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Topic: Need help with changing of interface SS2! Read 1318 times  



I’m working now at mod for SS2. I have come across the problem of changing the game interface. Please, could you tell me how I can change “hacking interface”? This is the description:

1. Click the right mouse button to numpad of the door lock, and enter the code if you know it to standard SS2 window (top left).

2. If you want to hack the lock, you must take “Interface Handheld Computer” from inventory and apply it to numpad.

3. We see the "Electronic Lock Interface" panel (see screenshot http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9472/eleclockintface.jpg ), push “Hack”. We can see the writings commands (like we write them ourselves)(can it be a gif file??).

4. Then we can see 3 fields:
- in 3rd field there are some code variants, which DEBUG.E print after analyze the lock (the more higher your “hack skill” the less variants you will get) – one of them is the right code. If you enter the wrong one – the lock won’t open and you have to try again (nanites cost)
- in 1st field you enter the digits from the 3rd field’s variants
- in 2nd field you can see “response value”: 0 – if the digit in the 1st field is right (so the code include it), 1 – if the digit was wrong (you must try to enter the code from the beginning)

5. Some code variants will be selected (may be underlined) and if you enter them – the lock will be blocked (repair need)

  Please, help to solve this interface… or maybe you could advise some tutorials for interface modding of SS2? I have already read “Dromesday Book” and many others, but I haven’t seen a word by this theme. Also I don’t know C++, so to create the custom scripts is not an exit from this situation.
  How can you find this idea of new “hacking interface”? Any comments?
Thank you very much!
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