet which somehow comes across as taking itself an order of magnitude more seriously.


  • Company: N/A
Your logic is truly unassailable.

1. Imagine someone having a different opinion.

2. It’s not pretentious and both Bioshock and Fallout 3 are good games even with flaws. I don’t understand how you are annoyed by some of the stuff it does as it only enhances the game’s atmosphere.

3. The voice acting and art design is great and not overdone (IDK how you could think it's too cartoony or lacking subtly), it’s convincing and much better than some a lot of the monotone stuff found in system shock, and some of the levels that lacked detail in certain areas. Yes I love those games but outside of shodan and a few other characters I’m not gonna act like all the voice acting was top tier or anything, or that some of the levels couldn’t have been even better with some added details.

4. I thought this was supposed to be a ss3 thread
« Last Edit: 11. February 2024, 14:00:41 by Xkilljoy98 »


this is notaavatar's semi-random posts consolidated thread.

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