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I called the SS2 Tech FAQ succinct, not my replies in threads. Personally when I'm looking for an answer to a technical question I prefer it to be short and correct rather than lengthy and obsolete. If you read the complete Tech FAQ, you might also notice that it gets a bit more elaborate after the common questions have been answered.

Regarding my replies in threads: I'm kinda baffled by the accusation that my writing style was unfriendly, I have to say. There's a normal trend to give short and efficient answers when you've be doing that a few years. But I actually try and make a conscious effort not to fall into the trap of just pointing at the search function when someone asks the same question that's been answered dozens of times before.
I generally won't call people out on little mistakes, bad English, giving insufficient information about their problem and all that stuff that you will see on many other support forums. I cannot always hand-hold every single asker through the entire process and hence I will expect some degree of self-information with the resources provided, because my time is limited and I'm doing this for free.
Could it be that you're comparing the individual help I have personally given to hundreds of questions in this board to Blaze's reddit guide that he cobbled together one afternoon?
Even if I was terse in some of the posts I've written here, this is a ridiculous justification for someone taking information from here and republishing it without asking or crediting us.

Anyway, I know that reddit guide will become more and more obsolete with time. And I am certainly not fearing for my "internet fame". If I was after that I'd do more of what Blaze did: Start the FAQ by describing how extremely difficult it was to gather this information. At least it would be true then. But it'd be still irrelevant to someone who wants to get his game running.

Finally there is a bunch of people I'm sharing my responsibilities with: My co-moderators know they can always rewrite any of the guides and mod intros. Most of them are native English speakers and would have no trouble erasing my apparently harsh Germanic style with social banter and hearts for i-dots. Don't hold your breath for it though. They're even meaner than I am.


They're even meaner than I am.
Heh heh.
Personally, I don't get it either; as a native English speaker reading the FAQ, it doesn't sound harsh or "draconian" at all (which is why I asked dibby to clarify). In fact, it reads like something I wish I had access to when I was having trouble getting SS2 to run.

665c9525ac5ccDeus Oz

@Kolya - personally I think you and the other people who keep this site relevant are LEGENDS. This site is full of useful information. I played SS2 (and had the poo scared out of me!) too many times in my youth, and have just loaded it up again (not working yet but it will). For me, your communication style is spot on - factual and to the point.

This might seem sappy but I believe SS2 was ahead of its time in so many ways and is worthy of a legacy.

Thank you, your efforts are appreciated by many I am sure and MOST people would be comfortable with your writing style. Then again, could it be you are really .............. Son of Shodan?
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