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Topic: walking through walls Read 206 times  


I have the Shock 2 Patch Final 2.48 game bought on gog. I played it twice, Vanilla storyline and SCP community Patch storyline. The game is wonderful, especially when it is nicely modified; it is not far from today's games. I have a question for speed runners, do the tricks with walking through walls Relocation and sped booster work in this version 2.48? I want to skip some levels and learn these tricks, but I don't know if it works in this version 2.48. What is the name of walking through walls in System Shock 2 and is it a normal option programmed by the programmers or maybe just a weak point of the game that need to know how to use? Please help me.


yes, the speedrun exploits still work.


Good morning. Thank for your answer. I am hope that someone helping me applies speed runner exploits. I am start System shock 2 new game choose O.S.A profile and achieve maximum agility and stench. I am restarting game and go to first coded door. Robot just killed me and of course am passed on engineering deck achieved immortality. Then going to storage for Unit 45M/dEX then run to coolant tubes door of course this door is closed so I am pressing forward key every time Hybrid shoot to me whole time and he pushed me forward until the door but I am never can’t achieve switch. Maybe in this place is some trick in order to achieve switch to upper level or in this version game 2.48 from gog that trick is blocked by programmers so only way is using vanilla plot. I am prepared video


only for testing and has no useful information please for indulgence and tolerance. Help me please.

« Last Edit: 06. February 2025, 03:16:42 by Alan001 »


I never tired the exploits, and we don't like them very much around here, so no idea. try to do whatever the speedrunners on youtube are doing.

note - SCP fixes bugs, that may make some exploits more difficult to do.

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