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This is the 2nd time this has happened to me on this playthrough, the first happened to me on the ops deck. I couldn't get through a bulkhead but deleting one of the ops .mis files allowed me to get past this although the level was reset. Now my game is crashing when I try to get back to engineering right before you go on the rickenbacker. The problem with deleting the eng1.mis file is even after I redo part of that level so I can access the engine core the elevator will not allow me to go back up to decks 4/5. Does anyone know why my saves are getting corrupted or is there a way I can access the elevator. I really want to complete this game it's been years and I am loving it even more than before :/
What game version are you using, original/HOTU/something else?
What changes did you make to the installation?
Which mods do you use?
« Last Edit: 05. December 2008, 13:56:06 by Nameless Voice »
It is a clean install from the cd, and I used your ss2tool afterwards. The mods I have installed are shtup, deepfriedbeer, rebirth, and the bullet casings mod. I installed shockEd after the crashes to see if I could fix anything there. I have tried the saves on a clean installation as well but it still crashes. It may have been my fault....I can't seem to remember if I installed any mods mid playthrough but I'm pretty sure I didn't touch it after the initial problem on deck 4 but decks 1-3 seem to crash when I try and go to them. Maybe I don't understand the nature of how ss2 saves games but would replacing the eng1.mis file in my save with someone else's that is further in the game allow me to access the elevator? I'm dying to go to the rickenbacker and defeat the many and shodan. Thanks for any help.
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