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Topic: SS2 special characters fonts
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yes now the fonts are working correctly for some reason before the update, the game was loading that table wrong the 8859 table.

now the game load correctly, I will need to change the positions again.
ok so looks like saving the file in gimps changes the position so if I use the file you gave me I will need to change the pink squares positions to the right ones looking into that table that you sent me the 8859 something. but as soon as I change back to the right position and export if I use the font in game I need to change the position, even being right

How are you saving the .bmp file and wich commmands do you use in thieffon?


well yes, the positioning of the characters was completely wrong in the bmps you posted as far as I can tell.

you aren't supposed to change the positioning of the pink squares, just their content (and size if necessary), see the picture - lets say we want to change Á into { }

notice the size of the rectangle has changed (larger now), but its positioning did not (it's still the 16th rectangle in the 9th row).

saving the bmp in gimp (export as bmp or just overwrite), commands in thieffon were already posted in the zip, but here they are again:
thieffon -c -m -a  metafont.bmp metafont.fon
thieffon -c -m mainfont.bmp mainfont.fon

all others
thieffon -c xyz.bmp xyz.fon
« Last Edit: 27. December 2018, 23:11:16 by Moderator »
what is weird is that if I use the fonts you gave me after fixing my files, the game load the pink square positions right but the content of the characters are wrong, as soon as if I export with gimps the fonts just appear correctly if I use the bmps I sent to you otherwise in the game appears as (34g35wh@#$@%B@452$%@$%) how are you exporting the fonts and what are the commands you are using in thieffon?
so, the right position is the number 2 as it is the same position of the 8859 table but the characters appear wrong in the game so for example a text like (this is a text) in the game appear as (!@##G$#%H) supposing that the contents of each pink square are wrong, but as soon as I change the pink rectangles content to the same as img 1 in the game the text appear correctly. but the file you sent me with the fonts fixed with uses the same position as img 1 when loading the game the characteres was appearing wrong, meaning that now the original position are the img2 but as soon as I export the img with gimp, the positions change and the character appear wrong in the game
[character positions.png expired]


as far as I can tell, pic2 is correct.

I'm using file/overwrite in Gimp once I'm done editing, then converting with thieffon using the commands from my previous post.

as far as I can tell, the bmps you've posted can't display anything else but a complete mess, as all the characters have been switched around completely. what I'm trying to say here that the regular/universal characters (ABCDEFGH etc) should be left alone, and only the special ones should be edited - that's what I did when creating fonts for the CZ translation.

aha, I know what's going on - if you want to use my stuff, you will have to set notepad or whatever you are using to edit the game strings to ANSI1250 encoding, because that's what I've used when editing the original fonts.
« Last Edit: 27. December 2018, 21:37:12 by voodoo47 »
when converting using the thieffon only 224 glyphs are found, does this make any difference?

yes the characteres are messed up with you because it should be like the img 2, but they are in the same position as img 1.

For me they only display correctly are if they are in the position of the img 1.

Wich is kinda weird because the second img should be working for me but when I use this, the characteres became messed up.

So maybe I'm doing something wrong because the file you sent me with fixed fonts was supposed to work but the file messes with the charcteres meaning that It is suposed to be like img 2 but as soon as I fix it it messes with the characteres again
the subtitles was being coded in utf-8 but even changing to ansi does nothing


I was talking about the string files, like objlooks.str - anyway, I'm out of tricks, so I guess you will just have to trial and error this until you get the result you want.

but I think it's pretty safe to say that as long as you keep the string encoding and the fonts consistent, things should work out in the end.
« Last Edit: 27. December 2018, 22:25:36 by voodoo47 »


the subtitles was being coded in utf-8 but even changing to ansi does nothing
UTF-8 isn't a code page, it's a Unicode data format. And you should NOT have been using it. SS2 uses plain 8-bit strings.
well thanks for help, the game is just working with the characteres in the positon of img 1, well, I will stick with this one and see if it works anything else I post here.
I'm using notepad++ to translate as it is more easy for me well maybe the subtitles as are a thhing that is being loaded outside the game with the program that loads the mod maybe this is why the coding utf ansi does not matter as the notepad++ was already saving in utf8 format and the game was loading the subtitles right


would be careful with those subtitles though - if the editor is complaining about broken headers, then those definitely need to be fixed.


I just entered the code               [System.Text.Encoding]::Default   
In windows powershell and looks like the character encoding that I'm using is the 8859-1 and the windows cp1252 I don't know why isn't the number 2 image not working with me
I think I know, I need to use the -f to set the first character in the pos 32 this is the problem, otherwise the thieffon ignores the first 2 rows and just write the character in the pos 0

let me test this
nope, doing this does nothing the font is still being convertet to another type of encoding or it is just ignoring blank pink squares except of the space and then I will have to use the same positions as img 1, I will not be able to use in the original position from 8859-1 because for me this messes with the characteres.
well looks like the subtitles uses a different type of encoding from the game but they all share the same mainaa.fon and now I have a problem if I translate the game items the translation will be messed up, even changing the encoding in notepad++ to the cp850 doesn't work. oh boy this is so difficult because the 8856 wich should be working is not and now I don't know what to do
bingo! I just found that the game uses the encoding 8859-1 at least now after changing the encoding of the subtitle with the notepad++ the special characters match and now I know that I will be able to translate


I just found that the game uses the encoding 8859-1

Also wrong, as I already told you. But, if you overwrite the fonts to use 8859-1 ordering, and author your text files in 8859-1, it probably will work anyway.

looks like that the mod manager makes the game to read the files that are.txt in the encoding that I set and then files .fon have to match the encoding of the text I want to translate so this is what is going on and then I can translate right

so for example If I encode the .txt files with UTF8 (without BOM) the .fon needs to be like the 2 image to me
now if I encode the txt with 8859-1 then the I have to use the image 1
 and then if I wanted to encode the txt in cp850 probably the character with accents would be in another location I guess
[fonts encoding2.png expired]


looks like that the mod manager makes the game to read the files that are.txt in the encoding that I set
No, no, no, no, NO, NOOOOO. The mod manager doesn't do anything to files except extract them.

I give up. This guy is obviously in write-only mode.
what I know is that when I change the encoding of the .txt I need to change the file.fon to mach otherwise in the game the characteres will be messed up

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