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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]
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Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hacking it away in .csv is a pain in the ass.
I tend to use his Blender Toolkit which also comes with a script to convert files to .bvh files.
This way I can just import and export animations easily and have a tool for proper/easy animation editing.

There is also no need to use Blender. It's just a python script you execute outside of it. And .bvh files are a standard for motion capturing, so it should be available in other animation tools.

If you want I could have a look at it and maybe edit it in a way to behave more like the "standard swing".
Just zip up your motion database and the new motions so I don't have to rebuild everything myself.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hacking it away in .csv is a pain in the ass.
I tend to use his Blender Toolkit which also comes with a script to convert files to .bvh files.
This way I can just import and export animations easily and have a tool for proper/easy animation editing.

There is also no need to use Blender. It's just a python script you execute outside of it. And .bvh files are a standard for motion capturing, so it should be available in other animation tools.

If you want I could have a look at it and maybe edit it in a way to behave more like the "standard swing".
Just zip up your motion database and the new motions so I don't have to rebuild everything myself.

CSV does sound like a pain so I'll take you up on that offer! Files should be attached here
[melee motion.rar expired]
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The "RTFLAT11_.mc" is missing.
Also, which animation did you use to create the hold position? (like lefthold.mi)


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Damn, I'll attach it when I get home, alternately you can get it from Thief 2's Motions.crf if you have access to it.
The hold position is always lefthold, I made it like this since I don't think I can know in advance what animation will play on release, otherwise I might have added righthold.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Oh, I havent't looked into animations that much. Like understanding the .mos files and know how everything is handled. And what you need to set up in DromEd.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Well that shouldn't be necessary, if we can get that flag moved further into the animation, we're done. Attached the MC
[RTFLAT11_.rar expired]
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Well, I weren't able to properly fix it yet as I am running into some troubles. But I were able to identify the problem.

Booth animations have a similiar arc of swing, for the new right swing it's even a bit smaller.
But the way the arm is aligned further to the right and not doom like in the middle of the screen, it goes another route ingame.
I tried to recreate a right swing which goes along the left swing path but ran into some troubles upon getting it into the game again. Maybe they changed something on the bvh exporter for Blender *scratches head*
I will update you when I get any progress out of it.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
No luck changing the frame data then? Thanks for trying with a new animation, that would avoid the problem completely.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Well, the only thing you can do with animations is rotate bones and additionally translate the base/root.
So it wouldn't have been possible to relocate the point for the collision detection.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Random question, when the new Secmod version comes out, could you add in the ability to hack the GamePig to get the dummies-out extra games like in the "GamePig Unleashed" mod, and maybe have the cartridges for the extra games spawn in the game maps somewhere, so you can actually find them without debugging them in?

I love SecMod, I think it really is the "Director's Cut" of the game, and I'd love to see this added.

6667e4464a488Yankee Clipper

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The GamePig Unleashed mod works with Secmod. Just have them both active and you can hack the Pig and play all 11 games.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I love SecMod, I think it really is the "Director's Cut" of the game
Except it isn't. It was created by someone with no ties to Irrational, the "directors" of SS2.

Words mean things.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Sorry, I meant it sort of "feels" like a Director's cut; it doesn't so much alter the game's vision, as it just makes everything in the game better.  The mechanics of the game are more fine-tuned, features that were in the games' code but dummied out are fixed (like the RunFast implant), etc.  I know it's not a Directors' Cut in the official sense.

Also, it's nice to know that the GamePig Unleashed mod will work with this, I just assumed that it would conflict somewhere, as I know most code-focused changes to SS2 usually don't get along well.

