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Topic: SS2Tool questions Read 17735 times  

i have problem running this tool. i copy it into my ss2 directory, run it. it says "not enough memory space" (i am czech and this output is just my translation, maybe in english it is a bit different). what should i do?
« Last Edit: 18. October 2011, 18:12:46 by Kolya »
You can run the SS2 Tool from anywhere. No need to copy it to your installation folder.
How much RAM do you have and which options did you choose in the SS2 Tool?

If that happens while you try to merge the CRFs (A subfeature of: Patching Up) it could be that the packer that unpacks and repacks the CRFs doesn't have enough RAM. Try turning off all other programs.
If that doesn't help you may have to merge the CRFs manually.

problem is that the tool dont even start. it crashes immediately after launching.
While this is odd it's not a real problem. All the changes this tool does can be made by hand, just less conveniently. Tell me what you were trying to achieve and I'll do my best to help you.
Small update to the SS2 Tool: I added a fix for audiologs not playing, or actually playing too quietly. While that's something users could fix easily themselves by adjusting the volume slider for "Positional Sound Bias" to the middle of the scale, the problem comes up so often that it's easier to provide this fix than explain the solution every time.
« Last Edit: 28. August 2007, 02:06:37 by Kolya »
I added options for higher video resolutions that aren't selectable in the game.
Also the EAX Fix copies the necessary DLLs and now also enables EAX.
The Audiologs Fix adjusts "positional sound bias" and now sets the audio channels to 16 (highest).
Note: Sound settings can't be changed during a game! This applies to EAX and audio channels.
I would like to report a similar issue as jurda.

When I run SS2Toolv2.3.exe the DOS black window flashes briefly and nothing happens.

After setting it up not to "Close on exit" in Properties and running it again, I get a DOS window with single message saying : "Program too big to fit in memory"

I am running WinXPSP2 on P4 2.4Ghz HT with 1GB memory.

I was going to prepare a pack with SS2 and all the necessary tools for a friend, whom I wanted to introduce to the game. I do realize that all the changes can be made by hand however since my friend is not really tech-proficient it would be great to be able to run an automated thing like this.

Thanks in advance.
For anyone getting the "Program too big to fit in memory" - message: Please try turning off your antivirus while running this tool. I can't really check this here but it might intercept with the SS2 Tool calling the 7zip unpacker that's used to merge the CRFs.
How do you know if you have HOTU? What is it? (a link in lieu of explanation is fine)

6670cc7a8f048Nameless Voice

A simple Google search would reveal that "HOTU" stands for "Home of the Underdogs".
Update version 2.4: Every bugfix now works when used individually as well as in combination with other fixes. 


Hello. After applying this patch and the texture/model mods, the sound is not working that good.
The problem with sounds I get is that I can barely hear monsters, cameras, and ghosts. I have tried changing the positional sounds slider but that did not help. I have tried EAX on and off.
It worked fine before applying the patch/mods. Now I can not tell when monsters or cameras are nearby. The sounds are there, but they are very low compared to the rest of the sounds.
Any ideas?

The mods I installed are SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version and SHTUP.
« Last Edit: 25. January 2008, 03:30:53 by andrewabc »
Well I do wonder why you applied those fixes when you had no problem in the first place...
Anyway, just read what the Audiofix does in the first post and undo it. The lines added by the SS2 Tool will be at the bottom of the cam.cfg file. And use a decent editor. Notepad will not work here. Try PSPad or Notepad++ instead.
« Last Edit: 25. January 2008, 21:22:18 by Kolya »


I disabled hardware acceleration for audio and it seems to work fine now.
I guess having hardware acceleration on and EAX off was not good enough.

I applied the fixes because I lot of them I needed. :)


Hi- this is a great tool and seems to fix a lot of the recurring problems reported over at the TTLG SS2 forums- it should really be on the front page of thier problems thread as I went through about 50 pages before seeing this!

Anyway, I'm a little unclear as to what you mean by 'comes as an installer'. It seems to come as all sorts of files. Do I just dump them all in my Sshock2 folder? Or do I run a particular file to install? Do I leave the 'patch' folder alone or drag it's contents into the main folder? When I do this is seems to break the program. I am currently trying to find a solution to the 'no sound' problem.

Many thanks.
They won't put it on their front page or anywhere else because the last fix conflicts with their forum policies. Let's leave it at that.

You should just download and doubleclick the executable file and you'll see why I said it's an installer. You're being a bit too clever here, extracting every exe you find. Or maybe you downloaded the Source Files.


Er...hmm. It seemed to be a bunch of different files- perhaps I downloaded the wrong thing? I will try again- thanks!
Well there is an executable (SS2Tool_v.2.4.exe) and a file named appropriately
SourceFiles_SS2Tool_v. You want the first of course.


Ah! I think I just went for the one with the most recent version number (ie- I assumed 2.4.7 outranked 2.4!) I will get the exe one. Cheers!

Q: I have got SS2 working on my laptop without using the Kolya tool. If I install the Kolya tool on my Desktop SS2, does that effectively make it a different version of the game- in other words, will the Kolya version play co-op with the non-Kolya version?
You are a very confused young man, that much is sure. For one thing the executable and the source files have the same version number. The "7" is part of the file extension: .7z

If the game runs fine for you, it depends on which version you have, whether you want to patch it or not. Basically, if you have the multiplayer button in your game menu and the game runs, you don't need the SS2 Tool.
There is no such thing as a "Kolya version". Kolya is my name, don't wear it out.

Now here's a pro-tip: Read the first post. Thoroughly.


It is true that I have spent much of the past few days in SS2-related confusion.

I have the 2.3 version running on my laptop. I have the 2.3 version running without sound on my desktop. I installed (or attempted to install, as I have now discovered) the SS2 tool in an attempt to fix this 'no sound' problem, since it seemed to be something of a cureall.
Okay, since you have version 2.3 you don't need to patch it. You may try the "Audiologs Sound Fix" and/or the "EAX Fix" to get past your sound problem. But read what these do.

The SS2 Tool is not a cure-all. The first post makes this very clear in bright red letters.


Thanks Kolya- I appreciate your help! I have managed to fix the sound problem! Hooray! It's now running, with sound, on both computers. Cheers very much.
« Last Edit: 29. January 2008, 11:54:21 by Destructor »


I installed the game, it didn't work so I followed all the instructions in your original post to the T and the game is working fine now... I've only watched the intro and set my controls but... that's more than I've ever been able to do before.

I'm so glad I found this thread. Thank you.
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