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Topic: Scrap [roguelike] Read 3128 times  

Tags: °roguelike
Scrap is rather easy to pickup compared to most roguelikes. You play a robot consisting of several subsystems like an energy source, a propulsion system, weapons, armour and sensors. The status of these systems is presented on the right side of the screen as percent bars in numbered slots.

Image: http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/938/04042010040408.jpg

So you roll around with your little bot and when you encounter another bot you choose a subsystem to use, eg a gun. When you fire at the enemy you see a status of it's subsystems.
Enemies fire at your subsystems as well and if one of your subsystem drops to 50%, it stops functioning until there was time for repair. If the status drops to 0%, the subsystem is damaged beyond repair.
If you destroy a robot you might be able to salvage subsystems from it's wreck and thereby advance your own bot.
The power source is special as it can repair other subsystems and itself (slowly). When you select the power source you can specify which subsystem should be repaired first. Any bot will explode when it's power source goes down to 0%.

webpage: http://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~mommen/scrap/
« Last Edit: 26. February 2011, 23:50:12 by Kolya »


Really enjoyable though the novelty tapers off a bit after a while, made it to level 3 where I found a 'tank' that is almost indestructible, I saved though so I'll see about going around it.
Holding down 'wait' to get all your subsystems back to 100% after each fight is pretty satisfying, doesn't seem like there's any drawback to it either since I've never been attacked during that time and there's no timelimit that I can see
Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Maybe enemies are more likely to roam and attack on later levels, when you just hang around.

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