It would be nice though if SecMod added the cartridges for the extra games to the ship's levels somewhere; most people don't max out hacking to crack the GamePig, and debugging the cartridges in just isn't as "fun" as finding them in-game.  It just seemed to me that adding the item spawns  into SecMod would make the most sense; I imagine it's just an issue of throwing them into the spawn lists or hard placing the items somewhere in the game levels, and having a whole extra map mod to place 5 items would be silly, and would conflict with just about everything. 
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Human language is not just a string of words. It has context, subtext and meaning that is shifting, dithering and dazzling like coloured lights in a hall of mirrors. It's not a programming language where everything is defined logically and mathematically.
Now from the context of this being a fan forum and the fact that this is a mod thread and that Witness put "Director's cut" in quotes it is quite easy to understand what s/he meant: That SecMod has the extended features and level of quality which in the film world is commonly attributed to a Director's Cut of an original work. That being the version where money and time constraints didn't play a role and only the quality of the experience counts.
It would be alright if you had misunderstood that. Due to the aforementioned nature of language, misunderstandings happen all the time. But I think you actually know what Witness meant. You just like to act as if you could nail the jelly of meaning to a tree. As if there was an absolute truth about Witness' utterance, that s/he failed to acknowledge. And that is simply not true. You don't define what others mean or how they have to say it. You're just displaying your willingness to press a living fluid thing into a defined form.
But it won't work, people won't start communicating like you want them to. They won't adhere to "the rules" because there are no solid rules in communication. That leaves you with two options: You either continue to refuse to understand and "correct" people on their use of language, which in the best case makes them apologise politely and remember that you're a bit special and need to be communicated with in a special way, like a grandma who's gotten a bit weird. Or it makes them avoid you. Your other option is to flex with the flow AS WE ALL DO and admit if you didn't understand something. It happens to everyone all the time.
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Well, the only thing you can do with animations is rotate bones and additionally translate the base/root.
So it wouldn't have been possible to relocate the point for the collision detection.
I told you all about those frame flags though, you can view and set them in Dromed's Motion Editor after opening a motion or with Weyoun's motion editor, go through each frame and check/uncheck flags for that frame, "Trigger 2" is the flag that activates collision detection and it's possible to change it for AI attack motions, it's set for melee motions and it's set on a very early frame for the right swing so I'm certain it's used there and is what should be changed, it's jus the "easy" motion tools don't work on melee motions correctly, Dromed does not save them and Weyoun's won't show me frame flags for melee motions, only normal AI motions.

Will add the unused carts in the levels, I think there's a thread on here that says exactly which ones they are. Thanks for the feedback.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The link to the Secmod TC Laser Pistol fix in the first post is broken.
Is it still needed or has it become obsolete?
Secmod TC Laser Pistol fix.zip (76.19 kB - downloaded 2322 times.)


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I think it is if you plan on using the Tacticool Laser Pistol, things like the Tacticool Wrench and Laser Pistol should be included in the main mod from now on anyway along with the "fixes", they are perfect replacements and are tied up with Secmod features (wrench bloodiness increasing, laser pistol modes).
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
It's my fault about the broken link. A consequence of renaming long mod names. I thought I had fixed them all. Will do it tonight. https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=7019.0


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
You're welcome, I'm glad I could help.  I actually only learned about the extra games a few days ago when I saw the GamePig Unleashed mod thread, and it immediately occurred to me that the extra cartridges were a perfect fit for SecMod.  I assume they were left out originally for copyright reasons.

Also, one question, what does the prototype PSI amp do?  I've never been able to figure that one out, even with poking around in the game editor.

I can't wait to see the new version, I've been hoping for ages that we would get more updates.  I'm willing to help out however I can if it would be useful, even if it's only with suggestions and feedback.  I don't have any experience modding SS2, but I occasionally code things for a roguelike called Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.  It's an open-world survival game with zombies.
And giant worms.
And triffids.
And crazy robots.
And Shoggoths.
And things from obscure Japanese horror doujins.
And also some very angry moose.  (We're still not sure why they're SO hostile)
It's basically every B-grade horror movie in existence wrapped into one big mess, and you're stuck in it.  Have fun.  Oh, and you can build mobile car-fortresses complete with turrets, armor plates, and the FOODCO kitchen buddy, a combination water purifier, food vacuum sealer, and press for hand-loading ammunition.  I made that one.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I fixed the link for Secmod_TC_Laser_Pistol_fix.zip.
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The prototype psi amp can cast psi powers as fast as you can click the mouse instead of once every 500ms, it's pretty useful for cryo/pyro/electro, I updated the item's description to mention this more clearly.
The psi amp is actually a "gun" in the same way that a pistol is a gun, the only gun property that it actually uses though is the firing rate, so only that can be tweaked for "custom" psi amps, I recently tried to make the psi amp modifiable with the Modify skill like a gun so that you could increase its firing rate by yourself but it was very buggy.
The update should be out soon, I decided to include a pretty big feature which is all done now


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Thanks, I always wondered what the difference in the prototype amp was.  I probably never noticed the RoF boost because I don't usually spam fire with PSI powers, I prefer to charge up for the power boost instead.  I'll have to decide what character build I'm going to do for my next run when you finish the update, maybe I'll just do a standard weapons run.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
there  They are just parts of a future update for SecMod.
for SecMod update:

[SS2_minister_NewHack.7z expired]

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